Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 031, double play

"Understand? I didn't put the card into the terminal, which means that the operation of outputting a sura he operated was completely invalid. At the end of the fourth round, he still had two suras in his hand. According to the rules , He was going to be deducted one point. And I added one point. Then in the fifth round, I followed the rules we had originally said, and the three of them scored three points evenly, and I took another point. When I get here, I have earned four points. Hey, the pot is full~~~!"

Father Nan gritted his teeth and looked at this crazy laughing guy. Finally, he clenched his fists and shouted: "Despicable! You...depicable fellow!"

"Despicable? Wrong. To blame, you can only blame yourself for being stupid."

Mike held his head up, his trouser pockets in his hands, and sneered: "Do I tell you when I'm a liar to lie to people, I'm going to lie to you? This world is like this, you can't blame others for being mean If you want to complain, you can only blame yourself for being too stupid, too foolish! Hahahaha!"

Finally, the four members of the black mask group rioted, and they rushed to Mike over there again. But it is a pity that in front of the well-trained soldiers, the resistance of these people is like a breeze.

Prince: "So...what about the sixth round?! In the sixth round, you obviously accepted Sura from all of us!..................Ah!!!"

"Haha, do you finally understand?"

Mike laughed and said--

"Yes, in the sixth round, I continued to lie to you. I asked you to give Sura to me, in fact, to give you the illusion that Sura has already been handed over. Actually, I still didn't get the card in! So at the end , Each of you has one Sura left in your hand, that is to say, all of you will deduct one more point! Hahahaha——————!!!"

Laughter, hovering in the fence. Mike was smiling there, smiling brazenly. The four people in the black mask looked at him, everyone was helpless and was crushed to death by the soldiers.

"Then, let me ask a question."

Suddenly, as the idiot of the white mask team, suddenly stood up.

"Why did you cheat them to get points deducted in the sixth round. What good is this for you."

Mike turned his head and looked at the fool. With just a glance, his eyes filled with a smile again, and said, "No, it's just to reduce competition."

"Hey, you are not dead. Until the fifth game, your score is the same as mine, all four points. But in this way, more than six people will get four points. If you suddenly The brain is energized, and if you start using the first six rounds of the white mask group to score points, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"That's why I lied to you. The sixth round of the game, but I set it specifically for you. I wanted you to be deducted points. As a result, it did not surprise me. You are just like your daughter. They are all stupid idiots, idiots, idiots!"

Nan's father squeezed his fists, perhaps because he was so angry that he could no longer speak.

"Wait, what's going on in the sixth game in this case? If that's the case, you should also have Sura in your hand! Why didn't you lose points?!"

"Well, broom star, you have a good question. Asking this question of yours involves the reason why I didn't tell you from the beginning and use the method of four points in one round."

"The reason why I didn't say it at the beginning was to pull down all of your scores. Because if I said this method at the beginning, if someone in the white mask thinks of this method, then it will appear. After six rounds, all twelve people have four points. If this continues, even if I get all the points in the end, won’t the result be a loss? Also, I want to prevent the other six people from not knowing the team , So the people in the black masks were gathered up loudly at the beginning. In this way, even if the people in the white masks are stupid, they will know that they are going to form a team."

"So, I arranged a way to get three points in one round. Let the people in the black mask show fewer points. But I kept the score unchanged. Then after the third round, I was very happy, it turned out that the white mask Someone in the group really thought of this method. That's why I can expand my subordinates in the fourth and sixth innings and defeat all of you in one fell swoop."

"Did you just say that I had a Sura in the sixth game? That's right, but in the sixth game, besides the black mask group, I did my hands and feet... Hey, the white mask group was also my hands and feet. Goal~~~"

Now, even the people in the white mask group were shocked. But the fool lowered his head and stared at this man silently.

"Okay! Soldier, can you please announce the score of the last white mask now? This... idiot."

The soldier nodded. After looking at the notepad in his hand, he happily wrote the fool's score on the whiteboard——

Fool, three points.




