Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 015, Ten Lock Conference

"Destroy by death, God knows, you have an unshirkable responsibility."

In a dark hall, there is a long table. Candles were lit on the table, emitting a gloomy light.

There were ten chairs around the long table, but only nine people wearing lock robes and cloaks sat. One of them was standing, speaking in an admonishing tone to a bandaged teenager on the other side of the table.

"You are careless. This is not like a mistake you will make. You know that game experts may make mistakes of underestimating the enemy in such a good time. The King of Death was also eroded by the magic sword, and his spirit is not normal. But you are still paralyzed because the stag is about to be destroyed. In the end, it led to the unexplained destruction of the Shimian Empire."

The idiot lowered his head, and the bandaged face under the cloak didn't show any rebuttal. Because a mistake is a mistake, it is his responsibility to plan and ensure that things go according to the predetermined plan, and any refutation cannot recover his mistakes.

"Wait a minute! Bard, your tone is too rude, right? Although it is you who give orders when the master is away, I don't remember that you have the right to scold others! Don't forget, we are all Ten lock members have equal status!"

Xuelian the deceiver saw someone say a fool, and immediately retorted.


A chuckle came from under a cloak at the very end of the seat. Unlike others, the lock robe on this person is obviously relatively new, and it seems that he has only recently become one of the ten locks. However, no one paid attention to this ten-lock member. On the contrary, the berserker Keritzer hurriedly stopped Xuelian and asked her to sit down.

The member of Ten Locks, known as the bard, ignored Xuelian’s rebuttal, but continued to look at the fool, and the voice under the cloak said impartially: "I know about your master and your hatred of the stag. . But obviously, you are no longer suitable for performing any tasks related to the Bucks, shrouded in hatred. You need to take a period of time off to calm your mind."

"Wait a minute, bard, you...what do you mean?"

Keritzer said: "You mean... to exclude the divine knowledge from the next core mission of the key? Margin him?"


The man in the lock cloak snorted again.

The bard said: "Whatever you think. But you can't deny that since his master died, his mood has been unstable. It has been so many years now, but he still insists on asking the Bucks Revenge. Berserker, you should understand that emotional use is the biggest obstacle to the execution of the team plan. Perhaps he has not made a mistake before, but after this? Who can guarantee that he has arranged everything under such a strong revenge One step is accurate? This time the death will be the best example. Before he adjusts his mind, he needs to temporarily store the lock robe with me. After he comes back from vacation, I will return it to him."

As soon as this remark came out, all the crowds were surprised. Because from the past to the present, no matter it is a veteran ten-lock member or a new member, apart from death and automatic abstention, no one has ever been openly deprived of the lock robe!

"Bard, what do you mean! You dare to peel off the lock robe from the fool brother?! Who gave you this right?!"

Compared with Xuelian's excitement, the fool kept his head down and said nothing.

"It's not that I have this power, but that he must bear this responsibility. The Death Mian Empire has long become our key organization's first support base on the sad continent. Now, it is ruined because of his improper arrangements. Just letting him drag the lock robe down temporarily is already a mild punishment."

"What's a death? And my crystal ice, and the gem empire?"

"Your Crystal Ice has poor security, and there are too many domestic factions. The areas you can deploy are pitifully small, and there is no way to control the country's resources on a large scale. The gem empire just accepted our invitation and only cooperated with us. 'Relationships are not'control'. Make no mistake, deceiver."

Xuelian bit her lower lip and stopped talking.

At this point, the fool beside him finally stood up. He silently dragged down his lock robe, folded it, and placed it in front of the bard. The pale pupils under the bandage did not flicker at all. After that, he turned around and walked towards the door in the dark.

"In that case... then I also request a vacation!"

Suddenly, Xuelian stood up. She dragged down the lock robe on her body, threw it in front of the bard, and hummed: "Isn't it just a vacation? It's okay to rest for a while! Anyway, I'm just a disguise, so there shouldn't be that much infiltration in the future. Right? Shouldn't it matter if I ask for leave?"

After all, Xuelian chased up the fool without looking back and left.

"Huh? Hey! Snow lotus! Fool!"

"Let her go, Berserker. She is not very calm, and she does need a vacation. But don't tell me you also asked for a vacation."

"Uh... yes..."

At the round table, there were only seven people left. Seeing the two people leave, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face smiled helplessly and said, "Youth~~~ As expected, that's it."

"Puppeteer, you have a lot of problems yourself. The girl you kidnapped has caused a lot of trouble for us in the past few days. If you want to raise, you should discipline it. Otherwise, I won't mind killing immediately Lost her."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and smirked. After lowering his head, he murmured, "My daughter is just playful, what's so great."

The bard glared at the middle-aged man and told him to stop. Then, the man in the cloak glanced at the rest of the people at the table, breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly—

"Our Ten Lock members are the backbone of the key. Therefore, I hope we can do our best to contribute our efforts to the organization. Although we will continue to replenish, but the screen puller died, the poison girl left the team and the game expert disappeared, let us ’S combat power is impaired. Every comrade who leaves is no small harm to us."

Everyone is silent...

"Now, I will issue the next order. First of all, the army of the dead is to defeat the dead army. I will personally dive into the wind and blow the sand to investigate. Sword Emperor, you will assist me in time."

The obviously new man in the lock robe sneered and nodded.

"Besides, the Berserker went to Crystal Ice to see if it is possible to suppress some small opposition forces. Others also have their own tasks."

The tasks were released one after another, and almost everyone received the corresponding work. but……

"what about me."

The man in the cloak who had never said a word, at this moment, finally opened his mouth. And this person’s name is...

"Diva, you have an important task."

The bard took an envelope from his arms and threw it in front of the "singer".

"This is the master's special care. I believe it shouldn't be difficult for you to complete it based on your ability."

The singer lowered her head, her eyes under her cloak looked at the envelope. After a moment of silence, this person finally stretched out his hand and took the envelope...V

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