Demon King Dad

: The third year story 049, the sealed ice cave

Entering the cave, the dazzling light immediately dimmed a lot. In order to prevent the bun from inhaling the dust, the idiot always held her and moved slowly toward the depths of the earth.

That man... the man who possessed the sixth-level beast and Bingdifang, Li. Although there is no evidence, the appearance of ice particles that belong to him alone seems to be enough to explain some problems. When this man appeared for the first time, he once regarded Bun as a mortal target. The second time, she was used as a bait to signal other people to carry out an experimental massacre. And the current three times, his appearance has brought a drought that has never been seen before in the wind and sand city, which has made Xiao Bread and himself hover on the edge of thirst.

"Ugh? Ugh? Ugh."

Bun raised his head, looking at the idiot who was holding him. Reflected in these emerald green eyes was a gloomy face. There is no expression on this face, only calmness and silence, but everyone who passes by...

Chill, all climbed into their hearts.

It is difficult to find Quilin in this cave, but it is extremely easy to find the cancer. Just ask, you can draw the path of the cancer from the mouth of others. And following his route, you can naturally reach Quilin's location.

Before you know it, people around have become scarcer.

The air that I breathed into my nose also began to become turbid and unbearable, full of the musty smell of mud. Every time you take a step, the surrounding walls seem to tremble slightly, and there is no time to use wooden frames to support the surrounding walls. It makes people feel as if as long as you walk faster, this place will collapse at any time.

But it didn't take long. The idiot found his goal. In front of a rock exuding cold air, Quilin and Tumor were already standing there, "waiting" for the start of this "show".

"Hey, Quilin, my dearest fiancee, are you still running?"

Quilin's back was against the rock that exuded the chill, and the throwing knife held in both hands was ready to shoot. But in the face of a tumor whose strength is much higher than hers, she herself hasn't counted how effective her flying knife can play.

At this moment, all the workers who were excavating here have been dismissed by the cancer. He needs independent space so that he can move easily.

"Quilin, in fact, I don’t want to be rough, I just want to show you my love for you. As long as you are willing to marry me, I swear that I will never touch your hair now! Marry me, marry I, I will also pick one of the moons in the sky and give it to you. We can have many, many children, and each one is as beautiful as you."

Quirine shivered at these words. Well, even though she has not had a successful relationship in love so far, she does have a tendency to not get married. But this does not mean that she would be willing to accept a guy in her 40s with a tumor on her head! But what should I do now? As long as one sentence is not good, I am afraid that this guy will be raped. Who can help yourself in a place where the earth is not working?


"You... don't come over!"

Who yourself?

"Teacher! Rooney answered the teacher!"

Maybe the devil will answer her question.

The corners of Tumor's mouth twitched, and the full of enthusiasm turned into anger in this "teacher" call. He turned his head away, trying to see which **** dared to run out at this time. But as soon as he turned his head, a piece of snowflakes that shouldn't exist flew past his side and floated in front of Quilin.


Tumor was a little puzzled, and saw a deja vu boy holding Quilin's hand and raising his head. In a somewhat convulsive voice, he said, "Rooney answered the teacher, that, you promised to make an ice pillow for the bun."

Quilin was obviously taken aback at the dangerous moment. Her mind didn't react for a while, and of course she couldn't answer what the idiot said.

But the idiot looked a little anxious when she saw Quirin not speaking. He began to shake Quilin's hand vigorously, and stomped his feet, and said impatiently: "Rooney answered the teacher, you lie to me! You, you clearly said yes, you lie to me! Give me an ice pillow, give me! I need to!"

Quilin herself had been devastated by the cancer, and she didn't know how to get out. Now when I encounter the idiot's stubbornness and brutality, I feel even more at a loss. Her expression seemed embarrassed, awkward and helpless. Of course, such an expression looked in the eyes of the cancerous tumor over there. Naturally, it would also trigger an effect...

If men see women embarrassed, what will men do?

There are two answers. One, let go. Second, provide help.

So, what if the man wants to help at this time if he knows that the woman has promised something that she can't do because of her quick mouth, what will he do?

It seems that there are many solutions to this problem. But if it is truly practiced, there must be only one route to choose from. If a man has admiration for that woman, he will find ways to make the woman's promise fulfilled. Because instead of blasting away the entanglement, letting that woman fulfill her promise to the entanglement is more able to win the favor of the other party. Because of this, the woman would not fall into the slogan of "spoken words". Compared to blasting others away, this result is the real best answer.

Now, because of this "best answer", the malignant tumor over there began to smile again. He began to ask what happened, and the idiot also intermittently "retelled" the scene of Quilin making an ice pillow for himself and Bun. But maybe he was too excited, the scene during the retelling was not complete, and it could only give Malignant tumor a general idea. But just based on this, it was enough for him to take action.

Of course ice is needed to make ice pillows.

So now, how can we get a lot of ice?

After thinking a little bit, the tumor's sight finally turned to that side, the rock covered with a thin layer of ice...

"Hehehe, the male's admiration for women can make the male unconsciously walk on a single-plank bridge with only one choice. No matter what kind of admiration, even if it is abnormal, it is also a kind of love. And this This kind of love is precisely the best use to make the other person do what he wants the other person to do without knowing it. Isn't it?"

Crazy laughter began to echo in the idiot's mind. The face that was still a little sniffed, when the malignant tumor began to take out the scimitar to chop the rock, it returned to its former coldness. He just held the small bread, and then took Quilin's hand, saying a few urging words from time to time.

"Sometimes I really think you are terrible. Maybe you used to get what you need only through your own actions. But now you can manipulate the free consciousness of others at will through various means. Hey, you are perfect. Really, really, perfect. Hehehe, hahahahahaha!"

The intermittent chopping of stones echoed in the depths of the cave. In a moment, the two scimitars that the malignant tumor carried with him had already begun to curl up. But it doesn't matter, because he is not far from success. The big rock was already full of cracks, as the man shrank his swords and pushed forward...

Rumble rumbling————————!

A piece of silver-white snow and ice world appeared in front of the three of them.

"Here......Where is it?????!!!"

After the rock, I thought there was only a few frozen rock formations. But what Malignant Tumor and Quilin never expected was that what appeared was not a rock formation, but a cave almost half the size of a sand city! Looking down, the few people who were supposed to be deep underground suddenly became condescending, looking down at everything in this cave.

The walls of the cave are covered with a thick layer of ice, and the white brilliance from the pure white snowflakes floating in the air illuminates the cave. Looking down, there is a huge ice rock block in the center of this cave. Through the thick ice layer, it seems that something is shining out of it. And besides...


A man with purple hair and ice pupil stood beside the huge ice rock, showing a sneer.

"What's the matter? Unexpectedly, there will be such a cave right under the empire!"

The opening of the hole was about 30 meters high from the bottom, but this height was nothing to the pure spirit-level malignant tumor at all. He pierced the scimitar into the ice wall and slowly slipped to the bottom...

boom----! ! !

Ice cubes, broken.

The pupil of the malignant tumor dilated at this moment. He bent down, and with the icy cold above his head, he could fully feel the sound of the ice wall breaking behind him.

The flying icicles crossed his face, and the loud noise had completely told him of the powerful destructive power. He was surprised... surprised that a man with purple hair had stood in front of him at some point. What is even more surprising is that his hand... a giant claw made of ice, almost the same size as his body, has been deeply embedded in the thick ice.

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