Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 027, the prodigal game

"You have not questioned what happened here today, and you have no right to pursue the reasons behind it. All you can do is to win the next game, and then save your sweethearts and seize the 10,000 Sura Apart from this, you don’t have anything else to care about. The above is the first iron law that you must abide by today. Regarding this rule, you don’t have any right to appeal. Although I don’t want to This light-hearted match sees blood, but if someone dared to violate it and I found out, I would immediately have that person beheaded with the person he cares about. I will only say this once. Did you hear clearly--- ———!!!"

"Yes yes yes! Hear it clearly, so clearly! Jun Ye, go on, go on~~~~!"

Mike giggled, not worried about his situation at all. His behavior seemed to aggravate other people's disgust towards him, and everyone stopped seeing him.

The soldier did not laugh any more, but continued to sternly and said--

"Now that you understand the first iron law, I will explain to you the content of the first competition that you will participate in. Now, please take up the magic crystal card in your hand."

With the voice of the soldiers, everyone slowly picked up the card in their hands. The idiot took it too, and looked at his own, and then at other people's. And the person who claimed to be a fool took out the card from his arms, placed it in his palm, and looked at it quietly.

"Very well, now, I will explain the rules of the game. Remember, I will only say these rules once. And questions about this game can only be asked when I say that I am allowed to ask questions. And, I will also answer all the answers. Just say it again. If I judge that your question has nothing to do with the game, then I have the right to refuse to answer. Do you understand?...Okay, then I will explain now."


"This game is named by us as the loser game. The game will continue for fifteen rounds, and each round will last one hour. In other words, the total game time will be fifteen hours."

"Before the start of each round of the game, a Sura currency will be added to the magic crystal card in your hand. This Sura is the item you will use in this game. Everything is also It's all based on this one Sura."

"I believe that in order to save your own important people, you must be salivating for the reward of 10,000 Sura? But in this game, we hope that what you do is not to make money, but to find ways. Sura in his handle is used."

"As for how to use is a pity that this is a small island, and the area where you are located will also provide free food and drinking water. In short, there is no place for you to spend. The only possibility for you to spend The only way to spend the Sura in the hand is the two small wooden houses in the center. Inside the wooden houses, there are two terminals. Only when the two magic crystal cards are put into the terminal, it is possible to connect one of them. The amount of the card becomes zero."

"After a round is over, we will count the number of Suras in your cards. Take the first Sura as an example. If you still have only one Sura at the end of the round, then the score sheet will be One point is deducted. If there are two Suras, then two points are deducted. Under normal circumstances, this is the case. If the number of Suras in the hand is zero at the end, then one point is added. But in any case , Any extra points can only add one point."

"This is a cruel rule. So, if someone accidentally pools a lot of money, not only is not a prodigal, but also a miser, what should we do? It doesn't matter, there is a way to save at this time. Everyone try their best to reduce losses."

"Look at the gate of this fence. There is my soldier guarding another terminal. If someone unfortunately gets into the card in his hand, a total of twelve suras, according to the general rules, he will fall Twelve points are deducted. But at this time, if he goes to this terminal to register, then at this time, even if she still has twelve suras at the end, then this person only needs to deduct six points. If the number of suras in his hand is equal to Six, then no points will be deducted and no points will be added. If the number of Sura in his hand is less than six, then one point can be added instead."

"That is to say, at the beginning, the magic crystal card in your hand was registered as'one sura. At this time, points can only be added when the number of suras is less than 1. equal to 1 deduction, equal to 2 deductions. Two points, and so on. But if you register at the time of'two sura’, if the sura number changes back to 1 at the end, then no points will be deducted. When the end is still two points, one will be deducted Minute."

"Three sura registration, at the end, it is equal to 2 suras, no points will be deducted, no points will be added. If less than 2, one point will be added, and if more than 2, the points will be deducted for more."

"Four sura registration, at the end, it is equal to 2 suras, no points will be deducted, no points will be deducted. If less than 2, one point will be added, and if more than 2, the points will be deducted for more."

"Five sura registration, at the end, equal to 3 suras, no deduction, no extra points. Less than 3, plus one point, more than 3, how much more, how many points are deducted."

"In other words, as long as the registration is completed, the amount of compensation for the Sura number in your hands will be reduced to half of the general rule. As long as it can be equal to half at the end, there is no need to deduct points, less than half, but you can add points. Take care of everyone, so when half of the numbers are odd, they are adjusted to the larger number. Except for 1 Sura, the general rule remains unchanged, half of 3 is 2; half of 5 is 3; half of 7 is 4; half of 9 is 5; half of 11 is 6."

"In a round, there is no limit to the number of registrations. However, the effect of the subsequent registration will cover the effect of the previous registration. The above is the description of the specific scoring rules."

"Next, there are instructions for display. In a total of fifteen rounds of the game, we will only announce the scoring situation in your hands only when it is a multiple of three rounds. In addition, you can only know that you are from the registered soldiers. After you have registered, the soldiers will not tell you the specific amount in the card in your hand. The two terminals are also damaged, so they cannot display the amount received, only the amount paid."

"In addition, in order to show greater fairness and express lenient treatment for everyone's intellectual inequality, if someone gets extra points twice in a row, as a punishment, the next round will be judged as a'recurring fraud. 'Regardless of the result, this person can only get the result of equal points or deductions, but no extra points. After the punishment is over, they will return to normal again.

