Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 041, land acquisition

Behind, there is nothing unusual.

The idiot turned his head again and stared at the carriage house in front of him. Looking in from the door, it was quiet inside, lost the light, and it was pitch black with only a chill.


The bun became tense, and the two small hands were clenched and separated, and a small fireball condensed in the palm of the palm was ready to go. But after thinking about it for a while, the idiot finally decided to give up and not enter.

(Why, not going in?)


(Hahaha, the right choice. Once this kind of building that does not know whether there are other exits enters, after the exit is blocked by people, you will have to fight back and you will not even have the opportunity to escape. And you, the sewer mouse, likes it best It’s not fighting, but fleeing, right?)

In the dim laughter, the idiot pulled the bun forward slowly. He no longer rushed, but walked forward step by step. He tightly grasped the darkening of his right hand, guarding against any unknown attacks at any time.

"Ah, ah."

At a crossroad, Little Bread reached out and pulled the sleeve of the idiot, and pointed his finger at a gate ahead. In the past, this road led to the noble district. After crossing that door, there is an area that ordinary civilians cannot enter. Now, since we are going to reach the easternmost grove, across the noble quarters, and even across the royal quarters, passing under the frozen castle covered by ice is undoubtedly the closest road.


An intuition spilled from the bottom of the idiot's heart.

There is no evidence for this intuition, just an intuition. Baseless speculation. This is an instinct. After many births and deaths, it overflows from the depths of the heart. It is an instinct that only belongs to the sewer rats—

Perception of danger.

Inside the gate, there was a slight chill.

What you see through the gate are rows of neatly arranged villas, and those snow and ice that are indistinguishable from the civilian areas.

It seems... there doesn't seem to be anything unusual. And if you traverse the noble area and the royal area, it will save nearly half of the time compared to going around in a civilian area for seven or eight nights.


This thought flashed through the idiot's mind, but he looked at the little bread and then at the door. He thought about it, and finally, holding a dagger, stepped in.




be quiet.

Even those flying snow seemed to have frozen.

Foot on the ground, making a crunching sound.

In this empty and quiet snow world, it was as loud as the roar of a cannon.

A faint of sweat appeared in the palm of the idiot.

Looking at the seemingly peaceful world of ice and snow around him, and listening to the roar of his feet, he moved slowly. The narrow passages and alleys were originally his first choice. But now, it has become a nightmare he avoids.

What is the most terrible enemy in this world?

The strongest in the world? A peerless master who is regarded as Wu Zun Wu Sheng by everyone? Or a person who has many rare treasures and self-defense weapons that can ruin the streets?


In this world, the most terrifying and difficult enemies are always those opponents who you can't see, but he can see you. This kind of enemy will never fight you hard, they don't care how honorable it is to kill you openly. All they want is your life, and only at the moment of your most slack, unexpectedly, kill you in a way that you didn't even think of. You may not even know how you died, you have already been sent to Huangquan.

Peerless powerhouse?

This so-called title is a joke in front of invisible enemies. No matter how strong people are, no matter how strict they are, they will have flaws and negligence. At that moment of relaxation, these so-called strong men are as vulnerable as newborn babies. Want to kill them, even a person who doesn't know martial arts at all can easily do it.

This is the rule of this world.

With a slight negligence, anyone could die in an unfavorable manner...a rule on the real battlefield.

And now...


When the snow below your feet suddenly changes...


When I stretched out a hand made of snow and held onto the idiot's ankle tightly...


This sneak attack has already begun.



The idiot lifted Dim off and plunged the snow hand directly into the ground. After being hit by the dark, this white arm immediately crystallized and shattered. But obviously, this is just the beginning. Just when the idiot's attention was focused on the soles of the feet, something suddenly rushed over from the corner of the street over there!

The speed of the thing was so fast that it was almost before the idiot when the arm was just broken and before it spread out. The idiot didn't have time to take a closer look, and immediately raised a sword, and the black light passed by, and the thing broke in half from the middle with a whirr, and passed by the idiot. When the idiot wanted to look back to see what he had just chopped up, only to see that the two halves of the "corpse" had also crystallized, broken, and returned to snowflakes.

