Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 028, the strong player

Time moves in one minute and one second. Although there is one hour, for the participants of this game, one hour is obviously not enough. After a moment of stalemate, these people started walking towards others. Lu smiled, thinking of ways to lobby each other. However, everyone here knows the rules of this game. It is even more difficult to deceive those who have already been guarded against.

The idiot swept across the crowd and began to lower his head to think. Since the announcement of the rules of the game, he has been thinking about the key. That key point...that is, the real meaning of this game, what is it?

"Hey, guys with black masks, come over to me!"

Suddenly, Mike over there yelled loudly. In this place where everyone is cautious, for fear of making too much noise, his voice is as loud as thunder.

Seeing everyone around him looking at him, Mike seemed undaunted. He pointed to the black iron mask on his face again and said, "Why, didn't you hear clearly? You guys with black masks. My uncle asked you all to come to me to gather! Who wouldn't come over? , Be careful of your own destiny! Because...hehehe, this uncle has come up with a way to let all of us survive this game safely!"

It doesn't matter what Mike said, but when he suddenly said something like this, how could it calm the people around him? People in black masks are beginning to be suspicious. Those with white masks also thought about it, and then went to Mike.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute! I didn't call you over, did you? You guys in white masks. Go, go there and stay. I don't have a winning strategy that I want to come up with hard to come up with. "

The two white masks were said by Mike, and both took a bite and left unwillingly.

"Hey, Mike, you said you have a way to win. Is this true?"

With the same black mask on his face, the person named "Blacksmith" seemed a little skeptical, afraid to confirm.

"Huh, what good idea came from this beast?"

The middle-aged man who had quarreled with Mike before, the person named "Father Difficult" glanced at Mike with dissatisfaction and hummed.

"Hahaha, whether my idea is classic or stupid, you can try it out for yourself. Um... I will count... Hey, good, we have 6 people in black masks. In this way, we will directly win and enter The next round will undoubtedly be the six of us."

Idiots look at Mike, then look at the people in white masks over there. Obviously, those people are now hostile to the black masked people. Mike's simple words cast a shadow of "hostility" among these people.

"With all that said, what do you think? Hurry up!"

The other black mask, bloated, exudes a faint smell and the scent of cologne. This intertwined taste made other people feel a little sick, and even more frightening was that this man registered his name as "Prince" when he registered his name.

"Hehehe, sure enough, everyone is very anxious. So, I will announce the mystery of this game now. However, in order to ensure the absoluteness of our victory, I hope you can keep this method secret."

Mike sneered twice, and after everyone nodded, he lowered his voice, gently, and said the plan in his heart——

"Everyone, what do you think is the theme of this game?"

After thinking about it for a while, the idiot said in a slightly questioning voice: "Is it... cheating?"

Mike snorted and said: "At first glance, this is indeed the case. We must find ways to use Sura in our hands. For this, we must deceive others and let them bear Sura in our hands."

"However, once everyone thinks like this, the end result is that everyone is a loser. No one will accept Sura from the other party for no reason. Everyone will be very careful."

"Yeah, that's it. Now that you know this is the case, what are we going to do?" The last of the six, the man named "Broom Star" said tremblingly.

"Hahaha, under normal circumstances, this is indeed true. However, if six of us form a team, then our final result is to complete the game without any one deducting points!"

As soon as Mike finished speaking, the other five people all had surprised eyes. Even the idiot seemed a little surprised, as if he didn't quite understand it.

"Are you surprised? Don't worry, after I clarify the next content, it will not be too late for you to be surprised~~~"

"The key to this game is not to deceive each other, but to cooperate between the six people and exchanges using the rule of ‘registration’."

"First of all, each of us has a Sura in our hands. We can first gather all these Suras in one person's hands. In this way, someone among us will become a person with six Suras. ."

"Then, this person went to register, so that as long as the number of sura in his hand is equal to 3, he will not be deducted points. After registration, this person will give the three suras in his hand to another person, and This person also went to register and turned his middle line into two suras. Then, the second person took out two suras from his hand and gave them to the third person. The third person registered again so that the middle line became A sura. After this step, the third person will give another sura in his hand to the second person. In this way, the first, second, and third people will enter a kind of no extra points. No points will be deducted."

