Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 037, the law of intrigue

"Then... Then I'll go to register! Father-in-law, wait!"

Mike rushed to the registration office over there with ecstasy. Father Nan looked at the young man's back and didn't know whether to scold himself or sigh helplessly.

"………………………What are you doing here."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind Nan's father. Nan's father was startled and hurriedly turned his head. I saw an idiot wearing a black mask standing quietly in the ice and rain. Those drops of water falling beside him, at this moment, seem to have turned into snowflakes...


The father is a little nervous. Because just now, the idiot couldn't tell him any extra operations.

The idiot looked up and down at Father Nan. After watching for a while, he looked at Mike who was registering there. The dark pupils seemed to want to penetrate all the facts. After a while, he finally nodded and turned around.

Father Nan clutched his chest, secretly thanking the idiot not to notice. But at this moment...

"You are really bad at surviving in this world."

After speaking, the idiot did not stop, but walked directly back to his room. The father, who was left alone in the rain, seemed at a loss.




After a while, Mike came back laughing. He returned the registered magic crystal card to Father Nan again. Although Father Nan was a little confused about the meaning of what the idiot said just now, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to continue with this harmless method and carried out the transfer of Sura himself. After that, the rain came and went quickly. After the rain gradually decreased, everyone came out and started registering Sura with each other. After that, the fourteenth round is over.

"It's finally the last round."

Candy laughed, as long as the last hour passed, the winning ticket was definitely in hand! This round it was his turn to act as a collector, but when he wanted to enter the cabin happily, a person suddenly appeared behind him and threw a word to him—


It's just a sentence like this that made Candy stop completely when he wanted to enter the wooden house. He turned his head, looked around, and then looked at the idiot who was drifting away. After thinking for a while, he ignored the urging of the bee next to him, and after saying "I am in a hurry", he chased the idiot and hid in the room where the idiot lived next to him.

"You just... what did that sentence mean?"

Candy closed the door and looked at the idiot sitting on the bed, with a look of excitement and alertness.

The idiot snorted and said, "It's the same literally. In order to make it easier for us to have the next game, we limit the promotion to three people instead of six. Isn't it better?"

Candy looked at the idiot in surprise, and then sneered: "Don't want to lie to me, you can't lie to me. Do you want me to transfer Sura to you? Then pretend to accept it, but you don't even insert the card at all. Terminal, in the end, I was deducted points, right? This is the fifteenth game. If the points are deducted, it will be doubled! I'm not that stupid."

Facing Candy's vigilance, the idiot shook his head silently, and said, "Well, I thought you would talk better. Unexpectedly, you are so pedantic and refuse to frame others?"

Candy laughed loudly and said, "If I want to take a risk and frame me, I would rather not!"

"Who said you were taking a risk? In this final round, you were absolutely perfect? ​​Right? Safe? Complete."

"…………………………How to say?"

"Candy, I ask you, if nothing happens and the score ends like this, what is each person's score. Who can advance?"

Candy glanced at the idiot, opened his pamphlet and calculated. After the calculation, he said: "That's it, my father will score 8 points..."

"No, Father Nan only has 6 points now."


"Trust me, he only has 6 points. It's Mike's idea. He wants to fight back at the last moment. Half of my idea is to restrain him."

"Ah... so? Then I'll continue. Father, 6 points. Mike, 6 points. Idiot, 8 points. Blacksmith, 7 points. Prince, 7 points. Broom star, 7 points. Candy, 10 points. Fool, 9 points. Angler, 9 points. Salesman, 9 points. Traveler, 10 points. Bee, 10 points. The winner will be me, candy, angler, salesman, traveler, and bee."

The idiot nodded. At this time, he took the notebook in Candy's hand. In the last game, he modified the scores of the fool, the angler, the traveler, and the bee, so that these four people not only did not score, but were also knocked down. Two points are deducted. In this case, the scores of these four people become 7 points for the stupid. Angler 7 points. Traveller, 7 points. Bee, 7 points.

"In fact, it's very simple. When you collect it later, you just don't accept the Sura from the traveler and the bee. Then when you export Sura, you can give your Sura to the salesman who should score. In this way, the angler will have two suras, but he will give the two suras to the traveler in accordance with the rules of the five-person exchange, and the traveler will gather three suras in his hands. Then, he will put one sura Give it back to you. At this time, you choose not to accept it again. Then, the angler will bring three Suras with the middle point of two to end the game."

"In this way, the angler, the traveler, and the bee who did not remove Sura in the final round were all deducted by two points and turned into 7 points. And I will also be here. Sura, who doesn’t accept the dumb guy in the game. He was also deducted two points and turned into 6 points. Then, look at how many people have the highest score now."

Candy calculated the notes again, and was surprised: "Now... it's me, 10 points! Salesman, 10 points! And you...8 points! Then, there are a total of 7 points... six people! Eliminated at the same time. !"

The idiot nodded: "In this way, in the final decision, there will be only me, the salesman, and you. Then in the final battle, I will cooperate with you to kill the salesman. After that, you take the money, I save people. The best of both worlds. Can you do this kind of cooperation?"

