Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 017, bread should inherit the idiot

Campa was drinking tea. After hearing Mi Li say this, he finally sneered and put the teacup on the table: "Little black dragon, don't think I don't know, the princess of the dignified black dragon empire will be so honest now? Don't tell me Play your tricks, just say anything if you have any."

Little Bread tilted his head, his hands propped on the table, his expression looked a little confused.

Mi Li still smiled and said, "Where, like my little female dragon, where can you dare to play scheming in front of Master Soul Doctor? I just think you should be very clear about your majesty’s daily routine. This time he will come when your majesty is out, obviously he is not looking for your majesty. Then...are you looking for me?"

The smile on Mi Li's face is still sweet, but in the open golden linear pupils, there is a faint guard.

Campa looked at Mi Li and laughed again. He took a piece of paper from his arms and stuffed it in front of Mi Li: "Look at it for yourself."

Mi Li took the paper and glanced at it. But just a glance, her original guard look immediately became flustered. She quickly dropped the paper, took a step back, and said with a trembling voice: "Mom... Mommy...knows I am here?"

Campa sneered, picked up his teacup, took a sip, and said, "Yes, I see. It's really difficult to find your Dilu Hagan's mother. However, I finally got in touch with her."

Mi Li was taken aback, staggering. Her complexion completely changed, and her body was trembling! Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, rushed to the door like crazy, and ran out.

"...............Huh? No!"

When she rushed out of the door, Mi Li suddenly realized something. She ignored Tolan’s surprised gaze next to her, but rushed back to the room, picked up the piece of paper and patted it on the table, and said loudly: “You lie to me! If it were my mother, she would never communicate with you. , It is even more impossible to write this kind of thing to warn me!"

Campa just sneered. He put the teacup in his hand on the table and said, "It's not just me who can deceive people. The snow rose you made is not the snow rose just picked this year. Is it last year? Maybe it is. The year before last? You even used this kind of Chen tea to blame me. You can see that you really hate me?"

"......It's not that I hate you, but your existence does not often mean anything good to your majesty."

"It's a pity, this time I came, but it did bring good things."

Campa swept away the sneer on his face, changed back to a kind face, and looked at the bun across the table. He smiled and touched the little girl's head, took out an envelope from his arms, and placed it in front of Bun.

"Bread, do you know what this is?"

From small to large, Little Bread has indeed seen this yellow envelope bag many times, but before, this kind of envelope bag was all handed over to idiots. Where is it like this time, Campa actually handed this envelope to himself?


Bun frowned and looked at Campa with some confusion, not knowing what he meant. She pointed to the envelope, and then pointed to her nose in disbelief.


"Yes, not for idiots, but for you."

The smile on Campa's face was full. He pushed the envelope to the side of the bun again, and smiled—

"Don't open it and take a look?"

Looking at this task bag that only idiots could open in the past, Little Bread's curiosity was immediately aroused. From childhood to adulthood, every time I saw an idiot take out a job from it, and then completed a life-and-death job one by one, Xiao Bread had long been surprised by this yellow envelope. She was still a child and was vigilant. In terms of heart, it is far inferior to an idiot. So at the moment, she immediately reached out and grabbed the envelope.

"His Royal Highness, please stop."

Mi Li knows what will pop out once the envelope is torn open. She looked at Campa vigilantly. In the time when the idiot is not at home, she must take the responsibility for the safety of the bun.

"What's the worry? It's just a look, and it doesn't mean that you have to accept it at a glance? You are not her mother, and you are not an idiot's wife. Why do you have to pass your permission even if you want to see bread? "

Mi Li was taken aback, she couldn't help but bit her lower lip lightly and lowered her head. The hand that was holding the yellow envelope tightly, couldn't help but shrink back...

The bun looks at Campa and then at Mi Pear. After hesitating for a while, the little girl finally picked up the envelope and slowly tore it open...

Task level:


Just after a glance, Xiao Bian yelled and threw the mission briefing aside! Although she is only ten years old, she knows a lot about the mission system of the Bucks Empire. The increasing difficulty of DBA also clearly identifies her! In fact, thinking about it carefully, the D-level tasks that the previous Baba took almost killed Xiao Bread for a lifetime. But now... at this level!

