Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 021, parallel lines

"princess! obedient! Please hurry down! This tree is not that strong! You can't climb to the top of the tree! ! ! 》

In order to strengthen the feelings of the text, the small bread deliberately used a few exclamation points. But for apricots who don't know how to play, this is completely useless. Seeing that the place she climbed became narrower and narrower, the tree trunk began to bend slowly, gradually breaking.

Xing continued to climb up despite everything. Finally, she climbed to the top of the tree. The top of the tree swaying in the wind really made her tremble in Xiao Bread's eyes. But Xing still doesn't mind. She moved along the tree trunk little by little, reaching out her hand to pull the trapped kitten.

"Come, meow, come here, I will take you to the ground."

Seeing Xing crawling over, the kitten didn't jump over in a panic like he imagined. The kitten shrank back, seeming to be more afraid of Apricot. But when it shrank like this, the princess stretched out her hand harder, so that the center of gravity shifted more and more, finally...

The pupils of the idiot expanded instantly. He grabbed the decorative vase on the shelf by the window sill and threw it directly at the apricot on the trunk. There was only a bang when the vase collided with a small stone flying quickly in the air, making a loud noise.

Although this collision prevented the stone from hitting Xing's head, the noise made her startled. Her hands clinging to the tree trunk finally loosened unconsciously. After hugging the kitten, the princess fell directly to the ground from the ten-meter-high tree trunk.

"Wow ah ah ah——————!!!"

Little Bread screamed, what she least wanted to see finally happened! At this critical moment, she hurriedly folded her hands and patted the ground! The originally hard ground immediately turned into a quagmire, almost after less than half a second before and after, Xing fell heavily into the mud pit, splashing the mud all over Bun.

Little Bread rushed to the quagmire in a hurry, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that Xing was trembling with fright, but was still alive. But after the idiot confirmed that apricot was safe, he looked in the direction where the stone was flying. Without spending time searching, a few young men and women in weird clothes were found outside the fence. Pointing here with a smile.

"Your eyesight is so accurate~~! Mike, you are so handsome!"

A woman wrapped her arms around the arm of a man who seemed to be mad, and squirmed. And the person called Mike snapped his fingers, looked at the apricot falling in the mire and the bun covered in mud, and said: "It's a pity! It didn't hit it. And there happened to be in the ground. Such a quagmire. Otherwise, it will definitely make these outsiders fall more painful."

Is it... the residents here?

And it looks a lot like the hooligan here.

Xiao Xing let go of the kitten in her arms and listened blankly to those people running in from the broken wall and mocking. After a while, she finally understood what was going on. The little girl immediately sat up from the quagmire, walked aggressively to the broken wall, stared at the group of people, and said sternly: "You just threw it away. stone?"

Little Bread saw the princess run over again talking to herself, and was shocked again. She hurriedly went over to hold Xing and wanted to take her back to the hotel, but Xing ignored her and looked like she wanted to get justice.

"It's dangerous for you to do this, don't you know?"

That Mike obviously didn't expect a little girl to dare to preach to herself. After squeezing his girlfriend's face, the little gangster suddenly stepped forward and pushed a handful of apricots. Xing did not expect this, and was suddenly pushed to the ground. Seeing her in such a stunned look, the group of people laughed and left with each other.

"How can can they be so ignorant of manners? How can they use violence casually?"

Apricot was lifted up by the small bread, his face was full of disbelief. The princess takes things very seriously, just like her father. Therefore, she couldn't imagine that in such a remote place, there would be people who would rush over and beat people with nothing. In this regard, after Little Bread helped her up, he had to write on the clipboard and explain it in front of her.

"There are many such people. Princess, there will always be so many people in this world who like to cause trouble, and there will always be so many people who like to be unreasonable. And there are too many people on the other side. In this case, you should not argue with the other side. 》

The bread is really bitter. But what this girl did not expect was that the Princess Apricot had no persuasion from Bun. She squeezed her fist and said in a righteous tone: "If this is the case, then they need to be educated more. I want to tell them that this world is governed by the rule of law. Under the father's rule, any illegal behavior will be met. Sanctioned!"

With that said, the little princess walked into the hotel and went back to the room to take a shower. Looking at those eyes, I am afraid that I really want to preach after the shower.

The depression in Xiao Bread's heart~~~ Why are all the three girls around him not obedient? The two Gudsey and Nolius opened their mouths as a quarrel, quarreling so much that even the princess did not want it. And this princess is so depressing to death, is it okay that you are more real? Also, why don't you listen to persuasion so much?

Helplessly following Apricot into the room, Xiao Bian began to wonder how to proceed. This is just the first day of military training. She didn't want to let all the next fifteen days live in this situation. In that case, let alone encountering any hostile situation, I am afraid there is no danger, and these three roommates will also create dangers to break in.

Hmm... But what should I do?

Xiao Bian listened to the sound of Xing’s bath in the bathroom, and also listened to the outside teacher’s reprimand that Ke Luo and Li Luo had broken the hotel. Suddenly fell into no solution.

(Hey, don't you go to help her? If it is you, you can definitely solve these things easily, right?)

Dimmie stared at the idiot.

But the idiot allowed the girl to worry and ignored it. However, he paid a little attention to the little hooligans. After thinking about it for a while, he walked out of the room and came to the front desk of the hotel.

"Oh, you ask those people? I'm really sorry. Those little hooligans are local ruffians, and they're stubborn. But because the sky is so high and the emperor is far away, the Bucks Empire can't send people over for a few little hooligans. Besides, the security of this town is generally based on everyone's consciousness, so there are no guards."

