Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 022, tradition

The next day, more than one hundred students for military training gathered at the dock. Among them, the four girls, Ke Luo, Liluo, Apricot, and Bread, are undoubtedly the most conspicuous.

Because they are different from the other children who make up the four-person small class, the four of them not only did not chat with each other, but did not even have a chat. Everyone showed that they didn't even want to say a word. Some insiders surreptitiously talked about the four girls yesterday, in exchange for other people's more surprised eyes.

"Well, classmates, now we will get on the boat and head to an island on the sea about 100 kilometers away from the town of Baihai. This is the location of our military training. I hope that by then, all the students can work hard and cooperate Help each other to complete this meaningful military training."

The bishop spoke loudly, but these words were not heard by the four people. Cooperation? What a joke! Since the woman insulted the spicy taste, Princess Apricot refused to persuade, and Liluo ignored her, there was no such thing as cooperation here. It's almost the same if it's the enemy!

The idiot stood at the end of the line, watching the four girls sulking at each other. He wasn't very concerned about the little things of these girls, but before boarding the ship, he deliberately or unintentionally glanced at the small hotel over there. After a moment of silence, he followed the team on the boat.

The ship is speeding, crossing over the sea. On the boat, the idiot explained the specific situation to the children in accordance with the rules of his temporary teacher.

Baihaihai Island is part of the town and is a small island slightly larger than the town. The dense forest here is not very suitable for living. But the military training location is arranged here, but it is the best.

This military training is divided into two parts in total. In the first five days, it is the general standing, running, and mental training. These training sessions will take place on the beach on the island. But after the fifth day is over, you will enter the real military training-actual combat.

These children will be in groups of four. Spread out on this small island. Everyone will have weapons inlaid with guide stones. As long as it hits the vital part of the opponent, the guiding stone will make a sound to announce that someone is "dead". Moreover, the non-threatening guiding stones used for practice are also used in combat, which is convenient for children of the vertical stone system.

Reincarnation for actual combat within ten days, reset the next day and proceed again. The meaning of this kind of military training is to let the children understand the importance of teammates from real practical exercises and know what the so-called war is about. When you really hit the battlefield, how should you fight and how to ambush. After the military training is over, the team with the most "killed enemies" and the most survivors will receive credits. And the team that was "killed" the most times, the team with the lowest survival rate...the credits, but just floating in the sky.

As a military school, such military training is indeed a matter of course.

But, what about the group of four, the little bread?

In the first five days of training, the only thing left between the four was stinky faces. When it comes to actual combat training, Xiao Bian wants to reconcile and let everyone survive stably. But on the first day, it was because Liluo and Kolo quarreled again, regardless of Bread's dissuasion, they separated their actions, and finally their team was defeated by other teams. The next day, it was almost the same. For three consecutive days, this group is almost the first team to be eliminated. It made others think about them in the end. As long as the beginning of the field war is announced every morning, there will be several small teams waiting near their camp, waiting for the sneak attack.

Fourth day...

The bonfire at night was burning. A group of small bread was stationed by a small river, four simple sleeping bags surrounded a bonfire, and six fish were rubbed by the fire.

Crouching beside the fire, looking at the fish oil. She touched the fish from time to time, sticking the grease on her mouth. Obviously I can't wait. The idiot adjusts the heat to prevent the fish from being scorched.

At this time, Little Bread ran over from the woods in a huff. Her body was covered with white spots, and it was obvious that Wanjian had already passed through her heart.

".....................Lost again?"

The idiot looked at this little girl. And the bun was squatting angrily by the campfire, lazily holding up the sign——

"All? Extinct! 》

Presuming that the idiot had finished reading it, she threw the sign aside, sat down cross-legged without restraint, pulled a grilled fish and ate it.

When I saw that I was ready to eat, I pulled one out and ate it.

(Hahaha, talking about human kid, why don't you as an instructor teach these little girls? If you want to say this kind of survival game, aren't you the best at it?)

