Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 039, the city of ice

The fortress of ice.

Looking at this "building" that seems to be carved out of a huge iceberg in a faintly wind-blown sand city, everyone probably only has this idea in their hearts.

The desert, which was supposed to be hot and unbearable, is now coming with bursts of coolness. At this time, the air-conditioning that was originally opened in the closed compartment became an unbearable torture for everyone.

The palm of the car hurriedly turned off the air-conditioning system of the train and switched to heating. But even so, he still couldn't resist the severe cold from outside.

The snow floated down.

This is simply a miracle.

On this hot desert...

In the cloudy sky...

The white crystal snowflakes to welcome the arrival of this train, falling...


Bun pulled the idiot's clothes and cried. The idiot woke up a long time ago and watched this incredible scene happen outside the window. At this moment, he didn't know what happened, and asked Dimie, but this magic sword just sneered there and didn't answer at all.

"Dear students, please calm down! The teachers will take care of the next thing, so I hope you can calm down!"

The teachers accompanying the divine grace began to soothe these children, but these students can be soothed, but not necessarily the other passengers on the train. They started clamoring, knocking on the car windows desperately and shouting loudly. As the train slowly stopped, these people scrambled to jump out of the train and rushed to the cliff.

The magic train stopped outside the cliff with wind and sand. After thinking about it, the idiot slowly got off the train with the others. The teachers of the divine grace made a decision at this time, asking all children to stay in the car in case of accidents. Later, a few people were sent to get out of the car with the idiot.

From a close up, this ice fortress feels even more gloomy.

The cliff that was originally red and black is now covered with a layer of white frost. The gates that originally led to the interior are now covered by ice. If every entrance and exit were sealed, wouldn't people outside not get in? And the people inside... can't get out?

The white crystals continued to float.

Brings the utter coldness, and the boundless...


"Hey! Anyone?"

A passenger shouted, hoping to get a response from the resident soldiers on the cliff.

But it was the cold echo that answered him.

The idiot looked at the ice city in front of him and frowned. If the ice outside is so strong, what about it? My tree house... Tolan... Honey pear... Xingli... Dark... and everyone living in this city, how are they now?

And more importantly... this kind of ice, reminded him of one thing.

A "fear" that has passed for too long, but now, it has been awakened again...

The deepest "fear".

Bun lay on the window, watching the breath from his mouth fog up on the window. She wiped it off with her hand, looked at the castle through the glass, and looked at the idiot. After thinking about it, the little girl suddenly opened the car window and jumped out of the window.

"Ah! That classmate! You can't act randomly, it's dangerous! You have to listen to the teacher's instructions!"

A teacher saw the bun jump down and hurriedly lay on the car window and shouted. But before he could finish shouting, another car window was opened. As the current princess of the Bucks Empire, Xing, now holding his royal sword, fell gently and skillfully on the frosted sand outside. On the ground, walked forward slowly.

"Princess! Princess!"

"Princess leave it to me to protect!"

"Cut, it's better for me to come instead of protecting you."

The ten-year-old girl entered the rebellious period earlier than the boy. After Xing jumped down, Ko Luo and Liluo also jumped down one after another. They stood on Xing's left and right sides and moved forward together.

"Ah, why are you not obedient? Ah!"

Deviation patted the teacher's shoulder lightly, and then jumped off. Seeing this soldier (hidden stream is a secret army, so ordinary teachers only know that the deviant is a soldier) is responsible for protection, those teachers are also relieved, and turned to stop the children who still wanted to open the window.

Bun walked to the idiot and took his hand. Because she didn't wear much clothes, the little girl looked a little trembling now and kept stomping her feet.

The idiot wiped her hair, unbuttoned her coat, and put it directly on her body. With this layer of clothing, Xiao Bian finally appeared to be much warmer, and his hands tightly grasped the idiot's left hand, looking at the city of ice in front of him.

On closer inspection, the city is estimated to be completely frozen, without any entrances or exits. But even if this is the case, it is impossible for people to give up.

Looking over there, many of those travelers are probably mercenaries and soldiers coming from the border. There is no shortage of strong among them. Several stone verticals have already gathered in front of the original wind-blown sand gate, took out the guiding stones from their arms, and pressed them on the gate respectively.

