Demon King Dad

: The third year story 031, the unexpected opponent

Campa looked at the heavy rain outside again, and his eyes began to ponder under the sway of the rain. After pondering for a long time, he finally turned his head and said--

"The Royal Guard, what will the Third Knights do?"

Sellen obviously hesitated when he heard Campa's inquiry like this. He began to cast his gaze to the veteran Kalia next to him, as if he was asking whether he should tell the old man in front of him about the movement of the Kingdom Army.

However, after a brief exchange of sight, the mature Kalia finally nodded. What happened to the current King of Bucks when he was young is almost impossible to know. But as long as you see the king's trust in the old man in front of him, you often have to discuss with him on some important matters. To trust this old man is definitely more reliable than trusting other people.

"Mr. Principal, the Third Knights have almost come out, and all relevant information about this circus has been fully collected. Many people have been under secret investigations. Because of the good measures, no public has found news about the disappearance of the princess. In addition, the senior officials of the Goodsey family have launched a search operation intensively, hoping to find any clues about the princess and Dylaw Goodsey as soon as possible."

Principal Campa nodded: "Well, it seems that the Goodsey family also understands the relationship behind this incident... Then, there is no way to find any information about the princess from the outside? Including whereabouts, witnesses, and scenes. Leftover items?"


"Heh..." Mr. Campa sneered, and he didn't know whether the sneer was self-deprecating or helpless to the "torrential rain" before him.

"That is to say... the only people who can find clues to the matter now are those who sneaked into the Marvel Circus tonight... How many people were sent in total?"

Kalia thought for a while: "Twenty-five people in total. But... Mr. Campa."

"Huh? Say."

"We also gave Mr. Campa a ticket before. I hope you can participate in this exploration plan together? But now... Listening to your tone, you seem to..."

The old man watching the rain smiled slightly. He raised his hand, as if to stop the two royal guards from speaking.

"Mr. Campa..."

"Do not worry."

The old man’s tone was full of confidence--

"I'm old, and the old one can only sit here to deal with school chores. But please tell your Majesty, ‘Insurance is complete.’ If everything goes well, he can be reunited with the princess tonight."

Kalia and Sellen looked at each other, and the two royal guards would never have guessed what the old man was thinking about. The only thing they heard was that the old man opened the floor-to-ceiling windows slightly, letting the sound of the storm beating on him...


Parks, lakes, circuses.

Heavy rain, crowds, plus night.

The fickle weather is like a girl's temperament. If this is the case, then the circus that opened the canopy in front of the circus tent early on is a veteran love scene who is good at figuring out the girl's mood.

The bad weather did not affect the performance of the Surprise Circus, nor did it affect the enthusiasm of those who wished to see it. At this time, there were nearly two hours before the performance, and there were long queues outside the circus. These people brought their children and wives to watch a performance that made them more relaxed and happy, but who could have noticed that there is such a unique group of people in these queues What?

Powerful strength has become synonymous with them, and the sharp eyes tell others that these people have experienced many life and death experiences. Just like ordinary people, they lined up in the crowd, and at the same time they tried to suppress their breathing, and followed the crowd into the large tent one by one.

"Sir, your ticket."

The clown at the door put on a very ridiculous grimace, took the tickets one by one from these people, and cut out a clown-like proof on it. With the flow of people, these people all rushed in...

Pouring into the tent full of infinite unknowns.

The rain is still falling. Among the crowd, a child walked over with a ticket. The child was wearing a clean black coat, half-opened his mouth with a dull face, and handed out the ticket. The clown didn't even look at him, so he cut the ticket and handed it back to him to let him in.

"Hey boy, how did it feel to come to enjoy the circus for the first time?"

The tent is very big and the overhead lights shine brightly. The idiot looked for his seat number according to the words on the ticket and looked around. But the Dim Mi hidden under the sleeve of the jacket was not so casual, and started talking.

"Hey, don't mind sharing some of your visual information for me to control, right? I only need one eye and one eye. Otherwise, I can't see anything, but it's very boring. It's like leaving that girl at home. In the same way, she must feel very boring. Hehehe~~~"

The idiot didn't answer, he had found his seat, a very back and dark position. He sat down in his seat and waited quietly for the show to begin.

"But having said that, that tree is really useful. At the beginning, it was just a small sapling. Now it has grown to the point where it can be a cradle and a nanny for that girl. With that tree, you My burden is much lighter, isn’t it?"


"Okay! I know you can't speak, you are a dumb now! Let's think about something normal, where do you think our'princess' is now? Or is this another person who intends to deceive you? scam?"

Dimie was sneering, he already knew his host's powerful skepticism. So it has often played idiot jokes recently.

"Hey, tell me? Tell me, is this the trap of that "princess"? Say? Say?"

"do not talk."

The dim "boring" finally ended with a light hum from an idiot. But after that, it didn't start a long discussion. Because the lights in the entire tent gradually dimmed, the crowd who was sitting in the seats commotion slowly quieted...

All around it became pitch black.

There was a little mystery and mystery in the darkness. Just when people hold their breath and secretly expect something...


A firework rose from the center of everyone's sight, blooming a beautiful color in the dark world! What surprised everyone was that they were supposed to be sitting in a circular tent, but with fireworks, a magnificent starry sky appeared above them! Countless fireworks rise and bloom in this starry sky!

The magnificent music sounded in an instant, and the clown and the beautiful female animal trainer first appeared in front of people, showing the moment of miracles. After some hot spots, the host of the circus finally walked out from behind the scenes. Under the shining of the spotlight, the host saluted the gentlemen around him, and then picked up the microphone——

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Surprise Circus! Tonight, please relax as much as you can and enjoy a horror, mystery, and surprise dream trip~~~!"

The audience applauded, and thunderous applause under the stars. But among all the audience, one person stared at the master with his eyes wide open!

This person... can't see his face. He couldn't even see any bare skin on or under his body. His body was wrapped in layers of bandage...yes, it was a bandage. A person who didn't even show his eyes, as if he would never see his true colors!

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