Demon King Dad

: The third year story 044, wind and sand all over the sky

In 1082, December 30, winter.

The Sacred Grace Academy had been closed a month ago, and the severe water shortage caused this school, which used to always cheer, into a dead silence. And in a corner of the school, messy bushes grow here. Due to the lack of rain for a long time, these bushes became dry and yellow.


Throw the bucket into the well. But what came was the sound of touching the ground. The hands bound by the heavy black chain pulled up the rope connecting the bucket bit by bit, feeling... but so light.


Facing the dry log barrel that was about to crack, the idiot finally put it down and walked back to the cabin. The Dulan tree that had been uprooted from the wooden house is now dying, with its branches and leaves glowing yellow.


The temperature in the room is reasonable, and the idiot is really glad that Xin hadn't cut down the tree before. Beneath its not-so-large branches, Bun was lying on the bed. She had lost her former energy due to heat and thirst, so she could only lie on the bed and use sleep to resist fatigue.

The idiot sat on the edge of the bed and fanned it gently with the leaves of the dulan tree to bring some shade to the bun. But maybe it was because of the movement of air, and the little bread gradually woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an idiot with chapped lips and couldn't help but whine.

Seeing that the girl woke up, the idiot walked to the water tank and opened it. There was almost no water in it. He used the bowl to scoop it for a long time before he scooped out a small bowl. He held the small bowl of water and walked to the bed, raised his tired bun, and passed the water to her mouth.

Smelling the unique smell of water, the small bread immediately hugged the bowl and drank gulps. After drinking, her spirits finally improved, she raised her head, hugged the idiot's chest, and refused to let go.


A faint breath was exhaled from this girl's mouth, blowing on her chest, but she felt dry and hot. The idiot hugged her, took off another layer of clothes for her, and only surrounded her body with a piece of cloth. Hope this can relieve her heat as much as possible.


If this goes on...No way.

The long-term water cut is the most fundamental reason. If this continues, the city will be swallowed by the desert sooner or later. So, is there a way? Is there any way to solve the immediate crisis?

After an idiot thought for a while, secretly made a decision. He put the bowl on the side table, picked up the sleepy bun, walked to the duran tree in the middle of the room, and patted the trunk.

The dulan tree, which lacks water, has drooping branches and leaves. If idiots had done this kind of thing before, all its leaves would have shrunk. But now, it droops without any response. Even the bamboo basket that used to be used as a cradle for small bread, now it cannot be woven.

It seems...for the time being, I can't let it take care of this girl...

The idiot closed his eyes, reluctantly carried the bun on his body, tied it with a rope, and wanted to leave. But when he opened the door, the Dulan tree behind him suddenly made a rustling noise.

Looking back, I saw that the Dulan tree that was still alive just now stretched out a branch. Then, as if it were extremely difficult, a small yellow flower bloomed on the branch of this branch. After the flower bloomed, the flower fell from the branch, and the branch that had just tried hard to stretch out was weakly slumped at this moment.

Leaving the branches, the little flowers did not fade away. Although its pale yellow luster is weak, it seems to be condensed with strong vitality. After the idiot thought for a while, he finally picked up the little flower and put it in Little Bread's arms. After doing all this, he immediately rushed out of the wooden house, and through the shadows that must exist between the various buildings, rushed out of the divine grace, and headed to the northeast corner of Fengchusha City, where the lake was.


There must be the source of the problem.

The idiot thought so, and his pace was getting faster and faster. The heavy shackles on his body now have no way to affect his speed. He crossed the street and passed the people who were limp on the side of the road. The desire for life forced the mouse to go to any place where it could survive without hesitation.

The mouse never knows what to give up. Even when "humans" give up, mice will never. Especially the rats that are feeding their children have a strong desire for survival!

It didn't take long for the little mouse to rush into the park. The park, which was still lush half a year ago, has now been replaced by dead leaves and dry land. But it doesn't matter, because more and more people have gathered here. In this city, there is not only an idiot who wants to live!

"Okay! Be quiet, everyone! Line up in order!"

