Demon King Dad

: What is under the illusion?

"Hey! Calm down! Come on, let's take him away together!"

The Goodsey guard was pulled away, and the rest of the guards looked at the idiot, then at the dead dwarf and Dai Lao in a magician robe, and began to think.

These people are not stupid, but because of lack of calmness, they have lost their judgment on things at critical moments. Now, after careful consideration based on the facts, someone immediately figured out the problem.

"Right! I see! It turns out that this is not our game at all!"

"Think about it, everyone. Just now that guy was chattering a lot about antidote and told us how to detoxify."

"But just think about it, that person said this at the end of the game introduction--"

"Remember, I now announce your only goal in this game. It is to find a way to save the people you want to save. Come on, don't be fooled by anything. The game...begins."

"The only goal... the only goal! Because we were affected by the previous poisoning, antidote, etc., so we took it for granted that the goal was to find the antidote! But the real goal of this game is to find out The real Master Dai Lao! Don't be fooled by appearance... That's what it says!"

Dimie sneered. Because this is the first puzzle of this game.

"Damn... I was completely deceived! But what's the matter? If it is to find out Master Dai Lao, why can the kid be able to determine that the guy is not Master Dai Lao so accurately?"

"Because of character."

What came out of the diagonal thorn was the guided force weapon that had regained its appearance as a yellow dog and Wendy who belonged to the Tenth Knights. The little girl carried her hands on her back, walked slowly behind the idiot, looked at his back, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth——

"The secret support of the Desai family in Mongolia, so I know a lot about Young Master Dai Lao. Although Young Master Dai Lao has some talents, he is definitely not a person who will talk about arrogance and arrogance. . If you say what Young Master Dai Lao wants to say, he will definitely let others say it for him instead of chattering there. This kind of personality contrast is enough to make people suspicious of him. Don’t you say it? Sudden intruder."

No one's words can make the idiot take his eyes off the bandaged man's body. He slowly moved the bun behind him, and with a flick of his right hand, the dark long blade was held in his palm.

The opponent is a "prophet". He is a "prophet" who has reached the level of the acetabular bone, and the martial arts of the heart is super insightful. The idiot once fought him once. At that time, he was fighting in the state of the first prison. But that person was able to forcibly block him in the first prison state, regardless of the outcome.

No... From a comprehensive point of view, the idiot has already lost. He hadn't even been able to prevent this man from attacking Bun! He should have thought of it long ago... It should have been thought of when this person finished saying the "only goal" that since the moment he took over this task, he had fallen into this man's trap.

Walnut is a princess. Then, in front of others, when was the only one who was witnessed walking together with the princess without the company of others?

Only when I walked in the park, the moment I met Li.

Because of that encounter, the bandage man learned that the relationship between himself and Walnut was still close. Of course you will also know the relevant information about the bread. Then, the only person who can stimulate the walnuts by kidnapping the small bread to stimulate everyone is the purple-haired man at that time, the flame stoner-Li!

So, is it possible for a person who knows all of this to be caught and then freeze his throat, forcing him to not speak? Of course not. More likely, this flame stone vertical master is the real messenger behind the scenes! Then, it is impossible for him to be poisoned, let alone stop breathing. This is why the idiot can conclude that it was not Li who died just now, but the hidden Dai Lao!

"Lee, you have solved all three puzzles."

After staring for a while, the idiot lowered his head and closed his eyes.

The bandage man on the throne sat back in his seat again and sneered: "Really? is. Then according to the rules, I should tell you the correct formula of the antidote now, and then let you go away, and then he will be obediently with his hands, right? ?"


After a brief silence, the idiot turned around and walked towards the people over there who were treating Dai Lao urgently. Walnut and Quilin stood aside, nervously watching the idiot pass by with a cold face, but did not dare to speak. Because they don't know what the boy wants to do next. The bandaged man continued to sneer, staring at the slowly moving back of the idiot, watching...

