Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 022, no talking

The bun is tired.

She is really tired.

In the past, seeing an idiot with an iron face could protect the walnuts almost easily, and she felt that this life should be easy. But when you really do it, you know that you have to pay attention to the surrounding scenes anytime and anywhere, and you have to reconcile the conflicts between these companions around you. Prevent unnecessary danger...All of the above are really super tired.

Looking at the big pot of oatmeal on the table, the bun sighed and raised the bowl. After scooping a bowl, she took a look on the table. Then, she picked up a bottle marked with pepper and placed it in front of Apricot. Instead of spilling it, she unscrewed the lid and poured half a bottle into the porridge. After mixing, close the lid and put down the pepper bottle.


Sure enough, after being tired for so long, a bowl of super spicy oatmeal porridge is really the best~~! Bun covered his face, happily recalling the taste in his mouth. After the tasting, she again scooped up a spoonful of porridge and put it in her mouth.

Lilo has long known the taste of buns, so she is not used to her behavior. But Ke Luo didn't know. She glanced at the bottle, and then at the small bread she was eating. After hesitating, she also picked up the pepper bottle over there, unscrewed it, and poured the remaining half into her bowl. Then, he scooped a bowl of porridge.

The small mouth opened, eyes closed, and the spoonful of blood and blood was stuffed into the mouth...

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

As soon as three seconds arrived, Ke Luo's originally elegant face suddenly became hideous! She stood up suddenly, her cheeks puffed out, her mouth slightly opened! Liluo and Xing, who were next to her, saw her standing up, and they were watching her at the same time.

But Luo held back, facing the eyes of the princess and her opponent, she almost spared all her strength to hold back. Should she, the singing queen, be in front of the princess and spit out what she ate in her mouth? How inelegant is this, how impolite?

At this moment, Lilo seemed to understand something. She gave a sneer, stretched out her hand to put her hand on Bun's shoulder, and smirked against Kolo in front of her. Ke Luo could not speak due to objective reasons, and now could only stare at Liluo. Afterwards, she stared at the bread that ate the porridge silently. Gradually, the little girl's eyes reddened and two tears rolled down from her immature cheeks.

After a long time, Ke Luo swallowed the bite of food in his mouth. Then, she picked up the cup and drank the boiled water in one gulp. She drank five big cups in a row, which was a little relief. While panting, the girl stared fiercely at the bread that didn't know what had happened, and looked at the blood-red porridge juice flowing from the corner of her mouth.

Ke Luo called the waiter and took his bowl away. Later, she took a new bowl and scooped another bowl of porridge from the pot. She stared at the bun fiercely, and at the same time stretched out her hand to look in the condiment bottle. Soon, I found a jar with yellow sesame pepper.

Unfortunately, the bottle seems to be empty. After thinking for a while, Ke Luo took out a small yellow packing bag from the small bag of his clothes and tore it open. Put the yellow powder inside into the bottle. After that, she squeezed the bottle gracefully, sprinkled some lightly in the bowl, stirred it, and started eating.


After eating a bowl of buns, she scooped another bowl again, still unfulfilled. But when looking for the chili bottle, she found that it was actually empty? After Xiao Bread put down the bottle helplessly, his eyes suddenly noticed the small bottle placed in front of Ke Luo! When she was happy, she immediately reached for it.


Although Ke Luo was eating, she was always paying attention to the bread. Seeing that the bread was coming to grab her own things, she immediately grabbed the bottle and stared at the bread.

Bread was taken aback, staring at the bottle. Under the gaze of Ke Luo's repelling expression from thousands of miles away, she finally retracted her hand in anguish. After the bun withdrew his hand, Ko Luo finally sprinkled the powder in the bottle into his bowl again contentedly, and ate it happily.

Little Bread looked at the faint, tasteless bowl of porridge in front of him, and then at the relish Kolo next to him. She bulged her cheeks and finally left her seat. After looking around, she picked up a bottle of paprika straight from the table next to her and returned to her seat happily.

