Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 003, the daughter inherits her father's business

"Get out. I won't say it a third time."

"Me, senior sister."

He raised his right hand deviatedly. Although there is no armband on it now, the chain that runs through the wrist still exists.

"You, brother, must, listen, sister, words."

"Tolan, drive people."

The idiot did what he said and turned around immediately, not paying attention to the deviation. Tolan, who was shrinking behind Mi Li's door, heard the order and ran out hurriedly, standing in front of Deviant, spreading his hands and pointing to the door.

"Miss, my host has already said to ask you to leave. So please leave immediately."

Deviance didn't pay attention to Toran at first, but continued to look at the back of the idiot. But when Tolan couldn't call anymore, she went straight up and stretched out her hand to force her, she immediately patted it away, and finally, looked at Tolan.

In the beginning, Tolan didn't meet the divergent eyes. But at this moment, the blue and silver pupils finally met each other.

The two men were all taken aback at first, but after a moment of looking at each other, a little hostility began to appear in their eyes. Because in each other's body, both of them seemed to smell some uncomfortable smell. Although it is impossible to determine what the smell is, it is uncomfortable and makes them both want to see each other.

"Please go out, immediately."

Finally, Tolan's voice was no longer so gentle. The action also began to appear very rough. He stretched out his hand and went straight to pull the deviated hand.

"...You should..."

But when Tolan's hand touched Deviant's arm, Deviant suddenly grabbed his wrist, flipped it, and caught his elbow with his elbow. As long as he applied force, he could break immediately.

"Get out."

At the moment Tolan was stunned, he deviated and issued a eviction order. She pressed Tolan's hand and slammed him out of the door, pushing Tolan out of the door abruptly. Backhand, deviated, walked quickly to the door and locked the door.


Little Bread panicked a little, looking at the deviation, she didn't know what to do. But when he locked the door and was about to walk back again, Tolan immediately jumped in from the open window. But this time, he raised his hands, two red daggers were already in his hands, and the dilated blue pupils began to flash with dark light.

Facing Tolan's sudden provocation, he did not panic when he deviated. Instead, she took out the armbands she had prepared long ago from her arms and put them on immediately. At the same time, he opened his posture and faced Tolan without fear, as if he would sleep in an idiot bed even if he did not hesitate to fight.

The fight is about to start.

Neither person spoke, but moved slowly.

After a while, a little flame began to rise from the deviated fist. And Tolan also clenched both swords tightly, and the breath of death on his body began to slowly drift away.

Afterwards, the two slowly shortened the distance...until the last moment...

Rush out!


But at this moment, two tree vines sprang out of the floor suddenly! The two tree vines respectively entangled the legs of the two, and held them. Then, countless branches and vines fell on the ceiling, and they began to entangle the hands and feet of the two people, pulling them apart abruptly. What is surprising is that the power of these trees and vines is so great, even these two people can't make a drag!

"This...this is...?!"

Tolan struggled hard. But the harder he moved, the tighter the vines would bind him. Then, these vines didn't care about anything at first, they went straight into his clothes, rolled his abdomen, and pressed him firmly against the wall.

The little girl with green hair emerged from the floor. She looked at Tolan, and at the lifelessness exuding him. Obviously, this little girl was angry. She opened her mouth and kept pointing at Tolan. It seems to be blaming him for not messing around on his own territory.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about. But, the woman who provokes the first thing? I just followed the master's order...Woo!"

The little green-haired girl didn't want to listen to excuses and exuded lifelessness on her territory. That was Toran's fault! At the moment, she waved her hand and immediately a vine went directly into Tolan's open cherry mouth. Tolan put such a long thing directly into his mouth, and immediately couldn't speak, but could only moan.

After teaching Tolan, the little green-haired girl turned her head again, looking deviated. After seeing the deviation, her face was not only angry, but also panic. No reason, just to deviate from the white flame that is still burning on the arm armor of the right hand! Seeing this, she quickly ordered the vine to pull the deviation from the wall and hold it in the air. At the same time, with the help of the branch, she went to the deviated right hand and kept blowing the small flame on it with her mouth.

Looking obediently at Tolan, who was stuffed with vines in his mouth, and white liquid was constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he immediately became alert. Her right fist was squeezed, and the white flames immediately began to burn. At this moment, she was completely opposed to the little girl with green hair! Seeing the flames, the little green-haired girl jumped down in a panic, and because of the flames, she never kept her hands.


