Demon King Dad

: The third year story 056, long and frozen

After waiting for a while, making sure that the monster really didn't intend to do anything to himself and Little Bread, he turned his head and took Little Bread's hand to Quilin over there. It was not until Xiao Bread turned and left that the creature dared to raise his head and opened his eyes carefully.


A loud noise came from the ice wall abruptly, and as the stones flew away and smoke filled, the figure of an old man appeared in the idiot's sight. He looked haggard and his cloak was even more messy.

Principal Campa let out a deep breath, as if he was relieved that the idiot and the bread were safe. But when he saw the huge creature, he didn't feel any surprise. Instead, he immediately jumped down and rushed to Quilin's side in three and two steps.

"It's a serious injury."

Principal Campa immediately took out a medicine bottle from his arms and poured the powder into Quilin's mouth completely. At this time, the idiot and Bread finally struggling to walk over and look at Quilin.

"'s... terrible...ah..."

Quilin's lung lobes were completely penetrated and even scratched his heart. Because of the cold, her wound was frozen in time, so she could survive till now. But now it seems that it is finally reaching its limit.

The idiot looked at Quirin's pale smiling face and lowered his head. After thinking for a moment, he finally put the little bread next to Quilin.

"………………………………………………Thank you."

"Heh...cough cough cough..."

Campa tried his best to deal with Quilin's wound, but it was not as fast as the blood that came out of that cough. The usually carefree woman smiled again, her face pale, as white as paper, without the slightest blood.

"Really... surprised... I thought... you... never... never know... thanks..."

The idiot kept his head down and closed his eyes.

She is out of help...

I am afraid that no one can save such a serious injury. Xiao Bao took the big sister's hand, and even she felt that it was not the scene where she was acting like a baby. Even if it was Campa, seeing that he finally let go of his hand now, and looked up at the huge creature's eyes, does it mean that he is helpless?

Quirine was still coughing, but Campa had stood up and walked towards the creature. Then, he said something to the creature in a language that the idiot had never heard. The creature lowered his head, looked at the little bread that was holding Quilin's hand and began to sob slowly, and nodded gently.

"Quilin, I am going to save you now. However, there are some things I need to explain to you first."


How can this be?

If such injuries can be rescued, wouldn't there be no more dead people in this world?

The idiot finally couldn't support it, and sat down. After seeing the bun on the side, he hurried over to grab his sleeve, clenched his small fist, and refused to let go.

"Let me ask you first, in order to survive, are you willing to pay the price. Even if it is an extremely painful price."

For people who are dying, no matter how big the price is, I'm afraid it can be acceptable. Quirine's consciousness was close to vague, and she nodded if she understood.

"Very good. Then I will tell you first. According to common sense, your injury is too serious and I can't save you at all. If you really want to save, you must be frozen and put you into hibernation. Then pass. The long years have come to treat your body little by little."

"In other words, once you are frozen in ice, I cannot guarantee when you will wake up again. Maybe one or two years later, maybe ten or eight years, maybe you will sleep like this for more than a hundred years. . However, you will wake up again one day, when things are not, you may appear alone in a world that you don’t understand and don’t know at all. You must be mentally prepared for this."

As if to prevent Quilin from going back, Campa took out the guiding stone from his arms and placed it beside Quilin. Without seeing him drawing a road map of guidance, Quilin's body gradually rose. The creature also moved its head close, exhaling a white gas, and an icicle slowly condensed from the bottom of Quilin's forehead and feet, extending upward little by little.

The idiot looked at her, he was thinking...In fact, thinking about it carefully, he had never really trusted this teacher. Every time she speaks nicely to herself, writes to herself, teaches herself to read and read, she treats her as an act of concealing evil intentions...

And now, she was going to be frozen. Being sealed in the severe ice, it may fall into a deep sleep for as long as a hundred years.


The idiot lowered her head, pulled the small bread, and made her raise her hand and wave.

Ice dust slowly piled up, stacking the cold high. Quilin's face was still pale, she watched the idiot who had never bowed her head apologized and now apologized and thanked herself, she couldn't help but squeeze a little smile again—

"Don' this.'s not dead...boy, when I...come out in the future...I...must...twenty handsome guys...round me...turn around! Bailai's...please me...marry them! Even if you...use a have to help it...can...?"

Nodded slightly. When those ice clouds covered Quilin’s legs and extended to his waist, he finally spoke again—

"Is there anything I can help."

"Hehe... nothing... what... tell me... my family... I... go out... date a handsome guy... maybe... a long time... not coming back... but... what a pity... ...Ah...I really want to the future...and my family...that little...married person...who is..."

"Cough...he...just kidding...Don't tell Xingli...I said...this sentence...just as if I... didn't say... right..."

The ice covered her chest. Soon, the teacher will be completely covered up.

Bun raised her head and she looked at Quilin. What kind of thoughts are hidden in these green eyes? However, just when Quilin was about to be frozen, she suddenly took out the little flower that was still exuding residual warmth from her arms, and yelled for the idiot to pick herself up. Put that many florets into Quilin's collarbone, and in a blink of an eye, the florets were sealed in ice.

Quirine was smiling all the time. But this is, her smile was replaced by tears. The girl tilted her head, revealing a beautiful smile that can definitely make men who turn a blind eye to her fall over—

"Thank you……"

Frozen closed. Quirine Rooney closed his eyes and fell into a long sleep in this ice spine.


Out of the cave, the sky is full of stars.

After removing the heat during the day, the wind blowing Shacheng finally deserved a moment of coolness. The whole city has fallen asleep, and even those who were waiting to dig pits to find water do not know where they have gone and disappeared from the lake.

Little Bread was crying, and she finally felt tired when she was young, lying in the arms of the idiot, and fell into a deep sleep. After walking out of the cave, the idiot glanced at the star that was so far away but so close, then started and walked forward.

"Rooney answered the family, I'll explain it for you."

Campa followed the idiot and walked out of the cave. He said these words indifferently, as if he did not feel sorry for Quilin's end. And the idiot had already got used to his cold tone and kept walking.

"In addition, regarding what happened today and the man who mastered the'ice' you mentioned in your last kidnapping incident, write a written report to me before noon tomorrow. I will report these things based on your report. Supplement it as a task and give you appropriate compensation."

The idiot's footsteps still did not stop. The starry sky is dazzling, but the city under the starry sky is shrouded in a thick layer of darkness. Campa's footsteps stopped, and he quietly looked at the child, holding a small bread, walked into the darkness, and disappeared.

When the idiot finally hid in the endless darkness, Principal Campa immediately turned his head and re-entered the deep tunnel. After moving forward in the dark for a full hour, he came to the ice cave again and jumped down.

Unknown word) Soul Doctor Campa. Long time no see."

In the ice cave, the huge creature held its head up, and its aqua-blue eyes stared at the old man quietly. There is no such arrogance as a giant beast facing ordinary humans in its eyes, let alone contempt and contempt. On the contrary, facing this old man who seemed to die at any time, it showed a look as if he was an ordinary person.

Unknown word) Ah, I haven't seen each other since the destruction of the Second Age."

The old man walked to the side of the frozen Quilin, stroked the huge icicle, and slowly said——

Unknown word) The epic monster in charge of all liquids in the world, the mercury dragon-silver."

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