Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 014, the failed task, the problem solved

"Uh? Old...wife?!"

Thousands of years wrapped in sheets, looking at the idiot who fell down in front of the door, and then at her husband, not knowing what to do. At this time, Seth finally crossed the door, and after seeing the naked body for ten nights, tears filled his eyes with excitement. Regardless of his blood, he rushed up, hugged him, and cried: "Ten Ye! I...I finally saw you...God...How happy I am, I can still see You are safe and sound!"

The idiot snorted and got up. Tolan, Mi Pear, Deviant and Little Bread also gathered at the door and looked at the room. At this moment, Shiye seemed to stay for a while, but after seeing that the person holding him was really Seth, tears of excitement finally flowed from his handsome eyes...

"Seth... Seth! You shouldn't come... What you have done for me is too much...! Are you... Are you injured? Are you serious? You... You have to stop the bleeding quickly... Faster……"

"No, Shiye!"

Seth smiled broadly, hugged Shiye even tighter, and laughed up to the sky--

"The injury I received doesn't matter at all. It's you, who suffered so much humiliation here, suffer..."

Shiye blushed, and finally, he hugged Seth tightly and put his head on his shoulder. Afterwards, he glanced at the idiot over there coldly, his eyes seemed to have the meaning of being satisfied even if he died now.

"Seth... I finally... can see you again... my filthy body... how can I withstand your love for me..."

"No! Just like what I said! I love you... No matter what you become, I love you! Even if we both become old men in the future, I will hold your hand and sprinkle in the sunset Walking on the full beach... Even if I die, I will merge with your ashes so that no one can separate us!"


"Ten Nights..."

In the room, these affectionate life and death promises are happening.

In such an atmosphere, looking at the two handsome men hugging each other, the idiots and the deviant and others said that they had no plans to shoot again. In other words, in addition to the idiot and Tolan, the other girls lowered their heads or closed their eyes, and also covered their ears, afraid to look and listen. There is only a small bread, but at this moment, I am looking at the scene in front of me with great interest, watching curiously...

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and stop them! Shiye! Shiye! Did you hear me? Don’t the relationship between you and me compare to this man?! I’m yours My wife!"

Shiye, who was being held, slowly turned his head, Lu showed a gentle smile on his face...

"I'm sorry... a thousand years..."

"I know, I owe you too much... but I can't go against my own heart..."

"I like you too... I love my wife as a husband... But I can't give up my love for Seth..."

"You...what did you say?!"

"Wife... Let's get a divorce... You are still young... I can't continue to delay your search for your own happiness... I hope you will one day find someone like Seth who loves you more than me... "

"Husband?! You...!!!"

"Wife... If you say that being unable to accept my love is the reason why you can't live with me, then... let's break up..."

Faced with the sluggish face of Thousand Years, Shiye also left bitter tears. He loves his wife, but he loves Seth even more. Rather than continue to suffer like this, it's better to do a break earlier, and it will be more enjoyable...

Seeing Shiye's tears, Seth lowered his head and gently inked the tears on his face with his tongue. Shiye felt the gentleness of Seth, and smiled again at the corner of his mouth. That is, when there is still something to say in the millennium...

Those two handsome faces came together. Lips, also gentle, closed...

It doesn't matter...

As long as there is love, any suffering is nothing.

What is discrimination? What is blocking? Even if this is a taboo love that will never be recognized by the world, even if the result of this love will never be a happy ending, even in the future... there will still be endless sufferings and obstacles torturing them , But in the face of this "love", everything can be crossed, and everything can be broken through!


The right fist held by the idiot gradually loosened.

He looked at the loving couple and gently shook his head.

After that, he moved his steps and came to Qian's side, stretched out his hand, and placed her shoulder...

"mission failed."

"But things still need to be resolved."

Thousand-years turned his head and looked at the frosty face next to him with tears, and a question mark appeared in his eyes.

"Do you want to get a divorce."

Qian Qian shook his head abruptly, stretched out his hand to tighten the sheets on his body. The tenderness just now is still fresh in her mind, and the past is also turning in her mind like a revolving lantern. She loves her husband, and she thinks that this love will never be weaker than that of Seth! How could she agree to a divorce? Thinking of the day when she lost her husband... she almost collapsed!

"Since I don't want to leave, I will teach you a way."

"Yes... what is the solution?"

Qian Qian raised his head, almost looking at the idiot with praying eyes.

"Don't look at me, look at them."

The idiot pinched Thousand-year's chin and let her eyes fall on the two people who were kissing with tears.

"Not emotionally, but rationally, tell me whether the love between them is sincere."

Thousands of years with tears, watching. After being indifferent for a long time, he finally nodded.

"So, do you love everything about your husband? Can you tolerate everything about him?"


"Don't look at me, look at them. Look, their feelings are real. In the past two years, they have been facing each other day and night, helping and supporting each other. They are like a pair of comrades in arms, and they are like real brothers. You can do everything for the other party, regardless of the world's vision and morals."

"Yes, it is……"

"Tell me, now, what do you think of the love between them."

Qian Qian was originally looking at the two people over there with a little fear, but after a while, she watched the two handsome men start to laugh and talk to each other, and talk some affectionate words to each other. Except for the kiss just now, it seems that neither party has made any excessive behaviors, and the disgusting scene that she had originally imagined in her mind did not immediately surface.