The idiot watched the score silently, without showing the slightest surprise. It can be seen that he already knew the result... right?

"Hehehe, idiot, idiot, you really are a idiot!"

Mike stepped forward, took the fool's shoulders, and sneered--

"In the sixth game, you have two Suras in your hand, the middle point is one, but you still can't hand Sura to the candy, resulting in the final deduction of one point.

The angler was stunned when he heard this sentence. He quickly covered the fool's shoulder, and asked with concern: "What's the matter? Hello! Candy, shouldn't you take the point the fool gave in the sixth game? Why didn't you accept it? !"

The fat man, the one called candy smiled, and said, "I can't help it, I'm doing this for the good of us all."

"What does it mean for all of us? Isn't the person who came up with four points in this game a fool? You actually avenged revenge?!"

Candy was speechless for a while and didn't know how to answer. But Mike raised his hand, stopped in front of Candy, smiled: "Calm down. Why, let me explain to you."

"In the sixth game, I found this fat guy. I told him that I also had four points in my hand. If the game continues, then in the end, there will be a situation where all seven people get the highest points. In this case, what will we do?"

"All of them are eliminated. In other words, there is no winner. In order to avoid this situation, I told him that I must find a way to eliminate one of the white masks. In this case... Finally, I will be responsible for him. The idiot who exchanges to achieve a split between the two is the most ideal candidate."

"This fat guy is really a guy who knows current affairs as a handsome guy. He is very smart, much smarter than you see his appearance. After thinking about it for a while, he simply agreed to form an alliance with me. Then, from me I accepted that Sura here."

Fat Candy laughed twice. Under the influence of the transforming device, the laughter was almost like a ghost cry in the middle of the night.

"He got a total of 7 Sura from you and me. After registration, the middle point is 4. He passes four of them to other people, so that you can guarantee that your exchange game can be completely free. In the end, as long as he is like me, he can pass the level safely if he doesn’t get stuck in the terminal and doesn’t accept the fool’s Sura. Of course, because the game stipulates that he cannot score more than two consecutive times Circumstances, so although he and I can score points, we still ended up with four points. And this poor fool was eliminated by us and became a member of the defeated army."

Mike suddenly pulled the idiot by the collar and threw him in the direction of the idiot. The idiot opened his hand and caught him, both black and white pupils stared at Mike at the same time, all silent.

"Candy! You fellow!"

The salesperson also got 4 points thanks to the fool's method. Now that he saw the fool was squeezed away forcibly, he immediately caught fire and stepped forward to grab the candy collar. The angler also went up and said: "Why did you pick an idiot?! Also, why are you sure you can succeed only by talking to this fat man? Maybe the idiot gave us that Sura?"

Mike pointed to his eyes and smiled: "I can observe."

"As early as the beginning of the game, I was sure that you must also team up. From that time on, I have been observing the order in which you enter the cabin. In the cabin, I exchanged with five people in a row, of course. The person who collected Sura. And I can also see that in the rule of four points, the two people who entered the cabin for the last time are undoubtedly the two equally divided. Among them, the person who collected Sura must also be the collector of Su. The people who pull. And the people who divide evenly have not changed."

"The order of your people who collect Sula is traveler, angler, and candy. The final order of splitting is bee and traveler, salesman and angler, fool and candy. From the first to the fifth game. The combination of bee and traveler, salesman and angler has not changed. In this case, the sixth game is definitely a fool and candy. In that case, as long as you persuade the fat man, you can surely succeed. . Let him betray this idiot!"

"As for whether he will give you that one Sura...To be honest, I originally expected that even if he gave it to you, you would not accept it. Because under this rule, as long as there are two consecutive times If you divide equally, it will break the order. I originally saw that you won’t even divide twice in a row and didn’t come to persuade you. But I didn’t expect that this guy didn’t come to ask you at all? Oh, he should be said to be too Virgin I don’t want to hurt you, or is it too stupid and a fool in itself?" V

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