After the idiot thought for a while, he continued to ask. The front desk of the hotel smiled and replied: "Yes, although the town is small, there will be some small forces everywhere. Especially in small towns like ours, which is basically not controlled by anyone. The Sith is in charge of general local government affairs The baron is a good old man and our mayor. Other than that...there is no special power."

The idiot nodded. Although not comprehensive, it can be regarded as getting some useful information. I just hope that the official military training will start tomorrow and nothing will happen.


Finally, it's dinner time.

It's not so fun in this kind of town, so more than 30 students are not exhausted. However, they are lucky. Because they could see the buns, one in each hand, holding two band-aids on their faces, and pinning each other's faces, Kolo and Lilo, whose clothes were obviously in tatters, came in. Behind them, there was an apricot who had been mumbling about reforming the town all day long.

The idiot was alone, sitting in the farthest and worst seat, waiting for the waiter to serve dinner. And these four girls sat at a square table, vomiting, and sat down.

The people were seated together, and the waiter began to serve dishes. The simple diet made these noble children nauseous, but everyone knew it was military training and had to bite the bullet and eat. I just hope that I can go out and sell other things to eat later.

"The food here is really not good."

The fat girl and the white-haired boy are also sitting here. For this kind of rough tea and light rice, the fat girl seems a little unbearable. Of course, more importantly, she wanted to find Yutou to talk to the gray-haired boy who was cutting the salmon steak opposite.

"Hey, you little idiot, you said, if I'm upset, would you try to make me happy?"

The white-haired boy did not answer, eating quietly and drinking pure water. It's not like a fat girl with a glass of juice in her hand.

"Hey, I like to eat this. You can help me get some."

The fat girl pointed at the salmon steak that the white-haired boy was eating, and said a little.

The white-haired boy finally raised his head and glanced at the fat girl. After seeing those coquettish smirks in the eyes of the fat girl, he raised his hand to call in the waiter.

"Hey, wait a minute."

The fat girl immediately pressed the gray-haired boy’s hand and said, "I don’t want you to buy it. I like to eat without paying. Can you cheat me? I like to see you cheating. Especially, I like to see you. Lie for me~~~But, don’t try to give money secretly. Don’t forget, all the money we have is on my side. You can’t lie to me~~~"

The gray-haired boy stared at the fat girl again, the fat girl giggled, as if waiting for a free salmon steak.

After a moment of silence, the white-haired boy finally stood up. He looked around, and soon he identified a person sitting alone at the dining table next to the vent, and walked over...


The salmon steak is delicious.

At least, it tastes much better than the cereal and dry bread that those little guys eat.

The idiot looked at the salmon on the plate, and after thinking for a while, he still didn't do anything. But it didn't matter if he didn't do it, because after a short while, the ventilation door next to it opened, and what appeared in front of him was a deviant with two fresh salmon in his hands, wearing a skirt, a mask, and a cloak.

A salmon in her hand has already been bitten, and the flesh is white. But when the girl looked at the cooked salmon on the idiot's plate, she didn't move at all.

The idiot looked at her, then at the salmon on his plate. After thinking for a while, he handed out the plate and at the same time stretched out his hand and said, "One, two for you."

The stray eyes were dumbfounded. Without saying a word, she passed the salmon in her hand, and at the same time, took over the carefully cooked food from the idiot. After holding the fish and straightening her eyes, the girl suddenly took off the evil spirit mask on her face and put it directly on the idiot's head. After that, she held the plate and left through the ventilation outlet next to it.

(This elf... is she grateful?)

The idiot wore a ghost mask and shook his head. But just when he wanted to take off the mask, there was a light tap on his shoulder...

"Hello there."

What appeared in front of him was the white-haired boy I had seen on the train. Through the mask, the idiot nodded slightly.

"I want to ask you a favor. Can I have an extra salmon and bring it to this table?"

The white-haired boy covered his hands with his body to prevent the fat girl from seeing. Then, he compared a number.

"The cost, I will pay you back after I get back to the room."

The white-haired boy looked at the man wearing a ghost mask in front of him, his eyes were very sincere. After a while, the idiot finally nodded, called the waiter, and ordered a salmon at the gray-haired boy's table. But for this meal...

"no need."

The idiot looked at the two fish in his hand.

"Count me please."

"Then, thank you very much."

With a simple exchange, the gray-haired boy leaned slightly and turned and left. The moment he turned around, his pale pupils glanced at the evil ghost mask again, and then left.

The idiot got up, paid, took the two fishes and walked out of the restaurant to the outside courtyard, set up a fire, opened his stomach, and had a barbecue. And Dimie looked at the idiot in amazement, showing a lot of incomprehension.

(Are you going to entertain guests?! Are you going to have a knife in the sky?! The kid who could kill for a meal back then actually entertained guests today?!)

The idiot didn't answer, he just grilled the fish and watched the fish oil drip slowly. After it was cooked, I started to eat it.

(Hey! You haven't told me what you mean! Why do you suddenly entertain you? It's not like your style! Did you get hit in the head? Or is it short-circuited suddenly?)

Why treat?

To be honest, the idiot himself is not very clear.

At the moment the white-haired boy made the request, he seemed to feel that he could invite the other party to eat.

I don't want to use the other party for anything, nor do I want to verify whether there is poison in the meal. It's just that for someone who can run to you for no reason and tell a stranger to ask for a meal, the idiot has also done something that ordinary people can't do.

(Huh, I think you two are freaks.)

Dimie sneered and murmured a few words.

(One can go to a stranger and ask for delicious food, one can just put it away without saying a word. What are you two not freaks? Cut, I didn’t expect to meet two people in such a small town. Freaks who play cards according to common sense, it seems that this little girl gathering will not become so boring! Interesting. Interesting!) V

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