Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 040, hidden in the deep cold

The bun held the idiot's arm tightly, and became scared. Her eyes fell on the young girls in the vanguard. The three girls of her age also put on a fighting pose. Unfortunately, they are now frozen.

Betrayed...not there?

The idiot glanced, but found no shadow of deviation. Did she escape? Or is it frozen in other places? No, no matter what, at least one thing has been determined now. That is the city, now it is not just covered by ice and snow. There are enemies here... and they are still terrible enemies!

"Bread, go out."

The idiot squeezed Dim out, pulled the bread, turned and ran in the direction of the exit. In this situation, the city is already an absolute danger zone. If you want to survive, the best way is to leave completely, and then wait outside, and then think about what to do!


The door that was melted disappeared.

What appeared before his eyes was a layer of ice that was as smooth as a mirror.


How can this be?

In these short few minutes, it was completely...frozen?

The idiot stopped thinking about it. He immediately picked up the Dark Destroyer and inserted it directly into the ice wall, but unfortunately, the ice wall was completely frozen. It would take a lot of strength and stamina to remove this ice wall. If you encounter an enemy when you are about to run out of energy...

The idiot looked at the little bread, and the little bread looked at the idiot too, with strong anxiety in his emerald eyes.

……………………Finally, find a place to settle down first, and find some warm clothes for the bread and put it on.

After making up his mind, the idiot looked around and took a small bread to a bungalow with a better view. The door of the room is open, and there are no "ice sculptures" inside. After observing for a while, the idiot brought the bun in, went straight to the second floor, pulled out a few sweaters from the closet, and covered the bun.

"Baba, what happened? 》

After getting dressed, Bun held up the sign and looked at the idiot worriedly.

The idiot stroked the little girl's hair without answering. He doesn't know what happened now. Moreover, he couldn't even think of where to go or what to do now.

Also... the enemy.

The enemy in this city...what is it?

They haven't attacked themselves yet, what does this... mean?

There was snow outside the window, and the extremely low temperature couldn't even burn the fireplace. The idiot wore a rag and didn't mind. The bun was curled up in his arms, and a small fireball ignited in the center of both hands to keep warm.

"Ah! Help! Help————!!!"

suddenly! A cry for help came from outside the window! The idiot was taken aback for a moment, and immediately grabbed Dimmie to come to the window and looked out through the frosted window. I saw two people swiftly passing by the corner of the street over there, because the distance was too far, it was impossible to see what the two of them looked like. Only after they passed the street corner, a shadow also passed the street corner at an extremely fast speed! After a few seconds...

The cry for help stopped abruptly. This ice and snow world once again restored the tranquility just now.


Little Bread was obviously frightened. She shivered constantly, her teeth fighting! Even the small fireball in her palm could no longer be maintained now, almost extinguished. Upon seeing this, the idiot hurriedly hugged her in his arms, stroking her hair and back to comfort. Xiao Bao was pulling the collar of the idiot, not even daring to cry loudly, so he could only silently bury his face on the chest of the idiot, letting tears wet his clothes.

"..............................Don't be afraid."

"..................Don't be afraid."

The idiot comforted gently, trying to soothe the little girl's mood. In order to divert her tension, the idiot looked around to see if there was anything distracting her. After a while, he saw a diary on the desk in the room and picked it up.

The person who writes the diary is not a long-term guy, and the date often jumps. But apart from this, the content is quite substantial. From the Holy Eve Festival at the beginning of the year to the Snow Festival at the end of January to the Open Spring Festival in mid-February, where to play and what to do is clearly written. This thing is not so much a diary, as it is a holiday guide to be more accurate.

The idiot read the story inside, talking about what the owner of the diary ate and played on what festival. Finally, Bun's nervousness was slowly relieved. Although she was still lying in front of the idiot, tightly pulling on his clothes, she could see that her expression was no longer so nervous.

Idiots read, read. Turn over page by page. Seeing that Xiao Bread's mood eased a bit, he exhaled, just as he was about to put down the diary...

"February 20th, sunny."

February 20th...Isn't this the day after I participated in this military training of Divine Grace and left the wind and sand?