Footsteps, slow...

He, little by little, came to everyone...

On the ground, there were several people who died of poisonous poison...

And he stepped over these corpses and walked towards his real goal...


The right eye became scarlet at this moment.

The chains that had been turbulent long ago rose in the air.

The sharp cone pierced his arm, and the entire right forearm was bound by the chain of darkness!

The dark blade swallowed the light in the ice cellar.

The blood-colored pupils exuded the excitement about to taste the blood.

He moved...

In just a moment, the sword of death had passed through the crowd and came to the tragic death of Dylau Goodsay...

The sword of must-slay, driven by the power of the first hell, maintained by the heart of unintentional martial arts, without any hesitation...

Stabbed at this long dead man.



The lights in the ice cellar were all covered by ice in an instant. In the darkness, Dai Lao, who shouldn't move again, stood up at the moment when the sword was about to reach his body. With the sound of collision and tearing between the weapon blade and the weapon blade, Idiot and Dai Lao each backed ten steps back. In contrast, the idiot quickly stood still again, the scarlet right eye accurately captured Dai Lao's figure in the dark. But Dai Lao rushed to the throne of ice like lightning, and under the illumination of the only light above the throne that was still on, he immediately reached behind the bandage man.

He reached out...

A condensed colorless and transparent solid, almost half the size of a human body's paw, pressing the bandage man's chest, it seems that this enemy's life may be killed at any time!

Dai Lao, who had just fallen into death, was resurrected again, and he restrained the bandage man in an instant. Isn't this something to be congratulated? But everyone present did not cheer, they just opened their mouths wide, looking at Master Dai Lao on the throne in disbelief, and could not speak for a while.

"You...what do you want to do! The game...the game is not over yet!"

Suddenly, the bandage man who was being held back also made the voice of Dai Lao! Everyone was shaken up, but the idiot still looked cold, and seemed to have guessed it all.

"No, Master Dai Lao. The game is over."


A soft sound came from the face of "Dilao". There was an extra crack on the man's right cheek at some point.

"What is the best way to cover up the truth? It's an illusion."

The crack grew bigger and bigger, and it made a faint karaoke sound, but there was no bleeding from it.

"But after removing the illusion, will the truth emerge?"

As time went by, his right half of his face began to shatter little by little, revealing the lower half of his mouth full of sneers. And that...

"Not necessarily. Under the illusion, there is probably another illusion hidden. The real truth is probably laid out in front of everyone generously. Your game is over, Master Dai Lao. And I, too I feel a deep pity for all the mistakes you made in this game of chess. Now I know that it was not you who blocked my attack that day, but the kid standing underneath with a red right eye. . You are the real Dark Knight. Right?!"

The icy-blue pupils exuded incomparable cold air, and countless icicle spikes pierced around the throne, forcing all the guards who tried to approach.

Everyone in the darkness turned their heads and looked at the child who seemed to be inconspicuous. Who can believe that this child can find out the true truth smoothly? By now, even the guards couldn't see the problem, and wanted to be explained.

Bing Tong let out a sneer again, he pushed down the bandage man in his hand, and the bandage man rolled down from the throne in embarrassment. In the process of rolling, the bandage on his head unraveled, revealing Dai Lao's face impressively. Some guards rushed up to help their master, but some couldn't believe it, and squeezed his face. After receiving a burst of glare from Dai Lao, these people cheered around their young master and retreated into the crowd.

The man on the throne tore off the mask on his face. It was not someone else but the face of the Flame Stoner-Li. Everyone was stunned again, because when he first appeared, he used this face to show people. Who would have thought that the mask he was wearing was exactly what a real person was like?

Lee, sit down on the throne.

Compared to Dai Lao's sitting position just now, his sitting posture looked more arrogant. There was a little bit of cold air in the eyes of this purple-haired man, and even the breath in his mouth seemed to be able to blow out crystal snowflakes.

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