Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 038, the final reversal

Everyone was surprised when the scores were announced. Because according to the schedule, the score of Han's father should be 8 points, right? How could it be 4 points now? !

Father Nan looked at the score on the whiteboard and was silent for a long time. After that, he slowly turned his head, and pointed at Mike with great sadness, and said, " still lied to me..."

Mike lowered his head and said nothing. But slowly, he raised his head, suddenly pointed his head with his finger, and laughed: "Hahaha! Who do you lie to you? You idiot——!!!"

In the empty space, only Mike's crazy laughter was overflowing. The man kept laughing, laughing madly. To Father Nan, he seemed to be looking at a very funny object, a very funny doll.

"Hahahaha, you stupid melon, it turns out that there is such a stupid guy in the world! Why? You think I give you all the cards and all of them for input and output, so I can't lie to you? Dreaming! Lao Tzu, I will still play you to death! Let you know that a real liar, an honest idiot like you, even if you want to prevent it, it will not be preventable!"

"Why, is it depressed? It doesn't matter! If you feel depressed, then I will explain it to you slowly. This is actually very simple, because...this!"

Mike suddenly took out a magic crystal card from his arms, but then, he unexpectedly took out another magic crystal card from his arms? !

"Understand? First, I went to log out my original magic crystal card and report the loss. After my original card became invalid, I got another card from the registration office. Then, I gave you the invalid card and asked You enter Sura in it. But because the card is invalid, you can't transfer your Sura to me. Then, I go to register. After I come back, I will give you my real valid card and let you get from me The number of sura in my card is outputted to your card. In this way, the number of sura in my card is zero, and the number of sura in your card becomes 2."

"Since the fourteenth and fifteenth rounds are just simple Sura output, you don’t participate in the exchange, so I don’t have to worry about the change in your card’s Sura number. As I expected, you are in the fourteenth Turn over a Sura in the round, but there is one Sura in the card, and one point is deducted. Then the fifteenth round is the same, the result is double the deduction, and two points are deducted. In this way, your score becomes the current one. 4 points. At the bottom, you will never escape!"

The angler couldn't listen anymore, he stood up and said loudly: "You fellow, do you still have humanity?! Do you just lie to others like this?!"

"Hey, hey, isn't this world just relying on deceiving each other to live? You are already an adult, don't tell me you are still naive to think that there is axiom in this world. Whoever is smart enough can get it Success. Whoever is despicable and shameless can escape punishment! This is axiom!"


The angler wanted to say something, but Father Nan suddenly reached out and stopped him. This middle-aged man silently looked at Mike in front of him, without much surprise in his eyes. He didn't speak either, just slowly reached into his pocket and took out the magic crystal card...





Two...Magic Crystal Cards?

Mike, who was laughing, suddenly stiffened.

Father Nan raised the two magic crystal cards and shook his head. Afterwards, he threw the card to the ground casually, a little regretful, and a little bit hateful and said: "In the are finally lying to me."

Nan's father's composure made Mike a little nervous. He looked at the two magic crystal cards on the ground, and his heart began to raise an ominous premonition.

"Hey... Immortal, what do you mean...?"

"That's what it means. Actually, in the last 15th round, if the magic crystal card you gave me was cancelled at the beginning, then the magic crystal card I returned to you at the end is the invalid card I cancelled. ."

" say...what?!"

Father Nan carried his hands on his back and said calmly and calmly: "Before the fifteenth round, I also went to log out once and got new cards. These magic crystal cards are exactly the same in appearance, with almost no difference. I just use When you register back and give me your really useful magic crystal card, change the card. If I am not mistaken, the two magic crystal cards in your hand now should all be cancelled cards. Change. In other words, when I give you this discarded card and you think everything is done, the real Sura number in your card and my card are still one."

Mike's lips trembled at this moment.

"Your wishful thinking should be played like this. After you get one point from me in the fourteenth and fifteenth rounds, your final score is 9 points. Although it is not a guarantee of promotion, the score is still very high, at least. Make sure you don’t become a loser. Unfortunately, your plan is still shattered. Because of your little trick, I really decide to drive you to the dead. Soldier, please announce the final score of this man."

In the state of Mike's loss, the soldier sneered and wrote his score on the whiteboard very simply——

2 minutes.

Seeing this score, the result of this competition is finally available.

"The loser is Mike. It's a shame Mr. Mike. Now, please follow me and accept your punishment for being a loser."

Two soldiers stepped forward, holding him one by one. At this moment, Mike raised his head again, let go and laughed--

"Hahaha...hahahaha! I didn't expect... I didn't expect to lose... I lost?! I actually lost to you, honest?! No... it's impossible... impossible!"

"You didn't lose to my honest man. To be honest, if you think about it so much, it's definitely not something someone like me can think of."

Father Nan sighed and said, "It is the boy called an idiot who really sees this. He came to me at the beginning of the last round and told me about the risks in your proposal. , And tell me the ways to counter you just now. But, I don’t believe it. I think you should be more or less trustworthy at this last moment. Even if it’s not for me, it’s for my daughter, mine. grandson."

"But, the idiot still suggested that I do a test for you. If you pass, then he will stop interfering, whatever I want. But in the end... you didn't pass."

Mike dryly laughed twice, and said feebly: "Test...? What test?"

