Demon King Dad

: The third year story 037, gradually collapsed

Of course it is impossible for an idiot to answer her question. No, to be precise, it's a question of whether or not he went to see the immediate confrontation. From just now until now, his eyes have been sweeping around the bandage man and the three imprisoned people, seeming to want to see something.

"Oh, it turns out that our hidden knights now have a reputation. Brother, please don't say anything. After all, we are knights who specialize in secret service and specialize in secret activities. But and Brother, you, an orthodox member of the Royal Fifth Knights, cannot be compared."

After confirming that the other party was really a member of the Tenth Knights, Vincent gritted his teeth and turned around without expressing any dissatisfaction. A fierce battle that was just about to unfold disappeared in this way. Although it made the onlookers breathe, it also made them seem incomprehensible. When some people asked Vincent secretly, he slowly revealed the information of the knights——

"The Hermit Knights are a unit directly under the King that will never be included in the regular knights. The members of this unit are all composed of girls under the age of 16. The reason why this particular group of people is chosen to organize this knight is, It’s because the missions performed by the Tenth Knights are all extremely dangerous infiltration, exploration, destruction, assassination, and other such obscure things. The world is less vigilant towards children, and even more vigilant towards little girls. Very few. All these factors determine that they can often get to the target through various methods and successfully complete the task."

"In order to avoid unnecessary'accidental factors', these girls were all orphans who lost their families for various reasons before entering the Tenth Knights. After a series of training, each of them can become the most terrifying fighter. After the age of sixteen, because they will face various factors and may fluctuate in their'emotions', they will often be discharged from the military and return to the market. At the same time, the royal family will also send people to observe if they are knights If the combat atmosphere is too heavy to adapt to civilian life, they will be re-photographed and placed into the Third Knights according to their strength levels, or they may be married into the royal family or nobles and become the pillow guardians of those noble members. "

"Perhaps...their own strength is not considered high and strong. Judging from this little girl's physique and age, I am afraid that she is not even capable of burning skills. But I believe you have seen it just now. This little girl just killed two. The strength is much higher than hers. What is the strength of the members of the Tenth Knights...I don't need to elaborate."

After Vincent finished speaking, people were even more surprised when they looked at the little girl. But facing these adults, the little girl still just smiled and nodded slightly. It seems that the enemies in front of her are not enemies who are already hostile to her, but some good people who plan to give her candy.

"Huh... huh... huh... don't... please... brother... don't come out at this time... don't...!"

Just when everyone was astonished for the little girl, an unusual moan suddenly came from the back of the crowd! When everyone turned their heads, they saw that the broadsword swordsman named Kane was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms.

"Brother... don't come out... I beg you... don't! I will... think of a way... figure out a good way... to save us... so... please... calm down... don't... …Come out!"

Kane's voice seemed to tremble more and more, he held his head and raised his head suddenly! As you can see, his entire face is covered with bursting veins! Some of the people standing beside him couldn't help but step back, forming a circle centered on him.

"No... my dear brother. Give me your body and let me cut off the hands and feet of these guys! I can't die, I can't die again! This shit'meth' can never take us both Brother's life! Give me your body... Give me——!!!"

"Do not--------------!!!!!!"

Kane... is this person talking to himself? His eyes became crazy from time to time, and sometimes he showed a little calmness. But this kind of repeated fighting did not last long. It didn't take long for this "madman" to suddenly stand up, roar and rush towards the ice table!

A madman is always the most difficult to deal with. I saw him pick up a glass in an absolutely rude manner, and forcibly pour 23 milliliters of liquid in the storage tank next to it. Everyone could not help but step back when seeing this situation and facing him with their weapons.

"Okay, my good brother. Now, I'll give you another chance! Use your actions to prove that you are not a coward who only dared to shy away from behind, just say ‘calm’ but never dare to do things yourself!"

Kane said to himself again, holding the bottle of potion, he staggered towards the crowd. Everyone retreated, and some veteran people even shouted "Calm down! You must be calm!" But Kane in front of them was swaying and seemed to be able to rush over at any time.


Two steps...

Three steps………………

The third step is to lift up and step down. At this moment, he rushed out.

"Be careful everyone!"

The vigilant people have already made the best preparations. The bandage man on the Ice Throne also nodded gently, enjoying the opening of this "evening party"! But just when everyone was preparing for a decisive battle, this man turned around and rushed to the tied Flame Stoner—Li!

"I can't count them... they are my comrades in arms..."

Unable to speak, Li suddenly saw Kane and raised his head in horror.

"I can't count the princess... because my job is to protect her..."

With a squeeze of his hand, Li could not help but open his mouth.

"I can't deal with Young Master Dai Lao either! Because I am Young Master's retainer! Then...I can only use you, a person who does not belong to our country, to do experiments!!!"

The prepared liquid was poured into his mouth. Li's eyes were wide open, and even tears flowed from his eyes with horror! After forcing him to drink all the "antidote", Kane released his hand and took two steps back. His eyes occupied by madness finally slowly recovered, returning to their former appearance.

"Good job! Kane, worthy of being a soldier of our family, a very decisive choice! Okay, come on, you inferior common people, for me, you give me a good life. Tell me you can live. !!!"

Dai Lau next to him exclaimed very excitedly. He widened his eyes, looking at Li beside him as if he was admiring a piece of art. His eyes were full of greed, it was greed for life. His eyes are also full of contempt, which is also contempt for life.


It's a pity, luck... After all, it didn't come to everyone here.

With blood spitting at the corner of his mouth, Li fell backward in a scream. His breathing stopped, and the breath of death became stronger in this ice cellar.

Deathly silence enveloped here. Everyone looked straight at Kane, and saw his chest rise and fall rapidly and his breathing was short of breath. The white gas exhaled from his mouth turned into flakes of frost under the severe cold surroundings.

"Brother...I...I did it..."

"Good job! So, why don't you do it more thoroughly and find the correct answer directly?"

"Huh...yes! Brother!!!"

With a burst of drink, he rushed to the ice table again, and once adjusted a bottle of potion. This time he no longer hesitated, but as if controlled by something, he instantly drew his broadsword and attacked the other royal guards directly!

Everyone shouted and dispersed. This crazy man waved the broadsword in his hands like a loss of control. The bandage man on the Ice Throne looked at all that was happening below with great satisfaction, and Dai Lao, who was tied up, also let out an excited laugh, ordering him to charge faster and cut more powerfully!


Two fists are hard to beat four hands. All the royal guards here are masters. After just a few rounds, the madman was subdued by the crowd. When the four of them pressed him to the floor, a small man in the crowd suddenly reached out and grabbed the potion in his hand, taking advantage of the moment when everyone lost their minds, he poured directly in In the mouth of this lunatic.

"Houston! You...!!!"

Before everyone scolded, the little man had slipped into the crowd and disappeared.


The pain Li suffered just now resurfaced in Kane's body. He was already in madness because he was dying, his face became even more distorted. The four people pressing him quickly backed away, and he got up again, clutching his stomach and roaring loudly. That voice...It's like a dying demon doing the last struggle!

"Brother! Brother--!"

"Calm down! Kane, calm down!"

"Woo...Brother! Save me...I...Save...I...!"


The madman fell, the red blood stained his lips, and slowly...flowed down.

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