Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 019, the black and white passing by

The idiot looked at the task briefing, and listened to Mi Li shivering to finish talking about the cause and effect of the matter. After the idiot pondered a little, he moved away from the briefing and looked at Bun.


Bun smiled happily, with a student badge from the Department of Literature and Art on his collar, and two books read by idiots under his arm, pretending to be an intellectual girl. Seeing her like this, the idiot handed the briefing paper back to her.

"Go ahead."

(Huh?! Human kid, would you agree?! You won't have any problems? You would definitely refuse this kind of thing before you changed it!)

Not only was Dixie, even Mi Li was surprised. In response, the idiot just squatted down and stroked the little girl's hair lightly, and started to respond to Dim Mie in his mind.

(Anyway, there is no danger. Let her get in touch with her peers.

(Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha! Interesting, originally I thought I was the only one to see that this task is not dangerous.? Big! Unexpectedly that the old guy would really use these tricks. If it was really a stag How could the reward be lava pepper for the task assigned by the royal family? This clearly means that the old guy made up the task himself.)


(Okay! Human kid, since we know that this mission is not dangerous, how about we do something dangerous by ourselves? You think, Princess Buck is in such a remote place. Captive... Hey, it shouldn't matter, right? Then, we can do this and that kind of thing to that little girl, seriously damaging her self-esteem and making her a prisoner of you completely! Hahaha, it's really interesting , Just think about it, I feel so interesting!)

Of course, the idiot continued to ignore the nonsense of Dim Mie. And Anmie knew that these words would definitely not be heard by idiots, and began to talk nonsense without margin. Anyway, the only object of this sword is an idiot. If you don't bother him, who is it?

In the next three days, the idiot inquired a little bit about this military training. With almost no effort, he visited a place with entourage to sign up, and he took it for granted. Two days later, the brief introduction of the task he was admitted was quietly placed in his mailbox, with a big D on it.

Then, a set of school uniforms for girls in the literature and art department was sent over. The bun tried it on and it happened. The idiot got a badge symbolizing the faculty. The words "Temporary Work-study Teacher-Idiot" were written on it. The education subject he is responsible for is "sociology."

Comprador all kinds of materials, prepare. Finally, when the announced military training time comes, head to the Magic Train Station, and finally, set foot on this Magic Train to the remote town-Bai Haibin.


"Ah~~~~ Come, eat one?"

The magic train shuttled through the desert, passing through dilapidated towns one after another. Speeding on this endless desert. At this moment, in a box, a young girl held a plum in her hand and was about to deliver it to the boy's mouth next to her.

"Come, open your mouth, I'll feed you, ah—"

This is a slightly fat girl, with her bulging cheeks and forehead forming a regular triangle, and she looks average and has no characteristics at all. However, her eyes are very agile, full of girlish innocence and a little bit of coquettishness.

Beside this fat girl, sat a teenager of about seventeen or eighteen. He has long white hair like snow, which is tied into a braid and hangs behind his head. His face was hidden by the white hair on his forehead, and he couldn't tell whether it was handsome or ugly. But from between the hair, you can see the pale pupils that come out of the inside, staring blankly at the endless desert outside the car window. There was no slight reaction to the intimacy of the fat girl next to her.

After working for a long time, the fat girl seemed a bit boring. She snorted, put the words in her hand into her mouth, and said coquettishly: "What do you mean, people want to make you happy, if you don't like it, at least squeak!"

The white-haired boy did not respond, still looking out the window.

"Huh! Watch me pull your braids, you still haven't responded?"

The fat girl stretched out her hand to hold the braid behind the white-haired boy's head, but the white-haired boy still had no response, just looking outside. After pulling for a while, the fat girl felt bored, let go, put her chin on, and lay on the table, muttering.

"I'm really the poorest girl in the world~~~~ It was so hard to get a fake date with my boyfriend, but my boyfriend ignored me and just looked at the scenery! People obviously have a beautiful face. It was shown to her boyfriend, but it has to be covered up. How can this charm of people radiate out?!"

After speaking, the fat girl glanced at the white-haired boy, hoping to see a little reaction. But to her disappointment, the white-haired boy still had no thoughts. After a while, the white-haired boy took out a chess board from his luggage and placed it on the table, set it on, and started playing.

"Goo...I'll play with you!"

