Demon King Dad

: The third year story 053, Bingdiya...reborn

It's all over, isn't it?

he died.

With a flying knife inserted into the throat and temple, it is impossible for a person to die.

Yes, he is dead. Moreover, he left with a smile...

Now that he is dead, everything will return to normal.



Suddenly, a scream of beast broke out from the dead Li's mouth! Along with the cry, there was a wave of air, and both Quilin and Tumor were pushed down by this wave of air! Next, the impossible happened. The four flying knives that had been inserted into Li's body were all covered with a layer of frost at this moment, and only four crisp sounds were heard. These knives broke like crispy potato chips. The man's body began to tremble violently. Some "things" were in his body, ready to tear the body and rush out.

The ice and snow in the cave became more intense. It was obviously underground, and a blizzard would blow above the head. The huge snow flakes glided across Quilin's skin, and it felt as sharp as a blade. She raised her hand against the wind and snow, after a little thought, she turned to the little bread lying in the corner of the ice wall and hugged her in her arms.


Bun cried, and her coldness and fear made her cry. Walnut hugged her with one hand, and a throwing knife in the other, turned her head, ready to throw at that "thing"!


The flying knife, after all, was not thrown out. Because she suddenly discovered that the body of the purple-haired man had disappeared. Instead, it was a one with four limbs on all fours, with thick white long hair, sharp claws, and a height of about twelve or three meters...


A... a white behemoth with long sword teeth!


The ice-blue eyes seem to have known each other before, but the huge figure warns people that this is no longer that human. A light stroke of the tiger's claws on the hard ice floor left three claw marks up to one meter deep. Those eyes looked around, and soon it found Quilin, and the malignant tumor that shivered and hid.


The white mist exhaled from the mouth of that monster. Melted into the air and turned into snowflakes. It raised its right paw and slammed it **** the ground! Feeling this body that has not been used for more than a hundred years, the corner of this monster's eyes finally revealed a cruel smile. After a short pause, Bingdiya turned around, walked towards the tumor closest to him, and opened his mouth...

"Wait a minute! Please wait a moment! I... I don't taste good! And... and... By the way!"

Bing Difang had already walked to the tumor, but the man suddenly knelt down, opened his arms, and said diligently: "Great Lord of Ice, please...please allow me to serve you! I am your best Faithful servant! You have just recovered. There must be many inconveniences, right? I can help you! From then on, my cancer will be your eternal servant!"

Bingdiya, who was about to open his mouth, knelt down when he saw the tumor. It suddenly stopped and looked at the tiny human in front of him with interest.

"Human, you say, would you like to serve me?"

In the face of death, human beings are small. Because human beings are so small, they care about living. Toxic tumor suddenly heard the monster talking in front of him, and immediately burst into tears with excitement, lying in front of Bing Diya with all his heart.

"Yes! My master! I am willing to serve you, even if I sacrifice my life for you!"

The huge ice monster cracked its terrifying mouth, revealing a cruel laugh. It turned its head, looked at Quirin and Little Bread over there, and shook its head slightly: "Very good. Actually, I really like watching human cannibalism. Because that kind of cannibalism scene is really interesting. In the same environment, creatures of the same level fight for survival. Well, it's really good."

The tumor was stunned for a moment, he raised his head, and under the gaze of those ice pupils, he seemed to understand something. After only a brief hesitation, he immediately got up, drew out the double knives from his waist, and rushed towards Quilin.

"Well, human beings are really smart. And really... very interesting."

Amidst the laughter, there were hideous tumors in her eyes, gritted her teeth, and the knife in her hand had already pierced Quilin... and the bread in her arms without reservation.

"Cancer! unexpectedly!"

The flying knife shot, but only hit the afterimage of the malignant tumor. A feeling of coldness climbed onto Quilin’s back, and at the same time, the voice sounded from behind her——

"Quilin, trust me, I... love you. I love you so much, so you must love me too."

The scimitar passed, and a blood stain was drawn on the shoulder of Quilin, who could not avoid it. The scattered blood foam instantly solidified into ice particles in the air. Behind the ice particles, the face wielding a butcher knife with twisted love was revealed.

