Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 029, shocking change

The protest was invalid. No matter what the blacksmith said, the soldier always insisted that no one had violated the rules in the previous three rounds. After dragging the blacksmith, he announced the start of the fourth round. The soldiers and soldiers pulled the white board and left from the exit again. When the countdown clock started another round of walking, everyone knew that this was already a certainty.

"Huh, guys in the black mask group, you think you are very smart, don't you?"

The traveler in the white mask pointed his finger at his head, and pointed at the idiot and the others in a mocking tone, and said, "It's a pity! Your little cleverness, in our opinion, is no different from pig wisdom! Hahahaha! Just go on like this, and after fifteen rounds, accept the fact of failure obediently!"

The traveler laughed, and the other people in the white mask also expressed the joy of victory. In the middle of these smiling people, the idiot was still sitting on the bench, and his pale pupils came out from the white mask, adding a lot of terror.

Time is passing, but there is not much time left for the people in the black mask group to think. They kept touching their heads covered by masks, thinking desperately what was going on. At this moment...

"Oh, let me say. It's too early for your heart to bear it?"

After the initial surprise, Mike smiled again. The idiot recovered from thinking and looked at him. After hearing his confident smile, the others raised their heads and gathered next to him again.

"Hey! Mike, what do you mean? What do you mean by worrying too early?"

The blacksmith, the broom star and the prince are obviously a bit unable to hold on. They only scored one point in the three rounds just now. So far, there are already nine people who have scored two points. How can they not worry?

Mike sneered, sly eyes came out from behind the black mask.

"Indeed, judging from the three rounds of the game just now, our score is indeed a bit behind them. But don't forget, they only got two points. We also have three of us who got two points. If If this continues, after fifteen rounds, the scores of the three of us will be the same as theirs, and we will all lose."

"But... but what about this? Isn't it a loss?!"

"No, it's not the same. Can you guarantee that people like them can get such high scores every time? Maybe their three rounds of victory were constructed entirely at some sacrifice? But our approach is It is absolutely safe to have no sequelae. Therefore, as long as we persist, the final winner will be ours!"

The three people looked at Mike, who was full of confidence. After a stalemate for a while, they finally let go.

"Well, Mike, I continue to believe you. Then you say, what shall we do next?"

Mike squeezed his chin, he sneered, and said, "There is nothing to do. Everything is business as usual. In this fourth round, according to our original plan, I, an idiot, and my father-in-law will come to divide these six points. Make adjustments so that there are no deductions and no additional points. The three of you will give me your points, and spend this hour with peace of mind and prepare to get points."

At this moment, Mike has become the leader of the other three. He walked into the cabin very smartly and accepted their scores one by one. After thinking about it for a while, the idiot finally walked in...


Mike's voice came from the other side through a vent in the wall of the cabin. After an idiot thought for a while, the finger pressed "output" on the terminal with no display, then pressed "1", and then pressed to confirm. After finishing this, he said loudly: "Okay."

"Well, then, go and call in the old immortal."

The idiot nodded and went out to call Father Nan. The middle-aged man looked a little haggard. He kept looking at a photo in his palm. In the photo, it was a girl who was less than twenty years old. After hearing the idiot scream, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and walked into the cabin. After a while, Mike and he both came out of the cabin. Mike raised the magic crystal card in his hand and ran to the registration office over there to register.

"If I can... I really don't want to listen to that animal."

Father Nan looked at the arrogant Mike who registered at the registration office. Even through the mask, the idiot could hear the sound of his teeth grinding.

After a moment of silence, he walked to Father Nan's side and slowly said, "What kind of person is Mike?"

Father Nan was stunned, maybe he didn't expect that the idiot would talk to him at this time. After a moment of silence, he finally raised his head and said, "That guy... is a scumbag!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, this person is the mayor of Baihaibin Town, the son of the baron. Although the mayor is a good gentleman, his son is extremely bad. Relying on his father's honest duty, This **** does whatever he wants in the small town. Gangs and gangs, stealing and cheating, although not to the point of killing people, but like a fly, it makes people feel sick and lingering."

