Demon King Dad

: The third year story 050, under the wind and sand

"Damn, is this here? What your majesty wants me to find?!"

Malignant tumor pulled out the double knives and fled to the side with the fastest speed. Facing the terrible destructive power, he deeply felt what was called terror. He dashed and evaded, telling him instinctively that he must stay away from that thing...the farther the better!

"Gl... Gluck..."

The purple-haired man is smiling. The sound in his throat should be laughter... right? The corners of his mouth were raised, and the giant claws stuck in the ice wall were also pulled out. The ice wall began to shake, and more debris fell. No, not only the debris, but also the ice layer above and the tunnel.

"Hey hey hey! I have no vertigo? How could there be anyone in such a deep underground?! Ooo!"

Shaken by the blow of the purple-haired man just now, the earth and rocks in the tunnel began to collapse. Quilin was taken aback, but immediately remembered that there were two children beside her. As a teacher, she must not be too alarmed!

"Idiot, hold on to the bread!"

Quilin split his hands, and shot the two lined flying knives into the zenith of the ice cave, and held them. The idiot felt a little bit incomprehensible about Quilin's behavior at first, but before he could think about it, the teacher suddenly grabbed the iron chain in his wrist and jumped out of the hole.

The broken earth and rocks completely buried the place where everyone stood just now. Seeing that the escape route was blocked, the malignant tumor's face immediately raised a trace of fear. But his fear didn't last long, and the purple-haired man had come to him again with crampons.

"Woo...idiot! Your kid...really...heavy!"

Of course the little flying knife could not bear the weight of an idiot. At the moment of escape, the silk thread in Quilin's hand was forced to stretch. Soon, it was declared broken. She fell on the slippery ice, and the pain made her unable to stand up for a while. But she didn't pay attention, the idiot landed extremely lightly, and the moment her feet touched the ice surface, a layer of cracks appeared on the rocky ice surface.

"Guck...huh...hehe...hehehe... calm... first... calm down... good boy... calm..."

At this point, this ice cave was completely frozen. I am afraid that there is no second way out in the wide space. After sealing the cave, the somewhat crazy man with purple hair finally stopped the attack in his hand, and his crampons gradually shrank and turned back to his normal right hand. With a sneer, panting.

"Ha...ha...ha...really...well...we...we...meeting... again......"

The purple-haired man turned his head, his ice blue eyes were smiling, and he looked at the idiot over there. He forcibly lifted his spirits, stood up straight, and breathed...rapidly...

The idiot also straightened up and looked around. After he really came down, he felt what this ice cave meant--


It seemed that it was supposed to be concentrated in the severe cold of the wind blowing sand city, but at this moment, they all gathered here. The ice is biting, with the intention of freezing everyone's life here.


Of course the feeling of cold spread to the little bread behind him. Because of the hot weather, the idiot only wrapped her in a small towel. The little girl shrank her arms, her face was pale from the cold. Hearing her groaning, the idiot immediately hugged her to her chest to prevent her body temperature from falling.

"'s...too...madam...too cold!"

Also feeling cold was Quilin, who actually didn't wear much more clothes than Bun. In just a minute or two, she shrank her hands and feet from the cold and shivered with her arms around her shoulders. And the malignant tumor over there that finally eased his breath, his hands were trembling from the cold at the moment, and his fingers were numb.



The idiot also feels cold. He raised his hand and gently stroked the little girl's cheek. The bun, who was a little sleepy from the cold, opened his eyes slightly and opened his mouth and mumbled quietly. Perhaps feeling the idiot's touch, she stretched out that little hand, grabbed the idiot's index finger, and held it in her arms.

Is there no way?

This severe cold, this icy cold...was consuming human life all the time. The gas exhaled from the mouth seemed to have turned into crystals at the moment he blurted it out.

Idiots are already used to this kind of cold. He had experienced life that was colder than this, and he didn't care about it at all. But what about the buns? Is there any way to keep her temperature?


Idiots are thinking. However, an inconspicuous thing replaced his thinking. He felt... a warm feeling came from Little Bread's chest. After thinking for a while, he immediately opened the towel, and saw that the small yellow flower from the Dulan tree was releasing the warm breath of life on the girl's chest!

"Really... touching."

The purple-haired man let out a heavy breath. His voice finally returned to normal, but compared to the last time he met, his face was obviously paler.

"Boy, after half a year, we finally met again. Ah... I'm sorry, my mind is messed up now, so I'm afraid I won't be able to'play chess' with you anymore... Gu...!"

The purple-haired man slammed his mouth, his pupils dilated. He coughed, but instead of blood, it coughed up ice particles.

The idiot stared at him, his arms holding the bread tighter. Although there is a small flower supporting it, it does not mean that this small flower can last forever.

"…………Exit, where is it."

"Goo...cough cough cough...! Huh...Exit?" The purple-haired man patted his chest and gasped, "Since I came here, I didn't plan to leave alive again. You thought I would make one. Export?"


"Hehe, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. It will make me feel like playing chess with you again. If I die with such a mood, hehe...but I will...don't look at me...hehehe ...Cough! Cough cough!"

