Demon King Dad

: The third year story 032, Marvel Circus

The master stepped back, and the one who stepped onto the stage was the Zongshi Master named Li that the idiot had ever seen. His wonderful performance quickly captured the attention of all the audience, but the idiot no longer had the heart to watch those performances.

The bandage man... the man who had made him short in the battle of wisdom, and almost lost the life of Little Bread. So far, the only person who can match each other's psychology with an idiot. Only an idiot knows his horror best, that ice blue eye has already been deeply imprinted in his mind! Perhaps, for the audience, this bandaged guy is just one type of "Joker". But for an idiot, the other party is not only a "clown", but a manipulator behind the scenes who can direct the clown without even noticing the other party!

"Really rare."

The performance on the field continued, and Dim Mie opened his blood pupils through the cuffs raised by the idiot.

"It is really happy to meet an'old friend' in such a scene. There should be no doubt now? Our little princess has been kidnapped and her life is in extreme danger. It is more likely that she has already been kidnapped. Kill it, the corpse was thrown into the stinking drain, and it will become a breeding ground for rats and cockroaches."

In the middle of the circus, a trapeze is performed. With lights and soft music, two girls dressed as elves perform in a forest environment.

"……………………Do not."

"Oh? Why is it'no'?"

"If I catch walnuts, instead of killing them, I might as well use them for a better purpose."

"Hehehe...what about, for example?"

"such as……"

The idiot lowered his head and began to think about every detail and every word since meeting the bandage man. After thinking for a while, he raised his head again to look at the performance below, and slowly said--

"Use her life to threaten people who care about her life. It seems that even with the wisdom of the'princess', Walnut can't beat this bandage man."

"Hahaha, interesting! Then you can try it. See how you can rescue the little princess and use her safety to exchange the 50 Inel you need~~~!...Oh! Really Interesting, I didn’t expect to see the faces of people I know here. Hey, boy, look, that eldest lady has also come to visit. It looks like she’s posted recently, isn’t it?"

The idiot lowered his head and looked along the line of blood pupil. Soon, he found a very excited figure in the crowd. Facing the pair of "elves" performing in the air, the eldest lady screamed with surprise from time to time, and smiled with joy from time to time.

"Quilyn Rooney replied. I didn’t expect this young lady to be a member of the search team. But is the leader of the search team stupid? Seeing her yelling so much, other searchers are not now Extremely nervous?"

The idiot ignored it and continued to sit where it was. Finally, the performance of the trapeze ended. When the two elves landed to express their gratitude to everyone, Quilin seemed to notice that she was a little gaffe, and quickly closed her mouth and sat back in her seat pretending to be a lady.

The next performance started, according to the introduction of the reporter, it was a balance beam juggling. When the light was dimmed, and when it was turned on again, it was not a few lone balance beams standing in the middle of the field that appeared in front of everyone, but...

"We are pirates! We are pirates who dominate the world!!!"

The roar pierced the darkness, and the original muddy ground in the center of the field suddenly became a huge ocean vortex! A pirate ship that had mostly sunk into the sea was crumbling in the fictional storm created by the guiding stone. On the mast of the pirate ship, several people in sailor suits crowded two people in different captain's suits, shouting in anger. After drinking, they drew out the sabers from their waists and started a duel on the slippery mast.

Such a whimsical balance beam performance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the audience went from surprise at the beginning to cheers later! As the actors jumped up and down from the swaying mast, as the storm and the sea became more violent, their mood became more and more excited! Those realistic water vapors began to permeate, this kind of humidity not only didn't make everyone feel bored, but also increased the excitement of the crowd!

……………………Water vapor?

The idiot lowered his head and looked at the water vapor that had come to him without knowing it.

This water...

It should be the water vapor released as a special effect...

Special effect……




suddenly! The idiot raised his head! The crowd around was still cheering in the water vapor, everyone was applauding for the exciting performance! However, the idiot sensed something strange in this water vapor.

So cold...

This coldness reminded him of a person and an eye. Just four months ago, in the same darkness, a man covered in bandages once showed this coldness...

It makes people crazy enough to be cold.

The idiot who was sitting just now suddenly stood up with his waist down. He reached out to pat the mist next to him, but gave up completely after he was sure that it was useless at all. Then, he thought that he had to leave here immediately, but when he moved to the exit of the circus tent when he tried not to attract the attention of others, he inadvertently turned his gaze to Quilin over there.

Quilin's performance was normal, she kept applauding and cheered for the performance of the central government. The mist beside her was thicker than the upper layer where the idiot was, and it even gave people a feeling that she had been swallowed by a turbulent vortex!

Thinking for only three seconds. Three seconds later, the idiot immediately turned around and rushed towards Quilin from the gap between the crowd. The Rooney family is his creditor, so far he has not done much to repay the debt. It would be hard to say what kind of order she would receive if there was an accident with Quilin.

"Miss Quilin."

The moisture became thicker and thicker, and the idiot came to Quilin quietly and whispered.

"Okay! Ooo! Be careful!...Hoo, it's wonderful!"

Is Quilin already fascinated by it? She ignored the idiot at all, but continued to applaud herself.

In the face of Quelin like this, the idiot would never remind him a second time. The lights in the auditorium are dim, even if they do something, they may not be able to detect it at all. Therefore, he quickly reached out and pinched Quilin's nose and covered her mouth. But Quirin continued to cheer without even noticing it.

But soon, she became weak due to a short suffocation, her constantly swaying hands began to fall slowly, and her eyelids began to fight. About 30 seconds later, she closed her eyes, which was a little too big for an idiot. Unexpectedly, the body fell forward and collapsed on the shoulder of the idiot.

"Very well, check the princess's news, and save a teacher by the way. When did you think of coming to save me? I have been hungry and thirsty for too long."

The dissatisfied mockery echoed in the brain, and the idiot carried Quirine, who was completely incomparable with his own chain, and quickly disappeared into the crowd, flushing towards the toilets that could not be reached by moisture.





Water dripped on Quilin's face. The cold touch slowly restored her sanity. When I opened my eyes, what I saw was a closed toilet measuring less than one square meter. He seemed to be sitting on the toilet lid, and the idiot stood in front of him, looking at himself.

The four eyes looked at each other, and they were silent for a moment.

"That one……"

Quirine scratched the back of her head, thought about it, and smiled—

"If there is nothing wrong with my memory, I should sit in the seat of Marvel Circus and watch the circus performance now. Instead of sitting on the toilet and watching you, right?"


"You don't deny it, do you? Then, I want to ask, why am I here? Also, why did I faint?"

"...Suffocation. Then, I will move you here."

"Okay, how did I suffocate?"

"............ I pinched your nose, covered your mouth, and choked you."

"Oh~~~! That's how it is! Hahahaha."




"Boy! Say! What are you going to do!"

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