The idiot fiddled with the fire and ignored the dark die. At this time, the remaining three girls also walked over from the forest one after another. Lilo was covered with mud and water, and a big white dot on her forehead was very eye-catching. Ke Luo's back was burned white by the safety of other children's stone flames. Xing was not very good either. From the shoulder to the waist, a white line was cut with a sword. Brutally dismembered.

No matter who it was, he had been killed for four consecutive days, but the number of dead enemies was still zero. This is really too embarrassing. Four people sat on either side of the idiot and deviated, eating grilled fish angrily. No one said a word. Anyway, I have said enough to complain in the past four days, and I will lose all the way in the future.

After a simple dinner, he raised his long pointed ears deviatedly, jumped on the tree, and disappeared in no time. In the darkness cast by the forest, the other three girls went to wash their bodies separately. Only the bun was still sitting by the campfire, stunned by himself.


The idiot fiddled with the fire and looked at the fires burning elsewhere on the island.

"Go take a shower. I don't sleep well with something stuck on my body."

Bun turned his head and puffed his mouth. Then she picked up the sign, wrote another sentence, and held it up--

"It will be glued tomorrow anyway, it doesn't matter if you wash it or not!" 》

The idiot shook his head and could see that this little guy was really upset. After thinking about it, the idiot said, "Go take a bath. You must go."

Facing the idiot's irresistible look, Xiao Bread felt a little aggrieved. Sobbing, she walked slowly to the river and began to drag her clothes.

Moonlight shines on the river water, setting off the crystal clear water like a transparent ribbon. Little Bread squatted in the water, looking at the three people who left after taking a bath in silence, and snorted.

She still didn't understand, she wanted so hard to unite the team and protect Xing. But why does your team fall apart?

Xing is a princess. Although she looks very well-behaved, she takes things for granted because of her identity. For what she wanted to do, even if Bread knew it was wrong and wanted to stop her, she couldn't stop her.

Kolo saw that Bun had obviously become hostile. She is the daughter of the Goodsey family, and of course she wouldn't listen to someone who was close to Lilo of Nolius. but……

Lilo. This friend. Her character is too tough and straightforward. After being provoked by Ko Luo, he would forget everything else and just quarrel with Ko Luo. No matter what else. Even the advice of the small bread is completely ignored.

In other words, none of these three wanted to obey Bun's orders. Either talking to himself or having no team spirit at all. How can it be safe if this continues?

Now... Eight days have passed. Only seven days remain in the fifteen days of military training.

I should have spent these seven days, it is considered to be an early end of the early business relationship, and spend it in the time of praying not to go wrong...

Or think of a way to make these three people obey their orders and stop them from talking to themselves?

However, even if you really want to unite them, what are some ways to make yourself the leader of this small team in a short time?

Little Bread thought, kept thinking... She was thinking about the teachings of idiots and how idiots usually do. Especially, she also thought of the idiot's words--

——Your control over them is not enough. ——



Control...? ? ?

Control——————! ! !

suddenly! As if thinking of something, the bun stood up from the river! She looked up at the three bright moons in the sky, with water drops stuck to her pink hair, and her snow-white skin was as creamy. After a while...

An evil smile rose from the corner of Little Bread's mouth.





Bun was dressed, and he was wearing a simple nightgown. A small body appeared vaguely from the nightgown.

The idiot looked at this little girl who didn't even wipe her hair, took out the towel from the package she carried, and wiped her hair. Little Bread grinned, and when her hair was wiped clean, she threw into the idiot's arms with a wow, and began to act like a baby.

The other three little girls were not so good when they saw the behavior of Little Bread. It's still early, they just don't talk when they read books and practice boxing.

However, this is what the bun wants. According to military training regulations, teachers cannot help students. So Little Bread personally carried the kettle to the river and scooped a pot of water over. She put the water on the bonfire with difficulty and exhaled. Afterwards, while supporting the three girls without looking at herself, she secretly took out a vial from the idiot's package, poured out a few pills from it, and pinched it in the palm of her hand.

Little Bread grinned and threw the pills into the kettle under the pretence of watching the water. Seeing them, the pills spread out and melted into the water. In response, she nodded in satisfaction, closed the lid, and squatted beside the idiot.

