Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 012, the tragic story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

(Disclaimer: This chapter involves depressing plots such as strong jin and heroes cannot save beauty, please think twice before watching.)


"Ten Ye! Where are you? Where are you!!!"

The idiot was startled and looked up at the door. I saw a man full of rigid beauty holding a shining conductive hammer in his hand and appeared in front of the broken gate. Accompanied by him came in, there was the endless snowstorm, and the harshest cold wind!

"Ten Nights————————!!!"

The male voice was full of anxiety and concern. He yelled like this would obviously immediately alarm Shiye who was working hard in the room. In order to smoothly let the deviant leave, Tolan stepped forward and stopped directly in front of the opponent.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?!"

The man lowered his head and glanced at Toran, but at such a glance, his eyes seemed a little silly. But then, he shook his head very hard and said loudly: "I only have Shiye in my heart. No matter how many men there are, I will only look at Shiye alone! Say! Where did you get Shiye? Where is my ten nights?!"

In the room——

Shi Ye was struggling in bed, and suddenly heard a voice, and quickly said, "Seth? He... why did he come here?... Ah, he came to me... he... He came to me. !"

Hearing the sound, Shiye hurriedly wanted to get up in his pants. But how could it be possible to let go of the thousand years of lust? She held it down for ten nights and pressed him **** the bed. After a long period of exercise, the eyes that are sufficient for night vision exudes excitement.

"You...what do you want to do? I...I order you... let me go! Otherwise...or...!"

Shiye suddenly became nervous. After hearing Seth's voice outside, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to cover his chest and lower body. But where did you manage so much in the Millennium? She opened his hands, sneered, lowered her head...


Outside the room

A male gasp came out of the room. Hearing this gasp, the man named Seth with a hammer in his hand turned red! He vigorously waved the hammer and roared: "Shiye! You...what have you done to Shiye?! Shiye! Don't worry! I will save you now!"

After that, Seth raised the hammer, and rushed over there.

"Please stop!"

Without further ado, Tolan immediately drew out his swords. He pressed firmly against Seth's throat and said loudly——

"Sir, don't care about the things here. This is our private matter. If you are interested, please leave obediently now, as if you haven't seen anything or heard anything."

Seth obviously didn't expect that the opponent who prevented him was also a martial artist. Seeing Tolan draw the sword and deviate, Mi Li also stood up separately, forming the strongest wall. Seth glanced at the lineup in front of him, then looked at the idiot over there who was obviously calm, drinking tea on his own, he finally knew one thing—

Shi Ye... fell into the hands of these underworld people!


Weeping groans came out again from the room. Hearing these sounds, Seth's heart was really painful! What horrible thing happened inside, I guess I don’t need to explain it at all? These underworld... these scumbags! They... They dare to treat Shiye like this! So tarnished...the chastity of Shiye!

"You beasts..."

Listening to the groaning from the room, Seth squeezed the hammers tightly, the guiding stones of the hammers began to emit light, and the two-layer ring of ice began to rotate around the hammers.

"You beasts! How dare you... dare to do such a thing to Shiye?! I will kill you... I will kill you all! Shiye! Wait for me! I will come to save you— —!!!"


So far, the handsome rigid man didn't answer any more, he picked up the hammer and knocked directly on Tolan's head. Perhaps it is because I feel that my man is being ravaged and torn down in that room at the moment... I think of that delicate body, but now he is being defiled by someone who doesn't know his name... He... He just...

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh ————————!!!"

That power full of grief and anger is simply chilling! Even Tolan didn't dare to meet him, so he could only take a step back and avoid danger. The hammer touched the ground and immediately smashed a big hole. Everyone was dumbfounded and speechless.

"Ten Nights————!!!"

The hammer was raised. Although this handsome guy was very angry, he was really not good when it came to strength. Looking at the hammer that was swinging, he lifted a punch in a deviated manner and directly knocked the hammer away. Taking advantage of this moment, Mi Li stepped forward and grabbed the handsome guy by the neck and pressed him directly to the ground. And the direction he bowed down, happened to be in front of an idiot who was drinking tea leisurely.

