Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 010, money is not so easy to make

"It's... it's me. You... who are you?"

The girl named Madonna looked a little panicked. She was wearing a translucent pajamas. Although her figure was not very good, she was at least much better than that of Mi Li's 15-year-old girl. In addition, this girl's face is also quite beautiful, in all fairness, I am afraid that there will be many male suitors.

"Don't worry, we are not bad guys."

Toran also came in. Perhaps it was because there were only these two girls in front of her, and Tolan's eyes were very gentle. The fear in this girl's heart was also slightly reduced.

"Let me ask you first, do you sell it? We want to buy a beautiful lady to make our host happy. You don't need to be too much, as long as you act like a lady. How about it?

The girl was stunned at first, but after a while, she seemed to understand what the two girls were talking about. Moreover, two very beautiful blushes gradually floated on her face, and the whole person smiled like a flower.

"Okay! Of course! It's...really great! Don't worry, I will do my best!"

Unexpectedly, he agreed very easily? But now there is no time to think about it, Mi Li and Tolan must get everything done as soon as possible!

"Well, you can come to the hotel next to you in a while. Our host needs to see you right away."

"Huh? Go to the hotel?"

The girl froze for a while, and then said embarrassedly: "This... doesn't it seem to be inconvenient? Can you come to me? I can provide a special place here. Moreover, I also need to dress up well, for the first time. You can't be too shabby to pick up guests."

Seeing the girl's cooperation, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief. With such a beautiful girl here, what else is there to worry about? Therefore, after they ordered the girl to dress better, they rushed back to the hotel.

In the hotel room——

The idiot held a teaching stick in his hand, pointed at the world map of the sad continent, and talked freely: “It can be seen that political marriage can also be said to be an important turning point in the division and recombination of mainland power. This behavior is very effective. But sometimes they can be clever and mistaken by cleverness. For example, the various small countries I just mentioned that try to marry princesses to big countries to achieve security are examples."


"the host!"

"His Majesty!"

"We...we found it!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, Mi Li and Tolan had crooked beards on their mouths, and screamed after they rushed in.

Shiye looked at these two people in surprise, obviously shocked by them. But after looking at them, the idiot dropped the teaching stick in his hand and said, "Okay, sir. The preparatory work is done here. You have graduated from me. Next, it is you. How to use the knowledge I just taught you to start the process of application in real combat."

Shiye stared at the idiot in a daze, but after a while, he suddenly stood up and said, "Wait a minute, it's not right! You... didn't you just say that your two assistants went to see the lady? Why did they do that? I'll be back soon?! This is only a few minutes, right? And, everyone is panicked like that?"

Mi Li and Tolan's complexion changed, and they all panicked. However, the idiot helped his glasses and said: "That's right, they did go to the lady. However, it's a pity. Their continuity is not enough. Simply put, they have premature ejaculation."


Now, not only Shiye, but even Mi Li and Tolan were all stunned. Seeing Shiye stayed silent, the idiot walked leisurely between Tolan and Mi Li, stretched out his hand, patted them on the shoulder, and said--

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to help you two of your premature **** problems. Come, don't be sad."

In Shiye’s surprise, Mi Li and Tolan had to lower their heads and lie on the idiot’s shoulders and cry. In order to increase the effect, the two had to be grateful and talk loudly that they couldn't enjoy the distress of life because of impotence.

"All right."

The idiot stretched out his hand and pulled Shi Ye. Now, he can finally end from this kind of tutorial. Everything, you can go back to the route you arranged.

While briefly explaining the situation to the idiot, Qiu and Shiye in the next room were also ready and walked out. At this moment, how is Shiye's mood, no one else can know. But the only thing she knew was that she was very excited and very nervous. She wore a big windbreaker outside her body, obviously to conceal the **** underwear inside her overcoat. Little Bread also took Shiye's hand and screamed happily, seeming to be very satisfied with the appearance of this sister under the windbreaker.

Under Tolan's lead, everyone slowly left the hotel and walked in through the side door of the nearby store. Obviously, Ten Nights was quite nervous along the way, which was beneficial to the idiot without any harm.

