Demon King Dad

: The third year story 048, groundwater

Words, finished.

Tumor believes that these words of his own will be able to play a big role.

No one is willing to always be on the verge of life and death. No one wants to be simply expelled after doing so many things for the country. No one would be willing to let the glory and wealth not to enjoy, and just want to reinvest in the dangerous Tenth Knights.

That's how he came alive. In an underground cell with no money, no power, no status, no respect. In that dark, damp, hopeless and light prison. Malignant tumor has long been fed up with the pain of being looked down upon, despised, and deliberately avoided. He also believed that these two girls would not like this kind of life.

That's right... One. Set!

His teeth clenched.

The sweat condensed on the chin of the cancerous tumor and dripped.

With the moment that drop of water exploded on the ground...

The gun, slowly moved back.

"Your Majesty has an order."

The girl who retracted the gun stood and took three steps, losing her innocence coldly and tearing the air——

"Give you two days so that you can go to the bottom of the lake to find something before the end of this year. This matter must be kept secret from everyone. You must find those things yourself and report it to your majesty."

The tumor was stunned for a moment: "Looking for something? Looking for something?"

The girl with the gun did not answer, but continued to say to herself: "If you can't bring back the information you got before January 1 two days later, your killing order will take effect. If you complete it, you will be killed. The killing order is cancelled, and you will continue to be the head of your Sixth Knights. The above are all the orders issued by your Majesty."

"Okay! I'm going to find it! But what do you want me to find..."


The girl flicked her finger on the force gun, and the muzzle turned from her throat to the tumor's thigh. With a shot, a blue bullet left the barrel and gradually turned into a half in the passing air Transparent purple long nails firmly nailed the malignant thigh to the ground.

Malignant tumor screamed, unexpectedly kneeling. The girl turned around nonchalantly, put her guns in her gun pouch, and greeted her sister.

"Mentally retarded. Gone."

"Huh! Huh! Sister, sister, hungry, hungry!"

When the tumor was holding his thigh and sweating profusely, he finally felt that the **** his back had jumped away. Through the tent cloth, the sisters left each other side by side. As their shadows go away, all that remains in their ears is their last conversation...

"Sister, I am thirsty, drink water. Thirsty~~~"

"Drink again after I go back."

"No! Barriers are thirsty! Barriers need to drink water! Woo...oooo..."

"…………what are you doing?"



"Zhangzhang is thirsty. You need to pee in Zhanzhang, and you can drink water when you pee. You can stop thirsty, stop thirsty.

"Don't mess around, go back!"

"No! No! My sister doesn't let barriers drink water! My sister is bad! My sister is bad!"


"Woo!...Sister...Sister...Sister Pain...Woo..."

"It's okay, small wounds, no pain."

"Barrier... Barrier... Woo..."

"Let's go back."


Ten minutes later, the purple spike slowly faded and disappeared. Tumor finally stood up, raised his leg, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he pulled down the tent. Looking toward the direction where the sisters left...

"Damn, lunatic."

For no apparent reason, he had something to do with the Tenth Knights, and the tumor couldn't help but scream. He kicked the tattered tent, just at this time, some members of the Sixth Knights also returned one after another.

"did you find it?"

"My lord, I found it!" The knights looked around, maybe they would be very surprised why the tent just set up turned into a pile of rags at this moment. But they replied respectfully: "The head's wife went to the central lake. It seems that she is really planning to dig the spring water."


The malignant tumor that had been depressed for a long time couldn't help but snap his fingers. Finally... luck finally came to him! Immediately he picked up the scimitar and inserted it into the scabbard, gave a shout to his men, and quickly rushed towards the lake...


In the central lake of Northeast Park.

This park was originally established on the basis of this lake. In fact, this lake seems to have existed long before the capital of the Bucks Empire settled as Fengchusha City.