The idiot thought for a while, and finally read out the diary of the day. Anyway, just treat it as the last one.

"February 20th, sunny. The weather today is really good. It seems that the Spring Festival is worthy of the name. I have already arranged the itinerary for today. I will go to the Stag Park in the northeast early in the morning, where a large barbecue is held. Yes, there is free sweet wine to drink! Okay, I will go now, and I will write when I come back."

"It's really cool! It's so handsome! I had so much luck today! It's so good!"

"There is a guessing activity at the barbecue. If you become the first one, you can eat and drink for free. No surprises, I won! All kinds of fresh shells, steak, and charcoal grilled lamb shank, I was really happy to eat ! Of course, the best thing is the fish! That lake, the lake that will never freeze no matter how cold the weather is, there will be such a big ice catfish inside! The taste of the meat is refreshing and delicious, cut it off Putting a slice in your mouth is like ice cream, it tastes great!"

"Of course, the most exciting thing is this event. The young Duke of the Goodsay family and His Royal Highness the second prince Evil Fire all came to see me for the game. Hey, I was seen as being by two big men. Winning! This is truly an honor!"

The idiot's voice is cold, and there is not much emotion in it when reading. However, judging from the words used by the diary owner, he was really excited.

That's it... On February 20th, did Dai Lao and Xie Huo go to the lake to watch it? ... But this shouldn't be a big deal.

The idiot skimmed the page, intending to look at the next content. But it’s a pity, maybe something went wrong before March’s flower festival, wind and sand, so except for the two weekends inside, there was a little ink and some trivial things were written, there was no more information. .

Putting down the diary, the bun doesn't seem nervous anymore. She squeezed her fist, seemingly envious of the experience of the diary owner eating and drinking everywhere. But this is fine, at least she is not so scared anymore.

The idiot patted the little girl lightly, took her cloak, and tied her collar. Because there is only one destination next, and that is the grove within the Divine Grace. As long as you go to the grove, go to the tree house, and find Mili and Tolan, you can be much safer.

With honey pear, you can fly out of this frozen city. With Tolan, he can go to the cemetery and summon an army of death. At that time, even if there is an enemy, the bun can be placed in a relatively safe place, so as to save yourself from worries.

So... the next stop, Divine Grace.


Leaving the house, the idiot looked around cautiously.

Except for the snowflakes in the sky and the quiet surroundings, nothing has changed.

Then... just run.

The idiot hugged the bun and started running towards the divine grace. Since the divine grace is located in the east where the wind blows the sand, and the place where the idiot comes in is the west where the wind blows the sand, this also means that he has to cross the entire city. However, with his physical strength and foot length, there should be no so-called "fatigue". At most two or three hours, you should be able to run back to the grove.

On the quiet street, only the idiots are running around. His feet were a little on the ground, and his body immediately rushed forward a few meters. The snowflakes he stepped on were also flying around, some fell back to the ground, and some fell on the steps of nearby buildings. Of course, there were also those "ice sculptures" that landed on the streets everywhere, quietly covering them.

Soon, the idiot came to his first fork in the road. He remembered clearly that there should be a carriage rental house nearby. Although hope is slim, he still hopes to try his luck. What's more, this is also on the way, and there is no waste of time if you look at it.

The idiot thought so, so the speed of his advancement didn't slow down at all. But just when he rushed to ten meters in front of the carriage rental house and was going to enter...


At that moment, the idiot lifted up Dim Mi, turned around and dialed without looking. There were only two ding-dings, and Dimming seemed to have knocked out something. The idiot turned around immediately, fully alert. His eyes also turned into complete nothingness, without any look.


The enemy's attack ceased.

There was only the sneak attack just now, other than that, there was no other change. Did the other party give up? Or is it... the other party intends to carry out another sneak attack when he relaxes again?

The idiot is on guard...abandon all distractions and feel any movement around. Based on his current perception, he believed that as long as something "moved" nearby, he would definitely be able to detect it.


No... Still nothing happened. Just like when the attack happened, when it disappeared, it was so fast, silent, and without interest...V

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