Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 013, the power of love!

The key to his throat was stuck, and Seth's heart immediately touched his throat. He kept struggling, trying desperately to pull that finger. But how can he pull the deviated fingers? Seeing that, this handsome guy was deviated from his neck and dragged out of the store bit by bit.

This is really a desperate moment.

Powerless struggle, unable to save the sweetheart, plus the power of evil...

All of this made Seth feel like a knife. His eyes were already red, and a little pessimism appeared on his handsome face. At this moment, he finally knew that there was no savior in this world. Although he had been very clear before, he now once again felt the cruelty and coldness of this world. In the face of absolute evil, any struggle was futile and ineffective...

But... is that over?

That's it... Watching your beloved man being ravaged and tortured in it... And... can't you do anything?

Do not……

Absolutely... can't just end like this...

Listen, Shiye groans inside...

He is asking for help! help!


suddenly! Deviance just felt that the strength of holding his hands suddenly increased! The handsome guy with red eyes in front of him was stuck in his deviated throat at this moment and stared at her fiercely!

Obviously, the deviation was taken aback. But this little surprise was not enough to move her. But the next moment, the man named Seth jammed the fingers of his throat and began to exert force. At the same time, he immediately lifted his foot and kicked his abdomen fiercely.

This foot is very heavy.

It was so heavy that the leader of the hidden current knights had to let go!

She did know that human beings might burst out some kind of magical power at a critical moment. In order to protect someone... when you want to protect that person from harm, this kind of power can rise geometrically!

But... she didn't expect...

She did not expect that this handsome guy who was not very strong just now... was being driven into a desperate situation... when she realized that she could not save Shiye in the desperate situation...

Unexpectedly, such a powerful force can burst out!

"Shiye——! Hold on! I...even if I am crushed! I will...I will come to save you——————!!!"

In an instant, Seth's speed suddenly accelerated! He quickly stepped forward while taking advantage of the deviation, and hit her chest with his fist, knocking the deviation into the air! Tolan, who was next to him, didn't look good, and hurriedly raised his sword and rushed over, aiming at his feet. What is surprising is that Seth's movements suddenly became agile! The hammer in his hand fell in a straight line, smashing Tolan's sword on the ground. When Tolan was too late to draw his sword, he slammed his shoulder and hit Toran's chest. With a clatter, Tolan's body flew back like a cannonball. After smashing numerous glass cabinets, his body was slammed against the wall, and a huge crack was formed behind him.

Seeing that neither Deviant nor Tolan could stop the man, Mi Li was shocked. She didn't dare to step forward, but hurriedly hid behind the idiot and hugged the little bread. Seeing this, the idiot had to immediately put down the tea cup, raised the sword, and stood in front of Seth.

"Master... please... please be careful!"

Tolan clutched his fractured chest and stepped down from the wall with difficulty. He coughed twice, gritted his teeth, and said--

"This person... this person's strength... has reached the level of refining the heart... he... the martial arts of the heart he possesses... probably... probably...!"


He clutched his abdomen, stood up staggeringly, and said the martial arts of the heart loudly. This is her subordinate business, so she can't let other people get involved! Since this man must be driven away, let's fight with all my strength!

The pale flames ignited from the deviated arms, she gritted her teeth and rushed up again. That Seth also did his part, raising the hammer without fear and rushing towards him, without paying attention to the captain.

"That's... the martial art of love!" Tolan straightened the ribs in his chest, pinched the sword again, and said, "I have only heard of this martial art... but I have never seen it before! It is said that this is a kind of unintentional The mysterious martial arts juxtaposed with the martial arts. However, in various books about this martial arts, some describe it as very powerful, and some...but very weak!"

"In normal times...the owner of this kind of martial arts is very useless...Even if he has practiced martial arts, his strength can't be as high as that...but once they care about, the person they love is in danger...they will Become a powerful warrior capable of rivaling Wuxinwu! No...If you say...wuxinwu is to make everything ethereal, and when'nothing' is the limit of this kind of Xinwu...then love Wu, As long as the love keeps getting hot and rising! That is a kind of...the strongest martial arts far beyond the unintentional martial arts!"


Perhaps it was to confirm everything Tolan said. This unacceptable fact appeared at this moment.

The deviant flame couldn't push Seth back. On the contrary, the man rushed into her fists without fear, using the heaviest and simplest straight fist to blast towards the deviated chest. Deviance will of course block, but the power of this punch is too big and terrible. The fist shook away the deviated hands directly, without any deviation, right in the center of the deviated chest.

Blood water overflowed from the corner of the knight leader's mouth.

The retreating body and the blood overflowing from the corners of the mouth have already told everyone without a doubt...

She was defeated.


"Yes! My heart is love! You can't stop me! I want to save Shiye...I must save Shiye——!!!"

Deviated and defeated, Tolan couldn't fight anymore, and the idiot stepped forward without letting it go. The sword of darkness in his hand was directly pulled out and aimed at Seth, who was standing in front of him with blood on his face.


The idiot's expression is cold--

"I can't understand your love. The power generated by this illusory feeling is impossible to generate powerful power. Now, I will crush your love and tell you that in this world, There are many things that can’t be saved just by some inexplicable “love”."

"Then... come on!"