"I, I gave you the edge of the invalid card that you cancelled before registering, and I pressed an imprint with my nail. If you still give me this card after you register back, then I will persuade the idiot and let you be at the last minute. Take one point. But you still haven't exceeded his calculation range. After the edge of the card you gave me does not have that scratch, I will completely not save you."

"After that, I let myself be deducted two points as you wish. Then, the idiot will put him and the fool's Sura into your card together. Because your magic crystal card was from the beginning No registration, so in the end, the Sura number in your card was 3, and the middle point was less than 1, and you were deducted 6 points. In the end, you only have the poor 2 points left, and you are welcome."

Mike's pupils were dilated, and his body was dragged away by the soldiers. But before dragging it away, he had been muttering a word to himself--

"I was calculated? Didn't I... from the beginning... didn't escape his control at all?"


At this point, the prodigal game is over. The rain stopped, and the sun rose from the sea level on a new day. After dragging Mike away, everyone was bathed in the sunshine like rebirth, breathing to their heart's content. but……

"Very good. So now, the first round is over. Please come here for the five winners, and I will take you to the second round of the game...Huh? Where are Mr. Idiot and Mr.

"no need."

The soldier was talking, but the idiot came over from there. However, unlike the previous iron face covering his face, the iron mask on his face has been removed, revealing the face with white long braids underneath again.

"Huh? Mr. Fool!"

"This game is over. Besides..."

The idiot raised his head and glanced at the tall trees around him. Suddenly, he shouted loudly--

"Snow lotus, come down to me immediately!"

This is probably the first time that the soldiers and those soldiers showed such horrified expressions. The players next to them are also at a loss. But the idiot seemed to have recognized it, his eyes under the long white hair stared at the surrounding trees, his pale pupils were no less insight than the black pupils of an idiot, carefully observing the trees in these trees. Anywhere.

at last……

"I... I'm coming down! Can't I get down yet?"

With a sigh of complaint, a girl finally climbed down from a tree outside the fence. The soldier was taken aback and rushed out. For the girl who jumped off the tree, the soldiers knelt down in front of her. The leading soldier bowed his head and said very sorryly, "I'm sorry...Princess. Master Shenzhi. ... see through."

Xuelian snorted and waved her hand. After tidying up her appearance, she rushed in, a little coquettish, and a little scared, holding the fool's hand, and said, "Well... don't be angry with others... People are also because you always ignore you. People...that’s why they thought...if you were kidnapped...Will you come to save them..."

The idiot turned his head and looked at the girl who was constantly acting coquettish beside him. Xuelian thought that the idiot was going to complain, and quickly closed her eyes, as if letting him deal with it. But after a while, what she waited for was not the blame and disregard of the fool, but...

A blanket.

Fool, took out a blanket from his room and put it on Snow Lotus, who was slightly cold from lying on the tree all night.

At this point, it seems that everything needs no explanation. Xuelian stared at the fool, even though the big fool still didn't think much of herself, she still looked like a fool who only knew how to play chess. but……

"Hey, sure enough, I must have been with the right person in my life~~~~"

Xuelian chuckled, resting her head on the shoulder of the fool, and let her soldiers deal with the mania.


Little Bread's eyes opened slowly.

The first thing I saw was a broad mind.

How long did she sleep?

In other words, how long have you been frozen by your own vertical rock force?

do not know.

I only knew that when she woke up, she was wrapped in a big blanket, held gently by a pair of big hands, and hugged in her arms. Her wet hair has been dried, and her clothes have been put on a clean and tidy set.

At this time, the train was shaking.

Clanging sounded like a lullaby.

However, Xiao Bian listened to these voices, felt the warmth of himself now, and then looked at the person who was holding him, now closed his eyes and bowed his head and fell asleep...


Her tears couldn't help but would fall again. But at the last moment, she still held back.

Because the person holding himself is sleeping now. Little Bread, who has been in a coma and don’t know how many days, certainly doesn’t know what happened in the past period of time, but when she saw this cold and ruthless face, she couldn’t help but take her own face. The body shrank into his arms again. Just like when she was a baby, she stretched out two small hands to gently pull on his clothes, put her face on his chest, and slowly...closed her eyes...

Magic train, speeding through the desert.

The teachers and students of Divine Grace, who had been imprisoned for two days and nights inexplicably, finally embarked on their return journey without incident. However, thanks to the leader of the Hermit Knights, who had conducted thorough investigations day and night in these two days, he had almost rummaged the entire island without rest, and found the hiding place for everyone. Now, the head of the regiment was obliged to take on the role of bodyguard for this train, wearing a ghost mask, until he returned to Fengchuansha.

Come back home……

Finally, I can go home...

"Ah! Home! The wind blows the sand! Teacher! The wind blows the sand!"

"Yeah, classmates, we are about to arrive at Fengchuansha soon. Please take your luggage and don't forget anything, you know?"

From a distance, the desert city faintly appeared in people's sight. The students began to stretch out their hands eagerly to reach for their luggage, and smiles spread across everyone's faces. Even the trio of Xing, Ke Luo, and Li Luo, who had always been at odds, all smiled with joy after experiencing life and death.

Yeah...the wind blows the sand...they are back.

"Here………………………………where is it?"

However, when the train got closer to the once wind-blown sand city, everyone in the train had expressions of horror and surprise.

Desert city?

Do not.

What now appeared in front of everyone was a dark cloud above their heads, a bitterly cold, and the entire city was shrouded in ice-a frozen city. V

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