Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 005, break it! Worldview!

When the woman saw the deviation, she knelt down with excitement. With tears on her charming face, she seemed to have suffered some great grievance.

Obediently pulled the woman, looked at the excited expression on her face, looked a little strange, and asked: "Accountant, you, retired? Now, what's wrong?"

The woman sobbed and sobbed. For a while, she seemed to be speechless because she was too excited. After a long time, she slowly said under the comfort of deviance——


"Speak slowly. What's wrong with you. I remember that you were married to a man after you retired. So, what happened now that made you cry like you are now."

The female spirit finally stabilized slowly under constant comfort. She still knelt on the ground, taking out her handkerchief and wiping her tears continuously. After a long time, she told the whole story: "The regiment commander... Since... Since retiring... I have a new name called Millennium... This name is to match my husband... His name is Shi Ye, then I am called a thousand years... It means I love him for a thousand years... and then... we..."

Listening deviated, but the more you listen, the more you feel wrong. Because she was the accountant who was in charge of the entire knights' finances, but she was extremely cold-hearted girl, she could be said to be absolutely selfless, and very good at calculating. But now, she spent most of her time describing how she loved her husband after marriage. She frowned when she listened to the happy past that she thought to be happy. Even the idiot on the platform shook his head, not wanting to listen any more, and returned to the tree house.

However, Tolan sat on the platform with great interest, while feeding the birds while shaking his legs to listen. Xiao Bao and Mi Li seemed to be interested in this kind of male and female affairs, and they all slipped out, lying on the tree house platform and listening.

"Nonsense, point."

Finally, I can't listen to the deviation. When the wife who took the new name "Millennium" was complacent about a love story between the two on the third day after marriage, she interrupted her directly.

"Yes, I understand……"

After a thousand years of silence, she finally returned to the fact that she never wanted to touch. But in order to get the help of the regiment leader, she gritted her teeth and told the matter.

"He... betrayed me..."

"Well, it's a bulldozer."



"In the past two years, he became a publicist in a male public relations bar, and began to sleep with men to make money..."

At that moment, the time of deviance stopped.

Tolan, who was sitting on the platform, also had a stiff smile, and the expressions of Little Bread and Mi Li's original interest were all solidified like a coagulant.

The entire forest began to be surrounded by a strange atmosphere, and even the carefree birds seemed to feel something at this moment and stopped calling.

The idiot in the tree house sensed the sudden silence outside, he turned off the fire and walked out again. After seeing the dullness of Xiao Bread and Mi Li, he knelt down and asked: "What's wrong."

Bun shook his head and pointed down. On the other hand, Mi Li was smacking her lips, not knowing how to answer.

"It turns out... so. He was bulldozer by someone else."

Seeing that Li Qi finally understood what she meant, the woman couldn't help it anymore and cried again. She hugged the head of the group, and the strong women of the past finally did not know what to do.

"Head...Head! What should I do? If...If the other party is a woman...I am confident that I can accept challenges in any way! Uuuuuu...I am absolutely confident in my charm ...I also know how to hold a man's heart! Almost a little bit, I can kill the woman and pretend to be missing, or deceive his feelings and money to escape from the surface. But...but... …"

"I don't know how to **** him from a man! Do you know? He has been taken care of now! In order to sleep with the other person, he would rather give up and come with me! I don't know, those men have What's good? Why does he prefer to have a man and not his own wife! Uuuuuu..."

Thousands of years of crying is really sad. With such a sad cry, even Tolan, who was absolutely hostile to Deviance, can't help but feel softened. He is not a person who likes to fight against others, and he hates to be deviant, but it doesn't mean that he hates deviated friends. Once upon a time, someone had come to beg for his appearance because of his appearance. If it weren't for his strength and cleverness, he might have been seen many times.

After finishing the expression, the mood of the thousand years gradually changed from sadness to anger. She gritted her teeth and said fiercely: " say, is this world very unfair?"


"You see, there are already very few good men in this world. Even with such good men, it is very difficult for us women to prevent them from having an affair, and to always keep them loving themselves. But now, there are others. Men come to grab men from us? This world is too cruel for us women, right?!"

In this regard, deviation does not make judgments. Now that she is emotional, let her calm down.

"So, what do you think."

"I think...I think..."

After thousands of years of thinking, it was a pity that she really couldn't think of a good way. In the end, he could only hug and cried out: "I want my husband to go home! I don't want him to continue sleeping with a man! I...I...I don't want to see him sleep by other men again! me! I'm the one you grew up watching!"