Was it killed... or not?

Idiots don't know. Only at that moment, he was distracted. In this situation, distracting to look at the corpse obviously constituted the biggest mistake on the battlefield.

The soles of the feet are raised.

An ice thorn penetrated directly from the sole of the idiot's foot. Fortunately, the speed is not fast, and the idiot can escape in time. But then, those ice thorns became more and more frequent, and every time the idiot settled, there would be a bulge on the ground, slowly forcing him to the entrance and exit of the noble district.


Finally, the idiot leaped high holding the bread again. Bread heart understood, and the flame in his palm immediately rose. She aimed at the ground that was about to land again, and when the ground was about to rise again, she directly blasted the flame ball in her hand.

The fireball touched the ground and exploded. The high temperature instantly vaporized the surrounding snowflakes. Before the flames were completely dispersed, the idiot had already fallen from the sky holding the hilt of the sword upside down, and the Dim Mier in his hand was fiercely inserted into the ground that was about to swell until it reached the handle.

The trembling snowfield stopped.

The snow flakes melted, exposing the bare ground below. The idiot squeezed the Dim Mi in his hand, and inserted it underneath again. It was not until he was sure that the surrounding area was completely settled down, then he slowly pulled out the dark...

The sword was covered with icy debris.

"Oh, ohhh."

Little Bread stroked the idiot's cheek with trepidation, and looked around at the quiet environment again, but she said that she could not feel the slightest peace of mind.

Two wars...

At present, there have been two enemy attacks, but in these two enemy attacks, there is no shadow of the enemy at all! It is not even known whether these two battles caused any trauma to the enemy.

Bun clutched the idiot tightly and looked around in horror. She has seen a lot of the environment of life and death, but she vaguely feels that this time it seems to be different from before. This time...

Compared with before, there is always an indescribable strange feeling in the idiot. It's like panic... and a bit like... anticipation?

"Let's go."

The idiot took back the dark, put the little bread on the ground, took her hand, facing the flying snow flakes, he looked up at the ice castle towering in the distance, which seemed to be within reach. Again, a step...

Step by step, keep going. In a moment, the idiot had arrived at the bazaar in the noble district. The originally orderly order here is still continuing, but it is under ice.

"The new Duke of Goodsay will open a big bargain after an anniversary celebration."

On both sides of the road, there are shops with the emblem of the Duke of Goodsay everywhere. These shops are decorated with lights and festoons, it can be seen that it is to celebrate the coming anniversary of Dai Lao's succession soon. These have nothing to do with idiots, but it is not early now. Since the dry food he carried after he came out was also consumed on the road, he entered one of the fruit shops, hoping to find something to eat for the time being.

"Ah oh oh!"

When the idiot used a dagger to cut a pear and dig out the white flesh, the little bread over there looked around. Since she cannot speak, she is more interested in reading this kind of things than others. Soon, her interest shifted to an ice-bound sign.

"Congratulations to Lord Duke for obtaining the right to operate Fengchusha Park! 》

The simple and clear handwriting tells everyone the facts straightforwardly. After the bun looked at it for a while, she ran to the back of the cash drawer over there, facing the stack of tall account books, she gave up after only two glances. However, a piece of paper that appeared in the account book aroused her interest.

"Today on the 25th, Lord Duke finally obtained the right to operate the park! This is great! Let me just say, such a big park is just like that. It does not engage in amusement facilities or business activities. It only grows flowers, plants, and a large lake. It is purely a place to burn money! The first emperor didn't talk about it at that time, because the treasury was sufficient, and businessmen like us agreed not to interfere. But now after several years of war, we desperately need an extra piece of land to operate! 》

"Of course, such a park cannot be given up. According to my estimation, admission tickets must be collected. It can no longer be open for free like in the past. In addition, bars, high-end restaurants, and other luxurious leisure and entertainment projects will be built! You know, although the treasury was empty after the war, the nobles were still very rich. It's a good deal to squeeze money out of them! As for that lake, last time I went to meet the Duke, Lord Duke once said that he would build a floating restaurant and a floating hotel on the lake. Turn it into a water leisure villa. Should I use my brain first now? 》V

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