Demon King Dad

: The third year story 038, action

Compared with fear, there was even more indelible sadness in the ice cave. These people all know that Kane is not actually a bad guy. In peacetime, he is also a good comrade-in-arms and a good brother. He shouldn't have been so crazy, and shouldn't have died so miserably.


Leisurely applause fell from the sky, and the bandage man's laughter was like a sharp knife, piercing the sadness here.

"Congratulations, please don't be sad, because your friends' sleep is worth it. After all, he ruled out a wrong option for you, didn't he?"

The crowd was enraged, and some of the guards who could not help themselves had already clenched their fists, wishing to rush to kill the bandage man immediately! It's not just the guards who are angry. Quilin, who is hiding in the dark, is already so angry that she has already pinched a total of eight flying knives in her left and right hands. It seems that she can attack at any time as long as the time is right!

"Huh? Boy, what are you doing? Get away from me, I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Quirine learned to be smart and knew how to speak quietly. But the idiot still squatted in front of her, his eyes constantly scanning the audience. Based on observations from just now to the present, he has discovered some facts. And these facts are likely to hide a clever trap...


What is this man thinking? And what kind of answer does this mystery that I am thinking about?

"Teacher, I need your help."

The idiot said coldly. But Quirin nodded and said in a low voice and angrily: "Okay! What can I do for you? Is that guy going to kill? I'm happy!"

At this moment, the bandaged man saw that everyone had no intention of going shopping again, and he began to provoke again. The idiot stared at him and shook his head slowly: "No, I need you to attract someone's attention. That person is..."

"It seems that killing your comrades-in-arms still makes you feel a little flustered. If this is the case, how about doing this?!"

The ice surface in the center of the field cracked again, and a piece of ice slammed into the ground! There was a small figure **** on the ice column, with pink hair, a lethargic face, and familiar clothes. The one who was bound... turned out to be... bread...?

In an instant, the words of the idiot stopped. His eyes were shrouded in thick darkness at this moment. A cold different from the ice cellar began to spread in the darkness, and the black hexagonal snowflakes also spread. With the little face that was obviously frozen on the ice, these snowflakes became darker, bigger, and colder...

"Hehe, that person knows exactly what he is doing." Dimmie felt the change of the idiot, and the blood-red light became the beacon of darkness, guiding this young but dark host as much as possible, "Now, You should know what the answer is, right? But it's really ironic. I didn't expect that little girl found the answer for you. This is also his only mistake today. But this mistake also allows you to get rid of it completely. You should be happy with your question, right?"

Originally, the ice in the ice cave was colorless and transparent. Despite the cold, the ice still reflects light, and as the light intersects, it gives people an illusion of beauty like a fairy tale world. But now, some ice has turned completely black. They will not reflect light, let alone show off their beauty to the world. They just maintain their own darkness and will not reflect any light or warmth.

"Huh? That's not the little girl who followed you..."

Quirin turned her head, but when she turned her head, she found that there was no one beside her. I don’t know if it’s an illusion, there are a few black crystals in the air, sticking to her face, it feels like...

It's like hell.


"How about? I can't deal with my compatriots, so what about this baby who has nothing to do with you?"

The bandage man waved his hand very chicly, fully demonstrating his confidence and arrogance. But for everyone below, I am afraid there is nothing better than killing this enemy immediately!

"Scum, I will never let you go again!"

Vincent, who had just experienced the tragic death of his friend, finally couldn't bear it. He immediately raised the force gun in his hand and aimed directly at the bandage man above! With the sound of a gun, the magic bullet formed by the extraction of the guiding force was shot out. The goal is the heart of the bandage man!


bump------! ! !

The sound of the bullet hit, but there was no **** flower as expected. A thick ice wall stood in front of the bandage man in an instant, blocking the shot very easily.

"It seems that I really need to issue some warnings."

The deep words passed through the bandages, making people irritate their backs. In the next moment, the man stretched out his hand and grabbed it at Vincent. And Vincent, who had been doing well just now, quickly changed his complexion, and fell back unconsciously.

"Vincent! Vincent!"

"He... he died! His body was frozen into a popsicle! He died!"

There was another commotion in the crowd. The easy way the bandage man can manipulate the lives of others surprised everyone here. They began to touch their chests to feel whether their hearts were still beating. They exhaled, for fear that their body temperature would also become cold in an instant. My own life disappeared instantly in the cold...

"Come on, there's still an hour. If you don't play the game soon, the time will be over."

Every word, how slow the bandage man spoke. These royal guards who had seen too many big scenes in the past were finally pushed to the brink of death at this moment. Now, death is so real to them, and so within reach. No one will wonder if this is a dream, and no one dares to participate in this game with a fluke.


When being forced to a dead end...

What would it do?


When only stepping on someone else’s body can you survive...

What would it do?

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——————!!!"

Man, gave the answer.

The soldiers who had just calmed down finally appeared mentally breakdown. Some people quickly rushed to the ice table to prepare different potions. After adjusting, their next step is to draw out their weapons and attack them.

The noise in the ice cave was replaced for a while, and everyone here seemed to be a poisonous insect in the poison. They bit each other, but didn't dare to take each other's life! But when someone is knocked down to the ground, they will be poured into those antidote immediately. Then, people around will stop fighting and observe. Once that person's mouth bleeds, the war will start again.

Quirin shivered, and she also clutched her chest, until the sound of a beating heart came from her hand, the girl let go of her heart a little. but……


The heart beats so fast. It's suffocating fast, fast... as if to pop out of the throat.

" did you go? Don't leave the teacher alone!"

Although Quilin has the strength of a superior in refining the heart, so far she has always been based on the theoretical ability of refining the heart. She has never experienced a real battlefield, let alone really kills. Of course, she felt an inexplicable panic for the life-and-death drama below.

But even for Quelin like this, when she noticed that the little girl from the Hermit Knights in the crowd was sitting with the mechanical yellow dog, holding the medicine bottle, and leaping towards the icicle bound with the bun...


With claws made of steel firmly embedded in the ice, Wendy stared at the sleepy little baby girl who was forced by the cold, and showed a very elegant smile to outsiders. But in the next step, she pinched the chin of Little Bread, forced her to open her mouth, and lifted the glass bottle...


A flying knife pierced the glass bottle in an instant, and the mixed liquid spilled the little girl! In an instant, the smile on her face turned vicious. She turned around instantly and saw a twenty-year-old woman holding a throwing knife standing in the shadow of the audience stage in the distance.


No more words, no more anger. Action represents the mood of this little girl. The yellow dog got down and leaped suddenly! The jet devices on his limbs also spewed out a ball of flame at the moment it jumped up, flying directly to Quilin in the audience with the cold-faced little girl!

"Since the little sister refuses to take medicine. Then, your aunt who is hiding in a dark corner, no one is thinking about..."

The yellow dog is extremely fast! Quilin couldn't dodge, and the scimitar bit in his mouth pulled out a hole on his waist.

"It's up to you to drink the medicine, how about it?"

"Huh--! I tell you..."

Quilin grabbed the flying knife backhand, blocked the yellow dog's second attack, stepped back five steps. The eight pull-throwing knives in her hands were all ready, and with one shot, they attacked the hidden knight in front of them.

"I'm not an aunt! Also, I am definitely not wanted by anyone!!!"


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