Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 006, Top Secret Project

Within a moment, the destination this time was reached.

The feasting, ambiguous red light everywhere. In this radiant ZTE, the biggest male public relations hotel on this street-Rose Night, is the center point of this glow.

"Welcome to you, I am your exclusive butler, please follow me."

A handsome man with long hair wore a black butler's suit, and led a man with a white face into the rose night. It can be seen that the VIP here not only has multiple privileges, but also enjoys many exclusive services.

Idiots and others stood in front of this large hotel, looking at the men leaning against each other and drinking each other. I'm afraid that except for the calm idiot, Toran who has seen too much, and the very interested little bread, the other three girls are all red-faced, bowed their heads, and dare not look anymore.

"Are we...really going in?"

If it was a brothel, Mi Li felt that although she would be very nervous, she might not hurt her worldview, and maybe... she could bear it. But along the way, she felt that her worldview seemed to be about to collapse. If she really wants to walk in, she is worried that she will not be able to bear it and faint.

Looking at the other two again, her deviant pupils have been dilated, and she has entered the realm of Wuxin and escaped with martial arts. But the millennium had to bite the bullet, not knowing what to do.

"the host……"

Tolan looked at the bar and screamed softly. The idiot nodded and lifted his chin. Tolan lowered his head, leaned close to the idiot to check whether the bow tie was crooked, and then the idiot suddenly took Tolan's waist and pulled him into his arms.


Although he knew it was the content of the reservation, Tolan couldn't help being surprised. At this moment, he felt the scorching body temperature from his body on the shoulder of the idiot. If he still has a heartbeat, will this heartbeat speed up?

"Remember our procedure. This time, the main task is to detect the truth."

After the idiot reminded him, he walked towards the gate first. The other girls immediately followed, and slowly followed.

"Hello, sir. Excuse me, is it Mr. Browning and others."

A gentleman with a moustache walked over politely.

The idiot nodded, and the gentleman smiled slightly, and said, "Your reservation has been received. Your box is in No. A8. Otherwise, I am your butler, Sebastian Pusk. Do you have any You can call me if you need it. I hope you will have a good time playing in Rose Night."

The self-proclaimed butler bowed humble and led the way. The idiot also hugged Tolan with one hand, and with the other hand he hugged the unsettled mi pear in his arms, just like a real small opening, and strode in.

The decoration inside the hotel is very exquisite, and the high-hanging crystal chandeliers exude a bright light. But in addition to some bright lights, there are also some bunker-style sofas. In there, in addition to the bursts of love words, occasional groans would be heard.

The aisle goes straight to the end, there are rows of boxes. As for the purpose of these boxes, I believe you don't need to elaborate on them. The idiot held his head high and walked in without any discomfort. After the others followed in with their heads down, the butler who claimed to be Sebastian handed over a roster and said with a smile: "Mr. Browning, do you need someone to accompany you to chat?"

The idiot took the roster, flipped it around, and put the roster aside.

"I want ten nights, please call him."

"OK, just a second."

After all, Sebastian left.

In the empty box, only idiots and others were waiting. This kind of waiting time is difficult, especially in the millennium. She thought of seeing her husband later, but now she was obviously disturbed. She looked around, not knowing what to do.


At this time, obediently leave.

"Money, there."

She pointed to the box and looked at the drinks on the table.

Since there were no outsiders watching, the idiot let go of his arms around Tolan and Mi Liyao, and then picked up the small bread, faintly replied: "You, don't want to know how the money comes."

"Yes, you just need to think about how to make your husband change his mind later."

Tolan was in the chair and smiled.

"But Ma... what do we have to do to make her husband change his mind?"

"It's easy."

The idiot stopped Little Bread from touching the fruit on the table and said--

"The main reason for his involvement in this business is money. Then, as long as we give him another opportunity to make more money, he can change his mind."

Deviated nodded, because the language is not smooth, she will not agree with the idiot.

"This is a good idea. But...what kind of job do you want my husband to switch to? Rich and dignified..."

The idiot did not answer, he stopped talking, closed his eyes, and waited...

