Demon King Dad

: The third year story 052, an ice flower blooming in hell

Li, twenty-four years old. Military exercise site.

"Damn! Impossible! He... he obviously only has 40 troops, and we have 500 people together! How is it possible? How could I lose?"

"Did he cheat? He must have given the chief a benefit, so the chief first told him where the banner is! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to grab the banner faster than us ten times in a row!"

"Look! That guy is coming!"

"Sir! He cheated! No matter what he thinks, it is impossible. Unless he cheats, otherwise we have more people than him. Later, we are even more united and it is impossible to lose to him!"

"Enough is enough. Losing is losing. In these ten times, Li used his own wisdom to win. Maybe you don’t know. He issued no less than a hundred orders to 40 people in this exercise. Each round They all use different strategic plans. And it’s a pity that each of you seems to be completely guessed by him, so you can get the banner one step ahead."

"Huh...this...this is impossible...!"

"Nothing is impossible. Lee Jampson Todd, come here. Although your individual combat ability is not very good, but you can stand out among these people with the least level of heart training, and it is enough to prove your own strength. .Now, in the name of the princess, I give you the title of'heart training'. But because you don’t have the martial art of heart training, you are different from others, you can give your own heart training. name."

"In this case... Then, my heart's martial arts is called... Prophet. Is it possible?"

"Prophet? Well, Viscount Lee Jampson Todd is now an honorary powerhouse at the level of refining the heart. The martial arts of the heart is the "Prophet". After registration, Li, you will make more contributions to the Black Dragon Empire in the future. ."

"Cut, let's talk about it, this **** got only a reputation."

"What prophet? It's so blatant. Seeing his blue eyes makes people uncomfortable!"

"By the way! Maybe the Bingdiya in his body gave him not only power, but also lent him wisdom! If he didn't have the monster in his body, he might be a low energy."

"Yes, yes, it must be like this. That's why this person relies on ice monsters in his body from beginning to end? We didn't lose to him, we lost to a level six monster. It's no wonder, Well, absolutely!"




Li, twenty-six years old. Home.

"My son! Great, great! Do you know? The Earl Thorne now tells me that Lord Earl wants to marry you her daughter, Miss Sophia! Great, great! I'm going to become a smasher, this is all my credit! I passed the Bing Difang to you! Great!"

"Miss Sophia...?"

"Yeah! Why? Forgot? It was Miss Sophia who was four years younger than you and did the same research with you in the university department! Ah~~~ I was dreaming? I didn't expect such a noble Miss Sophia to be so I am willing to marry you boy. Hahaha, all right! Oh, I want to write a thank-you letter quickly and get ready for everything!"

"...No, my father. I won't marry Miss Sophia."

"Yes, yes, you have to prepare as soon as possible!............What did your kid say?! Miss Sophia is beautiful, has a family background, and is gentle. There are many people who want to marry her! Your kid's mind is Isn't something wrong?"

"I said, I won't marry."

"Damn, brat! Still playing chess?!"


"What the **** are you thinking? I don't care, for my happiness, you must marry Miss Sophia for me!"

"In that case, my father, please allow me to never see my lady again in this life."

"You! You...what are you doing? Hey! Untie these strips of cloth for me——!!! Why are you wrapping your face? Hey!"




Li, twenty-eight years old. Gazebo inside the church.

"Hey, I have already lost 98 times in your hands. But this round I will finally come back. Your queen has been eaten by me, and there is one more step, and I will be able to kill your king."

"Haha, Treite, it seems that your'defection' is really interesting. The king who failed to kill the bucks ran back and wanted to slaughter my king instead?"

"Hey, what defector? I'm just an undercover agent, okay? Come on, come on."

"Wait a minute, let me think again."

"Okay! Just think about it slowly!...Oh, it's a great view. Condescendingly, looking over the whole city. Standing on the heights, boiled and played chess, it's so unattractive. It's just your dress that is too scared. Those noble ladies."

"Hehe, where."

"I said you, why do you wrap yourself tightly with these bandages all day? You don't even show your skin? You are not bad, and I think you were even more handsome back then. Entrust me to you There are countless girls who handed over letters. But look at you now, it looks like a serious burn. What the **** is Li, with purple hair and ice pupil, thinking?"

