Demon King Dad

: The third year story 039, illusion

The battlefield in the ice cellar was in a mess. Walnut had already figured out what was going on. Looking at the scene in front of him, she was heartbroken. But at this moment, she heard Dai Lao screaming excitedly next to her—

"Quick! Get rid of him quickly! Don't hesitate! Cut off his hands and feet, make him unable to move, and then feed the medicine! Anyway, as long as there is a breath left, nothing else matters!"

The cruel reality makes people extremely ugly, but Walnut never expected that Dai Lao would be so ugly in the face of a crisis! She gave her a blank look and yelled: "Delao Goodsay! You...Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Dai Lao turned his head and showed a sneer that made Walnut shiver involuntarily: "Ah, of course I know. But you must know that in order for us to survive, someone must die. Now we are less than an hour away from our life. Time is up. At this point, do you have other ways to keep us all alive?"

The corners of Walnut's mouth twitched. Her speechlessness resulted in a more gloomy laughter from Dai Lao: "Admit it. Humans are creatures that can sacrifice others for themselves. If you really think humans are so noble, why don't you take the initiative? Offer to drink medicine and make this test product?"

In the sneer, Walnut couldn't help but shut up. The princess could not find any reason to refute this person. Now she can only look up at the small bread frozen in the icicle, and worry about her pale and weak appearance.


A royal guard hugged the icicle. Holding the glass in his left hand, he climbed up with both hands and feet. The usually respected knight now shows a twisted smile, and he just crawls, the bread...

Walnut: "Bread————!!!"

Dai Lao: "Go on! Give her a drink! Go on!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

this moment……

Time has stalled.

A jet-black sword fell from the sky, tearing the flesh apart.


Reflecting the dark sky, rising...

Then, drop.


The screams cut through the dark ice cellar. Originally, any screams made in this already crazy tent shouldn't attract anyone's attention. But there is one person who is different. That person is rolling around on the ground holding his shoulders. One of his right arms falls aside like a bug that has been trampled to death. The remaining nervous system makes his fingers still slow. twitch.

The people who were still fighting just stopped instantly, and everyone was watching the direction of the injured person. Some people's faces were even more surprised. Gradually, these surprises turned into fear, and then from fear to anger. When the painful person rolling on the ground was stepped on by another person's foot and his throat was hit by a black long sword that he had never seen before, they finally returned to "normal".

"Master Goodsay————————!!!"

Idiot, standing there coldly. He stepped on Dylaw Goodsea. The black blade was still dripping blood, and the scarlet pupils at the hilt glowed with fear.

" brat!!!"

Among the spies who came in to look for this time, there were not a few members of the Goodsey family or affiliated families. They saw that their master was forcibly removed an arm, and they were all frightened. But the black blade still touched Dai Lao's throat, preventing them from taking any further action.

"Are you crazy? Who the **** are you! Why do you want to act on our young master!!!"

"Let go of Master! Master! Calm down! We will rescue you soon!"

"Boy! I order you to withdraw immediately! Otherwise, I will cut you off!"

Raging and roaring seemed meaningless under those cold pupils. He still just stood there, the blade of the sword against Dai Lao's throat.

Does this child have no feelings? Why can you still maintain such a calm when surrounded by so many people? But when he lifted his head slightly and glanced at the small bread tied to the icicle, there was an unknown shaking in his black pupils. But it was just this look, and he stared at Dai Lao at his feet again. Because he knew what he should do, only after the puzzle was solved for the first time, he could protect the child most correctly.

"tell me."

The chains trembled slightly.

"The formula ratio of the antidote."

Walnut shook her head and said loudly: "Idiot! You idiot! Although I know he spoke too much just now, how could he know the formula ratio!"

"No, he knows."

The idiot bent down and scratched Dai Lao's face hard. Incredibly, Dai Lao's layer of skin was peeled off immediately! All the people around were shocked, but soon they discovered that this person who used to have Dai Lao's appearance had suddenly become a dwarf who had performed in the circus just now!

This dwarf, who seemed to be about forty years old, was pale. He was holding his broken right arm, with layers of sweat on his forehead. But even though he was seriously injured, he could still keep a sneer.

"Hey... shit... it's hard to imagine... why... you will see through?!"

The idiot continued to press his throat. He didn't answer the question of the dwarf, but thrust the blade deeper into his throat.

"Answer me. Recipe. This is your last chance."

Although, this child looks only twelve or thirteen years old. But I am afraid that no one will doubt the look in his eyes at the moment.

Those eyes had told anyone that he was serious. For a person who has little chance of survival, the opportunities he can give to others are equally rare. Looking at these eyes, the sneer at the corner of the dwarf's mouth gradually faded. Originally, he thought he would no longer be afraid, but now, something called fear has already invaded the depths of his brain with these black pupils.

"I...I don't know! I don't know anything! Damn...damn...! Damn——! Damn——!!!"

Not only the black eyes, but the blood-colored pupils at the hilt of the sword gave him no less oppression. The dwarf trembled all over. After a few swear words in a row, he suddenly released his left hand covering his right arm and stretched out his arms! With a roar, he had already taken out a short knife and pierced the idiot's ankle.

The black blade waved.

The blood spewed out of the fountain from the throat.


The noisy ice cellar was so quiet.

The high-altitude bandage man watched with interest what happened below. He didn't say anything about it, what kind of deep meaning is hidden under those bandages?

In contrast, the royal guards just saw this scene and put down their weapons. Even the person who was lying on the icicle and was about to work on the bread was completely stunned and slid off the icicle.

The idiot turned around and cut off the walnut cross with a sword. Then, he rushed up to the icicle in three steps and in two steps, and Dimmie drew a black line in the air, freeing the small bread from the icicle. When he touched the ground again, Dim Mi had already returned to his position, and he had already held the child tightly in his arms.


The little girl was so cold that she curled up, her face pale. There are still some icy debris on the clothes. But when the idiot opened her clothes to check if she was hurt...

But in her arms, she saw a small flower with a light yellow light, and when she touched it, the small flower exuded a little warmth. After seeing the air again, the little flower quickly withered as if it had completed a task.


The bandage man stood up, applauded appreciatively, and smiled: "It's wonderful. And bold. Can you tell me why you can tell that the dwarf is not Master Dara Goodsey?"

The idiot stared at the bandage man. If you really want to say, this may be the second face-to-face contact between the two. Others were also waiting for an answer, especially Quirine, who was surprised and delighted after seeing the idiot suddenly appeared, and immediately dropped Wendy who was fighting and ran to him.


The idiotic silence will disappoint them forever.

"Hey, human kid. You have solved two of the three puzzles set by this man. Can you solve the remaining one? Because only the three puzzles set by him are solved Only by opening can you leave safely."

The idiot lowered his head, the bun in his arms felt the familiar taste and opened his eyes slightly. When the figure of an idiot was reflected in those turquoise eyes, a smile bloomed on the weak face again.

After thinking for a while, the idiot finally acted again. He walked to the side of Li who had been poisoned a long time ago, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the skin of his face. Then, a face belonging to Dylaw Goodsay appeared on the body of the flame stoneman.

"Master Dai Lao!!!"

The shock of this scene shocked all the guards of the Goodsay family around them. They rushed forward, slapped Dai Lao's exasperated face. However, all this seems to be too late. When the Ice Throne sneered, everyone knew that now... it was too late.

"tell me!"

A Goodsea guard couldn’t restrain his emotions, came up and grabbed the idiot’s collar, crying and shouting: "You’ve already known, right! You’ve known Master Goodsey’s throat was sealed by ice. Can't ask us for help! And we...we just killed him like this! You already knew it was like this, right????!!!"

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