Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 032, the rule of silence

"It turns just talked to Candy...not to lie to him...but to frame the fool?!"

Nan's father looked at the man in disbelief and was stunned. Faced with Mike's cunning, he already felt that his brain cells seemed to be insufficient. Although in the past, Mike also symbolized a mountain that was difficult to move in his eyes. But this time, the mountain was weighing heavily on him, crushing his body, shattering his bones, allowing him to shed all his strength and unable to struggle from this terrifying pressure.

The idiot stood up unsteadily, pushed away the idiot's hand, and stood still. The idiot stood beside him and continued to stare at Mike.

"Do you think you can drag yourself safely by doing this kind of thing?!"

The prince roared and said loudly: "You can frame us, and we can frame you too! Do you think there will be any good end after you put yourself in the opposite of these eleven people?"

Faced with the roar of the prince, Mike made a helpless look and sighed.

", there are always so many fools in this world. Because there are too many fools, this world becomes so filthy, there are fools everywhere eating **** and vomiting, except for roaring. There is no contribution other than barking."

"what did you say?!"

"He was right."

At this time, Candy smiled and said, "Let me explain to you next. You see, until the sixth game, I, the angler, the traveler, the bee, the salesperson and Mike, six of us All scored four points. And for the six of you, all scores are below four points, and the highest one is only three points. Do you know what this means?"

"This is a total of fifteen rounds of the game. Each person is only allowed to score a maximum of two points in three rounds. In other words, after the end of the fifteen rounds, the real highest score is 10 points."

"In the next eleven rounds, we can continue to exchange points through the mode just now. After the fifteen rounds, all six of us will get a perfect score of 10. And you? Even if you next You can also use this method to get points, so the person with the most points among you, that is, the difficult father, he can only get nine points."

"In other words, this game has been completely over until now. What you will see next, and the only thing you can see, is our smooth promotion and your fiasco, nothing more."

After Candy said with a smile, Mike obviously appreciates this obedient and well-behaved fat man. He nodded and gently touched Candy's back. And Candy also chuckled twice and stepped back.

"Understood? You stupid fellows."

Mike continued to tap his brain, and smiled—

"You have no chance of winning. Maybe the next game you can play between you is to see who has the lowest score. After all, the person with the lowest score will become the loser and accept the'penalty'. ~~~"

With just a simple sentence, the prince, the broom star, the blacksmith, and the father of Nan, who were originally a bit like enemies, were hostile to each other and separated from each other. Mike is right. Now these people have no chance of winning at all. The only thing that can continue to play, I am afraid, is to do everything possible to deduct other people’s scores so that they don’t fall to the lowest score. It's horrible...

Mike turned around and walked into the center of the white masked man. But the angler beside him took a step back at the moment, his voice said coldly: "You, why do you think we will accept you? You traitor, liar."

Mike glanced at the tall and thin man, and smiled: "Because I am a traitor, a liar, and a person on the opposite side of everyone, you have to accept me."

"Why do you think I want to make myself so annoying? Just for this moment. Of course, even if you don’t cooperate with me in the next 11 games, you will continue to cooperate with the losers. , That's the tenth that can get the highest score. But... if you really do this, you must take two risks."

"One, you have abandoned me, then you must be prepared to bear my anger. Since I can let you win, I can also let you lose. Do you think you are absolutely safe? Oh, this kind of safety It’s only formed under my protection."

"Two, are you sure that the new person who joins you will not betray you? For example, this hard father, he is very dissatisfied with being behind you. These two idiots and idiots, they also seem to have an alliance. Don’t you worry about joining with them, but they will have a big crash in the end?"

At this moment, even the angler with a stronger sense of justice is now speechless.

Seeing this, Mike finally laughed out loud. He akimbo and said loudly--

"But if it is me as a betrayer, you can be absolutely relieved. Because if I betray you, I will be isolated from everyone. Therefore, I will not betray you. And neither will I, who have become the enemy of everyone. I may form an alliance with anyone again to entrap you. So, no matter how nasty my behavior is, I am also your ideal partner at the moment. Isn’t it?"

