Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 004, the most unreasonable neighbor arrangement

"Now, can you leave."

The idiot raised the camera in his hand. He believes that as long as it is a normal woman, after these photos fall into the hands of others, they will have to accept coercion and do something they simply do not want to do.

Deviated and covered his body, panting. In the soaking of the liquid, her legs slowly turned into a slender fish tail without fish scales, like a dolphin. The tail flapped slowly in the juice, which seemed to represent the helplessness of its owner.

"I do not go……"

Deviation raised her head, because she is not good at speaking human language, so she can only use the most basic and tragic words she can imagine to express her determination——

"Even if, you, Qiangjin, me. I, no, go!"

The deviant ears that were originally drooping stood up high, the girl clutched her **** as hard as she could, and said loudly—

"I...Master! I must...see...Master!"

The idiot held the camera hand and slowly put it down...

With his trouser pockets in his hands, he looked at the girl indifferently. Her face was originally very weak, which was completely inversely proportional to her strength. Now that Lu looks stubborn again, it feels even more wronged and weaker.

Seeing such a deviance, Little Bread gradually became unbearable. Anyway, she just wants to meet the people she wants to meet, isn't she? She...not malicious...

Bread patted the green-haired little **** the shoulder, but the green-haired little girl hesitated for a moment, and then reached out a finger at the deviation. Little bread knows it, and immediately writes "In our house in the future, don't use fire, okay?" Otherwise, she will run away again. "Because she is most afraid of fire" and handed it to Deviant. After Deviance was confused, but still nodded, Xiao Bread smiled at the little green-haired girl. The little girl pouted and raised her hand unwillingly.

The wet vines retracted back to the floor, and some of the dry vines returned to the depths. These hollow vines slowly pulled her deviated body into the air. Then, the vines began to wander around her, absorbing the sap. After a while, the deviated fishtail finally returned to his legs again. The moisture in her clothes and trousers was also absorbed by the vines, and she would no longer be seen after wearing them.

After the vines were released, he turned away from Tolan with his eyes closed and the idiot with piercing eyes, and put on his clothes. Seeing that she was dressed, the idiot again issued an order to evict her. Unfortunately, Deviation has made it clear that "you can spread these photos, and you can do anything to me that makes me humiliating, but you just can't drive me away." So you want to drive her away , It really makes the idiot a headache.


But at this moment, Little Bread cried again. She pulled a page with other tree spirits over there, and now some green-haired little girls yawned and gestured at her twice. Seeing the meaning of the bread, the little girl frowned visibly, with a look of "I want to do this again?" But in the end, the little green-haired girl still couldn't squint the expectant look of Little Bread, yawned, and went into the floor.

The trunk gave a slight vibration. After a while, Bun rushed to the window to take a look, and then came over with a smile, grabbed Deviant, and led her out of the room. Idiot, Mi Li and Tolan were also a little curious, and followed them out. then……

The sky walkway that originally connected the tree house has become two upper and lower walkways. The lower one continues to connect Tolan's house, and the other extending upwards at the end of the walkway is another exquisite tree house, which forms an upper and lower structure with Tolan's tree house, like a two-story building. Then, the balconies of the two small buildings respectively extend upward and downward, and are connected in the middle of the two rooms, forming a small shared platform. But maybe it was because there was an extra room for nothing. Tolan's original room has become nearly half smaller. Both small tree houses can only be described as "exquisite" rather than "spacious".

"Sister Deviant, you live with Sister Tolan on the upper and lower floors!" You have to make a good relationship~~~"

Tolan was taken aback and saw that his originally comfortable room had become so small now. Of course, this is not the point, but the point is...

This woman who emits an uncomfortable smell... lives on her own? And... share a platform with yourself?

Tolan looked deviated. And Deviation also looked at Tolan at the moment. From her unkind eyes, it was obvious that she was also quite dissatisfied. Probably because it was finally possible to stay here, it didn't happen.

The idiot looked at the current situation and could only sigh. At the same time, it is a bit helpless for the self-assertion of the small bread. Forget it, open one eye and close another. As long as the deviation can not bother yourself all day, that doesn't matter much.

Finally, the trouble on the first day of the new year is over. Finally, welcome the beginning of the new year with this peaceful state...

…………………… Peaceful?

From the moment the angel and the devil live separately on the upper and lower levels, it seems that the days of idiots are completely farewell to the word "peace"...


early morning.

Get up out of habit and look at this small and delicate room. Although small, living alone is indeed enough. All kinds of furniture have also been moved in these days. Although there is no kitchen, she has half of the elf blood. Just pick two leaves when you are hungry to fill your stomach.

