Demon King Dad

: The third year story 042, the result of the game

Amidst the constant crashing sound, Quilin took Walnut's hand and watched the movement in the dark extremely nervously. She held a flying knife in her hand, but she was praying secretly in her heart. The thought of her teacher being unable to move here, and that the child who had always thought he was not very strong now monopolizes the powerful enemy, a layer of guilt surged in her heart.

"Idiot... Come on. You must win... You must win!"

Quirine was praying, but she suddenly found that she was holding Walnut in her hand, and gradually a squeezing force came. A layer of nervous sweat spread from the heart of her hand, soaking Quilin's palm...


"It's weird."

suddenly! Wendy's voice appeared beside Quilin and Walnut! The walnut who witnessed the girl's tricks was first shocked, and immediately jumped up: "!"

"Oh, your Royal Highness, please don't be nervous. I am the royal knight who protects you."

"Royal Knight? People of the Hermit Knights, you can't prevent it." As she couldn't see, Quirine could only protect the walnut, and the flying knife in his hand aimed at the direction of Wendy's voice. But the next moment, behind her, two white rays of light shot out.

Turning his head, I saw that the big yellow dog's eyes shined like searchlights, illuminating Wendy who was facing Quilin and Walnut in front.

The girl with two pony tails shrugged, walked to the yellow dog, jumped gently, and sat on the yellow dog's back. Then, the light disappeared.

"It's not good to be so fortified with me? Anyway, everyone is loyal to the empire. It's better not to cause civil strife, or to study the invisible battle before you, how about?"

In the darkness, the red and blue pupils collided together again. With sparks, bloodshots burst from the cheeks of the two.

Walnut and Quilin squeezed each other's hands, be regarded as acquiescence to the little girl's proposal.

"Haha, are you calm? Okay, let's analyze it now. In my opinion, that gentleman is likely to be no match for the bad guy with ice eyes~~~"

"What are you talking about! Idiots... Idiots are very strong!"

"Oh, my Royal Highness, please calm down. I say that the gentleman is invincible. There are good reasons. Think about it carefully. From just now until now, some of you have seen the ice-eyed person use a guide. Lishi?"

The two were stunned for a while.

Quirine: "I have never seen him use it... But how is this possible? Without using a guiding stone, this... it's just like..."

"Yes. It's like the legendary power that destroyed in the last era, a kind of ability called'magic'."

"Magic?! Impossible, how can humans use magic?!" Quirine apparently knew something and retorted loudly.

"Haha, don’t worry. Actually, this is possible. I checked the information. In fact, Divine Grace had a woman named'Lan' several years ago, and that female student could not With the help of the guiding stone, various magical phenomena are caused. It does not require the supply of the guiding stone, and the powerful ability that is activated completely in an instant has made countless people bend their waists. Well~~~ But this woman was married later, and now I heard that she was killed by the enemy I think that the strength should be a bit exaggerated."

"But what we see now is the unequivocal magic. And I believe that the origin of this magic is definitely not the man himself, but...something lodged in him."


Accompanied by a sudden loud roar, the entire tent seemed to tremble! In the darkness, those ice blue eyes became huge in an instant. The idiot was clearly far away from those eyes, but somehow, he suddenly seemed to be hurt, and he was instantly blasted back!

"Hehehe, girl, what you said is really good. If the ladies of the Hermit Knights are as icy and smart as you, then the strength of the Bucks Empire is really not to be underestimated."

The huge ice pupil immediately replied after blasting off the idiot. It was also at this time that an alarm clock rang from the tent, telling everyone that it was midnight at 12 o'clock.

In the ice, twelve bells rang slowly. With the sound of the bell, the ice in the tent also seemed to have been lifted, and it vaporized little by little. The lights came on again, and what entered the eyes of everyone was the throne standing among the ice, and the man with purple hair and ice pupil sitting on the throne.

"Time is up. My rest time is also over. Boy, I am very happy to have such a time with you. Not only me, but even the friend in my body-Bingdiya, also responded very much to you. Great expectations."

Following Li's sight, everyone turned back. I saw the child who had just been blown away standing with a plain face. It seems that he hasn't received much damage from the blow just now. The blood-red right eye still exudes indifference.

