Demon King Dad

: Idiot, still too naive

When did the rain stop?

While walking on the wet ground of the city with a small bread in his hand, the three-wheeled bright moon was already high up in the sky, sprinkling the idiot's way home with silver.

"Very interesting guy. You can match the one who used the first prison. It seems that to defeat him completely, you must learn to master the power of the second prison."

The idiot did not pay attention to the excitement of Dim Mie, he just bowed his head and held the small bread, feeling the slightly cold skin of this little girl, walking on the way home.

"Hey, did you hear what I said? You have to master the second prison proficiently before you can truly defeat this guy. Don't think that the last time you killed the little cute Weimen with a single sword It's so great, if you are really fighting head-on, your strength is not as good as a level six monster."

"......Ah, I know."

"Hey, just know.............So, what are you thinking now?"

The idiot raised his head and looked at the three bright moons in the sky. The little girl in his arms has fallen asleep again, he hugged her tightly, and after thinking for a moment—

"I... lost again."

"Oh? Interesting."

"Although his original intention was to find out his true body, he declared the game over. In the end, the methamphetamine he distributed was a harmless psychedelic drug. But..."

The idiot took a breath--

"If... what he spread is really poisonous... what will happen now?"

An Mie sneered, but did not answer.

"This person... just like what he said, this time he didn't even want to kill. Otherwise, everyone in the circus would have died the moment the game started. He was just pushing Others come to play a game with him. Accompany him for pastime and entertainment."

"Actually, I should think about this, think about it, he made such a big noise in the circus, and kidnapped Walnut and Dai Lao, and instigated the royal knights to fight each other is not good for him. On the contrary, here After the incident is over, the death of the soldier will immediately arouse the idea of ​​the Bucks Empire. If it is not done well, there will be an all-killing. It is better to kill the mistake than to let it go."

"The reason why he has the guts to do these things is that he has the ability to erase the memories of everyone in it from the beginning, and that no one will attract the attention of the empire because of death. He tried his best to sneak in. Bucks, there is nothing else to do. And I... didn't see such an obvious problem from the beginning."

The blood pupils widened, darkly sneered. Reflecting the standing water on the ground, the dark red light became a guiding light in the dark night.

"Hehe, interesting. Now the problem is here. As he said just now, those so-called methamphetamines will erase all memories from the poisoning to the coma. When those people wake up, they will completely forget what happened. It also caused that guy to continue to lurk into the Bucks Empire. With that makeup technique, it is as difficult to catch him. And this guy already knows the relationship between you and Walnut, and he has also tried it. It is confirmed that the **** your back is really easy to catch. Next time, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not use this girl to plan something again. In this case, what are you going to do now?"

There was no answer, no words. No amount of speculation seems to be comparable to the soft skin in my arms at this moment. Thinking of the ice-blue pupil in his mind, the man with purple hair always showed an indifferent sneer. The idiot knew that he really couldn't beat the "prophet". Not only were the two intellectual battles completely defeated, even the previous confrontation was overwhelmed for a while...

There is no way... can't think of a way... the man made the idiot feel for the first time how small his insight is, and his ability to observe things is still very "naive". By now, as long as you can feel the warmth from this small body by holding her hands, maybe it's enough...enough...

Early the next morning, the idiot took over the remuneration for this mission from Principal Campa. At the same time, the investigation of the Surprise Circus came to an end.

Although the soldiers who rushed in that night saw the royal guards and the stag princess lying all over the floor, when they woke up early the next morning, they didn't know how to rescue Walnut and Dai Lao. The tricky thing is that everyone doesn't remember what happened that night. Even when the Hermit Knights asked the little Wendy girl, they felt unable to start with this girl who is usually shrewd but at a loss at this moment.

Walnut and Dai Lao are even more powerful. The memory from the night before to before waking up turned out to be completely blank. When I asked them, I could only get a puzzling answer like "watching the circus together, then feeling very sleepy, and falling asleep. After waking up, I lay on the empire's medical bed".

Of course, the Empire cannot be satisfied with this result. But after conducting repeated searches on the Surprise Circus, it was impossible to find any clues related to the disappearance of the princess. The members also seemed to have no idea what happened that night. When there is no other way, the empire can only expel the circus from the territory, and then hastily understand the matter.


Does the matter really end like this?

Maybe when people remember this thing again not long after, the rain that night...

It turned out to be the last rain in Shacheng this year.


Time passed slowly.

One month...

Two months...

Three months...

Four months...

Five months...

Slowly, the desert clock walked into the cold winter, and the wind was wrapped in dust, roaring and hitting the cliffs surrounding the windblown sand city. It seems that these sands have been fed up with the prosperity of this desert city, and now they finally found an opportunity to devour it and put it into the territory of the desert.

At this time in the past, Fengchuusha City had already entered the countdown to the Holy Eve Festival, and there was a cheerful atmosphere everywhere. But this year, there is not only the slightest joy in this city, there is not a balloon flying into the sky, there is not a ribbon and banner hanging. On the contrary, there was still a deathly silence.

On the street, there are no children jumping around. Only the scrawny young man with chapped lips sat on the stairs in front of his house, staring dullly at the dazzling sun in the sky.

No rain...

For more than five months, there was no rain in the city. This originally thriving city was gradually swallowed by the scorching sun, and the deep well that could have gushing out luscious well water can now only dig out dry and cracked mud. The lake that was still reflecting moonlight not long ago is now only a cracked lake bed.

No one knows what happened, and even the authority figures of the empire felt very baffled about this. Without water, there is no hope of survival. Gradually, people have begun to move out of this city that is no longer favored by the water god. Some people even began to say that the city has angered the gods and will never rain again.

On the edge of the noble quarter, in front of a small apartment. A haggard woman with short blonde hair came out of the door. There were several pockets of flying knives across her waist, and a **** was resisted on her shoulder.

"Sister? Are you going?"

When the woman was about to open the door and walked into the scorched street in the sun, one with long blond hair and a coarse cloth skirt, a child about 13 or 4 years old leaned on the door and walked slowly Came out.

The woman turned her head and smiled vigorously after seeing the child, and said, "Of course, I am the most energetic one in my family now! Besides, you left me the last sip of water. What can I say if I don’t work hard? Xingli, our dad still needs someone to take care of him, so please stay at home. And you have been taking care of the children who suffered from heatstroke due to dehydration, and you are also sick. "

Xing Li shook his head. The child coughed slightly, walked out of the door, and stretched out his hand: "Sister, let me go. After all, it's better to leave it to me to dig a well..."

Quirin didn't wait for Xingli to come over, turned around and stood under the sun, smiling, "What? Are you still doing your next Patriarch? You can take good care of your dad, don't wait until the time is exhausted. , I can’t explain to my dad.”

Seeing that Xing Li couldn't take her sister's hoe, she coughed helplessly again. At this moment, a middle-aged man's slightly angry voice came from the door: "Where is the man?! Where is the person taking care of me?! Xingli, Quilin! Where are all the people dead? Want to die of thirst for me? Is this old guy? Give me water! Give me some water!"

Then, there was the sound of the wheelchair rolling around in the room.

Xingli pulled the shawl on his shoulders uneasy, and responded to the room: "Come on, Dad." Turning her head to Quilin, "Then sister, you have to be more careful. If you are tired, you can't support it anymore. To work."

Quirin laughed twice and persuaded Xing Li to go back. After the gate was closed, Quilin raised her head, looked up at the **** sun, carried a hoe, and walked towards the northeast lake.


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