Unwilling to be left out, the fat girl picked up the sunspot and took the lead. She thought that this would allow the white-haired boy to take a look at herself, but unfortunately, the white-haired boy didn't have any reaction. Apart from staring at the chessboard, raising the white characters and falling down, there was no other action.

"Hey, we have sent the bard and the sword emperor into the wind and the sand. This is what you insist. You want to take this train and look again at this city that killed your teacher. Don't tell me. Now you start to regret it, and want to turn back to confess your mistake to the bard, and beg her to let you go and let you return to the team, right?

The fat girl settled, but at this step, a big hole appeared on her right side. The white-haired young man almost killed her without even thinking about it, and ate one of her knights.

"Ah! That... the one just now doesn't count! Uh... No, you play chess so well, how can I win if you are equal to you? You have to cut all your pieces in half! Then, the queen too! , Only less than half of the combat power will be left with me."

Such a tsundere should make the white-haired boy look up at him? However, it is a pity that he who sat across from him just said nothing, so he re-set the chessboard, and then cut his own combat power by half, and also took down the queen and put it aside.

"Hey, hello, okay if you don’t ignore me like this? Now we are going on vacation! Although that place is not a very good place, but there is also sea, beach, and palm olive trees. You don’t want to See my swimsuit?"


"Huh! I knew it!"

Finally, the fat girl was held back internally. When the white-haired boy's only half of the remaining combat power once again rose to the fore, when her king general, she suddenly disrupted the chessboard, blushed, and said, "What the bard said is right, your mind There is only revenge! It seems so peaceful on the surface, in fact, you can't forget your master for a moment! Your braids and dressing are also learned from him? Do you also learn from him if you tie your face with your body? Although I don't know why your master wants Bandage all over his body, maybe because he was burned all over? But is it necessary for you to learn from him? And so thoroughly?!"

The white-haired boy looked at the chessboard, and was not angry or sad about the fat girl's words. He just looked at the black and white chessboard and was silent.

"..................Huh! You can continue to remember it! I'm back to my room!"

After all, the fat girl covered her face and rushed out of the box. After rushing out, she nearly ran into someone. But at this moment she was so emotional that she ran away without even an apology.


The idiot is now a sociology teacher.

And the chirping little girls in this car are all under his care.

Only after he really got in the car, did he realize whether it was an absolute mistake to apply for this position? Take a look at these little girls in a group. It is really not an easy task to take care of these girls and complete the task.

"Look, bulldozer!"

"Really, it's a bulldozer!"

"How did the bulldozer become our teacher?"

"I don't know. But... he... he won't come to push us?"

"Yes, yes! I heard that this bulldozer is pushed by all ages!"

"What can I do? People don't want to be pushed by him! Ooo... Mom once said that if I'm not obedient... Mom will send me to the bulldozer! Now... Now I'm really sent here! "

"Woo! Mom said this to me too! If I don't obey and don't eat, the bulldozer will come and take me away!"

"woo woo woo woo………………"

Seeing idiots, these little girls started talking. But every time they came into contact with idiot eyes, they were scared to speak again. In fact, the idiot doesn't need to do too much, he just needs to sit in a position and occasionally stare at some unruly little girls to calm them down.

With the idiot, the other faculty members cannot relax. I am afraid that this bulldozer will molest the elementary school girls. But they are more worried, maybe there is the mysterious figure sitting in the corner of the carriage, wearing a cloak and a ghost mask on his face, who has been staring at the bulldozer since getting on the car?

Who is this mask man? Why are you here? The silver light radiating from it looks fight, right?

After staying in this carriage for a while, the idiot got up. As he got up, other faculty members also got up. Some dagger secretly, some groping for the guiding stone, but the idiot didn't even look at those little girls, and went straight to the next car, toward the compartment of the box. Of course, the masked man also stood up and followed at any time.

Entering the sleeper compartment, you can hear the girls arguing from far away. The idiot frowned and walked forward. But at this moment, the door of the box next to it suddenly opened, and a fat girl rushed out of it with her face covered. The idiot stepped back quickly, the fat girl didn't hit him, but ran into the next box crying.

The idiot looked at the box where the fat girl entered, and then at the box with the open door next to it. At the table there, there was only one young man with a long white braid and his eyes fixed on the chessboard. After staring for a while, the idiot stopped watching and went straight to the noisy box over there.

"Why? Why should I live with you?!"

Opening the box, the first thing I saw was Liluo standing on the top bunk bed on the right, pointing to Kolo Goodsey on the bunk bed opposite, loudly proclaiming her dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, do you think I would like to live in the same room with you? For the good of both parties, can you live elsewhere? I am not used to living with so many people."