Of course these actions cannot be hidden from the eyes of idiots. However, idiots have no need to stop. This time, he was just as a bystander to see what this girl would do.

Gradually, it was late at night.

After the water boiled, Lilo, Kolo, and Xing all poured a cup from it and drank it. The idiot and the bun pretended to drink, but they all accidentally splashed water on the ground. Soon, the effect of the medicine took effect. The three little girls began to yawn, and everyone rubbed their eyes, crawled back into their sleeping bags, and got in. Almost a few minutes later, they all fell asleep, breathing softly.


At this moment, Little Bread stood up.

The little girl with pink hair and emerald eyes akimbo, looking at the three girls in front of her contentedly, the evil and triumphant smile at the corner of her mouth raises again.




Time... a minute and a second passed.

The bun is not in a hurry. She has to wait for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

Moreover, she has to wait for the night patrolling of the mountain, the teacher who came to this camp to check out.

Finally, when the three rounds of bright moon at night hung high in the middle of the night...

The emerald pupil opened instantly.

And this girl who had already shown a little devil side also crawled out of her sleeping bag unswervingly, and slowly came to her goal.

The idiot was on the trunk and opened his eyes slightly. Little Bread didn't care if the idiot was watching, instead she turned around and gave the idiot a thumbs up. After that, he moved quietly to the side of Ke Luo who was asleep, and squatted down.

She stretched out her hand and pulled the zipper on the outside of the sleeping bag with her fingers, pulling it down little by little. After the sleeping bag was fully opened, the groggy little singer in pajamas still did not react at all. Seeing this, Little Bread smiled, put his hands together, grabbed her pajamas, and began to unbutton her.

The night in the southern island is not very cold, so after Xiao Bread unbuttoned Kolo's clothes, she did not have any cold-fearing movements at all, still tilting her head and falling asleep. The bun was obviously satisfied with the function of the medicinal effect, speeded up, and began to drag Ko Luo's clothes more quickly.

Soon, Ke Luo's buttons were completely unbuttoned, and Little Bread pulled her clothes to the sides, revealing the soft and tender body in it. After a closer look, she nodded and immediately reached out to Racolo's nightdress. Since there are no buttons, I can easily pull off the skirt, along with the bear **** inside.

Seeing Ko Luo in front of him, with a small bun supporting his chin, he always felt that there was still some deficiency. She looked back at the idiot, as if she was looking for help. But after touching the cold eyes of the idiot, the girl stuck her tongue out and started to pat her head. Soon, she figured it out, and turned Kolo's two thighs to the left and right. After this step, she raised her thumb to herself and nodded.

After dealing with Ko Luo, Xiao Bread exhaled and came to Liluo. Pull the sleeping bag and unbutton the pajamas in the same way. With Ke Luo's experience, she can do it quickly this time! However, when she dragged off Liluo's shirt, her hand accidentally pressed Ke Luo's chest, and the tentacles were actually soft.


Bun raised his hand and looked at his palm. Then she lowered her head and looked at Lillola's naked breasts. At this moment, the ten-year-old little Liluo already had some breasts. After thinking about the bread, she couldn't help but put her hand on it and pressed it, squeezing it. I don't know if Liluo felt anything, her cheeks started to flush when she was sleeping, and she gave a soft cry of "Uh".

Bun touched Lilo's chest, and finally, pressed his own. Faintly... well... there seems to be some, but it doesn't feel obvious. Think about it, forget it, Xiao Bread put this question behind his head, and continued to sweep Li Luo drastically.

Finally, it was Princess Apricot who looked good but didn't listen to other people's advice at all. The bread is not only a little bit angry when I think that I have spent so much effort for her. She snorted and unbuttoned her pajamas familiarly. But after pulling apart Xing's pajamas, another piece of clothing appeared inside, but the little girl was taken aback.

What is this white thing holding your chest...?

Bread reached out and touched it tentatively. Looking back at the idiot, but the idiot still looked here with cold eyes. Xiao Bian dare not ask, but this thing has to find a way to drag it? She pressed Xing's **** and began to fumble around on this hood-like thing. After a while, she touched something like a button behind Xing.