Candy looked at the idiot, then flipped through the notes in his hand and thought about the idiot's proposal just now. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible. Thinking of later, he couldn't help but laughed, stretched out his hand, put his idiot on the shoulder, and said--

"You kid, okay! You came up with such a perfect technique? By the way, I always thought you and that idiot were allied. Why? You parted ways?"

The idiot opened Candy's hand and said coldly: "He is just one of my tools. From the beginning, I haven't trusted him."

"Hahaha! Good! I accept your proposal!"

Candy closed the notebook in his hand and took the idiot's shoulder again. Laughed twice. After the idiot refused again, he walked out of the room angrily and went to implement the plan.


"You big liar."

Outside the door, at some point, the fool has appeared.

He leaned against the outer wall, his pale pupils looking directly at the cheerful candy over there.

The idiot ignored his sarcasm. After coming out of the room, he just glanced at the idiot slightly, and said in a cold voice, "What about you."

"Done. Follow the plan."

"............ Then, you are also a big liar."


When the voice fell, the two people stopped paying attention to each other. They walked in the opposite direction, the black and white pupils, from this moment on, there was no more interweaving. the drizzle, the fifteenth round was over...


The rain is slowly getting smaller.

The sea horizon in the distance also began to show a little white.

At this moment, the time has passed four o'clock. On the darkest eve of dawn, this prodigal game has finally come to an end.

"Now, I will announce the results!"

The soldier's voice was loud. He seemed to sleep well. Unlike these contestants, almost everyone's eyes were bloodshot, and they were in a trance because they stayed up all night.

The soldier opened the scoring manual in his hand and glanced at it. A mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said, "Hehe, this game is really amazing. The score fluctuations can be so big. Admire and admire. It seems that everyone has brains and ideas. Deceiver and deceived. Intertwined, you know, this is life!"

Everyone kept silent, waiting quietly.

"Okay! So, I will announce now. First of all, it is our honorary player who got all 10 points and ended the game with full marks... Mr. Salesman! Congratulations!"

No one was happy, because this was expected. The salesman heaved a sigh of relief, and seemed to feel that he was not deceived, and it was a good thing to end this game of deceiving each other peacefully.

"Then! Um... I just jumped and said. Otherwise, it would be boring to rank according to the highest score. Then, the blacksmith, the prince, and the broom star all got 7 points! It is not a small number of points~ ~~ However, your scores have been very fixed from the beginning to the present. There are really not many opportunities for you to participate in this game of deception."

The three cast a blank glance at each other and did not speak.

"Next, Mr. Idiot, 8 points. I believe this score should not be unexpected, right?"


"Hehe, then... idiot, 9 points!"


For this answer, the most surprising thing is candy. He immediately turned his head and looked at the idiot over there, the words that the idiot had just said rang in his ears—

——And I will not accept Sura who is the fool in this game——

If this idiot really did this...the fool should be 7 points now! But... But he turned out to be... 9 points? This means... This means...? ? ? ! ! !

"Traveler, 7 points. Bee, 7 points. Then... Candy, 8 points."

At this point, the first group was completely destroyed. These three people looked at their scores on the scoreboard, and everyone's faces showed incomparable surprise! The traveler and the bee haven't figured out what is going on yet, but after a little thought about Candy, they immediately understood one thing!

He looked hard at the salesman and angler over there, and his teeth were biting.

"Yes, I did not accept the Sura you gave me. So after the game, the number of Sura in your hand is still three. In the middle point two, you are deducted. In the final round, the deduction is doubled, so you Two points were deducted."

The salesman held his arms and looked at the candy calmly. The angler also silently walked behind the fool and said: "Do you think everything the idiot says is true? It's a pity that you only see that you have the power to control the life and death of others, but you forget I also have the right to live and kill in the hands of others. Both the salesman and I have agreed with the idiot and the idiot. The idiot is responsible for persuading the two of us, and the idiot runs over to lie to you. The purpose is to force you to cheat on the trip Jia and Feng, let their scores be pulled down."

Candy was stunned, while the traveler and the bee had facial twitches, and they were about to rush over to fight with a loud shout. Fortunately, the soldiers next to him stopped, but these two talents could not fight. But the points deducted are already irreparable.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. Then I will announce the scores of the two of you. Angler, 10 points. Salesman, 10 points. Congratulations to both. So now three places have been determined. Only Mike is left. Mr. and Mr. Nanfu. If your two scores are above 9 points, then both of you can be promoted smoothly. If one of them has 8 points and the other is less than 8, idiots, fools, candy, fishing The above six people can get the promotion. If not, because the remaining points are all 7 points, so all are eliminated, and only five people can be promoted."

"Then now..."

Finally, it's the end.

Father Nan closed his eyes and faced the sky. And Mike sneered, the cunning in his eyes rose again.

The idiot was watching these two people beside him. But after watching for a while, he silently disappeared from everyone's sight. After staring at everyone on the scene, the idiot slowly backed away and retracted into the corner.

"First of all, it's difficult father! Your score..."

The soldier looked at the scoring manual, shook his head and said--

"It's a pity, 4 points. What a rare low score." V

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