"Also, in order to prevent the game from losing its suspense early due to the large gap at the end of the game, the point deductions for the last round of the game, that is, the fifteenth round, have been slightly changed. The extra points remain unchanged, and the deductions are made. All are doubled. Therefore, I hope you will not give up hope until the end."

"The above are all the rules of the game. The winner of this game is the 6 people who get the highest points. However, if more than 7 people get the highest points at the same time, then all 7 people will be disqualified. As a game, There will be no winners. If there are 5 people with the same highest score and 2 people are ranked second, then these 2 people are disqualified and only 5 people win. And so on, in short, there can only be 6 people, or less than 6 people The winners. If the scores are tied, the people at the end will be automatically eliminated."

"Similarly, in order to prevent the emergence of leading and lagging groups and making the game prematurely meaningless, the player with the lowest score in the game will be taken away. If there is a tie for the bottom-to-last, then we will take them all. Go. As for where we will take these losers... Hey, the end of the losers has never been good."


The people around listened in a daze, dare not say anything. Idiots listen attentively, carefully savoring the deep meaning behind these rules. At this time, the soldier probably said almost everything. He spread his hands, coughed twice, and said, "Now, do you have any questions? Just ask."

"If you lose... if you lose! What are the consequences? What will happen to the loser?!"

Sure enough, this issue is what these people are most concerned about. People rushed forward and asked the soldier.

"Hey, how? Of course it is to bear the consequences of failure. As for how to bear, it has nothing to do with the progress of the game, I refuse to answer. What you have to do is to try your best not to become the last one."

The idiot was still thinking, but at this moment, the "idiot" over there suddenly raised his hand. The soldier nodded, motioned for the people around to be quiet, and then nodded his name.

"If...... my card is stolen, or someone else uses violence to steal it, what should I do?"

When others heard it, they felt that this question seemed to be the most critical. The rules of this game sound complicated, but they are actually very simple. They are fighting each other and trying their best to put their money into the opponent's card. In that case, as long as you can win a card from the opponent, you will almost certainly win!

"Hehehe, please rest assured, our existence is to prevent this from happening!"

The soldier finally laughed. However, the laugh was very irritating.

"We will monitor every detail during the game to prevent any violent means from happening. If anyone uses violence, then that person will be kicked out directly and bear the loser's fate. Even if that person is really supernatural. Guangma, you have stolen your magic crystal card under our noses, then you can also go to the registration office to request a replacement one and invalidate the original magic crystal card. So, are you relieved? Mr. fool."

The "idiot" lowered his head and seemed to stop talking. The idiot looked at him, looked at his card. But at this time, Mike over there broke through the siege, rushed to the front of the soldier, and said happily: "By the way, the soldier! What if someone maliciously obstructs it? For example, put yourself in the cabin and occupy the terminal. Never let others use it. Then we can’t use violence, what should we do?”

"Mr. Mike (now an idiot knows that this little gangster turned out to be registered with his real name), please rest assured. Our existence is also to prevent this. If we rely on our subjective judgment, anyone with a malicious mood to hinder others to execute For this kind of behavior, we will force him to be pulled out when the time is about the same. For those who refuse to come out, we will be punished by going out."

"When the time is about the same? The execution of the malicious mood? These two concepts are really vague. How much time does it specifically mean? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? How to judge whether the person is malicious when occupying the seat?"

"No, I said it. This will be judged based on our subjectivity. Sometimes, he spent forty minutes in it, and we can judge him not to violate the rules. Sometimes he was in there for only five minutes, and we might judge it. He violated the rules. Here, we are justice and we are the rules. Are you satisfied?"

This time, Mike finally stayed for a while, and then he nodded without speaking.

After that, other people asked many questions piecemeal. Basically, the soldier refused to answer for the reason that he had said it before or had nothing to do with the game. After waiting for a while, the soldier finally determined that the twelve men could no longer ask any decent questions, and raised his hand. At this time, a countdown stopwatch was also erected in the center of the open space with the support of the soldiers.

"Now, I announce that the game has begun! I hope you can use your personal wisdom within the next fifteen hours and work hard to win tickets to the finals. Then, let's say goodbye."

Even though those people still dragged the soldiers to ask questions, the soldiers just flicked the people away and left from the exit. Afterwards, the door at the exit was closed. Apart from the twelve rooms and two cabins, as well as a small messy window on the exit door, only these twelve people were left alone. Here, look at the countdown of the stopwatch.

right now……

What should I do?

The idiot looked at these people who were mostly at a loss, and slowly sat down on the chair beside him. After seeing the idiot sitting down, those people spread out relatively speechlessly, and began to walk around in the fence.

(Human kid, what do you think of this little game...?)

The idiot closed his eyes and crossed his hands. After thinking about it for a while, I answered Dim in my mind.


(Oh? Interesting. Tell me about it?)

(No matter how much you win, you can only get one point. Therefore, everyone will do their best to deceive others for this point and let the other party take this Sura from their own hands. Basically, just hand over this After one Sura, you can ensure absolute safety by not entering the cabin with anyone firmly.)

(Hahaha! That’s right! But the funny thing is that everyone knows about it. So, it’s impossible for everyone to be tricked into that room to accept the other’s Sura! In this case, you have to How to shoot?)


(Ha ha ha, human kid, I, look forward to it.) V

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