No, not happy. Because the buttons were behind her back, Little Bread didn't bother to lift Kyong and didn't want to turn her over. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally took a sigh of relief, and directly pulled the center of the white cover, and raised it directly. Immediately, two things that were softer than Liluo, and still slightly bouncing, appeared in front of Bun.


Maybe it hurt because of forcibly dragging the clothes. The apricot in his sleep bit his lower lip lightly and let out a groan. Bun was startled, and hurriedly hid behind the idiot. After a while, she made sure that Xing hadn't woke up before she regained her courage and walked over. Then, pull the skirt, pull the underwear, and separate the legs. This kind of thing that has been fully experienced, the buns do it smoothly, without any slack, the action is perfect in one go.

After doing all this, Little Bread smiled. The next step was the last step. She ran to the idiot and got in along the big package that idiot always carried with her. After tossing in it for a while, she jumped out again. However, she has an extra camera in her hand. The little girl with a naive smile just jumped to the side of the three little girls, facing them, and pressing the shutter to their heart's content.

On the small island under the night, flashing lights one after another.

What would the campers in the distance think is happening here?

Perhaps they would think that this is just the contrast of the bright moonlight in the forest. More likely, they would think that this is who is holding the all-night banquet, maybe...


The bun patted heartily. Whether it is a full-length photo or a close-up of a local area, she takes very detailed shots. In the process of shooting, she also paid attention to adjusting the posture of the three girls, and brought the camera close to give a wonderful magnification shot between their legs.

She vented the camera in her hand heartily and took more than one hundred pictures in a row. He was not over until the guiding stones in the camera were exhausted. Holding this camera happily, reviewing the photos from the observation mirror.

"Do you think you will win this way?"

Suddenly, the idiot spoke. This surprised the bun who had been in excitement. After she noticed that the idiot was speaking, the girl was relieved, and ran to the idiot's side, followed him, and started acting like a baby.

"I ask you. How are you going to show them these photos. In such a place where you can't wash them out."

Bun was taken aback, and after thinking about it, she held up the sign--

"Just like that, show them with an observation mirror? 》

"……………………Then, if you change your position, you are the one who was taken forcibly. After seeing these photos, what will your first reaction be?"


Finally, Xiao Bread noticed the truth of the matter. If you were any person, if you showed her these things directly, the other party would definitely come to grab them immediately. Then smash the camera. With one-to-three, Xiao Bread thinks he has no such strength. And if you don't show them, who can prove that they have photos in their hands? How can this make them listen to themselves? But if you wait until you leave the island before going to wash, then the military training has ended and you don’t need to wash.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bian looked at the three people who had been stripped off but still sleeping soundly, and frowned. When she couldn't think of a good way after thinking about it, the girl finally gave up, looked at the idiot, and made a pitiful expression.

"You have to solve the problem this time. I can't always be by your side. If you don't think enough to act, it means doing nothing. You think that just taking pictures can cause a great threat. It's obvious. , Your judgment is wrong, bread."

Little bread has nothing to say. This one that was originally thought to be a brilliant idea is now abruptly denied by an idiot. She lowered her head and whimpered twice. Obviously I was a little unwilling, but more, it was regret that I had not thought enough about my problems.


Finally, the little bread that had been thinking about it smoked. She refused to think about it anymore, instead she threw herself into the idiot's arms, rubbing her head against the idiot's chest. After grinding for a long time, she crawled behind the idiot again, hooked his neck with her hands, and started rubbing the idiot's face with her face, like a cat who wanted to beg for food.


Finally, the idiot couldn't help but picking up the camera. With the joyous farewell of Little Bread, he left the camp and headed to the shore, rowing a small wooden boat overnight to Baihaibin Town. Of course, behind his wooden boat was always followed by a silver fish's tail, staying there for a moment.

After Xiao Bread resolved the incident, he finally let out a sigh of relief. She turned her head and helped Kolo, Lilu, and Xing put on clothes again, and pulled down the bra. Close the sleeping bag. After doing all this, she returned to her sleeping bag contentedly, yawned, tilted her head, and fell asleep. V

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