Today, she got up as usual, holding a cup, toothbrush and towel, and headed to the balcony. But after pushing open the door on the balcony and looking at the small * platform obliquely below...

The entire platform is full of clothes, bedding, and potted plants of many flowers and plants, and there is no gap.


After obtaining permission to live in the Dulan Tree, Tolan finally relaxed completely. Thinking of the idiot's tolerance towards himself and the friendship of the small bread, he felt for the first time that even if he died, it seemed that there would be no change.

Because the death knight has a lot of time, although Tolan lives in his own room, he doesn't need to sleep.

Taking advantage of the silence at night, he dragged off his dirty coat and his blanket in the straw shed, and washed it. Then he took out the potted plants that he had raised before, but he had never dared to touch them, and fertilized them to remove weeds. When the sun didn't rise, he couldn't wait to put the potted plants on the platform, and then air his clothes and quilts.

Because he had no clothes, he borrowed Mi Li's dress again to wear it. As the sun gradually rises, his figure drying the clothes on the platform is slowly elongated, and his long blue hair also emits a dazzling luster in the sun.

"Hee hee, how are you guys~~~"

The bird began to chir. Tolan placed the potted plants to bathe them in the sun. When doing things, he hummed softly, and the beautiful singing attracted the birds and began to fall on the platform.

"Ah! You can't eat these flowers. Wait a minute, I'll get you some food."

Tolan smiled, pulled up the skirt with his hands, walked tiptoe among the flowerpots and drying racks all over, and after leaving the platform, he quickly walked back to his room and took the corn kernels.


Looking at the barely footed platform in front of him, he held the cup and toothbrush obliquely and remained silent. Although brushing her teeth doesn't need to specifically pick a place, she couldn't help but start to feel angry about the fact that her neighbor was so disregarded of herself and forcibly occupied all the public platforms.

It's strange that I was not originally an easy person to get angry. And the martial arts of the heart is also known as the "unintentional" that almost does not exist. But why is it so displeasing to the man named Tolan? There is even an urge to kill him from time to time?

Standing deviatedly on the edge of the platform, after a while, the owner of these clothes and flower pots finally came out. The two met each other, and it was a refreshing morning that was ruined abruptly by a bad mood.

"You, place, occupied."

He held the cup in one hand, and had already squeezed his fist in the other hand, his cold pupils looked directly at Tolan diagonally below.

Tolan looked at the toiletries in Deviant's hand, and then at his platform. Although he is a very humble person, he will always agree to what others ask, and he will not deliberately oppose others. But thinking about the last time she was against herself, and when this woman almost suppressed herself in the City of the Dead, coupled with the dissatisfaction that overflowed from the bottom of her heart...Finally, Tolan's mouth was hardened. stand up.

"You just brush your teeth, where can't you brush?"

"No, brush your teeth, problem. Yes, public, you, occupy, problem."

"Huh? If I remember should be a fish?" Tolan bit his scalp and continued, "Since it is a fish, look, there is a well. Isn't it your place in there? You? Just live there."


" curse!"

"Men, in skirts. Face, very tender. Character, weakness. Fake mother. A waste of resources. Bucks shame. Perverted."


Tolan suddenly sprinkled the corn kernels in his hands onto the ground outside, and his light blue pupils were immediately full of anger!

It's not what he wants to look like a woman! The cowardly character is not what he wanted to do on purpose! But now, this silver-haired woman always comes to expose her scars! She was already a dead person, and she came to insult herself!

Seeing Torrance go to the corn in his hand, Deviation also immediately put down the cup in his hand and assumed a confrontation posture. But just when the two parties are on fire again...


A kitten jumped from the canopy of the Dulan tree and landed at Tolan's feet, rubbing closely against Tolan's shoeless, white toes.

"Ah, Mi!"

This kitten is a stray cat, somehow flowing into the divine grace. Tolan didn't count as picking it up, just fed it a few times and it became very close. Maybe it happened to be nearby today, so I ran over to eat.

Seeing the kitten, the anger on Tolan's face immediately vanished. Sure enough, she still prefers to care for small animals instead of angering people. At the moment, he picked up the kitten, teased it with his fingers, and turned around at the same time, ready to go back to his room to prepare its breakfast.


When turning around, Tolan suddenly found that when the kitten appeared, the deviant eyes over there suddenly changed!

She... no longer so calm, no longer so indifferent. Thoughts...There are still some scared eyes, mixed in those eyes?

……………………She is a fish.

