Demon King Dad

: The third year story 055, broken ice


After falling from the shoulder of the collapsed Bingdifang, Dimie was inserted into the ice surface. The idiot was breathing heavily, his eyes full of confusion and madness. The blood-red pupils swept across any corner of this place, seeming to be searching for anything that could give destruction! Soon, he found the only cancer that was still alive, and the corner of his mouth...showed a smile that he absolutely shouldn't have.

The sword, slowly pulled up from the ice.

Listening to the sound of the sword leaving the ice, the tumor's complexion immediately became distorted! He began to look around in a panic, his hands began to grab those bare ice walls. He knew that he had to escape...If he didn't escape in the shortest time, then he would be the next one to be decapitated!



The sound of drawing the sword came to an abrupt end, and those chaotic and crazy eyes turned their heads abruptly, and a small figure slowly climbed up in the pool of blood! There is a big hole in the heart of the towel on her chest. What can be seen through the hole is still the tender skin without the slightest scar. The little girl looked around, waited for the emerald green eyes to see the idiot, immediately laughed, and ran towards him.


The drawn sword was inserted into the ice again.

Unlike just now, this sword almost fell in by itself now. The idiot who was standing just now knelt down involuntarily, his eyes returned to black, and the erosion of his right arm gradually disappeared. Then, the epidermis of his body cracked once again, and there were olive-shaped wounds that looked like eyes. With a "puff", a **** flower spurted out.

"Ah! Ah!"

Little Bread saw the idiot spurting blood, and ran over in a panic. She grabbed the sleeve of the most important person and shook her nervously. The idiot is still holding the hilt of the sword to prevent himself from falling. When the blood dripped down his cheeks, he finally turned his head and stretched out his hand...

Gently stroked the soft pink hair.

"It's really gratifying." The blood pupil at the hilt sneered, "This is the second time you use'Second Hell'. You will not vomit blood and coma like the last time. If you continue like this, you will be fully familiar with the Second Hell. Isn’t it too late? Hey, interesting. I’m looking forward to it."

No one can tell the idiot why the bun is still fine after the front blow. The holes in the towel on her chest and back clearly indicated that she had never avoided the blow. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't need to know, he doesn't have the strength to think about the relationship now. Although he was not immediately unconscious, the heavy bleeding caused by the devilish qi erosion still made him dizzy and unable to think.


Bun hugged the idiot's hand and looked at him worriedly with a small face. Although he didn't understand, the idiot didn't seem to need verbal communication at all. He slowly stretched out his hand and wiped a teardrop from the corner of the little girl's eyes.

"Woo...oooo! Ahoooo~~~!"

Little Bread smiled, and she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes with two dirty hands. After the idiot nodded, he finally stood up again, holding on to Dim, and walked towards the less fortunate Quilin over there.



Will I just die like this?

No... I shouldn't die... I'm the Ice Emperor Fang... I'm the Beast Emperor Fang!

I am not reconciled... I have waited for more than a hundred years... The body that I finally got back... I will never be reconciled to ruin it!

For more than a hundred years, I have endured humiliation and lent my strength to small humans for their dispatch. I! The great ice king, sent by mankind!

More than a hundred years... I have had enough of this involuntary fate! Seeing, I am about to regain a new life, I must get rid of that hateful human self-consciousness, and I will never be willing to die here!

I can't die...I can't die! Tiny human beings... just let you see what kind of retribution you will get if you offend me! By the way, this is the lair of that "thing", unlock the seal of that "thing" and let it help me!

It should be very upset too, right? After learning that the lair where he was sleeping has become a dwelling place for tiny humans, he must be very angry, right? ! Yes... Yes, that's it. At that time I will pray to it... pray to it for a gift of strength!

Hehehe... Actually, I should have thought about it a long time ago. I am very close to it in terms of tropism, and both are "water"... It will be willing to accept me as a servant, right? And I... After having it as a backer, I no longer have to fear anything! and……

Forever, will never be defeated again!


A blizzard suddenly blew in the ice cave that was supposed to be quiet! The idiot was startled and turned his head violently, only to see a white bead flying out of the flesh of Bingdifang that had just been severed by him! This bead took advantage of the blizzard, not to pounce on him, but to the cancer over there! Before the cancer could not be avoided, the white beads had already entered the man's throat.


A cry of pain burst from the man's mouth. He began to scratch his chest desperately, and his skin was immediately covered with a layer of ice! At the same time, the ice and snow in the entire cave was rapidly collapsing, and the huge ice rock produced countless cracks, clucking, clucking into one piece.


"Stay back."

The idiot was guarding Little Bread, even though he was about to be unstable, he still held the Dim Mi and was on guard. A large amount of blood loss made his brain slow to reflect, unable to analyze the facts before him and think about what to do next.

The screams of the malignant tumor reverberated in the cave, and the tumor on his head suddenly exploded among the broken snow and rocks. Slightly coagulated pus and blood splashed all over, leaving a piece of the top of his right head abruptly missing. He screamed, covering his head. But such a good situation didn't last long. His shoulders burst open after a second, and the head of a giant beast came out of his shoulders.

"Hahahahaha! I am Bingdiya, a symbol of eternal existence! My master, please wake up and accept my loyalty to you! Eliminate all these humans who dare to despise me... and ours!"

The uncontrolled cancer screamed while rushing towards the ice rock over there. He began to rush upwards recklessly, and with every impact he made, the tumor would feel the total pain.

One blow, one blow, another blow.

With every impact he made, a large piece of ice rock would fall. Gradually, the thing hidden behind the ice surface began to emerge. Those wings... are ridiculously big, almost one wing the size of the Ice Emperor's teeth just now appeared.

"Master! I...your servant! Malignant tumor...your servant...Bingdifang! Malignant tumor...! Bingdifang! Malignant tumor! Bingdifang! Loyal to you!"

The painful color on Malignant Tumor's face disappeared, and the sneer at the corner of Bingdiya's mouth began to lose control. Together they knelt before Bingyan, opened their hands, praying for the arrival of the new master!

The ice, cracked...


A long scream of something came out from it.

The "Warcraft" that had been asleep for a long time began to flap its wings slowly. Look carefully, that pair of wings are made entirely of water.

Then, the tail of the beast came out, the body came out, the neck came out, and the claws came out. Amid the double laughter of Tumor and Bingdiya, its head slowly raised. The ice cube covering it fell, exposing its head...

It was a creature that an idiot had never seen before. The aqua-blue eyes began to look around after exposing the ice. Soon, this creature noticed the malignant tumor and Ice Emperor Fang yelling at it. It lowered its head, and stared at this "deformity" with intangible eyes.

"the host!"

Tumor smiled, and Bingdiya smiled. They opened their hands, pointed at the idiot over there, and said in a tone that mixed the two voices: "Master! Please kill them, and then, please give me a stronger body!"

The creature slowly turned its head, it saw the idiot, and its blue eyes seemed to be surprised that the human being in front of it was only a child. But soon, it noticed the sword in the hands of the idiot!

The blood pupils on the sword were also staring at the huge creature. Compared with the huge size of creatures, this sword seemed so small. But the blood pupil did not show any fear. In comparison, that look seems to be...


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