Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 016, those who come are not evil and those who do not come

February is the time when Divine Grace will start school again.

This is another brand-new semester. After a year after the disaster, and after the whole Holy Eve festival, the students plunged into school life again.

Has this changed from the previous life?


In the past, Divine Grace was managed as a military academy. In recent years, due to the stability of the territory, the military academy has gradually reverted to a general all-round development academy. However, after the events of last year, the current king has deeply understood that as the sacred grace of the former military academy, it is necessary to restore the previous management method again.

After all, the Bucks have suffered heavy losses and urgently need a lot of combat power and talents in all aspects. In this case, loose management is obviously not suitable.

Nowadays, even the groves that are inextricably related to the divine grace, but are not related to each other, seem to be able to feel this tense atmosphere.

The idiot held Dim off and adjusted his breathing. The naked upper body did not tremble at all in this lingering day, and the strong muscles showed the powerful explosive power and destructiveness contained in it.

He closed his eyes and went into meditation. Like many times before, he can always adjust his physical condition to a state where he can deal with the enemy at any time.

Li Li jumped out from the well beside her, the silver smooth fishtail flapped in the air, making her sit gently and skillfully on the edge of the well. The water droplets on the fish's tail gleamed, sliding down the tails. She gently wiped the drops of water on her tail, wringing out her wet hair. After that, the girl raised her head and habitually stared at the idiot in the middle of the grass.

Snow is still falling...

The white snow slowly fell through the gaps in the woods... When a piece of snowflakes floated faintly, and finally, when it fell in front of the boy with closed eyes...

Dark eyes opened.


What happened?

It's like nothing happened.

The snowflake still fell melodiously, and the boy still held the sword posture without moving at all.

But that piece of snow...

Before landing, it is divided into two halves.

did you see it?

did not see it.

Even the deviant next to him thought that the idiot had not moved at all. That is to say, if I am not facing this man in a life and death confrontation, but just watching lightly beside...

Basically, he couldn't see the trajectory of his sword.

She saw the second sword. But maybe this sword is used to let the enemy see. Deviation only felt that there was a flower in front of him, but the idiot who was standing there appeared strangely in another place. The sword in his hand pulled out a black light, piercing another snow flake.

She patted her tail and looked at the idiot. Afterwards, the girl stretched out her left hand blankly, and a pale flame slowly emerged on the wet palm, burning quietly there.

The snowflakes, at the moment when the third sword unfolded, all spread around. The erratic snow flakes all turned into the prey of the Dark Blade at this moment, and after the end of the third sword, they shattered one after another.


The idiot took back the dark and stood in the falling snow...

(Human kid, think about it now, it feels really scary...)

Dimie's eyes trembled, it seemed to remember some terrible fact.

(The power of love... what a terrible force is this?! That guy... that nameless guy... could even suppress you with this kind of martial arts? What to do... What to do in this world There are so many couples and so many couples! Could it be that... can it be that!)

In this regard, idiots are also very troublesome. the power of love? This kind of power is too terrible, right? Does this also mean that in the future I will definitely not be able to sell to lovers?

"Master, what are you...confusing?"

Tolan carried a basket on his arm, which contained plum blossom petals. Seeing Tolan, the dullness on Deviant's face immediately turned into alertness. She rolled over and fell into the well again.


The idiot looked at his hand and said slowly—

"From now on... Once there are enemies and lovers, should I break up each other first. If there are couples, shouldn't they destroy their families first?

Tolan thought for a while, and immediately understood. She grinned, her white face looked very pretty under the reflection of Feixue.

"Don't worry, Master. There are not so many people in this world who master the martial arts of the heart of love."

Tolan carried the basket on his shoulders, dug a small hole in the ground covered with a thin layer of snow, carefully put the plum blossoms in the basket, and then buried it with snow.

"If you want to master this kind of mind martial arts, it means that this person has only the other person in his eyes. I miss the other person all day, and I can't live without the other person. Apart from thinking, there is nothing else in this world to enter In the minds of such people. Moreover, this kind of love and longing must be the purest, not based on the slightest sensuality. Subordinates do not deny that there are many beautiful love stories in this world, but they must be complete Pure, love without any other emotions, it is really pitiful."