"Then, just die once for the one you love, okay?"

The love on Tumor's face became awkward under the splash of blood, his eyes stared at the wounded Kuline, watching her curl up in pain, and watching her holding her shoulders in pain. At this moment, an unprecedented pleasure gradually rose from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, it is pleasure. He suddenly realized that using a knife to hurt the woman he has always loved would be so happy? ! He will never doubt that he loves Quilin. At this moment, he feels that his love for this girl has been sublimated, and the fire of love has become more hot and more dedicated!

"I love you, Quilin. I love you deeply, I love you... I love you!!!"

Tumor began to laugh extremely excitedly. The tumor on the top of his head was also congested in laughter. Bingdiya also saw everything in front of him very appreciatively, lying on the ground, completely relaxed. It is smiling and admiring, because in this ice cave, it is already the strongest. As the strongest, nothing can pose a threat to it, right?

Darkness fell silently from above the head...


Bingdifang, who seemed to be aware of something, raised his head. But at this moment...

The thin black line cuts through the space and penetrates directly from its right eye! The red liquid shot out from the right eye of the strongest monster. The black thread passed through its head and directly inserted into the ground, and the powerful impact blasted the ice out of the cracks, emitting a black breath.


The red liquid splashed on the zenith, dyeing the light in the cave scarlet. After struggling for a few times, the huge ice monster fell slowly backwards, arousing a cloud of ice dust.

The malignant tumor that was about to be cut stopped his hand. Even Quilin, who was trying to escape in a hurry, was stunned on the spot. The ice and snow are still floating. But their color has changed from white to endless black. They stared blankly at the boy who was half kneeling on the ground holding a sword in both hands. Looking at the "human" whose right eye had been completely eroded by the chain and turned into a scarlet red.

"No... it's impossible..."

The malignant tumor receded back, his expression distorted by fear.

"It's absolutely impossible! could could it?!"

impossible? The impossible is now possible. The idiot stood up, the jet-black blade was spotless, and as he pulled out the sword and flicked it lightly, a thin black line remained deep in the retina.

"Hehehe... Sword of Death, Killing with One Sword. However, it's really because you can endure it and wait for the best time to do it. Just now, I thought you were completely indifferent to that girl's life and death. It made me over-excited for a while."

The blood pupil sneered. At this moment, the blood and ice particles falling from the sky fell on the ground, making a clattering sound.

A heavy breath was exhaled from the mouth, and the white gas dissipated in the air. The idiot stood up slowly, holding the Dim Mie of his right hand, step by step, walking towards the cancer over there.

"Beast... beast! By the way, young master! I...I am your subordinate! I am your most loyal subordinate! Young master, young master! Please forgive me, my fate does not seem to you at all No matter what, you have a large number of adults, please spare me this time!"

Tumor knelt down, and the man began to beg for mercy again. When the bun next to him saw the idiot appear again, he immediately laughed and cheered. Quirine held her shoulders and barely straightened up. She looked at the idiot's eyes, there was too much incredible.

" are you...careful!!!"

The scarlet in his right eye expanded in an instant, and he couldn't wait for the idiot to turn his head back, a huge force suddenly blasted from his left side! At the moment, the idiot stood up and blocked his left arm, but was still hit by the force, and the whole person slammed into the ice rock aside like a broken kite.


A trace of blood flew out of the mouth, and the broken ice pierced the idiot's face. A big crater appeared on the ice rock that would never have been damaged. It was clear that the force of the blow was tyrannical. Even the idiots of the first prison were suppressed, and there was no counterattack at all.

"Human...huh, human!!!"

Before the idiot fell from the ice rock, a huge claw suddenly held him down. This time, the impact was greater and crazier. The unstoppable idiot completely withstood the claw, the ice rock behind it was broken more violently, and more blood was spit out from his mouth.


Little Bread, who was still happy just now, saw this scene, and the smile on his face immediately turned into horror. She began to yell out loud, reaching out to try to break free. But Quirin hugged her tightly, not daring to let go.

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