Demon King Dad

: The third year story 030, the task under the heavy rain

Rain and gloomy.

In the midsummer, this kind of rainy days will increase, as if the city has completely forgotten what kind of environment it stands in. The sandstorm outside is more like a joke in front of this torrential rain.

The messy and dark rain water swayed in the squally wind, and they were held captive and hit various things. The storm has forgotten the kindness to the world, only to fully vent his dissatisfaction and destroy everything that can be seen.

Under the wind and rain, the entire wind blowing sand city was suppressed. Standing on the street and looking at the castle in the middle of the city, the rain blocked the view, making everything appear hazy. Because of this unusual storm, shops on the street have ceased operations. The students in the college huddled up in the dormitory, talking about camping that was unable to travel due to the heavy rain.


A pale lightning tore through the sky, bringing a spite of malicious light to the world hiding in the dark. With the help of the power of the storm, the raindrops swooped down more unscrupulously from the sky...


Smashed on an opened umbrella.

Umbrellas are worn out, and the lacquered black umbrellas are all woven from coarse oil cloth. The man under the umbrella is carrying a baby girl, and the chains on his hands and feet seem to blend in with the blackness of the rain. His footsteps stepped on the rain pit like a scar on the earth, and slowly walked towards the tall tower in the center of the Royal Academy-the Tower of Glory.

"Ah, ah."

The little girl curled up, maybe because the storm was too cold. When she followed this person into the elevator, a moment of warmth made her exhale again, and leaned back on the idiot's shoulder again, rubbing his neck with her chin.

"Ah~~~~ Woo~~~~!"

The elevator rose quickly, and after a light ding sound, the idiot left this short warm space. Looking up, the lights on the return-shaped walkway are dimmer than ever before. They are flickering, perhaps due to thunder and lightning, there is a problem with the guiding device that controls them.

Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap...


The suppressed darkness pushed open the door of the principal's room, he stepped forward and walked in slowly. Although the light in the principal's room was bright, the darkness and coldness that came in through the floor-to-ceiling glass still slightly swallowed the light here.


The pale thunder and lightning appeared again, and the flash of light penetrating through the floor-to-ceiling glass instantly swept across the room. But there, an old man who stood at the window all the time was not intimidated by the power of nature outside. He stared at the storm outside, and stared at the northeast of the windblown sand city. It's where the park and lake are, and it's where a large circus... is stationed.


Shaking off the rain from the umbrella, the idiot put the small bread off his back. The little girl stumbled to the floor glass, put her face on the glass and looked at the rain outside with interest. After the old man noticed this, he slowly turned his head back and sat on the chair opposite the idiot.

"Know, why I called you?"

The voice was cold, and through the lightning behind the glass window, the old man's face only appeared in front of the idiot in a dark shadow.


"Humph, now, let me ask you some questions. I hope you can answer them honestly."


"Do you know Surprise Circus?"

"......Famous, the circus."

"So, did you know that Princess Walnut went to watch the first circus show yesterday, accompanied by Yu Dai Lao?"


"Then, you should be right after one night, but none of these two important people came back, so you know a lot about the disappearance."

A shock of thunder crossed the window again. This time the sound of thunder was so close that Xiao Bread couldn't help but slumped on the ground. The flood of rain slapped frantically on the floor-to-ceiling glass, forming scary eyes one after another. The little girl hurriedly got up, hurriedly hid behind the idiot, pulled his clothes and curled up.

The idiot lowered his head and was silent. A faint layer of frost began to fill the dark pupils. As if he knew something, he stepped forward, picked up a job resume placed on the desk, and opened--

D-level task.

Task requirements: search for the missing two people and provide intelligence.

Remuneration: Fifty Inel.

Principal Campa stared at the idiot coldly, predicting that he had read the mission briefing, and began to narrate--

"According to witnesses, Princess Walnut and Master Dai Lao did go to the Surprise Circus to watch the performance yesterday. But the circus performance that night was so wonderful that all the witnesses gradually forgot to pay attention to the princess and the heir of the Duke. Even when the scene was over, no one noticed whether the princess also left with him."

"Not only the princess and Dai Lao, but even their maids and servants have not returned. Therefore, I need you who may know something to provide support."

The idiot picked up the pen and quickly signed the word "idiot" behind the task briefing. He took Little Bread's hand and continued to stare at Campa before him.

"The specific search will be carried out by the official army, and many students are willing to help. There are many students who are responsible for this task. Because you are weak, I will entrust you with the simplest task, the search."

With that said, Campa took out a ticket for Surprise Circus from his arms and placed it in front of the idiot.

"Take it. Tonight, you are going to watch this show and search for information. In addition, your clothes are too bad, they won't let you in. This is the clothes I prepared for you. Put on them."

The idiot took the clothes handed over by Principal Campa, which was a proper black velvet coat of the nobleman. He untied the chains on his hands and put them on, just the size.

Principal Campa looked at the idiot coldly, and when he got dressed, he let out a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You are really a person who can't get on the table. No matter how good clothes you wear, you can't make you stand out. Get up? Forget it, take off the chains on your feet. I allow you to treat this task as a life-and-death task."

The idiot nodded silently, and lifted the chains on his feet. A beast that was liberated from restraint immediately added a burst of darkness to this room that was originally not sufficiently light. The lights on the wall were flickering, and even the heavy rain outside the window stopped beating the glass at this moment. But the corner of Principal Campa's mouth showed an imperceptible sneer.

"Remember, don't treat yourself as a hero. In addition to you, there are other people who are also scheduled to enter the search. Their task is directly responsible for the A-level task of rescue, and you are only assisting them in the rescue. Don't cause them trouble then ."

The idiot closed his eyes and nodded silently again. The storm outside the window is still beating the window, it seems that it does not put the blocking glass in his eyes, and can break through at any time.

The idiot who had taken the task stepped back. Just like when he came, he took the umbrella, picked up the bread again, and retired from the door. Three minutes later, Principal Campa saw his departure from the dark scene of the floor-to-ceiling glass. The contemptuous sneer that originally hung around the old man's mouth also turned serious as he left.

"Ding Dong."

The guest bell on the table rang and Campa returned to his seat. With his "please come in", two men in the cloak of the royal guard came in, and after a salute to Campa, stood at the desk.

"Mr. Principal, your Majesty asked us to ask you about the progress of the incident."

Said the royal guard on the left named Kalia Benan, about thirty-five years old.

"Well, then, how is the situation in your grasp?"

"It's a pity, Mr. Principal..."

The royal guard on the right looks young. On his waist is a giant long sword that looks outrageously large. The hilt of the long sword is engraved with the name of the user-Selron. He continued--

"After a whole day of external observations during the day, I didn't see any weird behaviors in the circus. Everything was normal. And we also called out their leader during the day to inquire. It seems that there is no one in the circus. I saw the princess."

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