Seth raised the hammer, shouted, and pounced directly on the idiot! And the idiot, in the groaning sound of Shi Ye in the room behind him, he also directly sacrificed the first sword of Six Swords.

He has been murdered. In order to achieve the goal, what does it matter to kill someone? Anyway, the head of the Hermit Knights is also here. If she is really dead, she will have enough power to settle it.

Therefore, the idiot's death did not deviate, but directly aimed at Seth's throat... and pierced it.


The sword of absolute hit was avoided when it was about to penetrate the throat? !

What kind of speed is that? In the whole world, people who can avoid death at such a distance... How sharp is their insight? !

"Master! Be careful! There is no limit to this kind of martial arts! The deeper the love, the stronger his various abilities! Whether it is speed, strength, insight, or physical response, He can rank among the top masters in mainland China!"

Tolan's reminder was still slow.

Shang is a sword that must be killed. If it is avoided, it means that the sword player will fall into an absolute defenseless state in a short time. And Seth also took advantage of this opportunity...


The hammer slammed heavily on the idiot's shoulder, and there were bursts of pain. The idiot was also knocked into the air, but after turning around twice in the air, he landed safely, and then rushed up again with his sword.

"Ten Ye! My love for you...until death...! Even if everyone in this world comes to stop us, I will not stop my love for you! Although...I am very much in this sentence I wanted to say it a long time ago...but I have always been afraid of being rejected by you. But now...I want to say it!"

The idiot no longer pays attention to one-shot kills, but starts to fight, hoping to find out the flaw in this man. At this moment, Seth suddenly looked affectionately at the door that was close at hand but was separated by an idiot, and said a word--

"No matter... you are innocent or sullied... and no matter what facts you are going through, I don't care! Because...I love you...I love you——! Shiye——————!!! "

"Ah~~~Ah~~~Seth~~~! Ah~~~Seth! I...I love you too! Forever and ever...forever...I love you! Ah~~~~~! "

The sword and the hammer intersected, bursting out fierce sparks. When it comes to power, the power of an idiot is definitely not weak. But at this moment, he was actually suppressed by Seth's power? !

(This...impossible! The power of could it be so powerful?! Human kid! Come on! Kill him...! This is absolutely impossible! Never let'love' stronger than you the power of!)

Not to mention that Dimie didn't believe it, even the idiot couldn't believe it. He wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, in desperation, the three chains entered his body directly, and he also began to demonize. The scarlet right pupil had completely told everyone. He... used all his strength.

"Love... I don't believe in love. This kind of feeling... is really incomprehensible... this power... is really terrible."

The idiot cracked his mouth, Lu showed his fangs, and the devil's horns on his head also stretched out, becoming more stern-

"But, for my benefit...I must break you apart. Your little but poor love...will be on the verge of destruction under my sword."

This last battle has finally come. Seeing the stern demon blocking his way to save people, although Seth felt terrified at first sight, he gritted his teeth and just gave this horror to him. Suppressed.

"You don't know love at all... how do you know the love between us?!"

Fight! I saw two groups of figures constantly contacting each other in this narrow space, constantly attacking each other! The black sword and the silver-white light hammer hit each other, each time, they burst out with a thrilling light!

Is this person... still human?

With his own power...he able to draw a tie with a completely demonized idiot? !

How deep is his love for Shiye? Is it this kind of unforgettable love that enables him to exert such a huge combat power? !


The howling of the devil came from inside the hut, echoing in the midnight of snow floating. The intertwining of blood and soul is unfolding here, a battle of demons that no one knows, but it is so real here!


The sword pierced Seth's shoulder, and the idiot turned around. While the opponent's movements were stiff, he pressed Seth's head and pressed him to the ground, raising the sword...

"I don't want to understand your love at all. This kind of love, this kind of vain thing, will only turn into decay just like your body."


Under the sword, but Seth turned his arm for the first time and grabbed the sword with that palm! Blood flowed from his fingers, but this person's eyes were so firm and pure, without the slightest confusion!

"Ten Ye... wait for me... today... I am your paladin... for you... even if the devil is blocking us... this world! You have to look at me... The world is destroyed for you to see——!!!"

The idiot's right eye was enlarged.

A huge force came from this person's right hand, and it actually lifted the idiot holding the sword! He shook it hard, and the idiot's body was pushed to the ground by him, and he slammed it hard! Afterwards, he raised the hammer and directly blasted the idiot's chest!

"Devil! I'll let you see it today, I am to Shiye... that is the deepest and greatest power of love————!!!"

The idiot was taken aback for a moment, and turned over in a hurry, only a few minutes before and after, the hammer hit the ground! The glass of the entire shop trembles because of the smash, and everyone almost stands unstable and falls to the ground. But before the idiot had time to rejoice, Seth's kick had already hit him in the abdomen, kicking him towards the door.

(This is impossible……?!)

During the flight, the dimmed pupils gave out a trembling light.

(Could it be... the love between man and man... can... actually do this kind of thing?! It's terrible... it's terrible! This kind of love... is terrible--- —!)

With a bang, the idiot smashed through the door, and at the same time, his demon form dissipated because of the serious injury, and Dimie retracted into his arm. In the room, after a thousand years of just venting, the idiot fell in and screamed, pulling up the sheets to block his body. And the light coming in from outside the door also allowed Shi Ye in the room to see clearly who was sleeping with him just now.

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