Indeed, the accountant had grown up looking deviated from childhood, and she couldn't bear to see her crying now. However, deviations in this area are definitely not experts. After thinking for a while, she said, "Have you ever found a'social flower'? She is the best at dealing with men. I know, men, psychology. She can help you."

"I do not want!"

Thousands of years turned her head and said: "Social flower is really good at dealing with men, and she has a good way of spending men. But if you tell her, the way she thinks of it must be to seduce my husband? My husband is not very strong willpower. A man, an ordinary woman, he may be able to endure it, but if the'socialist' seduce him, he will definitely not be able to hold it!"

"So... members, all, call. A meeting."

"I... I don't want to... After all, this is my husband’s private affair... When I was in the Knights, my image in front of everyone was an iron lady. I don’t want my sisters and sisters to know that there was such a shame in my family. About seeing people..."

Deviation frowned, this is not okay, that is not okay, the problem can be troublesome. God knows what to do with this matter? If it is said that her husband is playing with women outside, then be cruel and can directly cut off his criminal tools. But the problem now is that her husband is being played by other men outside, can't he use cement to plug up his butt?

Sure enough... the derailment of men and women is easy to solve, but the derailment of men and men cannot be easily solved...

Little Bread lying on the platform looked at the crying scene below, a little soft. She stretched her hand to the idiot next to her, ahhhhhhh. The idiot knew that this girl was sympathetic again, and wanted to let herself help each other.

To tell the truth, idiots are indeed the experts in such matters. Sennagri hides dirt and dirt, what is there? What kind of things has he not experienced? Idiots like this kind of male public relations hotel when I was a child had to go almost every night. Because the "pairs" that came out of it are sometimes more generous than normal male and female couples. And Sennagri also has a hotel that specializes in this kind of business. Every night, women's groans are not heard in each room. In the entire hotel, only the groans of men echoed each other, one after another.

However, knowing how to deal with it does not mean that idiots have to participate. His condition is very simple, as long as the two of Deviant and Tolan can get along well, it's over. As for the problem of deviating individual members, he does not participate and does not care.

Little Bread pulled the idiot, but the idiot didn't care about anything. Finally, Little Bread knew what the idiot was thinking, and the little girl puffed up her mouth, hummed and turned her head away, and continued to watch the situation below.

While frowning deviatedly and thinking about how to deal with this matter, Tolan clutched his skirt and jumped off the platform gently and skillfully.

"let me help you."

Deviated for a moment, turned his head. I saw Tolan approaching with a smile, his hands behind his back.

After a thousand years of seeing Tolan, the original crying expression disappeared immediately. She regained the appearance of a strong woman and stood up. At the same time, she looked at the man with blue waist-touching hair, wearing a skirt, and a beautiful face, and said in confusion: "Miss, may I ask if you are..."

Tolan frowned and said, "I am not a lady, I am a man."


Millennium looked at Tolan, looking up and down at him. Except for a flat chest, she really couldn't see how Tolan looked like a man! He can't even see the Adam's apple! No... if he is really a man... a man...

"It turned out to be like this... it turned out to be like this!"

Thousand-years of hands turned blood red, raised his head, eyes full of killing intent!

"It's because there is a man like you who is prettier than a girl in this world, that's why he came to seduce her husband, isn't it!!!"

Tolan was taken aback and took a step back hastily.

"I...I want to cut off your criminal tools! Then cut off my husband's! This way... so you can't have an affair! Absolutely——————!!!"

Thousand years of excitement, deviance quickly grabbed her. Seeing that the battle was about to start again, Mi Li and Xiao Bao also quickly got down from the tree and stood in between the two. In response, the idiot frowned and shook his head. Why is it so uneven in his grove? Are there people screaming and killing all day long?

After all, the mood of the millennium was calmed down. No way, she has been frustrated by her husband for two years, and needs someone to vent her anger.

Seeing that the millennium had returned to normal, Tolan coughed, and stepped forward and said, "Then, please believe me, I will help you and get your husband back to you. However, I have one condition."

Tolan turned his head, looked at the deviation, and said: "I want your team leader to agree to me and move out of this grove as soon as the matter is done. As long as your team leader agrees, I will help immediately and never regret it. "

Thousands of years were taken aback and looked deviated. To deviate is to look at his former subordinates, then look at the top of the platform, looking down at the idiot here...

For her, Master is always the first. She needs strength, so she must follow this man closely throughout the year. She didn't know when the teacher would come. If she missed it, she would see the teacher again next time, maybe she wouldn't know it would be decades later.