"Ice Emperor Fang?!" As soon as he heard the name, Walnut immediately exclaimed, "Sixth-level beast, Ice Emperor Fang?! But the book says that this beast was born in the far north as early as 100 years ago. Dead, killed by other monsters! How could it... how could it... be in your body?!"

Along with the falling Bingxiao, Li once again sneered: "Oh? It seems that our princess is not a vase, she is very knowledgeable. That's right, Bingdifang did have a meeting with him more than 100 years ago. Lost and died in the battle of other monsters. However, as it was eroded by the'devil's power', it invaded my great-grandfather's body before dying. For more than a hundred years, this little cutie has been resting and recovering. This monster didn't wake up again until it reached me, and was willing to give me its power."

"It turns out that this is the reason why you can use the mysterious power without the guide stone? Being possessed by a monster...?!" a more experienced guard among the guards shouted.

Li Haha laughed: "Whatever you say! Anyway, from the moment I was born, my life existed to provide bait for this monster. Once it feels that it has fully recovered, it will definitely not Hesitate to take control of this body. But before that, I decided to make good use of this power to do something that makes me happy."

Li stood up, his body was still wearing the cape of the Flame Stonerender, which was slowly drifting along with the vaporized smoke. Coupled with his indifferent sneer, it gives people a dreamlike feeling.

"Okay! The game is over! I should go too."


The guards have surrounded the gradually disintegrating Throne of Ice, and some of the younger members are even more angry.

"You killed so many of us, so you want to leave so easily?!"

Above the gasified and collapsed throne, Li's smile is still calm and lonely--

"Hehe, so angry. But I think you probably forgot it? I planted methamphetamine in your body a long time ago."

Following the indifferent words, the man snapped his fingers casually. A royal guard immediately shook his body and fell to the ground without warning.


"Haha, don't worry, he didn't die. Not only he didn't die, but no one died at the party tonight except for my useless subordinate. They were just temporarily frozen and lost consciousness. "

As the tent gradually collapsed, these royal guards fell one by one. The idiot still holds Dimie, looking at him from a distance...

"I like to play chess. However, I just like to play chess. I like this feeling of fighting with my opponents relying on wisdom. Maybe it's because I use too much force, I will be corroded by the ice teeth in my body. Well, since I was a child, I like to suppress opponents from the chessboard, not from strength."

"Everyone, you will faint, but please rest assured, you will never have anything to do. Even those friends who vomited blood after drinking the medicine just now, as long as you observe carefully, you can find that they are only bleeding gums, not vomiting blood. Except necessary, I will not kill you all. When you wake up again, you will save your princess and master and forget all the things that happened just now. Because starting today, I will spend some time in Fengchusha City. Killing everyone is no good to me."

The royal guards have all fallen to the ground stiff. Even Quilin leaned back, lying on the ground without exception, and stopped breathing. Walnut and Dai Lao both closed their eyes. They couldn't get out. The only one still standing in the collapsed tent was Li on the Frost Throne...

And standing underneath, the idiot who never said the second sentence from beginning to end.

"Boy, I am very happy to be able to accompany me in this game. No, not just me, even the kid in me is very interested in you. See you next time, but I will meet you next time At that time, I should have almost eroded and lost your reason to continue playing chess. Half a year. I believe it only takes half a year, and we will meet again when the winter starts this year. At that time, I am afraid I will use it as soon as I come up. Use all your strength to fight you. I hope you don’t let me down at that time."

The Ice Throne, completely collapsed. The scattered ice particles reflected the lights in the tent, and in the misty haze, the purple-haired man with a sneer at the corner of his mouth disappeared completely before the eyes of the idiot...




The red eyes returned to black.

The chain returned to its original wrist, and Dim Mi returned to its original position.

The surrounding water vapor was still dancing, and it didn't take long for a rush of footsteps to be heard outside the tent. When the royal guards who were unable to rush in to support until now because the tents were frozen into an ice cellar arrive, only the royal guards lying on the ground, the imperial princess and the young master of the Goodsey family they are trying to save Up.


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