This is the fact, no matter how strong a sense of justice is, it is impossible to risk being framed in reverse. The angler glanced at the fool, and finally turned his head. The salesperson also bowed slowly at the fool, said "I'm sorry" softly, and stood behind Mike silently...

"Okay! Now the scores of eleven people have been announced. Army Lord, please announce everyone quickly. So that this game that has ended early can continue through the boring time below. Then get ready for ten thousand su Pull and score into my account. Because it is absolutely impossible for me to lose, right?"

The soldier smiled, seeming to agree. Afterwards, he opened the roster and looked at the name of the last person who had not reported a score...

"The last person, idiot. Well, your score is..."

Everyone looked at the idiot. According to Mike just now, he has now also been deducted two points. So, his score should be two points at this moment.

"Idiot, three points."

Say what the soldier said decisively. He picked up the pen and wrote down the idiot's score on the whiteboard very neatly. The big three is also in everyone's eyes.

"Huh? Three points?"

The most surprising one is Mike. He remembered clearly that he really framed the idiot twice? Moreover, those two deductions were absolutely unavoidable! In the fourth round, he did not accept his exchange, and deliberately deceived him in the sixth round. In this case... In this case, how could he be a three-pointer? How can it be tightly behind yourself?

"Hey! It's not wrong, right? How could this idiot be a three-pointer?!"

In addition to unexpected calculations, Mike panicked for a while. He quickly yelled at the soldier, but the answer the soldier gave him was very simple.

"Mike, do you think our count will be wrong?"

will not……

The scoring of these soldiers will never go wrong. This means...

Mike glared at the idiot over there!

"That a three-pointer?!"

"It seems to be beyond your expectation."

Finally, the idiot who hadn't spoken for a while finally spoke. He took a step and slowly said--

"Do you think that no one has discovered what you did? It's a pity that although I was framed by you once, I will never be framed by you twice."

Mike took a step back, gritted his teeth, and snorted coldly: "This...what's going on."

"It's very simple." At this time, the idiot came forward and stood side by side with the idiot. "In the sixth round when you thought you were completely reversed, he saw through your strategy. I'm afraid from the beginning, he noticed. The order of exchange between me and the person in the white mask is not just you."

Idiot: "Actually, as early as the beginning of the fourth game, I thought about whether you would start framed in the fourth game. For this, I did an experiment."

"Did you not get your card into the terminal in the fourth round? What a coincidence, I didn't get in either. At that time, I found out that there was no difference in appearance. There was no alarm, nor There is no display, no sound or other prompts. So at that time, I was sure that you would use this method to frame us once."

"Then, in the sixth game, you launched an action. When you said you would collect everyone's Sura, I was sure that you wanted to use this rule and then make the kind of big reversal you just mentioned. Therefore, I immediately found your goal in the sixth round, idiot, and formed a temporary combination with him."

Everyone looked at the idiot, and the young man was standing without any sense of tension at the moment, and there was no slightest surprise in the pale pupils that emerged from the white mask, as if he had seen everything completely.

"Yes, when the idiot came to me, I immediately confirmed all your plans. So, I gave him Sura, asked him to register, and then received a Sura from him. So sixth In the round, he ended with the midpoint as one, the Sura number as one, no points added, no points deducted. And I, took up the frame this time, and you deducted one point."

Mike looked a little surprised at the two black and white masks in front of him. There was no panic from the pupils, nor the panic of the loser. What does it mean? They knew it a long time ago? Then, just like watching from the side, estimate every step you take? Even if they are framed, can they continue to play without changing their faces? Even...knowing that it was framed, and continuing to follow your own script, as a good actor, faithfully performing the script you arranged? ? ? ! ! !

"……………… much nonsense. But are you still lower than our score? After talking for a long time, you have not changed the fundamental result at all!

"Yes, if you look at it now, there is indeed no change."

Idiot looked at the Mike in front of him, and after a little silence, slowly said——

"Then you go on like this. Wait for the end of the round to get your own victory."

After leaving such a sentence, the idiot said nothing again. He turned around and lay on the bench over there leisurely, looking confident. And the idiot was sitting on another bench, not at all worried about being deducted a point.

