Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 030, the wisdom beyond the devil?

"what happened."

The idiot asked. But this question caused Mike to suddenly turn his head, and his frightened pupils were directly reflected in the idiot's black pupils.

"I understand... I finally understand! This is the worst situation... I finally understand how they managed to get four points in three games! And... and...!!!"

Mike covered his face, as if trying hard not to let his voice be heard by the people in the white mask group over there, and said in terror, "And...if I didn't guess wrong, if we continue like this, it is Absolute defeat! Not even a little bit of chance!"

With a word out, the prince, blacksmith and broom star immediately let out a panic cry. They quickly surrounded Mike, wanting to ask what was going on. But Mike always covered his face without saying a word. After a long time, he slowly raised his head--

"No way...I can't catch up... If we continue like this... Our group will lose... lose... Hmm? Wait a minute... By the way! There is this way! This last way to fight to the death!"

As if he had figured out something, Mike suddenly jumped up. He took out the magic crystal card in his hand and said: "Quick! Guys, now I am not in the mood to explain everything to you! Now, please Sura in your hand. Transfer all to me, and then you will not do any transfer operations, I will handle it all!"

The idiot was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said, "Mike, if we transfer it all to you and we don’t do will have Six Suras in your hand. Even after the registration, there will be an upset at the end. This is the case with three deductions."

"I know! But now there is no way! In short, I want to make sure that the five of you score completely in this round! And I want to confirm my own ideas, so if the round is over, I will contact me after the score is announced. If it is the same as expected, I will tell you the truth again!"

For the people in the black mask group, why not do this? Anyway, if Sura was given to Mike, the five confirmed that everyone would get a point. As for how Mike is going to procrastinate this situation, let him handle it all by himself.

At the moment, the five idiots walked into the cabin separately. After the operation, Mike returned to his room with six Sura’s magic crystal cards. After a long time, he got out of the room. Then... he ran to the white mask group over there, and while everyone in the white mask group was acting separately, he talked to one of them called candy.

"Oh, that's it, he wants to lie to the white mask team."

"Follow him. Anyway, we have a point in our hands now. If he can deceive each other, it will be beneficial to us without any harm."

"That's it, okay! Let's take a good rest! There is still more than half an hour before the results are announced!"

Including Nanfu, the four members of the black mask group all returned to their rooms. But after entering his room, Father Nan suddenly turned his head and looked at the idiot with a little doubt...

"what happened to you?"

Idiot, stand still.

He squeezed the magic crystal card in his hand, and there was no longer the cowardice and uselessness in his pitch-black pupils. Instead, there is an absolute calmness, and nothingness...


The dark pupils stared at this person, silently... staring at...


The sixth game is over. According to the rules, the soldiers came again with the soldiers and the white board, ready to announce the results of the previous six games one by one.

Before announcing the result, everyone in the black mask group held their breath. The people in the white mask group are all in their spare time, without the slightest panic.

Then... the answer is revealed.

"Now, let me announce everyone's score. Um... the score this time is really interesting. Then I'll just mix it up."

"First of all, the white mask candy, eh, very strong? Congratulations, four points."

The fat man called candy held his arm and looked like he was laughing happily.

"Then, it's the angler, four points. Traveler, four points. Bee, four points."

Hearing this, the people in the black mask group were speechless. Sure enough, the score combination method of the white mask group is definitely perfect! In the six rounds, they can get four points, and the people in the black mask group can only get three points in the six rounds! In this way... Sure enough, it is a loser!

"Mike! What should we do?!"

Broom Star stepped forward and grabbed Mike, begging. Mike pushed him away, tidied his tie, and remained silent. It seems that he also has nothing to say.

But at this moment...

"Huh? Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, the blacksmith seemed to have realized something, and suddenly he said: "No! Just now Mike took all the Sura from us! Then, he used a total of six Suras including himself and the candy The fat man exchanged! In that case, why can the person in the white mask group still have 4 points? Why can the candy also have 4 points?!"

As if he hadn't heard the blacksmith's words, the soldier sneered and continued: "Then, I will announce the score again. First of's the father of Nan. After six rounds, the score is...two points."

With a snap, the water glass in Father Nan's hand fell to the ground. The people in the white mask group were also stunned, everyone looked at the middle-aged man.

"Then the blacksmith, one point. Prince, one point. Broom star, one point."

One point? !

one cent------? ? ? ! ! !

"It's impossible?! How could it be only one point?! How could I only have one point!!!"

Finally, the hot blacksmith lost control. He rushed to the soldiers over there, but the soldiers couldn't even avoid him, because the soldiers on both sides caught him very well and kept him from advancing.

"It's impossible! After six rounds of the game, I should be able to score two points... No, because in the last round Mike asked to give him all of Sura, so I should have three points! How could it be possible to have only one point? !"

The soldier removed his eyes from the whiteboard, stared at the blacksmith again, and smiled: "Why, are you still talking like this now? I said that the game is completely fair. There can be no cheating. The occurrence of behavior. In fact, your score so far is indeed only one point. Or is it...hey, do you want to disrupt the game? In this case, you will be out early and become a loser."