"Then in this way, the other three people besides these three people can get a complete bonus."

Mike picked up a stone and drew on the mud. After his thoughts were announced, everyone's unfriendly eyes immediately turned into surprise. I'm afraid no one had thought of it before. This little hooligan who only knows to bully the good and fear the evil and is not liked by everyone, turned out to be the first person to come up with this method.

"Awesome! In this way, we can get points without anyone deducting points... every round?! At the worst, there is no deduction!"

The blacksmith looked at the traces on the ground, his eyes beaming with excitement. Mike continued to sneer, he hugged each other, and Lu showed a superior posture.

"This method notices the mutual trust between the six of us. But then again~~~ Since we can't see the numbers displayed in the transaction at all, so once some of us cheat, our teamwork can be considered That's it. But I think in this kind of game, our teamwork can be regarded as the most important part. If anyone betrays...hehe, then, this person should not think about teaming up with other people. Then he can only end up being isolated and deducting points!"

The idiot nodded, and began to echo: "Mike, you really belong to you. I didn't expect you to be so smart, even this level was thought of."

Mike sneered and said: "Hehe, now you understand how good I am? By the way, because this method was invented by me, and I believe that you must not trust me very much and don't want to take it from me. A lot of Sura. So, in this first round, I will only be responsible for sending Sura out of my hand. And the five of you... Prince, Blacksmith, Broom Star, you three will exchange each other according to the schedule just now. Divide equally. I, idiot, and my lovely father-in-law, let's take this precious first point first."

The middle-aged father looked at Mike who was smug, his fists were already clenched. But the irony is that now he must follow the instructions of this little gangster to win this game. The idiot could see that it took this man a lot of patience to keep himself restrained. All of this... I am afraid it is for his daughter who is trapped here.


The idiot raised his head and looked at the sky. Thinking of the little girl in the ice, he also squeezed his fist unconsciously and let go...

Soon, the people of the black mask combination had already adjusted according to the predetermined plan. After finishing the scoring, the six people finally breathed a sigh of relief and went to their cabins to rest. The idiot took the magic crystal card that had no Sura in his hand, and also took a rest in the room for a while. Soon, the time to end the first round finally came. He walked out of the wooden house, watching the countdown towards the end.

"Now, the first round of the game is over smoothly. I am afraid that your scores have changed~~~Then, the second round will start, please work harder and work hard!"

When the time was up, the soldiers just walked up the ladder outside the fence, then said the above sentence aloud, and left. And the countdown started to run again, without a second stop.

The idiot looked at the twelve people in the field, and everyone in the black mask looked relaxed. This is of course, because according to the schedule, no one in his group will deduct points. In this case, for the six white masks, they have an absolute advantage!



It's really weird...

It stands to reason that when the end of the first round is announced, some people who have not had time to use Sura in their hands should be very nervous, right? But look now...look at these people with white masks...

None of these six people seemed nervous. Instead, they all looked like old gods were there. Among these people, the self-proclaimed "idiot" was sitting quietly on the bench over there. Judging from the positions of the other five white masked people on either side of him, that "Stupid" seems to have become their leader.

(Human kid, what's wrong?)

(Very wrong.)

The idiot stared at the idiot over there, keeping his eyes on for a moment.

(Wrong? Oh, are you talking about their unusual calmness? So, they must have teamed up too. But of course, being rejected by Mike so carelessly, even stupid people Know that we should form a team. Presumably, some of them have discovered this sure-win method, right?)


(Hahaha, maybe? Interesting. Tell the truth! Do you think this thing is weird? Do you think something strange is happening in this thing? Then... hehe, maybe, it's a kind of It was completely unexpected, a "conspiracy" that was completely calculated, maybe!)

Idiots do have some ominous premonitions. But for a while, he couldn't be sure of his wild conjecture. Since Mike decided to exchange once in two rounds, the idiot once again took the card into the central cabin and transported Sura out of the magic crystal card. In this way, he guaranteed a two-pointer.