Then, screw...

Huh? Twist...

Still screw...

Two or three times later, Bun frowned, looking at the bottle that couldn't be unscrewed. After three seconds, she gave up altogether, but simply started to fall. But I don’t know if it is damp and agglomerated or something, the powder just won’t come out. Now, this girl is frowning. She flushed, and tried her best to twist the bottle.

Seeing the bread busy there, Ke Luo smiled, and was happy to watch her busy, at the same time, he scooped up a spoonful of cereal and prepared to put it in his mouth. But at this moment, the bun suddenly used too much force, and the bottle that was originally tightly sealed in his hand was unscrewed with a snap at this moment? ! Not only was it unscrewed, the crimson powder inside was more like smoke, and it dispersed in an instant!

Unfortunately, the bun's body is closer to Kolo when he twists the lid. When the lid popped open, a large solidified red lump inside flew onto Ke Luo's spoon by accident, and then this little girl also unconsciously stuffed the spoon into her mouth. After that, the red smoke filled Koro. When she inhaled, she could clearly see that a lot of red powder got directly into her nose.

The red smoke... slowly dispersed.

And Ke Luo's expressions and movements also solidified.

She still maintained the action of putting the spoon in her mouth, her small mouth was holding the spoon and she did not spit it out. The tears in the corners of her eyes had dried up. But at this time, the girl's eyes were again filled with tears of grievance. It looks sparkling. And her hand, which did not hold the spoon, was also pulling her skirt tightly, shaking constantly.

Little Bread saw that she was in trouble, and quickly came up to send her the red powder on her body. However, it is just that. After that, she put the empty bottle aside, her eyes pointed, and she glanced at the yellow vial that Ke Luo placed beside. The ignorant Bun smiled and looked at Kolo. After seeing that she was staring at her, but didn't say anything to stop her, she took the vial like lightning, opened the lid, and sprinkled all the yellow powder in it into her bowl and stirred it well.

After that, the bun couldn't wait to scoop up a spoon with a spoon, put it in his mouth, and closed his eyes again, hoping to experience the wonderful journey of taste buds.


Little bread, but cried.

A strange scene is happening in the restaurant. On a table, a large bowl of cereal was barely moved, but the two little girls sitting at the table were all in tears, staring at each other at the same time. The other two girls in this seat ate silently and seemed afraid to disturb. I don't know if it is because this pot of porridge cannot be added, I want to eat as much as possible, but I still don't dare to disturb.


Ke Luo finally endured it. She stretched out her hand and patted heavily on the table! Little Bread did not show weakness, she also slapped the table fiercely, staring at Ko Luo as if looking at the enemy. Ke Luo snorted coldly, took out another bag of powder from his arms, tore the bag open, and poured the powder into his mouth directly, showing a very happy expression on his face. Not to be outdone when Xiao Bian saw it, she immediately left her seat and went around the venue, sweeping all the pepper bottles in the other seats. Afterwards, she untiringly opened a can, raised her head, and poured the flaming red powder directly into her mouth.

The scene in front of me saw the other people around me panicking! But this is obviously not over yet, these two little girls are destined to go on. Ke Luo whoosh took out more than twenty packets of pouches from his arms and pinched them in his hand, as if he was holding the winning ticket. And the small bread also put the pepper bottles in a pot and looked at each other with mocking eyes. Lilo, who was next to her, trembled, lowered her head and started to eat. Xing looked at these two girls in a daze, at a loss.


At almost the same time, Bread and Kolo put down all the bottles and cans in their hands, while reaching out to scoop the porridge. After scooping up a bowl, they simultaneously tore the package and opened the bottle. Ke Luo poured a bag in each hand into the porridge, but when she looked up, she saw that Little Bread was pouring four bottles of paprika into the porridge in both hands. At the same time, she was still looking at herself with a look of contempt. How does this work? Ke Luo thinks he can't admit defeat! After pouring two packs, she picked up four packs and tore them apart, and sprinkled the yellow stuff directly into the porridge.

