Demon King Dad

: The third year story 033, the best prize

Being suffocated and fainted inexplicably, everyone will feel uncomfortable when replaced. What's more, Quelin is watching the show, and it is still the best Surprise Circus show where the poor Rooney family is basically unable to buy tickets! Stupidly, this kind of performance dazzled, and she couldn't help but immediately grab the boy's neckline and lift him up.

"Huh? You feel so light today? No! Say! Why are you fainting me!"

Rooney replied that he was the creditor, and not deliberately confronting the creditor is the best way to make his life more comfortable. The idiot did not resist, but let her hold it. After she vented her anger, she pointed to Quilin's thigh.

Under Quirine, she saw the denim shorts she was wearing today, perfectly showing her slender thighs without any fat. The graceful curves and thin legs all reflect her charm as a woman, and it also shows that she is a rare "good product" among women of the same age.

"Oh~~~?" Quilin's angry eyes began to become ambiguous, she stretched out her hand, gently slid across the idiot's cheek, and said in a slightly teasing tone, "Little brother has finally reached the age to learn to appreciate women. Huh, that’s right. In the private comments of the boys in the university department, teacher, I am the first in the school flower and department flower pageant (similarly, the best girlfriend is ranked first from the bottom)~~ ~! But, brother, it seems too early for your bad idea to use the teacher~~~! And to me, you are still too young to be attractive to the teacher~~~"

The idiot's eyes were still cold, and he waited until Quirin had finished speaking before pointing at her thigh again. But this time, he finally broke his silence and said--

"Flying knife. Mission."

Quilin was taken aback, and finally saw her thighs clearly this time. In addition to the two slender legs that were created by nature, there are two small cysts tied to the outside of her thighs. Open it, it's not cosmetics, but flying knives.

The memory that was slightly chaotic due to suffocation and moisture finally recovered, and the smile on Quilin's face gradually disappeared and turned serious. When the idiot took out her mission briefing and showed it to her, she finally remembered where she was now.


Leaving the toilet, the lights in the auditorium outside are still dim. But the water vapor has completely disappeared, and the crazy audience is admiring it as usual. In the center of the tent began to perform traditional horsemanship, taking advantage of this gap, Quilin and the idiot shrank in a dark corner, witnessing the scene in front of them.

"You mean that the water vapor from the pirate ship is mixed with hypnotics? How do you know?"

The idiot said with a low face, coldly: "Intuition."


"My father used these medicines a lot when he used them to *** women."

At this moment, Quirine suddenly felt that she seemed to have asked a very bad question. She closed her mouth and looked at the child beside her with a twitching corner of her mouth. He looked very calm and didn't seem to feel any abruptness in what he said. Is it because he is used to it? Or is it because he no longer feels ashamed of this kind of thing, and feels nothing abnormal?

" turned out to be like this. That's amazing! Unlike me, in order to make money, I have to take over this dangerous job."

Quirine coughed and said, "Cough... I still have to say that I am too lazy. I was originally looking for a rich boyfriend and using his money to support my family. But because In this way, all the housework is left to my little one. The recent price increase has caused my little one to work harder to make money. In the end, he is exhausted. Now he has a fever in bed. Medicine, it makes me feel uncomfortable..."

The idiot was still observing the situation inside the tent coldly, but when Quilin next to him opened the chatterbox, it seemed that he couldn't close it. She pushed the idiot's shoulder and continued: "Hey, you should think I am right? I plan to use my body to make money for the family, so that the Rooney family can come back to life! And I was also ranked by those boys It’s been spent, but why can’t I still catch a beetle and get a lot of money? Why do I get tired of my little one, and now I have to pick up this extremely dangerous thing by myself Task to earn extra money? Hey, idiot, you say, why?"

Quelin really asked the wrong person for this kind of question, and the boy who served as her voice still silently observed below. Thinking about whether to sneak into the background to investigate, but at this moment...

Fireworks, once again blooming above the tent. The serenade that was still echoing in my ears suddenly turned into a passionate march! Idiot and Walnut hurriedly shrank in the corner, only to see that the actors who had just performed on the show stepped up and applauded.

"Oops! I didn't expect it was over!"

Quirine took out his watch and looked at it, and the hour hand had reached ten o'clock. Along with the march, people in the audience began to raise their hands and cheer with the clowns on the stage. Some people are also packing up their things and preparing to leave after satisfying their visual enjoyment tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Are our performances exciting enough?!"

Suddenly, the circus leader who had only appeared once since the beginning, the bandaged man walked out of the backstage again. He held the microphone in one hand, pointed at the crowd in the audience, and said loudly——

"Please don't worry! In order to thank you all for coming to watch our performance, we will conduct a lottery here. The tickets in your hand have a fixed number, so are you lucky enough to be our lucky one tonight? ?!"

Hearing what the head of the group said, the audience who was about to leave stopped temporarily. The bandage man motioned for the music to disappear, and he took out a piece of paper from his arms and spread it out. Then, the enthusiastic master began to chant loudly...

"Before the draw, let us see the prizes this time! Wow! The prizes are so rich, so rich that I want to end the draw in person!"

The actors retreated one after another, and within a moment, three strong men dragged an opaque iron cage each and appeared in the venue. After lowering the iron cage, the three strong men immediately retreated. The stage, which had just been occupied by circus members, suddenly became empty.

"So, let us see what the prize is this time! First of all, the first prize!"

The bandage man walked to the iron cage on the far left and pulled off the latch. In an instant, the iron cage decomposed like a destroyed building block. The "thing" that appeared inside made the idiot's eyes sink instantly.

"It's the traitor of our Surprise Circus! The instability factor that tried to destroy our Night of Surprise, the former member, the flame magician, Lee!!!"

What appeared in front of all the audience was Li with his hands and feet tied back on a chair! I saw him staring in horror, looking at the crowd in the audience very confused. He kept making a "woo-woo" sound in his mouth, obviously calling for help.

"Second gift! Oh, he is very precious compared to the first prize. Look, it turns out to be the youngest member of the Royal Knights, Master Dylau Goodsay of the Third Knights!"

The box on the right opened, and inside was a blue and purple face, Dai Lao, who appeared to be dying. Seeing him appear in this form, some people in the crowd immediately made a big commotion. And this commotion was all seen by the bandage man.

"So... what is the third gift? Well, I guess many friends at the scene have guessed it. That's right! This last and most grand gift is our beautiful, lovely, respectable, and incomparable... "

The iron cage opens.

"Princess Stag, Miss Walnut Durrea Friesius——!!!"

The last iron cage was finally opened, and what appeared in front of the man was the figure of Walnut tied to a cross. Like Dai Lao, she also appeared weak. The snow-white skin showed several scars caused by flogging. The brand new dress I wore yesterday has now become a messy rag. What kind of situation did she encounter during this day and night, and who can understand this feeling in the scene?

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