With that, Father Nan clenched his fists. He gritted his teeth and continued: "This guy deceives women everywhere because of his handsome appearance and identity. Although the number of girls he has deceived cannot be said to be hundreds of thousands, at least there are dozens. And this Once, this time! My daughter is obviously going to get married! This guy... even sent someone to secretly wound my future son-in-law, and secretly hooked up with my daughter when all of us were overwhelmed!"

"That brute... this big liar...! I admit that I did have a problem with my daughter's education method, which made her bad. But I didn't want her to become addicted to drugs! Instead, this guy...this A decent hypocrite...! He actually gave my daughter a drug, which completely turned her into his accessory! I...I can't wait...I really can't wait...!!!"

"You can't wait to kill me right away, don't you?"

At this time, Mike, who was registered, walked back with a swagger. He sneered, raised the card in his hand, and smiled: "Don't worry, you don't die, everyone knows that you hate me, and I don't want to hide anything. Don’t forget, hypocrites are always cuter than real villains, because there will always be only hypocrites in this world, but there is no real villain in the true sense. And, my appearance doesn’t seem to be sorry for your daughter, right? Your daughter was also because I have a gentleman's face, and I lie down on my bed willingly~~~"


"Oh? You want to get angry at me?"

Mike smiled and raised his hand. At this moment, the blacksmith next to him, the broom star and the prince immediately rushed over, and directly held the father Nan and pulled away.

"You... what do you mean!"

"Sorry, we don't want to participate in the grievances between you. It's just that now, our captain is unsurprisingly Mike. If you want to abuse him, you will have trouble with all the members of our black mask."

The idiot stood aside, watching the hard father over there being held up by three people, unable to move. After a long time, Father Nan fell silent, panting. Mike sneered and said, "No matter what our grievances are, and whether my real purpose of participating in this game is for your daughter or for the ten thousand Sura. Anyway, the results we need are the same. In that case, you The only thing you can do now is to cooperate with me. Otherwise, you won’t be able to save your daughter then, don’t blame me~~~"

The panting father looked very depressed. He raised his head, and confused pupils came out from the black mask. After a while, he clenched his fists, nodded helplessly, and walked into the two wooden houses separately with Mike.

After a while...

Mike: "Okay. Now, I have two Suras in my hand. According to the rules, my number is less than the midpoint of three Suras. So now, I score. Father, you have four Suras in your hand. Go Register, and then give the idiot two suras. Idiot, after you get the two suras, register too, and then give me one of the suras. In this way, the three of us are all equal."

The completely innocent father Nan nodded silently, helplessly acting in accordance with Mike's command. After entering the wooden house, the idiot glanced at Mike again. Then, I walked in...

"Those fools, don't you know that their behavior is completely self-defeating?"

On the side of the white mask group, the six people who had completed the exchange gathered together and sneered watching the actions of the black mask group. The idiot who is the captain of this team, now, is silently watching Mike over there, watching his command, and then, silent...

At the end of the fourth round, the situation in the black mask group is that everyone has two points. Next, is the fifth round. According to Mike's arrangement, it was the turn of the idiot, father, and Mike to score points. At this time, it was already afternoon, and everyone was speechless for an hour while eating the lunch delivered by the soldiers to their rooms.

Then, the sixth round...


The sixth round is still in progress. After the meal, everyone rested in the room to read But Mike, who had always been very calm, suddenly rushed out of the room at this moment! His eyes flickered at the timer, and the pupils under the mask glowed with fright.

"What's going on? Boss Mike, what's wrong?!"

Hearing his cry, the three people in black masks who had been arrogant to him hurried out. Idiot and Nanfu also walked out of the room, following his gaze, looking at the countdown over there. V

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