Bun shrank behind the seat, his face pale. The small body curled up, not daring to move. The eyes staring at the mission briefing were like looking at some terrible monster again. Tolan, who was squatting outside the window, craned his neck, hoping to see clearly. But the distance is too far to see.

"Don't be afraid, bread."

Campa’s face is full of kind smiles--

"You should also know that the level of difficulty of the task does not mean the degree of danger to life. For example, the tasks of the Department of Literature and Art and the Department of Science and Technology are often about completing tasks or forging a powerful guided weapon. So, don't look at it. This level is marked by the fact that the corresponding task should also have a corresponding suitable candidate. This kind of task may not be completed by being an idiot, but if it is you, it may be easy."

Seeing the ease on Campa's face, the tension of Bun slowly relaxed. She took another tentative glance at the briefing that only showed one mission level. After thinking about it, she finally reached out and took it.

"Besides, Little Bread, don't you want to make idiots admire? You know..."

Campa stretched out his hand and gently stroked Bun's hair, and said kindly—

"This, but even an idiot can't complete a task..."

Little Bread's expression gradually began to stretch under the gentle words of Campan. Her original panic gradually turned into excitement at this moment!

Mi Li was watching, but she couldn't stop it. Who made Campa's words so reasonable? Who is she? Not only is she not an idiot's wife, she is not even a mistress, so why should she care about the bread?

In such a scene, there was joy on Xiao Bread’s face, slowly, slowly...

Pulled out the mission briefing.

Task level:

Time limit for completion: The spring military training of Divine Grace Primary School is over

Task reward: a year's specialty lava pepper

mission target…………

mission target?

No, there are no mission objectives.

When Little Bread's eyes fell on the row of "Lava Peppers of a Year", the little girl's usually smart little brain immediately short-circuited. She didn't even look at the mission objective at all, but turned directly to the signature column at the back, scribbled her name bread, took the seal from the envelope without hesitation, and sealed it.

The speed of this girl is too fast. Although Campa had expected that this kind of task reward would definitely move the bread, he did not expect it to be so effective! The speed of the small bread stamp was too fast, and even he was overwhelmed, not knowing how to speak.

"your Highness!"

Seeing the buns signed and stamped with no regard for anything, Mi Li finally couldn't bear it. She grabbed the mission briefing and began to observe the mission objectives in detail! then……

Mission objective: protect the life of Princess Bucks Empire, Apricot Badola Frihus at the expense of life.

After reading the introduction, Mi Li threw the task brief on the table and said loudly, "Soul Doctor, what does this mean?!"

The smile on Campa's face slowly disappeared. Perhaps, he was a little apologetic when he thought that he had just cheated Bunny to sign and stamp. Hearing Mi Li's question, he didn't resist as before, but said directly--

"As you can see, in the seven days and nights before the end of the military training, protect the life of the little princess, Xing."

"Of course I can understand this sentence, but what do you mean?!"

"in other words……"

Campa touched his white beard and said--

"When the princess is participating in military training, form an outer wall. If anything unfavorable to the princess happens, we must do everything possible to protect and save the little princess."

Upon hearing this, Mi Li immediately tore up the mission briefing and threw it back to Campa's face.

"This task does not count, please leave immediately. Otherwise, after your majesty returns, I will tell your majesty all the things that happened just now. If you don't want to really turn your face with your majesty, please immediately With this unknown mission, leave this home."

Little Bread was stunned when he saw the scattered pieces of paper. Although she cared about those lava peppers, she was more surprised than happy after hearing the content of this task.

You know, before that, the guard job of the former princess Walnut was an idiot. Which time was it not because of the earth-shattering, and in the end countless deaths and injuries could keep the current princess safe and sound? But now... I have to inherit this job... to protect the Bucks Empire... the next princess?

Little Bread lowered his head and was silent.

The temptation of food and the reason in my mind are fighting fiercely. Do you want to accept this level task? Or is it to lose money to Campa for the responsibility of breach of contract?

This seems to have become a problem. V

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