After burying the plum blossoms, Tolan stood up, patted his pants, and continued: "On the other hand, the person who masters the martial arts of the heart of love will only care about his sweetheart, and he will not pay attention to other things at all. So , It is impossible to say that this kind of person will cause any threat to the owner. Even if it is really threatened, if it is not aimed at this kind of person’s sweetheart, but against himself, he can be said to be weak, and no ordinary person. What's the difference."

"So, please don't worry, Master."

Idiots are very relieved, but Dim Mi is not relieved. Since being completely defeated by Seth last time, this sword has become a bit nervous. Every time an idiot walks inside the student and meets some young lovers passing by, the sword will shrink in fear. Especially when two men walked side by side, it looked not only scared, but also panicked.

(Human kid! Although there are very few people with this kind of martial arts, we still have to be careful! Do you think we have to find a way to break up all the lovers in this world? By the way... find them two... …Hurry up and find out the jealousy of Sequence 19 and the hatred of Sequence 20! With these two sisters, we can definitely break up all the lovers in this world!)

The idiot is not in the mood to pay attention to the nonsense of this sword. Seriously, it has become a little nervous. Since it is neurotic, then there is no need to follow the advice of this sword. Its power can be used less. It is also best to use less.

After putting away the sword and wiping his face with the towel, the idiot returned to the tree house. After thinking about it, Tolan found a big rock from the woods, pressed it on the well, and returned to his room. Almost an hour later, there was a noise in the well. After that, the stone suddenly burst, and the flying out of it flicked its tail and looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, he looked at the small platform in midair and the cabin where Tolan was. After thinking for a while, she wiped the water off her tail, turned into a human leg again, put on the trousers placed by the well, and then walked back to her room again.


After the morning exercise is over, the idiot simply eats some breakfast, leaves the tree house and continues to work. After he went out, Deviance also got down the tree, pulled up the cloak, put on the mask, and walked behind him.

This has become a habit, and it seems that this girl really wants to follow herself until the moment she meets her master again. It's not that the idiot has never tried to walk into the men's room, but the deviation also steps in. Even if an idiot goes to a public bath, Deviance will follow with a mask without letting go. After a long time, the idiot can only let her go and let it go.

Today, the idiot went out to work.

The bun and mi pear clean the room together. And Tolan is sorting out the grove, taking care of the flowers and plants that still survive the cold winter, as well as the hibernating snakes, mice, squirrels and other small lives. At this time...

Bang, bang, bang.

Outside the door, there was a soft knock on the door.

Bun held the feather duster and looked at the door. After mi pear and Xiao Bian looked at each other, they walked to the door secretly and looked out from the cat's eyes...

"Ah, it's Principal Campa."

Mi Li exhaled and opened the door. The next moment, Campa, who was all smiles, appeared in front of the two girls.

"Principal Campa? Why are you here? Come, please come in."

Mi Li quickly greeted Campa to come in, arranged a seat for him to sit down, and made a cup of hot tea. Little Bread smiled happily after seeing the old man, climbed to the place where the idiot was sitting, stood on the chair, and yelled.

".................. Campa............?"

When Campa came just now, Tolan noticed. Due to his identity, he couldn't show up too blatantly, so he could only get on the platform after Campa entered the room, squatted under the window, and listened.

"Principal Campa, why are you here? Please sit down. This is the snow rose picked from the grove this winter. I will make tea for you. Ah, is it for your Majesty? But unfortunately, your Majesty is out now."

Mi Li is holding the plate and smiling decently beside her.

There was a trace of embarrassment on Campa's face, and he said, "That's it... the child is not here, this is a runaway."

Mi Li looked at Campa's embarrassed expression at the moment, although her face was still smiling, she was thinking about it in her heart. After a moment of thinking, Mi Li smiled again and said: "If this is the case, why not tell you the address of your Majesty's work, and you can find it yourself?" V

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