Thinking of this, a retaliatory smirk suddenly appeared on Tolan's face. He immediately hugged the kitten and approached the platform. Sure enough, when he saw him approaching, he immediately took two steps back, his face as earthy.

"Betrayed, shall we be good friends? Come on, how about we feed Xiao Mi together?"

After that, Tolan put the kitten on the platform, and at the same time pointed to the deviance over there, and said, "Go, Xiao Mi, go find the little sister to have something to eat."

The kittens shuttled between the flowerpots, and within a moment, they came to the aisle on the deviated side. It looked deviated, and at the same time raised its head, it seemed to smell. Then, it quickly moved towards deviation, and Mimi yelled.

Finally, the deviated face completely collapsed. Those two pointed ears were also frightened. Seeing the kitten approaching, she finally couldn't bear it, went up and kicked the kitten off the walkway.

"Ah! Mi!"

Tolan became nervous and quickly lowered his head. Fortunately, the kitten turned around in the air, landed steadily on a spitting tree branch, called twice, and left. After seeing Xiao Mi's safety, Tolan exhaled greatly, then he raised his head bitterly, looking at the deviation.

"Why did you kick it?! Just kick it away? Why kick it! Dead fish!"

Deviation was also frightened, and now she heard Tolan scolding, she did not show weakness, immediately raised her fist and replied——

"Pseudo mother! Pseudo mother! Pseudo mother!"

The scolding battle between the two finally escalated again, and Tolan quickly went back to his tree house and took out the saber, pulling it out, and Deviance also took out his arm armor and put it on. As soon as they got up and down, they confronted each other on both sides of the platform, seemingly possible to fire at any time.

"In the morning, what's the noise?"

Finally, the idiot who had prepared breakfast with Mi Li at home couldn't listen anymore. He took the spatula, tied his apron, and strode out. After seeing the quarrel between the two, he immediately stopped drinking. After all, this is the Dulan tree, his place. If these two guys started fighting, maybe the whole grove would be destroyed by them.

Seeing the idiot, Tolan's face immediately showed aggrieved expression. He glanced at the cat's escape direction again, and said, "Master! She... this dead fish... She kicks Xiao Mi! What if Xiao Mi is injured? Her strength is so rough... Months old, very fragile!"

Not to be outdone, he pointed to the occupied platform and said coldly: "Puppet mother. Grab a place. Unreasonable."

The idiot took the spatula and looked at the two neighbors with cold eyes. These days, the two men are about to fight almost as soon as they meet. How many peacekeepers did he do to maintain peace in the grove? Sure enough, it was a mistake that Little Bread decided to let Deviant stay here.

"Now, I declare it again."

The idiot raised the spatula and pointed it at Tolan—

"Toran, are you observing all my orders?"

Tolan was taken aback and took a step back. After that, he nodded and said: " long as you ask me to do...I will do it for matter what..."

"Then, I order you not to quarrel with deviance or fight. In order to maintain peace between the two, you must be courteous and respectful of each other. Do you have any comments."

"I...I!" Tolan opened his mouth, but his grievance made him unable to speak. Finally, he finally nodded, bit his lower lip, and said, "Yes...Master...I won't... quarrel with Miss Deviate again..."

Hearing Toran's words like this, does it mean that he won by deviating? Do not. An idiot will not do such a stupid thing to increase the strength of one party while the other party does not limit it.

"Betrayed, so are you." The idiot's spatula pointed to her, "You too, you are not allowed to quarrel with Tolan, and you are not allowed to fight. Also, in order to maintain the peace between the two, make respect and courtesy of each other. If you have any violation..."

The idiot reached into his arms and took out a stack of photos. The content...

"You violated it once, and I'll distribute one. If you feel that you don't have any problems with your **** photos being distributed to the entire wind, you can continue to fight Tolan."

In terms of strength, Tolan and Deviation may not be the same. And if it is true that life is fighting and the potential is full, the current deviation may be better than the idiot. However, the idiot has always insisted that the person who can hold the initiative the most in this world is definitely not the strongest person, but the person who holds the most handles. Sure enough, looking at the photos deviatedly, he finally lowered his head silently. After a while, she also nodded very unwillingly, and agreed.

This is a disagreement between face and heart. Idiots are very clear. But as long as the two of them don't come up with anything, no matter how they frame each other and fight each other secretly, they will just go. All he needs is peace. Just a peaceful life.

Yes... a peaceful life...


A peaceful away...

The idiot lowered his head and saw a **** beauty about twenty years old, standing under the duran tree, panting. Her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried. And the team leader she called... Could it be...?

Turning his head, what the idiot saw was the scene where he jumped off the platform and quickly held on to that beauty...

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