Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 011, love across races

Shi Ye looked at the long-haired dog on the soles of his feet, and Jun Lang's face finally began to twitch. Obviously, he seemed to be speechless because he was too angry. Maybe it was because of being fooled and humiliated. If this continues, maybe this person will wave his hand next and leave immediately.

"What the **** are you kidding!"

"I'm not kidding, this Madonna is indeed the one you want to accompany tonight."


"Look, she promised you. Madam, please wait a moment, and soon, I will explain the whole thing to this gentleman. Please wait a while."

The idiot snapped his fingers, and Mi Li knew it, and hurriedly ran over to lead the dog away, dragged it into the room, and let the bun keep holding it and get along with it. Then Tolan immediately went to the front hall and stopped the little shopkeeper who was about to return with tea. I found a reason not to let her come. As for the end...that's some simple persuasion work.

"This is too nonsense! actually said...that this dog...the dog!!!"

The idiot nodded, just about to speak, but at this time, the thousand years behind him finally couldn't help it. She quickly pulled the idiot away, and at the same time, she hurriedly stepped forward to comfort Shiye.

"Hey, what should I do now? I... my week! What should I do?!"

"It's very simple." The idiot said unhurriedly. "The plan remains the same. Let your husband and Madonna go to bed."


Thousands of years grabbed the idiot by the collar, and said excitedly: "What do you think of as my husband? What does it mean to have **** with Madonna? Isn't it a dog?"

"No, that's Mrs. Madonna. Our plan hasn't changed the slightest. You can go in instead of Madonna and sleep with your husband later."

"How is it possible?! I'm not a dog! Besides, my husband is not that stupid!"

The idiot snorted and said, "Don't worry, it was black at that time. There are four legs anyway. Your husband can't see it. There will be no problems. He will naturally think that it is Madonna, and then very Naturally go to bed with Madonna. It's that simple."

Thousand Years: "Simple! Your brain is broken, isn't it?!"

Idiot: "Betrayed."

The eccentric who was preventing Shiye from leaving gave a flustered response and walked over quickly. After the idiot reminded her a few times, Li Qi nodded immediately, and hurriedly dragged Thousand Years forward. After coming to the front hall, he looked left and right, and immediately smashed some jewelry windows with his fists, took out a dog tail and a pair of dog ears, and directly pulled up the thousand-year-old windbreaker and put it on for her.


"Head, I have changed my name to Millennium. Besides, what is this for?"

"The dog barks, hurry up."


"Dog barks, learn."

Thousands of years blushed, feeling a little embarrassed by the dog's ears in his hair, shaking the tail behind his ass——



The idiot has very good ears. After hearing the barking of the dog behind, he immediately stepped forward and put Shi Ye's shoulder on his face, his expression was very sincere.

"Mr. Ten Nights, I know this is difficult to accept, and you are probably now suspecting that I am lying to you, I am playing you."

Shi Ye said excitedly: "Aren't you kidding me?!"

The idiot shook his head and said seriously: "Wrong. Actually, I didn't fool you, nor did I lie to you. That creature that looks like a dog..."

Shiye: "That's a dog!"

Idiot: "No, it is indeed Madonna. This lady is the poor man who married the rich and unfortunate husband who died young."

Shiye: "Who are you lying to! Who will marry a dog as a wife?!"

Idiot: "Mr. Ten Nights! Please show respect!"

Shi Ye couldn't help but shut his mouth with a sudden idiot roar.

Idiot: "Perhaps it looks like a dog-like creature from the outside. But in fact, she is a kind of orc! Like the werewolf, she is actually a five-level beast named'dogman' !"


Shiye was obviously taken aback, and then turned his head to look inside, and saw that the dog was lying on the bed very comfortably, letting the bun rub his belly.

"Level 5...Warcraft...???"

"Yes... sir..." The idiot's expression became dim, he shook his head, sighed, and said, "There is actually a very sad story in it. This is a handsome human man and a dog man. The forbidden love between beautiful young girls. They crossed races, ages, and surpassed many difficulties and obstacles that humans could not imagine! But they still love each other. They still promised to live with each other forever. Staying together! They held the grandest wedding, but no matter how many obstacles they crossed, the illness still separated them mercilessly. Do you think there is a more moving love story in this world?!"