Don't think that Liluo is dissatisfied. Although Ke Luo on the opposite side still acts like a lady, she can see that her dissatisfaction is overflowing. For the arrival of the temporary teacher, the idiot, she did not show any face.

Little Bread's bed is Li Luo's lower bunk, or she was forced to this position. Because Lilo and Kolo would not sleep lower than each other. If the roof of the train can be opened, maybe they will sleep on the roof.

Little Bread tried to dissuade Liluo from making noise. But because I can't speak, I don't even have to persuade me if I use the tablet. So it is useless. On the contrary, a little chestnut-haired girl sleeping on the bed opposite the little bread, looked very calm at the moment. After seeing the idiot coming in, the little girl stood up decently, bowed at the idiot, and said "Hello, teacher."

(Oh ha ha ha, although I have met twice, but I did not expect this princess to be so much better than the walnut princess? Ha ha ha, it will be much easier to train~~~! Come on! Humans Boy! Be evil! Force her to sing the song of bulldozer!)

The idiot covered Dimie on his right hand with his sleeve and nodded at Xing. Xing smiled and sat down again, watching the girls of the two families politely face each other. Neither wanted to dissuade, nor expressed any dissatisfaction.

"Goodsay, can't you go out? I'm going to get goose bumps all over when I think I will live with you for the next fifteen days! Please leave now!"

"Ouch, it's scary~~~~ Nolius, since you don’t want to live with me, why don’t you take the initiative to go? Then, how about I repack an independent box for you? Don’t worry, Qian, we Good The Cypriot family will come out, so I invite you."

Neither of these two wanted to live with each other, but unfortunately they had to live together. No reason, because both of them have received the family notice, they must do everything possible to get closer to Xing. Both Dairau and Duke Nolius knew that if they wanted to get close to the current King Mudu, starting with his daughter was the most effective way.

Therefore, these two girls must live with the princess. No one can leave. And the only thing that the divine grace can provide in this journey is such a four-person box, even if it is a princess, no independent box is allowed. This restricted the two little girls even more, and forced them to face each other day and night, blowing their noses and staring all day long.


Seeing the idiot, Xiao Bian immediately jumped off the bed and ran over and hugged the idiot's waist. Then, she pointed to the two little girls in the room who were quarreling endlessly, hoping that the idiot could suppress them.

It is a pity that the idiot has no interest in his duties. He just touched Bun's hair lightly, and there was no sign other than that.

"Yo~~~ So, do you want to fight?" Ke Luo sneered. Although she still tried to keep her appearance as a lady, she could see that she was about to explode.

"Huh! Stop pretending! There are no bystanders here, and it's no use pretending to be a lady! Don't think I don't know, you are more combative than me. Don't say anything, come on!"

"Oh ha ha ha, the little girl who sings the song of the bulldozer is also arrogant? What did you use to beat me? Continue to use your low IQ and crappy singing?"

"! I...I killed you! I am here to kill you today!"

The two girls had completely forgotten that Xing was here, one took out the arm armor, and the other took out the guiding stone, clamoring for each other to fight. In this regard, Little Bread is really worried. You know, her task is to protect Xing's safety! If at this time it was not due to external forces, but a dangerous situation caused by the two of them fighting each other, then this mission failed too much, right?

However, the bun was just here, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and no effect at all. After a feeble and futile effort, she once again looked at the idiot.

"Know, why. Can't you control them."

The idiot knelt down, stroked Bun's hair, and whispered in her ear.


Bun shook his head.

"Because you don't have enough control. In their eyes, you don't have enough deterrence. Do you want to know how to control them and increase your deterrence?"


"Think of it yourself."

The idiot patted Bun's head and made the little girl stand in stunned mouth, her eyes straightened and she stopped moving.

Finally, the two girls still fought. At that moment, Zongshili and pure martial arts intertwined in the room, ping-pong in the box, the sound continued. Unfortunately, all the furnishings in the room were destroyed, and the bedding was burned out. Fortunately, the deviation that appeared in time stopped them immediately and didn't make the matter further. However, this time of confrontation is also destined that this journey will definitely not end in a clean, right?

Idiot, went back to his independent box, sat at the table, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Next to him, the white-haired young man was holding the white king in his hands, looking out the window, watching the deserts fly in front of him...V

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