Perhaps, this time is not too fast.

After leaving the housekeeper, only two or three minutes passed.

But for most people in the box, these two or three minutes are just like years. Seeing the movement of the second hand on the watch one by one, the mood is really more nervous than before being on the torture frame.

However, no matter how long the wait is, there will always be an end. As the box door opened again, all the organs and plans, as if they had been activated, began to act...


"Hello everyone, I am Shiye."

A handsome man with a naked upper body and only a golden silk scarf around his neck walked in from the door. As soon as he entered the door, he could smell a strong perfume scent from him. For a thousand years, this may be the first time I saw my husband’s naked body after a long absence of half a year, and I couldn’t help but feel a little silly.

Shi Ye took a glance in the room, and immediately saw Qian Qian's hot eyes looking at her. With this look, he also knew where he should sit, so he simply sat beside the thousand-year-old and stretched his arm around her waist.

"This gentleman is really shy. Is it the first time to come to a store like ours?"

Shiye smiled very charmingly. The refreshing smile and his handsome face easily made his wife fall in love with him again.

The idiot held his hands and looked at him coldly. When Shiye started to blast his wife gradually blushing, and then a little confused, he suddenly spoke and said--

"I heard that you are very popular."

Shiye was stunned for a moment, then put on a smile and said, "Sir, you have passed the award. These are all awards from the guests."

"So, if I say that I completely covered you, how much do you think you are worth?"


Shiye picked up the silk scarf on his shoulders, wiped his mouth a little, and smiled: "What do you mean..."

"I am doing an exhibition."

The idiot winked, and Tolan next to him immediately took out a business card from his arms and handed it over.

"Um...Women's Federation...President?"

The idiot nodded solemnly and said, "Nothing is wrong. My job is to solve the problems between women and children, and solve the root of various social conflicts-the problem of men and women in the early stages of budding. Unfortunately, ten Mr. Ye, you seem to have a terrible family problem to deal with, so here we are."

Shi Ye's face suddenly pulled down, he seemed to have noticed something, and immediately shrank up and stood up.

"You... were sent by my wife?"

The idiot's action freezes, and everyone else is sweating, worrying about the idiot's words and deeds. Could it be that they are going to be swept out now?


The idiot raised his head with doubts in his eyes: "Unfortunately, Mr. Shiye. If you say that you have already gotten a family, then I'll assume that I didn't say anything just now. The bonus of 100,000 Sura will say goodbye to you. It doesn't matter. , After all, you are going to sleep with your wife, not the other one."

After all, the idiot is about to get up and pretend to be leaving. Shiye didn't care much at first, but after hearing the word "Hundred Thousand Sura", his eyes immediately beamed! He quickly grabbed the idiot and said, "Sir, what the **** is it?"

"Why are you interested?"

"Um... this... maybe I can listen."

"Very good. If you really make up your mind to do it, I hope you can divorce your wife immediately. Then, 90% of the 100,000 Sura will be in your pocket."

What do you mean? !

Millennium was drinking water, but after hearing such a sentence, the cup in her hand was immediately crushed! At the same time, she stared at the idiot fiercely, and immediately shouted: "What do you mean?! Call us...oooooooooooo!"

Tolan quickly covered her mouth. Deviation also immediately patted this subordinate to calm her down.

Shi Ye looked at Thousand Years, and said in confusion: "What happened to him?"

"It's okay, I miss men." The idiot said calmly.

"Oh, so...Will I call some brothers to serve this gentleman?"

"Let’s talk about it next time, let’s talk about you first, Mr. Shiye."


"Mr. Ten Nights, what we say next I hope you can keep it confidential. After all, this is not an ordinary thing, but it is related to the reputation and fame of many people. If your mouth is lax, once the matter is leaked, I am afraid that neither of us will have a good life."

Shiye froze for a while, then he thought for a moment. Thinking about it carefully, I have not concealed my wife for nearly two years, so it seems that my mouth is quite strict. In addition, I am not a person who likes to gossip, so I nodded and agreed.

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