A good bowl of porridge, now a bowl is red like blood, and it seems that some unknown bubbles are still on the surface. The other yellow bowl is very calm, but the calm one is like a solid, without the slightest ripple. The two girls looked at their bowls and then at each other. Suddenly, they seemed to have a lot of energy!


The bun picked up the can of pepper and poured it into Kolo's bowl. But it was blocked by Ke Luo's hand.

Kolo picked up the powder and poured it into the bread bowl, but it was also blocked by the bread hand.

After continuing, the two girls are not right. They stepped on one leg one after another on the table, and the two of them wrestled with each other unreservedly. The two white thighs that came out from under the skirt made some male audiences around look a little confused, but to them, it seemed that nothing was important anymore!

Da Da Da Da, Li Luo lowered her head to eat, pretending not to see.

In the process of wrestling, the strength of Bread and Kolo finally slowly ran out. Almost at the same time, they couldn't help but slack their hands when intercepting each other. In an instant, chili powder and pepper powder were all spilled into each other's bowl. At this moment, two bowls of porridge, one red and one yellow, seemed to be activated, and they started to bubble? ! A look of boiling! The smell emanating from it made the two little girls frown and turn their heads away.

So, is that over?


The resentment of food is terrible. Especially for the current little bread and Ko Luo, this resentment is even more powerful than it can be! After the two of them stared at each other, they immediately picked up the jar and packaging on the ground!

Screw... screw!

It's a pity that the unscrewable jar slowed the bun's speed by a beat. Ke Luo saw the timing, tore open the package, and instantly poured all the powder into the pot with half of the oatmeal left. After falling down, she threw away the packaging, stepped on the chair with her feet, and looked at the pot with salivation. But at this moment, Little Bread suddenly pushed her and poured all the paprika in his hands. That's not a big deal, she unscrewed a few more bottles and poured them all down!

At first sight, a pot of yellow, "scented" oatmeal porridge turned red in this way, it can be said that the fire started from the heart, and the evil grew to the gall. Regardless of whether the apricot next to her hadn't eaten a bowl at all, she also picked up the powder in her hand, tore it apart, and poured it in. Not to be outdone, the bread desperately twisted the lid and poured it inside.

In an instant, a pungent smell permeated the entire restaurant. After a few literary and art girls smelled this smell, they passed out on the table without saying a word, making the teachers extremely nervous. Of course, some guests who couldn't stand it immediately covered their noses and fled the restaurant.

Soon, the porridge in the pot became some kind of weird "object". Under the influence of the strong pungent smell, only Bread and Kolo were still standing on the table with one foot, staring at each other without showing weakness. At this time, Liluo and Kyung finally decided to escape, but they just moved their buttocks, Bread and Kolo both reached out and held them down. At the same time, one person picked up a bottle of chili powder and packaging, and poured them into their unfinished cereal. After the matter, the two girls stared at each other, and at the same time looked at them expectantly.

Lilo's mouth twitched, and she smiled awkwardly. Afterwards, she boldly put down the spoon, scooped up the red oatmeal porridge, and gently tasted it...

Xing also couldn't bear Ke Luo's expectant gaze, and dignifiedly pinched the spoon, sticking out her small tongue, and tremblingly added...


Lilo lay down on the table very simply, foaming at her mouth, unconscious. As for Xing, her movements were also stiff, with a burnt smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, and she stopped talking on the back of her chair.

At this time, Bread finally began to care about his friends. She quickly stepped forward and patted Liluo's face. After Liluo woke up quietly, she stared at Ke Luo angrily, and at the same time raised the sign—

"You ruined my dinner!" 》

Ke Luo did not show weakness, she also went to find a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote a line of words——

"You ruined my dinner too!" 》

Xing looked at the two of them, took out the paper and pen without making a sound, and wrote--

"You ruined everyone's dinner. 》

Lilo took the pen tremblingly, and after writing a sentence, she became unconscious again——

"Kill Me" V

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