No one can accurately determine when this lake appeared in this desert. No one can judge why there are such abundant water resources here. Before the completion of Fengchusha City, the Bucks Empire also sent people to investigate many times, but apart from an ambiguous conclusion that "water sources seem to never dry up", there is no more answer to provide.

This is a lake of hope. For the desert, this lake that will not be reduced in spring, summer, autumn and winter is the hope and life of everyone in this city. No one would have thought it would dry up one day, and it would dry up so quickly.

Several tunnels leading to the ground have been dug in the middle of the bumpy lake. From time to time, workers can be seen pushing trolleys to transport the sludge from the ground up.

"Hey! Come and see everyone!"

When Idiot and Quilin were carrying pickaxes and were about to enter one of the caves, a worker in the central cave suddenly yelled and pushed a cart of silt, and the wind rushed out. After he got out, he didn't throw the silt of the truck to the concentration area nearby, but dumped it on the ground.

"Look! The mud is wet! We are about to succeed! We will soon succeed! Today is December 30, if we are lucky, we will be able to dig into water in these two or three days!"

Others saw the wet mud, and everyone's face was smiling. They scrambled to wipe the mud on their faces, encouraging each other, and then all rushing into the cave with their tools.

Seeing this scene, Quirine was also very happy. She immediately picked up the hoe, and she was about to follow everyone into the cave. But when she turned her head, she found that the idiot was squatting beside the pile of mud, groping for something with her hands.

"What's the matter? Hurry up! Let's hurry up! The water is about to be dug out, it's about to be dug out! Ah-!"

Quirine was suddenly shocked because she found that the head of the Sixth Knights had a malignant tumor and led a team of knights over. She didn't care about the idiot, but immediately rushed into the cave and ran underground with the flow of people.

"Really saw it? Did she come here?"

The cancer stepped into the lake and came to the caves. He glanced at the knights behind him, his eyes questioning.

"Yes, sir. Several people said that the wife of the head leader who saw the future was indeed running here."

The corners of Tumor's twitching mouth finally showed a slight smile. He nodded lightly, raised his foot and walked into the largest cave.

"My lord, we will accompany you..."

"No, you stay here." The tumour removed the cloak behind it, and the tumour became swollen because of congestion. "I want her to know that I am not a person who likes to be tough. Just stay here to avoid getting caught. She escaped."

The knights clapped their chests together and answered "yes" loudly. After nodding again, the tumor finally started...


Suddenly, he looked back suddenly!

"What's the matter? Your lord."

The malignant tumor looked around, it was palpable, and there was nothing strange. So the cold that made people irritate their backs just now, is it...? ? ?

No, maybe it's just an illusion. How can you feel cold in this weather?

The malignant tumor regained consciousness. After taking a deep breath, he turned around again. This time, he did not hesitate, but directly stepped into the cave leading to endless darkness...




The knights scattered their guards. But this kind of guard is actually only a formality. Without the care of the cancer, they were happy and relaxed, chatting with each other. And he didn't even pay attention to a little boy beside a pile of mud.

The boy gradually stood up.

He was holding a piece of sludge in his hand, and as his palm moved, the sludge gradually cracked. A little water vapor appeared from it, and...

Ice particles.

——Within half a year at the latest, we will meet again——

A man’s voice echoed in his mind, the bandages all over his face, the ice pupils exuding the cold, the wisdom that played everyone in the palm of his bones...

The palm of your hand is squeezed into a fist. Crush the ice particles and sludge together. Seems to have noticed something, and the little bread behind woke up leisurely. She patted the idiot on the back of the neck and screamed twice.

"When you are short of people to take advantage of, the human with a pimple on the head has automatically got in."

In my mind, there was a dim laughter.

"This happens to be the same as your plan, isn't it?"

Clenched fists and released them again. Broken sludge fell from the fingers. The idiot got rid of the mud and hugged the bun behind him. But after thinking for a while, he finally judged that there was no time for him to go back and put the buns back. No way, now I can only take her to solve this incident that made this girl thirsty and intolerable.


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