The face under the blacksmith's mask was completely distorted. He was lying on the ground, unable to believe the facts before him. Even the prince and the broom star knelt down together, looking at the cruel and cold scoreboard, speechless.

"Okay? If it's done, I'll continue. Then... it's Mike in the black mask. Your score after six rounds is... Congratulations, four points."


At this moment, everyone turned their eyes to Mike. Not only in the black mask group, but even in the white mask group, some people gave out unbelievable eyes.

Four points?

This person... Could it be that...? ? ? ! ! !


Mike, laughed.

He covered his face and laughed wildly. This laughter is terrifying. It doesn't seem to be human laughter, but rather like human heart...devil laughter.

"It's so funny... it's so funny! So there are so many fools in this world! You guys... fools——!!!"

In full view, Mike took direct steps. He walked towards a target...there was the place of the white mask group. And he, also wearing a belt, walked slowly in front of the six people in the white mask group and stood still.

"You fools! Thank you so much. Thanks to your stupidity, this game ended early!, lost!"

At this moment, everyone finally understood that Mike must be playing tricks in it! As soon as Broom Star rushed up with a roar, the soldiers immediately stopped him and subdued him.

"You bastard! What the **** did you do? How could you get four points?! You...didn't you take all Sura from us? In this case... In this case... !"

Father Nan held the two points in his hand, already somewhat incoherent. Mike exhaled, looked at him with a haughty smile, and said coldly: "It's a pity. It seems that there are so many fools in this world. The profession of liars is still very promising. Don't you understand? Well, if this is the case, then I will teach you well. Let me tell you what despair is and what is the difference between the wise and the retarded!"

"Do you think that with a team of six people, only three people can get points in a round, and three people don't get points and no points are deducted? Hey, what a pity. To tell you the truth, your algorithm is completely wrong. In fact, there is another algorithm that allows four people to score points in one round!"

With a word out, except for the people in the white mask group and the idiots, all the remaining four people in the black mask screamed in surprise. The soldiers were also happy to stop and wait.

"Don't know? Then I'll tell you now. First, six people gathered all the Suras in one person's hands. Then, this person went to register. Here, it is no different from normal actions. But then, the change will be. Out."

"With six Suras, the first person A with the middle point of three will give all the four Suras in his hand to the second person B. Then, the second person registers and the middle point becomes two. Then, the first person A. Two people give the three Suras in their hands to a third person, and the middle point of the third person’s registration becomes 2. The third person, then hands two of the Sula to the fourth person D, and the fourth person registers the middle point. Become one."

"After such an exchange, the middle point of A is three, and the number of Sura in his hand is two, and he scores one point."

"The middle point of B is two, and the number of Sura in his hand is one, and he scores one point."

"The middle point is two, and the number of Sura in his hand is one, and he scores one point."

"The middle point of D is one, and the number of Sura in his hand is two, and one point is deducted."

"After this step, D will hand over Sura in his hand to any one of A, B, and the three. In this way, the middle point of D is one, and the number of Sura is one. No points or deductions. Points. And the number of Sula who accepted this Sula is equal to the middle point, and there is no point or deduction."

"In this way, the four ABD players will be a situation where two people score and the two people split equally. At this time, plus the E and F that did not participate in the exchange, so that after a round, four people can get points. , The two do not score points."

"This is why after the first three rounds, everyone in the white mask team will get two points. They take turns to let two of the team members take on the work of equal sharing. After three rounds, they can naturally get two points. Two points, after six innings, that is, four points. So, can I explain it clearly?"

The idiot stared at Mike without speaking. But Father Nan couldn't help it, and said loudly: "Wait a minute! In this case, we know why the white mask team can get points. But why can you get four points?! Even if you don't count as sixth It is your turn to collect all the Suras in our hands. If you follow our rules, you can only get three points in six rounds!"

Mike covered his forehead and looked at Father Nan with a look of foolishness. After shaking his head, his hand slowly stretched out towards the idiot...

"Hehe, still don’t understand? I can score, thanks to the help of this idiot~~~!"

The idiot remained silent, staring at Mike. There is no feeling in the dark pupils, and I don't know what he is thinking.

"Yes! If I don't do any tricks, I really can only get three points. But~~~ In the fourth game, I did some tricks."

"In the fourth game, I collected six Suras in my hand. I gave you four old and undead, and then asked you to register and give this idiot two, right?"

Difficult father thought for a while and said: "Yes! Then what?!"

"Hehehe, then, this idiot got two Suras. After registering, I must give me one Sura to split equally. But, this person is really an...idiot? Ah!"

"I'm afraid all of you haven't noticed the mystery in the two cabins? The two terminals are not displayed at all. If the money is not paid, it is the two people talking to each other through the ventilation window. At that time, he must be The magic crystal carded into the terminal, and then chose to output a Sura, right? But I was beside me at that time, but..."

"End~~~All~~~, there is no magic crystal card into the terminal yet!"

Everyone instantly turned their heads, looking at the idiot. And Mike was also laughing, condescending, looking at him with contempt. V

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