The white flame burned the vines on his right arm in a blink of an eye, and turned his hand obliquely, trying to burn the branches on his left hand and feet. But she obviously didn't expect the strong dragon not to suppress the ground snake. Suddenly, under the horrified command of the green-haired little girl, more tree vines rose from the ground, and once again held her right arm tightly! At the same time, the surface of these tree vines began to secrete a viscous liquid, which was quickly drenched on Tolan’s arm. When the flame was slightly reduced, some tree vines immediately went up and pulled the deviated arm armor. Drop.

Without the arm armor, this does not mean that deviance has no resistance. She lowered her head and her eyes became extremely serious. However, the little girl's fear seemed to make her react faster. In an instant, countless vines sprang from the ground, from the walls, and from the ceiling. All these vines, all with viscous liquid, threw on the deviated body, and climbed everywhere on her body. After a while, the clothes on Deviated's body were soaked by the liquid, and it was vaguely visible that the exquisite body emerged from under the clothes.

The idiot sighed, turned around, walked out the door, and moved a chair to read. He knew that with the efforts of that little girl, it was absolutely impossible for this girl who was good at using fire to live here. Therefore, he was relieved.

Inside the tree house, her deviant body was soaked, and her face was covered with milky white liquid. But this is not enough, because she is still struggling. As the head of Yinliu, she is doomed to give up so easily!

"Huh! I don't believe it, I can't stop it!"

Under that layer of liquid, the white flames began to forcibly ignite again. And this time, it slowly turned blue! Seeing that things were gradually getting out of control, Xiao Bread finally couldn't stand it anymore. Although she didn't mind the deviation, she understood Xiao Shuniang's desire to put out all the flames. Moreover, she and Xiao Shuniang's relationship is deeper than that. Seeing this, she slapped her hands quickly, and countless drops of water immediately appeared beside her. Under her command, she quickly threw herself away from the flame-ignited hands and quickly extinguished the blue flame.

However, this definitely does not mean that the matter is resolved! And it seems that Xiao Shuniang is almost unable to suppress her! If you want to... think of a way to solve this quickly!

In the rapid brainstorming, Bun suddenly had an idea and thought of an idea! She immediately scribbled a few strokes on the tablet and handed them to the little green-haired girl. While the girl was still surprised, she had already gone through the boxes and cabinets looking for tools. Xiao Shuniang saw that her vine was about to be broken, and the flame was about to reignite. No way, she gritted her teeth and immediately sprang up a few vines, and these vines...

"Huh? Huh!"

One of them hits the detached jaw directly. While she opened her mouth, the vine also entered the girl's mouth. The milky white sap dripped from the corners of the deviated mouth, and the touch almost deep into the throat made the deviated expression show a little pain. Afterwards, the remaining vines slid directly into the deviant clothes. These flexible vines quickly pulled down her pants, panties, and lifted up her top, showing her curvaceous body that had been coated with white liquid. After doing this...


Bun quickly pulled out a camera from the box, aimed at the deviation, snapped, quickly, and pressed the shutter...

Outside the room, the idiot was basking in the sun. And Dim Mie also closed his eyes, indicating that he and his host were very calm at the moment.




Ten minutes later.

The vine gradually pulled out of his deviant mouth. At this moment, the girl lowered her head uncomfortably and coughed. And a lot of milky white juice came out of her mouth. The vines slowly loosened, and fell to the ground again. She clutched her belly and throat, coughing, and looked up at the camera in Bun's hand with some confusion.

Little Bread smiled, opened the door quickly, stood in front of the door, and shook the camera before escaping immediately. The juice on the body of Deviance is still sticky and moist, even if the clothes are pulled off, the body can be seen clearly, so it is impossible to chase it out. Seeing this, the little green-haired girl let go of the vine and patted Tolan on the face with her hand. Toran had been closing his eyes since just now, and he slowly opened them after the little girl patted him in the face. But after discovering the deviance, he quickly turned around and dared not look again.

The idiot was lying on the chair, and after seeing Bun rushing out with a camera, he thought about it. This little girl originally wanted to run off, but after a pause, she smiled and immediately put the camera into the idiot's arms, and stood up with the idiot's hand. The idiot groaned slightly, and immediately opened the door and walked in. He had already guessed what happened after seeing the disheveled appearance of Deviance.

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