"You are not bad in length."

"Cut, forget it, I won't talk to you, I'll drink and enjoy the scenery.............Huh? Is the wedding going on over there?"


"Hello, Lee, that bride...seems to be Miss Sophia?"

"............ Good chess, this hand you made is really good chess."

"Lee...heh, I think, people who usually like to play chess at home, why would there be such a good interest in asking me to come to church to play chess today. Oh~~~ Things are unpredictable. This is also you. Is the chess played?"

"Good chess, good chess..."

"Good chess? In my opinion, it is a bad move."

"Cui Te, after playing this set, let's go."

"Go? Why? Miss Sophia is only accepting the blessings of her family and has not yet accepted the priest's announcement. In other words, it is not too late. As long as you want, for your friend, I can help you get that lady Get it back."


"Hey, speak?"

"............ Bingdiya, in my body."


"Every day, every day. I can feel that it becomes more active than before."


"I have a hunch that the time it will fully wake up is almost here. At that time, my body will be completely occupied by it. I will die. And a terrible sixth-level beast will be born from my body."

" this time...very close?"

"Ah. No more than five years, no less than two years. If I continue to use its power during this time, the speed of recovery may be faster."

"Hey, is there any way to remedy it? Is there no way?!"


"Huh...Say early! You guy, is it interesting to scare me? What way?"

"Marriage, have children. Pass the beast in my body to my children. After passing through this one, I can get about 20 years or so. Then, my children will inherit Bingdifang to him. Child. Let this curse be passed down from generation to generation. Until the last Ice Emperor Fang, who couldn't bear the maturity, was exploded and died before he could grow up, and the Ice Emperor Fang was born. "

"This...Although it's an expedient measure, let's do it, Li! At least, you can still get lucky..."

"You think my previous life was very happy, right?"


"...Tui Te, don't worry about me anymore. You should have accepted a new task? Go to harass the border of the Bucks Empire. And I have also found out right under the lake of the Bucks Empire. , There is a big cave where something is hidden."


"I believe it won't be long before I will be sent to carry out the task of putting that thing into ice. In this way, you can attack the stag empire that has run out of water and food. And I, have made up my mind."

"Why do you want to...?"

"I will completely freeze myself in that cave. Even if the Bing Difang is reborn, I will let it be buried under my own power forever and never see the sun in my life."


"Ah... the church bell rang. Look... how beautiful the bride is today... what a beautiful day... Trit, you know, I have never left endgames. Moreover, I have never been on the chessboard. I haven't lost. So, I'm sorry. Today you fell into my trap again."


"General. You lose."




Li, thirty-one years old. Castle of Ashes.

"Lee Jampson Todd. I give you a year. Within this year, you must disturb the stag empire and cut off the water. Even if it is dead, you must give I complete the task."

"Yes, my beloved princess."

"Okay, you go."


Li's vision was blurred. In this short and long time, what did he see in his ice blue eyes?

The smile at the corner of his mouth is laughing at himself...

Or are they laughing at this difficult destiny?

"Your Majesty, my mission... is completed. The Black Dragon Empire... will usher in the dawn of victory. Unfortunately, I... can't see it anymore."

Chuck. A throwing knife pierced his throat.

"Women, tumors, and...little guys. You will die here, even if it wasn't in the hands of the monster that died in my will... freeze to death here."

Chuck. Another flying knife plunged into his temple. A little bit of red liquid turned into broken crystals and burst out of the temple. The man fell backwards, his ice blue eyes finally closed.

"How long can"

"In the cold hell..."



"you guys."

The man with purple hair fell down. His body smashed heavily on the ice. The smile on the corner of his mouth finally condensed into frost. At this last moment, the corners of his mouth moved, and a sentence that would never be heard by anyone became his last message in this world——



"Miss Zhu..."


At this moment, in the distant empire, the cemetery of ice that had not melted for more than ten years made a cracking sound. And those beautiful ice flowers growing around a tombstone are also broken at this moment, turning into ice crystals...




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