"They...their love..."

While expressing his thoughts here during the millennium, the idiot hooked Tolan, Mi Li, and Deviance over there. These three people froze for a while, and then Tolan was the first to understand, and immediately ran outside, took out a large pile of goose feathers for decoration from the corner, and began to sprinkle it in the room.

Under this scene of colorful feathers dancing, Mi Li quickly grabbed the deviation and hummed together. After Xiao Bian heard it, he closed his eyes and began to chorus softly.

Beautiful music, echoing in my ears...

Under the guardianship of that feather, there are two handsome men talking and laughing to each other...

Gradually, gradually... The thousand-year-old eyes began to dim. She looked at the scene in front of her, and gradually began to feel a little silly...

"Their love... so pure..."

The idiot nodded and encouraged: "Go on."

"They...not for the purpose of sexual desire...but something very clean...very pure...looks......beautiful......"

I have to say that those two men are the best beautiful men, Shi Ye's skin is smooth and delicate, and Seth's smile is warm and generous. Seeing such a scene, unconsciously, something that seemed very beautiful and beautiful suddenly rose up in the heart of Thousand Years. For the two handsome men and women in front of her, her eyes no longer contained the hostility as before, on the contrary, she also brought a little indulgent smile...

The idiot nodded again, and at the same time stood up from Thousand Years’ side, came to Shiye and Seth’s side, and said, "Shiye. Your wife can make some concessions. But if you let you love your wife at the same time And Seth, can you accept it? Seth, if due to moral pressure, besides liking you, Shiye also has to be responsible to his wife, are you willing to make certain concessions."

Shiye was stunned. He and Seth looked at each other, and they were silent. After a while, Seth spoke first: "I know that our love cannot be completely accepted. However, if my sister can agree...I am willing to be a kid. I can't make Shiye too embarrassed..."

The idiot grumbled and turned to Shiye. After considering for a while, Shiye glanced at Seth. Seth nodded, then he let go of Seth's hand and walked to his wife's side—

"Wife... If you are still willing to accept me like this... I promise you that I will treat you well in the future. Whether in daily life or in... bed. As long as... you are willing to accept I……"

Shi Ye's voice is full of magnetism. Even though he has been listening to it for so many years, Thousand Years now sees him being so affectionate to himself, still can't help blushing and heartbeat. But apart from this, she feels faintly in her heart...Even if these two handsome men are really stuck together all's not a big problem, right? ?

At this point, the idiot finally retreated. He clapped his hands and passed by Mi Li, who was already stunned. Because then, it is no longer something he can govern.




A month later, Millennium sent a letter. It lists in detail many of her newly married relationships with Shiye. The love between husband and wife is more harmonious and beautiful. In addition to daily life, the life of the husband and wife seems to be very harmonious.

Of course, in addition to the harmony between husband and wife, the letter also described many things about ten nights and millennia. Both of them left the Rose Night Bar, went back to school and continued to be teachers. Seth also applied for the teacher of this school and came in together. It is said that after these two handsome men entered the school with radiant faces, the girls' school immediately became famous, and the originally lifeless campus also became active. When Shiye and Seth leaned on the railing to talk during the break between classes, many girls would look excited. Most of the female teachers in that school looked at them with surprise. Of course, what I like most about the millennium is when I go to this school to deliver food to my husband. She stood between the two handsome guys and talked and laughed with them. She didn't know how many handkerchiefs the female teachers bite. Those envious and jealous eyes have completely become exclusive for a thousand years, and become an indispensable substitute for her.

Between the lines, it can be seen that the definition of happiness has indeed been rediscovered for thousands of years. Isn't it? It's actually very simple, just accept it. Maybe it's because of the long time in the army. After re-recognizing this, Millennium realized that there are not a few women who like to see two handsome men together. After finding a sense of belonging, she finally let go of her heart. After all, she doesn't need to take a peek or fantasize, because those two super beautiful men are by her side all day, and it doesn't matter how long they want to watch.

Yes, her problem is solved.

At the end of the letter, thank everyone in the Dulan Tree House. After reading the letter, the idiot resealed it and returned it to Deviation.

However, her problem was solved, but it was obvious that her troubles would continue.

Deviance still lives in the tree house and becomes neighbors with Tolan. There will always be disputes between the two people because of some small contradictions, which disturbs the idiot's original smooth daily life.

However, he could not drive her away. Because no matter whether the result is comedy or tragedy, he has not been able to fulfill his promise, has he?

"Huh? Little Bread, what are you drawing?"

One day, Xing Li, who came to teach Xiao Bao to paint, caught a glimpse of Xiao Bao's painting, but the characters on the screen surprised Xing Li.

In the picture, there are two handsome men.

Both of these men have only one wing, but in the painting, the two men hold each other's hands and look at each other affectionately. It was also at this moment that their half wings were like a pair of wings, making them angels.

"Um... little bread... what's going on?"

Xing Li frowned, somewhat incomprehensible. But Little Bread laughed out loud. After finishing painting, she ran to the closet, pulled out another jar of chili sauce, and ate it happily...

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