"Everyone scattered! Be careful to hurt the innocent!"

People who were not Zongshishi stepped back and lowered their bodies. The stone verticals stretched out their fingers on the surface of the guiding stone that had been stuck on the ice, and then immediately pulled out several tracks up, down, left and right. As their fingers stretched, some fiery red lines were also pulled out. After these people's efforts, a very complicated and huge road map has been drawn.

The idiot hugged the bun and lowered himself. After retreating for a certain distance, the stone verticals stretched out their palms at the same time, pinched them together, and opened their five fingers in an instant. Almost instantly, the guiding stones in that road map turned into flaming red at the same time. Under the connection of those guiding road maps, these flaming guiding stones slowly expanded and gradually merged. Finally, a huge fireball almost the same size as the gate ignited in front of the gate.

The power of the flame quickly melted the ice on the gate. The stone verticals nodded to each other, raised their palms, and took a step forward at the same time. The fireball also seemed to be under control, slowly advancing inside. Other flying flame stone vertical stone divisions and fighters who specialize in the fighting system took out their weapons and guiding stones, followed them, and pushed them inward one by one.

Finally, the students on the magic train were also brought down by the teachers of Divine Grace. Everyone followed these warriors and walked towards the city that they were familiar with. No one knows what else is waiting for him in it. But to stand still, it was an act they gave up silently.


Little Bread pointed to the big troops and motioned to the idiots to enter. But the idiot did not move. He continued to hold the bun tightly and stood there waiting. Finally, Xing, Kolo, Lilo, and the deviance who was responsible for protecting Xing also entered. Even those who are not capable of fighting enter. In a blink of an eye, only the idiot and the little bread were left outside, standing outside the frozen city.


Bun pointed to the melting door again, looking a little anxious.

"Don't worry."

The idiot slowly said with a low voice, "The door opens, and it won't freeze for a while. If they enter, if there is no problem, we can enter again after an hour. Remember, be patient."

Little Bread raised his head and looked into the idiot's eyes. Finally, the little girl nodded and stopped speaking.

As time passed by, the people inside also went farther and farther, until they could no longer see from the idiot.

The melted water was quickly frozen by the cold, and the gap left by the huge ice city looked like a monster's open mouth.

Snowflakes are floating slowly.

Quiet and serene.

If these ice elves are conscious, they will reward the idiots who are still here...

Still mocking?




after an hour……

Everything around hasn't changed, it's still quiet.

Estimated time, those people should have entered the city and saw the situation inside.

The idiot exhaled, and then he took the bun and walked towards the cave. After entering this dark, damp and cold cave, Dimmie finally opened his eyes.

(Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, interesting.)

(Human kid, let me give you a reminder. This city is not wind and sand anymore, but an ice-bound hell. How to survive in hell... Hehe, believe, you should know better than me? You smelly mouse in the sewer.)

The idiot didn't pay attention to the idiot, and the idiot did not need the idiot. The idiot pulls out the Dim Mi and turns into a dagger in front of his chest, while the other hand is protecting the small bread. With keen eyesight and highly concentrated hearing, he always guards everything around him and walks forward...

There is light coming from there, which means that the exit... has arrived.

"Ah ah--------!!!"

Walking out of the passage, Xiao Bian couldn't help but screamed suddenly! Although, the city in front of me was the same as I saw outside, with snow everywhere, houses and streets covered by ice everywhere. But what really made the buns scream out was...


A person.

Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of people are all turned into ice sculptures at this moment. They were on the street, on the roof, and in the corners. There were expressions of horror and despair on everyone's face. It can be seen that they seem to be facing something terrifying. In the end, none of them escaped from that fear.

The idiot walked past these ice sculptures, looking at these ice sculptures as if time had stopped. Are they... dead?

"Ah ah!"

At this time, Little Bread called again. She stretched her finger over there, and the idiot followed his finger and saw that the vanguard who had just entered was there. Each of their combatants looked on guard, holding weapons in hand. It can be seen that they must have also noticed something wrong.


Their time also stopped.

The posture of preparing for battle was also frozen with the ice and snow...V

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