"Since it's all set...Then let's start again. Now, the seventh round of the game begins. We will announce everyone's scores at the end of the ninth round."

The soldier finished speaking and left again with the soldiers. Only the clock that was still walking and the twelve people looking at each other were left.

The game started again, and the five people from the white mask group that had been recombined plus Mike, a total of six people, gathered there and hurriedly exchanged Sura in their hands for exchange. After the exchange was completed, Mike sighed and stared at the idiot and others, for fear that they would do something.

But... Compared with the nervous Mike, the idiot is a bit outrageous.

Since the game started again, he has been sitting on the bench very leisurely, without the slightest sense of tension because of being behind. Even the idiot, with his hands on his back, looked at the decorations on everyone's wooden houses, and looked so neat.

"Hey! Idiot! We now... what should we do now?!"

The prince ran over and took the idiot by the arm, looking very anxious. At this moment, his score is only one point. The prospects are really slim.

In response to his nervousness, the idiot just shrugged slightly and said: "Don't worry. Take a good rest, and make a good exchange of four points in a round."

"We keep changing like this, even when the game is over, I only have seven points! How do you want me to rest assured?!"

The idiot shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry. I have planted the seeds. All you need to do now is to wait slowly. Because soon, the results you hope will appear in front of you."

Idiots are too calm. This composure is enough to give others confidence. In the absence of a better way, the prince has no choice but to continue like this.

"Right, I want to ask."

At this time, Father Nan came over. He glanced at the neurotic Mike over there, then looked at both the idiot and the idiot, and said, "Since you have guessed that he might be scamming in the fourth round, why don't you be on guard? Or Say, why didn’t you remind me in the sixth round? If you remind me..."

"If you remind you, you won't get points deducted, right."

The idiot crossed his hands and responded in silence.


Father Nan responded with embarrassment, but he believed that his own problem was also a problem for everyone else. So, he waited for an answer, hoping that the idiot could solve his doubts.


For a long time, the idiot did not do anything. He was completely solidified on the bench like a wooden sculpture. No matter what the person next to him said or how he called, he didn't have any reaction.

Time passed, and the seventh round was over soon. For the idiots and others whose points were deducted abruptly, although they continued to maintain a four-point game, the situation still did not get any better. Then, the eighth round and the ninth round also passed. The sun has already fallen to sea level, indicating that the night will be approaching.

"Now, I will announce the scores of everyone after the previous nine games."

The soldier came in with a sign in his hand. However, after looking at the scores in his hand, he seemed a little boring, and quickly listed all the scores on the whiteboard.

"Mike, candy, angler, salesman, traveler, and bee, all have six points, tied for first. Fools have five points, seventh. Idiots and hard fathers both have four points, eighth. Then, the blacksmith, the prince, and the broom star all got three points, the bottom."

The score did not surprise everyone. This is exactly the same as the score originally deduced by Mike, without any difference. His heart began to be a little bit happy, because even though the idiot was very generous, in fact he still didn't do anything! Sure enough, he was just talking big.

"Then, the ninth round is over, now I declare that the eighth round..."

"Wait a minute, soldier."

Suddenly, the fool who had been watching the various layouts of the small rooms in the fence suddenly spoke. He came slowly in front of the soldiers and said: "I have something I want to consult. I don't know if it is possible."

"Hehe, if you have any questions, you can consult at any time. But if, after my judgment, I believe that I have answered this question before, or if I cannot tell you for any reason that I think is inappropriate, I can give you satisfaction. reply."

"That's great. I want to ask, is every room here arranged in advance?"

The idiot pointed to the surrounding houses and said.

"...Mr. Fool, please be clear."

"Please don’t get me wrong. I mean, the doors of these rooms don’t indicate who the room belongs to. After we come in, we enter at will. It’s just in the habitual thinking of ordinary people. It will also assume that this room belongs to that person’s private domain and cannot be entered. In fact, I want to know, is it really the case?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Fool, your question is really interesting."

"Please tell me, soldier. If these rooms are actually part of the public space just like this large open space, can I enter any of the twelve rooms at any time, even if there are people in them? Doesn't matter?" V

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