Thus, the second round continued to end without surprise. After the soldiers ran out and said two irrelevant words, the third game started again. This time, the idiot played the role of collecting money. He collected all the Sura according to the schedule, and then distributed it to Mike according to the schedule, and then Mike sent it to his father. After the exchange, wait for the end of the round.

Ding Dong——

With a slight beep of the timer, the third round is over. The door that had been closed for three hours was finally opened, and the soldiers walked in with a few soldiers dragging a white board. After the soldiers laughed, the soldiers began to write everyone's names on the whiteboard.

"What a wonderful game! I didn't expect to see such an interesting match. Okay! Now, let me announce your scores!"

Everyone held their breath, because before that, no one knew their specific score. If there are betrayers in the team, the result may be truly disastrous. Therefore, the announcement of the scores this time is equivalent to a test of mutual trust between the teams!

"So... first of all. Black mask, Mike. After three rounds, get two points."

Mike raised his neck. Although he couldn't see his face, he could tell that the man was sneering. This answer is expected. If you score twice in a row, you will not get a point once, and you will get two points in three rounds, which is very normal.

"Father hard, two points."

The middle-aged man was relieved, Mike looked at him and sneered. It seems to be mocking his distrust of himself. Those scornful eyes were obviously saying, "Didn't you think I would frame you? So, what about now?"

For Mike's direct stare, the middle-aged man no longer dared to look at him, but bowed his head silently.

"Idiot, two points."

The score is correct. The idiot nodded.

"Blacksmith, one point. Prince, one point. Broom star..."

Everyone held their breath, especially the skinny Broom Star. He shrank his shoulders and his tense feet trembled.

"one cent."

Finally, the answer was reported. So far, all the points scored by the black mask team are under normal conditions. This shows that in the three rounds just now, no one betrayed and everything went according to plan. This commendable mutual trust made them cheer and continue! Victory is right before their eyes!

"Hey, be quiet, I haven't finished reporting yet."

The soldier yelled, and the black mask team calmed down and continued to listen.

"Next, I want to report the score of the white masked person. First... Angler, two points."


Only when the first article was announced, the prince couldn't help screaming. Because according to Mike's plan, these people in the white mask shouldn't have thought of this plan! With that said... Has this angler ever given his own Sura to others in the previous three games? !

"Candy, two points."

Another two points? !

Everyone in the black mask group looked at Mike, and at this time, Mike's eyes seemed to panic. It seems that even he did not anticipate this situation. After watching Mike's eyes, the idiot looked at the center of the white mask—the fool.

"Traveler, two points. Salesman, one point. Bee, one point."

There is nothing wrong. This is exactly the same scoring situation. Obviously, the opponent already knows this way to win, so they have completely made this winning posture! If this continues...what should I do? Could it be said that this game will maintain the same scoring situation of the two teams until the end of the game?

"Then finally, the last person in the white mask..."

The person in the black mask is no longer in the mood to continue listening. They began to discuss with Mike, and Mike was fully comforting them. Anyway, it’s the same scoring situation, three three-pointers and two two-pointers. Although they have lost the confidence of winning, they are still in a difficult situation, are they?

"Fool, two points."

That sound made the members of the black mask group who had been noisy, completely silent.




Two points?

Some impatient blacksmiths can't bear it anymore. He suddenly rushed forward, trying to grab the soldier by the collar. However, the soldiers next to him blocked him in time, not allowing him to get close to the soldiers.

"Two points?! How is this possible?! For six people, half of them should score half of them and half of them should not score! In this case, three rounds should be two points for three and one point for three! But why They will have four two points?!"

The soldier sneered and said, "Why? I don't know about this. I just followed the final answer."

Blacksmith: "Cheating! This must be cheating! Otherwise, it's impossible for this to happen! There must be a black box operation! You must have cheated!"

"Pay attention to your words! Sir!"

The soldier took a step, looked at the blacksmith condescendingly, and said loudly: "The game is fair, and there is absolutely no cheating at all! Don't blame your failure on others' violation of the rules. That would only show that you are not smart enough. , The skills are not as good as the others! What I announced just now is the final answer, which cannot be refuted by anyone!" V

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