Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 020, the troublesome combination of 4 girls

As a small town in the south, Baihaibin Town has a pleasant climate in this early spring. The waves of coolness from the sea neutralize the heat of the desert, making the air here very pleasant.

"Sunshine! Beach! Seaside city~~~!"

The Magic Train Station is very close to the coastline, almost across the street. As soon as the train stopped, the fat girl ran towards the coastline with so many swimming props. But before she dragged off her coat anxiously, Lu had already wore a swimsuit inside, and the coastline of this small town poured cold water on her head.

There is no so-called white sand beach, and there is no beach. Some are just rows of breakwaters and a few broken fishing boats parked on the shore.


The fat girl opened her mouth and loosened her hand, and the swimming ring fell off. At this time, the white-haired boy with long braids also walked out of the station, looked at the breakwater, turned around, and walked towards the small hotel over there.

At this time, the simple train station was also full of children who ran over for military training. The girls huddled in a crowd and laughed at each other, while the boys played and made trouble, even crawling out of the car window. It made the teachers whistle indiscriminately and ordered these little nobles to line up.

"Really, a little disappointed."

But Luo stroked his golden curly hair, glanced at the scenery there, and said.

"Hmph, of course. This is the place for military training. How can there be a good view?"

Lilo sneered and hugged each other, quite prescient.

"Oh? Really? Then why do you find a swimsuit in your bag?"

However, Ke Luo seems to have deliberately pulled the topic in this direction. She smiled slightly and looked at the bag in Liluo's hand.

Lilo blushed and quickly moved her bag behind her. In order to hide his panic, he hurriedly said loudly: "Who...who brought a swimsuit?! I didn't bring it!"

But Luo hehe smiled and said, "Oh? Really? If that's the case, the way I saw you secretly wearing your swimming trunks last night must be fake. Do you dare to drag your pants off now? Let's see if you are wearing underwear or a swimsuit?"

Lilo covered her pants, her face was really flushed. At this time, the boys over there seemed to have noticed the commotion here, and several of them even raised their heads, looking forward to it.

"I...why did I drag? You said I would drag? I wear underwear! Blue striped underwear! I thought it was a seaside town and brought a swimsuit. That's all a fool!"

"No! Give me back my beach! Give me my seaside holiday! Give me back my youth, my sunshine and sunscreen!"

There was a series of roars over there, and the girls turned their heads, only to see a fat girl carrying a big travel bag, shouting and following a white-haired boy into the small hotel over there. It seems that there are really fools in this world.

When Xiao Bian got off the train, he looked left and right nervously. After confirming that there was no danger, he got off with Princess Apricot. Seriously, this little apricot and walnut are really different. She is so quiet, she has hardly spoken during the journey these days. However, she was not in the way that she was thinking about her things without talking, nor was she deliberately alienating or despising her. It seems that she doesn't speak because of habit. It is the kind of good-looking girl who is very disciplined, and she will respond when you find her. She pats her head and moves.

To be honest, after several days of observation, it was determined that the apricots belonged to this type, and the bread was really relieved. She was worried at first that the princess likes to run around like a walnut, or she would run into the boys' pile all day to stare at someone. Just like walnuts. But after determining her character of this doll, Bun can relax. As long as you pull her, doesn't that mean you can protect her safely?

Thinking of this, Xiao Bian gave a thumbs up at the idiot who was in charge of staring at a group of little girls over there, expressing his confidence. After the idiot glanced at her, he was relieved, and continued to stare at these girls under the singularity, scaring them not to move.

Since I just arrived, in order to relieve the fatigue of the journey and make the military training starting the next day more effective, I arranged a house first. For such a small town, there are not many hotels. It is really difficult to arrange all the more than 100 children. Finally, they had to be divided into several horses and stayed in different hotels. The living conditions of those little boys are even worse. Some people even had to go to other people's homes to borrow overnight. No way, who calls this military training? It was here to suffer.

Naturally, the idiots followed the four of Little Bread. A total of more than thirty of these girls were arranged into the small hotel next to them. There are few rooms, so the idiot sleeps in the same room with two other male teachers. The remaining girls are in groups of four and stay in the room. After simply placing the luggage, even if there is half a day of activity time, let everyone rest.

Inn sea. Outside the window is a small cliff that is not too high, and below the cliff is the bottomless sea. Putting down his luggage, the idiot sat in front of the window, watching the waves over there. The evening sun sprinkled on the sea and broke into pieces.

Because of boredom, the other male teachers went to the only chess and card room in the hotel to play chess and cards, while the idiot stayed here motionless, without any intention of joining the group.


Deviated from the window and said to the inside. Seeing the idiot did not respond, she still did not speak after looking at the sea, but turned in directly. She thumped past the idiot, put her bag next to the idiot's bag, opened it again, and took out a towel inside. After that, she glanced at the idiot and confirmed that he would not look back, then walked to the door, bolted the door, and pulled a side screen to block between herself and the idiot. In this way, she dragged down her pants with confidence.

Remove the trousers, drag off the underwear, then remove the clothes on the upper body, and put on half of the swimsuit. After that, I took out the knee-length skirt I had prepared and put on it. After doing this, she passed by the idiot again, jumped down from the window, jumped into the sea with a bang.

After a while, a silver fish tail flew up and down on the water, flapping the waves. The idiot's eyes were gradually attracted by the fishtail, and he looked down. I saw deviation sometimes dived into the deep sea, and sometimes jumped out of the water. After wandering around, she quickly drifted away from the coastline, turned into a black spot from the eyes of an idiot, dived into the water, and disappeared.