"Then, this is where the Madonna is."

Tolan exhaled and led the way. After entering the store, he called. After a while, a sweet female voice came from the shop.

"Is it here? Come in!"

The voice is very nice, and also very enthusiastic.

Hearing this voice, the idiot finally nodded. Tolan and Mi Li also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the idiot has nodded, even if it is to be punished afterwards, it shouldn't be where it will go?

Following the sound, everyone kept advancing in the back hall of this shop. Maybe it's because it's a place to live. I can't see what the front hall is selling. But that's okay! What to sell is not the point at all.

Soon, everyone came to the door of a room, obviously... that beautiful girl was waiting inside.

"Shiye, are you ready."

Shiye nodded nervously. The thousand years that followed him far behind also shivered, looking forward to it.

"Then, let's meet..."

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Before the idiot opened the door, Shiye hurriedly reached out and stopped him--

"This time... it must be okay this time, right? This time... it must be the lady who met... right?"

The idiot nodded silently: "Remember, for a week, you must get the lady inside to become pregnant. This is a choice to change your destiny, understand."

"Huh? Why haven't you come in yet? I'm all ready!" In the room, a girl's sweet voice came again.

"I...I understand..." After listening to the voice, Shiye finally nodded.

"Very good. Then, come and see Madonna."

The idiot held the doorknob and pushed it away... This push also meant that his strategy was finally on the right track. All things started according to his plan.

Yes, people are indeed not as good as heaven.

However, a detailed and precise human calculation is enough to make a powerful intervention in the sky calculation.

And the idiot, is also convinced of this, once it has come now...

"Mrs. Madonna, man, I brought it."


In the room, a large dog with a full body of golden retriever, a bow tie on his head, and long curly hairs on his body are all carefully braided, sticking out his tongue, responding to an idiot...

"Ah, is it finally here?"

The female shopkeeper named Madonna wears a pair of big round glasses and a full set of leather jackets. After seeing everyone coming in, she put down the bow in her hand, walked happily, pointed to the golden long-haired dog, and said: "This lady has been waiting for a long time. Are you in a hurry? Please be gentle with her, don't Seeing her like this, she is very scared of life~~~Ah, yes, I will pour you tea."

After all, the young and beautiful female shopkeeper left the room and walked to the front hall of her shop. She took a sign of "Meimei Pet Shop" from the thermos and placed it on the next cage, and began to pour hot water. ...


The whole room fell silent.

Everyone stood there blankly without any further action.

The long-haired dog was wagging its tail, sticking out its tongue, looking at the idiot and the others happily. After a while, the lady walked over and started to dawdle at the feet of the idiot and Shiye in front, acting coquettishly.


Shi Ye's eyes finally turned cold.

"Although I thought it was weird at first, now I am a little more sure. You...are you kidding me."

Tolan and Mi Li looked at the dog, and then took a closer look at the shop that they hadn't seen clearly. Now the two of them trembled completely and shrank in the corner, not daring to say a word.

Even seeing the current deviation from a while ago, frowned. For the thousand years that have been looking forward to the entire evening, the current scene is undoubtedly for her to wave goodbye to her again during that wonderful week!

The only person in the court who can remain calm is probably the little bread, who is now crawling on the back of the long-haired dog and stroking happily.

What do idiots do about this kind of death right now?

What is needed to make this person trust the idiot again, and then continue to wait?

Idiot, take off your glasses and put them in your arms.

When Shiyeye turned around and was about to leave...

He breathed out--

"Mr. Ten Nights, although it is cruel. But at the beginning, you should think this is a very beautiful errand, don't you? You can both be beautiful and get money."

Shi Ye was taken aback, turned his head, and said in surprise: " you you mean it!"

"Yes." The idiot said calmly, "Mr. Shiye, why do you think I had to give you those mental tests just now? Why do you think I should introduce you to the mating posture of dogs? Hope you can understand, Shi Wansura, it’s not so profitable." V

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