Accompanied by a violent cough, the man's face began to slowly crystallize. Quelin walked over with her arms around her shoulders and tremblingly asked, "Do you... and this person... know? Who is he...?"

The idiot did not answer. He turned around and put the bun on the edge of the ice wall. After that, his hands were pressed on the chains on his hands...


With a loud noise, the restraints fell to the ground.

The purple-haired man was smiling and coughing. The more he laughs, the more profitable the cough. Almost all of his body's skin was covered with a layer of frost, and with every movement of him, some frost pieces would fall. But he didn't seem to be aware of all this, he was still just smiling and coughing...

"Oh shit!"

The malignant tumor had recovered his breath, he held the two curving knives again, he secretly cursed, and crept around behind Li. When he confirmed that the man with purple hair was paying attention to the idiot and Quilin, but not to himself...

With a kick on his feet, the person rushed up.




The ice wall rises from the ground at this moment.

He didn't look back, let alone take out the guiding stone. The rising ice wall forcibly blocked the malignant tumor, and as the ice wall rose, Li's cough became more intense. He slowly turned his head, his icy blue pupils shrouded the malignant body, and the corners of his mouth still showed a comfortable sneer.

"What the **** is your **** monster! Here...what the **** is this place?!"

The cancer couldn't get in, and began to yell out. Of course, this question is also a question that Quilin has always wanted to know. She also agreed and asked: "You! The purple-haired one over there! You said! Where is this place? What are you doing here?!"

"Hehe... Yeah... I am here... Hehe... What do you do? Hehehehe...hehehehe!"

Li's footsteps were swaying, he stumbled to the side of the big ice rock and stretched out his hand to support. After several consecutive coughs, his spirit improved again, and his speech finally became coherent.

"'s a's a pity. If my mind can still think clearly, I will definitely play another chess with you now..."

"But, I can't figure it out... Hehe... Such a chaotic feeling, I am afraid I have felt it for the first time since I was born. But... I think I still have to... Tell you what I know, so that you ...Dead...just look at it...hahahaha..."

The idiot retreats, and when all the spirits of Quilin and Tumor concentrate on Li, he retreats into the only remaining shadow in the ice wall...

"I ask you, do you know why Fengchushacheng can survive in this dead desert... so prosperous?"

Quirine held the flying knife, thought for a while and replied: "Because... there is a water source here. Moreover, because of the erected cliffs, the outside desert is isolated from the city."

"Haha...cough...haha, yes... you are right. Then I will ask you again, do you think those cliffs were dug by hand?"

Quirine: "Impossible. How could such a major project be excavated manually?"

"That's right... Those cliffs are indeed not artificially dug. But... They are definitely not naturally formed! Have you ever thought about it? Fengchushacheng, the terrain surrounded by cliffs, looks like a thing? "

The malignant tumor was holding a short knife, and the tumor on his forehead was already severely congested. Because of the cold temperature, his body gradually began to feel a little stiff.

"……like what?"

"Haha........................ Nest."


"Why... don't you have any association power at all? This kind of basin-like terrain... this kind of cliff surrounded form. This is a nest... a kind of beast nest! The capital of the stag empire, Fengchushacheng It was actually built in the nest of a monster. Do you understand that?"

Quirine's pupils dilated instantly, and the unbelievable fact made her close her mouth from ear to ear. Tumor's sight slowly shifted from Li's body and landed on the huge ice rock that took up almost one-third of the size of the cave.

Yes... through the ice rock, you can vaguely see what's inside.

That's something...horrible...unknown...something that makes people shiver all over!

what is that?

Through the faint shadow, you can see that the thing has a long neck and tail, and a pair of wings-like skeletons on the back. It seems to be lying on its stomach, even in this huge piece of ice and rock, it seems to be able to see it breathing slowly inside. It seems... it's just sleeping. Moreover, don't take the ice rocks around you at all!

"Understood? The continued existence of Windblown Sand City is entirely due to the credit of this monster. Its breath is clear spring water, and its existence is enough to resist the erosion of Windblown Sand City by the scorching sun. I am afraid that even the stags. People in the royal family don’t know right now, their castle is cast right above the most terrifying beast. Then there is one of the easiest ways to destroy this country."

Li raised his head again, showing a weary sneer: "Seal this cave so that its breath cannot reach the top. Over time, it will be easy to destroy the sand city by the wind."

Two flying knives plunged into Li's chest. The man who could have avoided, at this moment was smiling and watching the flying knife pierce his chest. No blood came out, only a few ice particles splashed out of the wound. Quilin who threw the flying knife was stunned. After a short hesitation, she moved quickly, pulled out two flying knives again, and slammed them directly at the man's forehead.

Throwing knife, draw two silver straight lines in the air.

With the traction of Quilin's fingers, driven by the thin thread, the throwing knives separated and stab at each other from both sides.


He was just smiling.

Still smiling.

It was a smile that was about to be liberated, and even more...

The smile that completed the mission, freed from the long-term bondage...


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