Demon King Dad

: The third year story 024, education and worldview

After the grass, she immediately let out a whine of laughter, ran over, and got down.


Coincidentally, a very comfortable "call" suddenly came from behind the grass where Bun was playing. When the bun who was rolling on the grass heard the call, he started walking towards the small bush where the sound came from very curiously. Walnut was startled, and hurriedly took three steps and made two steps to catch up, and pulled the little girl back. When she returned to the idiot again by pulling the bun's hand, the princess immediately began to lose her temper.

"Hey! Why didn't you stop at all just now? don't care at all when you see those things about the buns?!"

"........................Why, care about it."

"Why?! Why do you still have the face to ask? This is a shame! A shame!"

"There is no shame." The idiot came over and said coldly, "They will leave after they are done, and they will never meet again after the money is given. They will definitely not be ashamed of this."


Suddenly, Hu Tao realized that every time she talked to him, she would be so angry and speechless! She could only watch the idiot pull up the other hand of Bread again. But it was also at this moment that a sound suddenly came from the right side of the trail near the lake.



Idiots, bread, and walnuts turned their heads to look at them at the same time. I saw a man with purple hair and a braid at the end of his hair, holding his head. The man was holding some brochures and the like in his hands, and a pair of thin-rimmed glasses stood on the bridge of his nose, which looked very gentle. And the reason why he was holding his head was probably because he was walking with his forehead hitting a tree by the lake while reading the brochure in his hand.

The purple-haired man rubbed his forehead and smirked somewhat self-deprecatingly. He straightened up again and walked around the tree. But I don't know if this person's luck is too bad or his motor nerves are too bad. When he went around the tree, his right foot accidentally stumbled on the bare tree roots. Accompanied by the sound of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And his wallet also flew out in this fall...

The wallet is flying in the air. In the short and sticky time, he was still doing a parabolic movement. But on the path not far away, a pair of jet-black eyes had firmly locked the wallet that flew out. In the next moment, he immediately released his hand and rushed towards the wallet!

"Ah woo~~~~~!"

The idiot was caught. Because he didn't remember until he took a step, his sleeve was being dragged by the bun. The idiot who hadn't noticed the bread rushed out suddenly and immediately jumped forward and fell on the grass.


The unprepared fall made this little girl feel a little painful. Tears began to fill her eyes, and the sound from her mouth began to choke. Hearing the sound, the walnut on the side lifted the bun for the first time, patted the dust on her clothes, and hugged her.

"What are you doing! Suddenly rushed out!"

The idiot looked at Little Bread, only to see that she was curled up with two small fists, looking at herself with a tearful expression. Looking at the purple-haired person over there, he also stood up and picked up the wallet. In response, he finally shook his head helplessly and squatted in front of the little bread with his nose twitching.


He held out a finger, his expression was very serious. In the cool breeze of the summer boulevard, Walnut couldn't help being solemn, and listened to him to continue. In the gaze of the two girls, one big and one little girl, the idiot slowly said the "law of survival" in this world——

"If you encounter this kind of thing next time, you must rush to grab the wallet as soon as possible. In addition, in order to prevent him from catching up, it is best to insert a knife into his heart or throat before he gets up. Of course, this is when no one is around, understand..."

"Understand your size!"

Walnut originally thought that what an idiot would say so serious. Unexpectedly, this guy was so serious to teach Little Bread such terrible things! The princess, who has always regarded herself as an envoy of justice, couldn't help it. She took off the hat on her head and gave it to the idiot, and then immediately hugged the bun and stepped back three steps.

"How can you teach a child like this? How big is the bread, so you teach her to grab the wallet? You teach her to kill? Have you considered her feelings!"

The idiot's complexion sank, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Then... I will give you a step. To prevent that person from catching up, you can kick him off the lake. It happened that he fell by the lake. If that happens, he won't be able to catch up..."

"Stop! I'm really fed up! You dwarf, idiot! From now on, I will educate the bun! I forbid you to instill such dangerous thoughts into him!" After he scolded, Walnut immediately turned his head and let The little bun’s hesitant face turned to himself, and said with a smile, "Bun~~~Don’t listen to your idiot'little dad' nonsense. At this time, we should go and help that uncle. Yes. People should trust each other and help each other."

"Too naive. You helped him in the past. Maybe that was the trap that the man wanted to take the hostage. Maybe he was a fugitive who was being hunted down. Use this method to catch us and wait until we escape smoothly I will cut our throats with a knife..."

"Only you guy would do this!!!"

Facing those idiots' "laws of survival", Walnut finally launched a "full-scale struggle." The two of them argued and quarreled with each other. If it's normal, an idiot may not talk so much at all, but since this quarrel is fighting for the future worldview of Little Bread, it is rare for him to start talking. Although he is not chattering like Walnut, every sentence contains great oppression. Walnut is also doing his best to use the theories of love and justice in operas and Chinese operas, hoping to completely correct Bianbao's future worldview, which is somewhat dangerous.

One word for you, one word for me. The originally quiet and romantic park adds a sense of excitement unknowingly. Bun squatted on the grass and raised his head. In those emerald eyes, the figures of Walnut and the idiot were reflected. Looking at their quarrel, this little girl who has always lived in a quiet environment, at this moment...

He gave a very happy smile.

"Wrong! There is love and peace between people! Sometimes in order to protect others, they even give up their lives!"

"............ Bread, I am raising. Education, I am in charge."

"Why?! Besides, how old are you? It's very strange that you are raising it! Little Bread, listen to sister walnut, don't listen to your stupid little dad, insist on love and justice~~~ !"

"Ah~~~~! Oh~~~~Ah~~~~!"

The two people who were arguing heard a yell from Little Bread at the same time, and they turned their heads at the same time, but before they could see clearly, a small figure had already got in between the two. And the hands of the two of them were also held by two small hands...


The two people who were arguing closed their mouths at the same time, Idiot and Walnut lowered their heads and looked at the little girl who was connecting them. She was smiling... smiling very happily. The little hands holding the two of them kept shaking, and it seemed...she seemed to feel very happy.


Walnut raised her head and met the idiot's cold expressionless eyes. For some reason, her face flushed. At the same time, he jerked his hand suddenly and stepped aside.


Little Bread probably didn't expect Walnut to let go of his hand. She raised her head and looked at the woman who was about the same age as "little dad" very strangely, very puzzled. After thinking for a while, she stretched out the hand that had just been released by Walnut again, and opened it towards her...


Walnut didn't grab that little hand. Instead, she shrank her hands behind her back and looked at the idiot with a very strange look. The idiot didn't understand the meaning of her eyes for a while, and stared at her, hoping to see something.

"You... deliberately? You...instigated her...right..."

Blushing, the girl said this sentence intermittently.

The idiot lowered his head, and after thinking about this passage more than a dozen times... he couldn't help breaking out some cold sweats! Because he really couldn't understand Walnut's words! It is precisely because of his incomprehension that it reminds him of Walnut's identity as a "princess" again!

No one can figure out the thoughts of the "princess". The women who can get this title are all "monsters" who have reached the pinnacle of foresight and insidious cunning! It’s too stupid and too overestimated to think about the "princess" thinking by my own sewer mouse...

The idiot sighed helplessly... Facing the "princess" who was obviously biting his throat and refused to let go, he finally knew that he had lost. Maybe I have won her a few times before, but who can guarantee that those times I won were not deliberate release by the "princess"? With her "photo" still in her hand, this "princess" can still yell at herself to see that her wisdom and strategy are definitely under her.


As long as she is happy, she can bite her throat anytime and anywhere and take her own life.

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