Shi Ye listened in a daze, he looked at the idiot's sad eyes, and then at the dog inside that was obviously playing with joy, looking dumbfounded.

"But... it's a dog..."

"Love has no racial boundaries!"

The idiot shouted loudly, while raising his hands—

"Not only is there no racial restriction, but love shouldn’t have any other restrictions! Don’t care about age, status, race, morality, or gender! Only love that transcends all of this is true Love! Mr. Shiye, aren’t you the one who understands this kind of feeling the most?!"

Hearing this, Shiye suddenly stood in awe! Yeah, what is race? What is identity? What is morality? As long as there is love, any creature can walk together, right? Even if a man fell madly in love with a dog, that would be excusable! It’s not a big deal to think about it, and sleep with a dog...

But... Although she understood, Shi Ye still felt a little disgusted in her heart. He glanced at the dog inside, shivered, and said: "Although are right...but...this is too shocking. Level 5 monster? You ...No, this lady is... a Warcraft?"

The idiot nodded vigorously, his expression still sincere and serious: "Exactly. Level 5 monster, dogman. This lady can transform into the appearance of a dog, but she can also transform into a human appearance. Don't worry, the lady understands. Your mood. So after turning off the lights, I will sleep with you like a human. The reason why I don’t transform into a humanoid shape now is because I am worried that you will accidentally recognize her and become embarrassed."

After the idiot told him, Shiye finally nodded. He stepped into the house cautiously and looked at the long-haired dog. This was because Madonna seemed to notice Shiye, and quickly jumped out of the bed and came to his feet and kept rubbing.

"Look, Madonna is flirting with you."

"Yes... Is it? But I always feel... something is wrong?"

"Mr. Shiye, what do you mean? Do you think I'm lying to you now?"

The idiot dragged him for ten nights, looked at him with eyes fixed, and said--

"Look at my eyes. Are my eyes deceiving yours?"

Shiye looked at the idiot's eyes... and said, "No... you look very sincere... I can see... you don't seem to lie to me..."

"So, what are you waiting for?"

After the brainwashing was over, Shi Ye’s expression had changed from the irritation to anger to another expression. He looked at the long-haired dog with admiration and admiration on his face. Now, it's not just for money, but also for this... No, this dog-man lady is able to withstand such a huge pressure to marry a human, and now she is willing to humiliate herself with the fearless spirit of having **** with herself!

This lady is the role model who has the courage to overcome the barriers of love! Only she is the real strong woman who has gone through the vicissitudes of life through various difficulties and obstacles!

"Okay, now, the lady needs to take a bath and then perform the process of transfiguration of human form. I believe that you don't want to disturb the lady during this time. Come, please sit here and let us have a drink Tea, wait for the lady to humanize."

The idiot took ten nights and sat at the next table, drinking tea from Mi Pear. Taking advantage of this moment, the thousand-year-old who had been tuned for deviation blushed, covering his ears and tail, repeating the cry of "barking", and was driven into the room.

"Really...what a shameful attire...Wang~~~" Millennium sat on the edge of the bed with some embarrassment.

"There is no way, the newlyweds have to try their best to seduce her husband. Remember, you can't talk, you can only bark."

Mi Li smiled, combed the dog's tail behind Thousand Years' **** with a comb, then smiled and brought the door to the door, putting the key in the palm of the idiot. After doing this, she went to the back and cut off the power to the room, so that the room could no longer get any light.

"Now, it's your turn."

The idiot put the key in Shiye's hand, and said with a serious expression——

"One week, one hundred thousand Sura. Everything depends on your own efforts."

Shi Ye received the key and nodded solemnly. After taking a deep breath, he turned around, stepped, walked to the room, knocked, and closed the door.




Ten minutes after the door was closed, everyone was relieved. Tolan and Mi Li are sitting on the ground with their backs on their backs, and they sit on the opposite side of the idiot with a straight face. Little Bread continued to hug the Madonna, playing to relieve her boredom.

So, is it all over?

When the pretty little shopkeeper hugged his dog, took ten Sura's coins in doubt, turned around and went to sleep...

Snowflakes are falling from the sky.

And the angry snowflakes began to slap on the rolling door of the pet store...

With a boom, rushed in. V

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