The idiot glanced at the man, said nothing, and continued to drink tea. Little Bread fell on the idiot's lap, looked at the handsome guy with a smile, and at the same time, he shouted—

"Silly beep~~~~"

"For your safety, I advise you to leave now."

Mi Li pressed the man hard, and said coldly: "Shiye doesn't belong to you at all. Only here is his real destination."

Seth was suppressed and could not move at all. His handsome eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, he raised his head and stared at the idiot bitterly! At this moment, the climax of Ten Nights finally came from the room over there. At the same time, there was a female voice.


Everything is desperate...

Ten nights... Ten nights...!

They have been working in this hotel since two years ago... The two of them helped and supported each other... Although their bodies had been stained countless times, they always believed that their hearts were as pure as a child. ...

"Seth, why are you so good to me?"

"I'm not good to you, who can I be good to?"


"Ten Nights..."

"! We...we can't do this!"

"Ten Ye...?"

"Sorry... Seth... I can't just... do this with you... It makes me feel... I always feel like being with those stinky men... But I... I can't stand it... Treat you like those stinky men..."

"No, Shiye, it was my fault. I was too anxious. I am willing to wait for you... until the day when you are willing to truly open your heart to me... until that day... I will wait for you..."

Good memories linger in my mind. Tears have soaked Seth's eyes. At this moment, he could only lay on the ground feebly, listening to the heart-piercing sound from the room. The body that had been lingering dreams for countless days and nights, but because he respected him, did not let his impulsive body, now... but in it is insulted... wanton... tainted...

"You demons..."

Suddenly, Seth struggled hard! Mi Li quickly pressed him harder to prevent him from rushing towards the idiot.

"You demons! Do you still have humanity? You dare to treat him like this? That's right... Right Shiye! You beasts! Demons——————!!!"

Toran was originally blocked in front of Seth, but he looked at Seth's pitiful look now and thought about it. Afterwards, he cautiously came to the idiot's side and whispered: "Master, that...Although it feels strange. But it seems that we are playing the role of bad guys?"

The bun was taken aback and looked up. After thinking about it, she immediately took out the sunglasses and put it on her face, straightened her face, and at the same time took out a pen and drew a scar on her cheek, acting as the underworld.

The idiot put down the teacup, he ignored Tolan's words, but stared at Seth. After a moment of silence, the idiot waved his hand and said coldly—

"If you try harder, you will kill it."

Mi Li is very smart, of course she knows that idiots cannot kill people publicly. In a blink of an eye, she understood what an idiot meant, and immediately pulled Seth up and said loudly: "Go away! Don't go away again, be careful we really killed you!"

Hearing this sound when Shiye was ravaged in the room, he immediately started crying. Since he couldn't change the fact that he was being pressed on the bed and violent, then at least...protect Seth!

"Don't! Woo...Ah~~! Seth~~! You...Woo...Hurry up...Hurry up...Flee! Don't...Wooah~~~ Just leave Flee...ah~~~~!"

"Ten Nights————!!!"

Looking at the door that was close at hand but still unable to approach, Seth wept in despair.

"If there is an afterlife... I... we... do... husband and wife...! In this life... I am... I'm afraid... Woo~~~ I'm afraid... I'm already... not good enough for... Woo... You...go! Let's go...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let's go!

Here, Shiye was crying, while still being pressed on the bed. But after hearing these words, how do you feel about a thousand years?

Okay, you don't want to leave a real wife like a flower, but go to have an affair? ! Forget it if you have an affair, but you still have a private life with a man? ! And, even said that I defiled your body? ? ? ! ! !

Who occupies whose body? ! How did you bully me on the wedding night, fearing pain, but you desperately wanted to come in? !

Furious, Thousand Years opened his mouth immediately, full of anger--

"Wow! Bark——!!!"


Leaning and listening, after a while, she seemed to understand, and immediately stretched out her hand, which directly stuck Seth's neck. V

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