But on the other hand... the accountant is under her. She personally picked it up from the sewage in the sewer, who was thrown there just now. Then, she took care of the child, watched her grow up day by day, and then taught her boxing skills to make her a fighting force in the hidden stream. Then, with a smile, she will retire and find her own happiness.

Is your own strength important... or the happiness of your subordinates?

Do you want to continue living here stubbornly, and then flatly refuse? Or is it for the accountant to help her well and **** her happy marriage?

Deviation was silent... After a long period of silence, she finally came up with an answer...

"I promise."

Tolan smiled.

He nodded slightly, happy for the success of his prediction. That is, at the moment Tolan said these words, another person who had always been standing on the platform suddenly jumped off and landed beside everyone.

"I will help you too."

The idiot wore his trouser pocket, his eyes cold. Hearing his promise, Bun immediately pounced on him, hugged him, and smiled happily.

"Remember your promise. Once it's done, leave immediately."

He stared at the cold pupils, gritted his teeth and nodded...


The night is not the end of life.

For many people, night is precisely the beginning of a day's life.

The Bucks Empire, which has just encountered a war, needs intense reconstruction work, but such heavy work is bound to produce a lot of pressure. Correspondingly, many places used to vent pressure also come with a booming business. In many red light districts, the feasting and green lights have become a scenery that will never go out in the wind and sand in the night.

People in disguise are walking on this street.

Now, these people are all dressed in men's clothing, walking side by side. Departure, Thousand Years, Mi Pear, and Tolan are really not like men, so they have more or less beards on their mouths. Due to his young age, it is not troublesome to pretend to be a man. It's just that this little girl is going to put on sunglasses, and after putting a frame on the bridge of her nose, the little girl puts on the belt with both hands, and walks vigorously and vigorously.

Idiots are much simpler, just change into a set of clean clothes and go out without makeup.

The red light district, just like the wind blowing sand, has corresponding plans in each area.

Fengchuansha is divided into civilian areas, noble areas and royal areas. In the red light area, there is also a gambling street, brothel street, underground boxing street, etc. Each street will voluntarily develop in accordance with the attributes of that street without interfering with each other. And the male public relations street is the destination of this idiot and others.

Idiots have lived in the wind and sand for nearly ten years. In ten years, where has he not been to the wind and sand? The large ones go to the palace, the small ones go to the sewers, all kinds of dirt and dirt, and the places where the three teaches and the nine are all left behind. And this kind of red light district is where he often comes, because in this kind of place, there are often many business opportunities, and there are often many fools waiting to be slaughtered. And this street of male public relations, he has come a lot, can be regarded as very familiar.


Mi Li, now she is holding the idiot's arm tightly, her blushing heartbeat. Because after stepping into this street, she found that her worldview seemed to be under the harshest damage. In those streets, the people who flirt with each other are no longer the normal men and women on other streets, but are all paired... men?

"Tonight, do you want to go back with your lovely wife, or come with me?"

Over there, a handsome man held his trouser pocket with one hand and pressed the wall with the other. In front of him, is another handsome man.

"No way, my wife said that if I don't go back to see her again, I will kill me."

The man pressed on the wall said with winks.

"It's a pity... I'm not reconciled when I think of your white body being taken over by that woman."

The stronger man stretched his hand out of his trouser pocket, and pulled the weaker man's chin, gently scratching his little finger on the other's chin.

"Don't worry, I will soon find a way to divorce the tiger woman. At that time, I will belong to you completely."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it, sweetheart."

After speaking, the strong man lifted the weak man's chin, bowed his head, and kissed it...

Such scenes are almost everywhere on the whole street. Mi Li's face was red and almost smoking. She lowered her head, not daring to look any more, clutching the idiot's arm tightly. But what she didn't expect was that after a few steps, Li Qi also took the other arm of the idiot, closed her eyes, and lowered her head. And the one who pulled the deviated arm was her subordinate, who similarly bowed his head and closed his eyes, not daring to look again.


Compared with women who have mature worldviews, the child of XiaoBan hasn't had that mature worldview yet. Not only did she not close her eyes, but she looked around with curiosity, and looked around here and there, looking very interested in the strange "scenery" here. Tolan looked at this little girl and felt it was not very good, so he quickly bent down and covered her eyes, and smiled: "Little Master, these things are not beautiful, don't look at them."


But obviously, the bun has been aroused and started struggling hard. Tolan is not good at always blindfolding her. After a moment of trouble, she can only follow her, let her starry eyes and be curious. And looked around excitedly.


(I'm really sorry, there are too many relatives who left today, and I have to go to the company to be on duty at night, the code is less than 10,000.)

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