As soon as you enter the park, you can see that a knight group with the number "six" written on the shoulders of the cloak and armor has lined up here. Many people carrying pickaxes, hammers, shovels and other tools on their shoulders followed the instructions of the Knights, picking up the number plates one by one, and following the route into the muddy lake. At the center, enter a cave that was obviously dug out recently.

"Everyone! I believe you all know our situation! Now is the time when the country needs your help! Although we are now facing a drought that is rare in a hundred years, the empire's geological survey scholars have already judged it. ! Below this lake, there must be a lot of water sources! And the only thing we need to do is to mine those water sources! To this end, I hope you will contribute your best and contribute to the prosperity of the empire!"

The scorching sun hung overhead. The yelling knight stayed under a big umbrella, and said those words repeatedly while commanding the order of the team. Anyway, after hearing those words, people can still build up some confidence.

The idiot touched Bun's forehead behind her to confirm that her physical condition was normal. You know, this excavation work only has five Inel per month, and the idiot has to take care of the bread, so none of them came to act before. But now it seems that there are quite a few people who voluntarily put into work for their livelihoods, knowing that there is no compensation.

With the flow of tired and decadent people, the idiot took a number plate from a knight and hung it around his neck. But the moment he took over the sign, his originally very quiet eyes... suddenly changed.

"Hurry up! What do you look at? Next!"

The knight urged the child in front of him to leave, and the idiot stepped forward again after hesitating for a second. He picked up the mattock prepared by the knights next to him, picked it up, and followed the crowd slowly towards the lake.

"Hey, it seems that even if it is a national disaster, some people will eat inside and out~~~"

Dim Mi opened his eyes slightly and sneered--

"The knight's nutrition looks good, doesn't it? They have been working and talking here all day, but their lips have not been chapped at all. No, to be more accurate, they don't seem to be dehydrated at all. So was the knight who was yelling loudly just now, and the hydration is very timely~~~"

The idiot carried his **** and walked silently. He felt very hot and thirsty now, and these uncomfortable feelings made him unable to concentrate on thinking. And Dim Mie seemed to be very considerate of this feeling. After a grunt, it closed its mouth again and stopped talking.

On the tree-lined road leading to the lake, only the footsteps of many laborers remained quiet. In this winter, which is not like winter at all, it seems that everything is destined to survive in this quiet...


………………is it?

Suddenly, a woman's anger came from the side of the boulevard. The workers walking on the road turned their heads together, and saw a huge tent on the rockery next to it, and a woman wearing sports pants, about 20 years old, rushed out of the tent angrily. She carried the **** upside down in her hand, her face looked very angry.

"Oh? Unexpectedly that your teacher came to work too?"

With a sneer from the dark, Quilin had completely rushed out of the tent. But before she could walk to the boulevard, the knights on both sides of the tent had already encircled from the left and right, blocking Quilin's path.

When Quirine saw someone blocking herself, she immediately pointed the **** in her hand at the other person, raised her eyebrows, and shouted: "What do you want? Rooney said that the family wants to leave, do you have the guts to stop?!"

The two knights looked at each other, and after a brief eye contact, they immediately drew their swords against Quilin. At the same time, another voice came from inside the tent——

"Hehe, it seems that my distinguished guest is a little annoyed? Come here, welcome Miss Rooney back in. Don't be rude."

Quirine turned back abruptly, looking at the tent as if she had seen something extremely dirty. However, the current Rooney family has completely declined, and the so-called earl title has no way to shock anyone. Facing the obstacles of the two knights outside, Quirine gritted her teeth, only to re-enter the tent.

Apparently many of the workers on the boulevard knew Quilin. Seeing this girl who is usually careless and always looking for her boyfriend with her mouth open and closed her mouth is now being forced by someone who doesn't know who it is, several **** men are carrying hoes and want to rush over. But those knights were clearly well-trained, and when they saw someone rushing over, they immediately raised their swords at the crowd and yelled--

"What to look at! Return to the team, return to the team! Don't care about things you don't care about, don't you understand?"

Those who originally wanted to intervene couldn't help but stand still. They are just civilians, how can they fight the dignified Sixth Knights? In desperation, they had to return to the team and continue to walk towards the lake.

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