(Do you think, when will your female teacher come to you?)


(Hahaha, it’s really interesting. Hey, I’ve thought about it recently, anyway, I’m idle, so how about teaching you the fifth prison? Instead of learning the soft fourth sword, the fifth prison you Do you want to master it? But it's handsome and practical~~~)

The idiot's sight did not deviate at all from the sea, and after talking so much nonsense, Dim Mie finally became boring. It yawned, closed its eyes lazily, and stopped making a sound.

After watching the sea for a long time, the idiot took a magazine from the bookshelf in the corner of the room and began to read it boredly. It didn't take long to see, the door of the room opened, and the three male teachers walked in, talking with each other.

"It's terrible, who is that guy? You can win by playing chess with ten people at the same time?"

"Ah, I'm still at a loss for the national player who claims to be Divine Grace. Compared with that person, I can't even look at it..."

"I really don't know what his brain is made of. It runs so fast. He doesn't seem to have to think at all when he plays chess. When the opponent finishes the game, he also moves at the same time. That's a genius!"

"Who knows. Maybe some master chess player comes here to have fun and rest? Although there is nothing in this town, it is terribly quiet."

"Hey, idiot, have you been sitting here all the time? Why don't you go and see? That guy is really amazing! He's in the chess room below."

The idiot lifted his head from the magazine and glanced at the three teachers. Afterwards, he put down the magazine and walked out of the room.

Go to the chess room? He has no such free time. What does the performance of other people's chess have to do with him? He only cared about that girl. This was the first time she took over the task. The idiot wanted to know what action she would take to achieve the goal. So, don't do any intervention, watch her carefully and see how good she can achieve within her own ability.

The idiot paced and walked slowly towards the girls' rooms. Soon, he stood in front of the door. But there is no need to knock on the door, just by looking at the locked door you know that the four girls are missing now. After listening attentively for a while, the sound of a small bread came from the courtyard of the small hotel.


The idiot looked out of the window and saw Little Bread standing under a pine tree, looking anxiously at the apricot lying on the trunk. Looking closer, I saw a kitten on the top of the tree, curled up on the thin branch, meowing.


For Little Bread, this cat was found at a bad time. Who would have expected our Princess Apricot to be so caring, so she could climb up the tree without saying a word? Although this tree is not as high as the Dulan tree, if it reaches the top of the tree, it does not mean it will be fine.

"Xiao Xing! Come down! Danger! 》

Regardless of how the bun brandishes underneath, to the apricot who can only look up, everything is the same as nothing. Seeing that, the princess continued to slowly climb up, and the little bread panicked, and hurriedly pulled Lilo next to her. It doesn't matter if she is asked to go up and get the kitten down, or to stop Xiao Xing, it does not matter, anyway, she has to act.


"Huh, what is a microphone made of gold? I still have a weapon rack made of gold in my house! I am richer, and my house is no less than you!"

Facing Liluo’s refusal to buy it, Ke Luo was also full of anger, but still habitually pretended to have a leisurely look on his face, saying: "Oh, what a nouveau riche mentality~~~Look at your ugly I’m afraid that no painter with a conscience would paint you in a painting, right? But I’m not the same. From childhood to age, there are many court painters rushing to help me paint. Every year, my family will have a picture of me. Of sculptures. Now there are ten sculptures. Do you have them?"

Lilo stomped her feet in anger. She ignored the bun's request for help, and turned a blind eye to the little apricot who was getting more and more struggling and climbing up the tree trunk. She pointed directly at Ke Luo and said loudly, "Huh! No! Sculptures and portraits! My parents built a special martial arts training ground for me! The various weapons invented by sister An filled my arsenal!"

"Cut, a savage girl who dances with swords and swords. My private bath is three hundred square meters, and ten maids come to bathe for me every day."

"Then... Then I have twenty! Not only take a shower, but also take care of all my daily diet!"

"I...I have thirty! I don't have to do it myself every day, they will automatically serve me and help me put food into my mouth!"

"That... that... I have fifty! I don't even have to chew by myself, but people press my chin to help me chew!"

"Huh, what's that? We... Our Goodsay family is... By the way, even if people are asleep, there will be more than a hundred maids coming over to pack you up, put on your clothes, and deliver them. Carriage. When you wake up, you can go to class, and when you close your eyes after class, you can go back to bed and sleep again!"

The two little girls became more and more popular as they talked about it. Little Bread thought Li Luo was not good, so naturally he went to ask Ke Luo for help. But the two of them are completely in danger, and vocal dissuasion may not be in sight, let alone such silent dissuasion? Finally, Ko Luo pushed away the small bread that was blocking him, and quickly found the guiding stone. And Lilo also pushed the bun away and squeezed her fists. Soon, the two girls started fighting again. In the melee, the two broke the wall, got out of the yard, and started fighting outside.

The savior left, and Bun was dumbfounded. She turned her head back and looked helplessly, but this time, the princess had already crawled halfway! If you go up further, the branches will become thinner and thinner, and they may fall down at any time!

Seeing the little bread stomping his feet in a hurry below, the idiot was leaning on the window sill leisurely, watching what the girl planned to do.

The bun yelled, and watched the princess whose brain was obviously short-circuited and went up the tree. She also wondered why this princess would not listen to people's advice so much? Safety, doesn't she know that safety is the first thing? Look at the badge on her chest, she should belong to the Department of Literature and Art. Doesn’t the Department of Arts need safety knowledge? V

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