Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 042, Survivor

Little Bread couldn't understand what was written on it. But in general, it should be said that the Goodsey family is well developed, right? She was frowning as a researcher, but suddenly an idiot suddenly appeared behind her, looking at the piece of paper in her hand.


Bun tossed away the paper, indicating that he hadn't moved. But the idiot reached out in time to fetch the piece of paper and scanned it again.

"………………The land blown by the wind and sand has never been sold or distributed."

After reading this paper, the idiot only said such a sentence. Just when the bun was wondering, planning to write something on the sign, and then raised it...


A huge footstep came from outside the gate.



I heard it right, it was indeed footsteps.

And... it's very close...

Very heavy.

The idiot hugged the bun, and the two of them hid in the corner of the room and shop together. From the sound, the owner of the footsteps outside will never be petite. Ensuring safety is always the first priority for idiots.


The sound is getting louder and getting closer.

Bun bit his clothes, almost out of breath. The idiot is holding her in one hand and Dim Mi in the other, ready to fight back at any time!

Near... Near...! Closer...! ! !


boom----! ! !

With a sound, a huge thing smashed the ceiling and fell straight down! That thing looks like a claw... a... giant claw of a beast!

The paw left, and the shop that had just appeared in front of him was razed to the ground in an instant. A stern cold wind mixed with flying snow rolled in, madly invading this unoccupied space. In an instant, the place was filled with snow and ice.

"Goo ooo, ooo ----"

A low growl came from overhead.

But since the ceiling above the idiot and the bread had not been destroyed, they couldn't see the sound coming from it. Only with some low growls from the throat, a stronger chill began to diffuse in this area.

The idiot huddled in the corner, clutching Bun's mouth. His eyes were hollow, and he waited quietly and patiently.

He waited for the monster to leave, if he could, he never wanted to start any battle. Regardless of whether the monster is weaker than himself... or stronger than himself.

The low growl above his head...slowly stopped.

It's like some kind of unwilling resentment.

With this resentment, the loud footsteps of bang bang bang fade away. It wasn't until a long time that the sound of footsteps really disappeared, and I couldn't hear it anymore.

The nervous bun finally breathed a sigh of relief. She spoke loosely, and her whole body collapsed from the excessive tension just now. The idiot exhaled and patted the little girl's cheek lightly to prevent her from being frightened to make her legs weak and unable to make a judgment.

"Your concentration is really amazing."

At this time a voice came from the other side of the damaged shop. No, to be precise, from a locker. The left three of the five lockers connected together have been completely crushed by the monster's foot just now, and the sound came from the fourth locker that had been crooked.

Little Bread finally stopped crying when she heard someone talking. She held the idiot's arm nervously, and looked at the closet with fear. Then, the people in the cabinet slowly opened, and inside came out a little girl about eleven or twelve years old, with blood on the corners of her mouth, and a layer of frost on her right arm.

After seeing the idiot, the little girl with black curly hair just let out a sneer. Afterwards, she clutched her right arm and sat on the ground as if collapsed, breathing heavily.

It seemed that she was badly injured.

This girl, who was only slightly bigger than a small bread, had wounds on her head, waist, thighs, and back. It’s just that this girl with golden pupils didn’t seem to care at all. After breathing for a few times, she turned her eyes and stared at the idiot with a contemptuous look. The way my brother looked at it.

"You are good enough to live till now. Hey, what is your name?"

The idiot didn't answer, but just looked at this proud but bruised little girl. On the contrary, Xiao Bread couldn't bear the scars all over her body. He got out of the idiot's arms and walked towards the little girl.

"Don't come here!"

Suddenly, the little girl pulled a dagger from her arms and held it with her left hand. Faced with the approach of Little Bread, she did not give any smiles to greet him.

"I want to ask you something. What is your name! Why are you here!"

Bun was obviously taken aback by the dagger in the girl's hand. She took a step back, thought for a moment, took out the sign, wrote a sentence, and lifted up—

"Sister, you are seriously injured and must be treated. 》

"Ah oh oh, oh oh."

Bun held up the sign and hummed.

The little girl was obviously taken aback when she saw the behavior of Little Bread. After thinking about it for a while, a bit of hostility slowly dissipated from the golden pupils, and said, "Are you... dumb?"

Little Bread smiled and nodded heavily. She has been a mute for ten years, and she has already ignored it.


Seeing that the girl's hostility faded slightly, Xiao Bread stepped forward again. But at the same time she took this step, the girl raised the dagger in her hand again and shouted, "No come over!"

Little Bread stopped again. At this time, the idiot finally came to Bread's side and looked at the little girl condescendingly.

Suffering from exhaustion, it was obvious that this little girl had been in a state of extreme mental stress all this time. Seeing the idiot condescending, she immediately resisted the pain and struggled to stand up. But even if she stood up, she was not as tall as an idiot. Then, after thinking about it for a while, the little girl endured the pain and climbed to the cash register. At this time, she was finally taller than the idiot, and finally she could look at the idiot condescendingly, and then wield the dagger in her hand.

"I asked you for the last time! Who are you two?!"

The darkness in the idiot's eyes was extremely stable, without the slightest ripple. In the face of this unthreatening dagger, he neither dissuaded nor spoke, let alone take care of it. At the beginning of this stalemate, the little girl could endure, but after a while, some aggrieved tears began to flash in her golden eyes. But before the tears were about to fall, she did her best to wipe them off, and then continued to point the idiot with a dagger, without letting go.

"Sister, stop calling! Will draw the monsters over! 》

In a quiet city, the sound becomes very sensitive. After seeing the little bread sign, the little girl seemed to finally realize that she was the only one talking here from beginning to end, and finally she whimpered and shut her mouth.

"Be obedient, I will save you."

Finally, the silence that the idiot waited for brought bread. He has a low voice, and his voice sounds colder than this blizzard.

"Tell me what happened here. I only give you one chance. If you don't say it, then don't say it."

Judging from the broken gothic loli dress on her, she should be a girl from a rich family. Maybe it's because you are used to the life of a rich man and can't accept others to speak with this kind of command? Or did the shocking changes that occurred in the past period of time changed the character of this little girl drastically?

But no matter which kind, one thing is certain.

"I... why should I tell you? I asked you first, you should answer me first!"

She did not grasp the only opportunity given by the idiot.

The idiot did what he said, he immediately turned around, took the small bread and left the dilapidated shop. Although he is also somewhat interested in the truth of the matter, these interests are not so great that he is pleasant to other people. Compared with his "will" to leave the wind and sand, these interests are as small as dust.

"woo woo woo woo?"

Xiao Bao looked at the dazed little girl over there, as if she couldn't bear to see her being left here alone. But the words of an idiot are absolute. He never allows himself to give others too many opportunities. In this inexplicable frozen world, if you give others many opportunities, who will give you the opportunity?

Seeing that the idiot was finally leaving, the little girl gritted her teeth and held the dagger in her hand tightly. It can be seen that her injuries are not light, and in this frozen city where I don't know what monsters are carrying, there is really very little hope for continuing to live. After thinking for a long time, this little girl finally gritted her teeth fiercely and jumped off the counter while pinching her dagger. When she landed, she temporarily lost her balance and fell. However, she stood up slowly, holding the frozen right arm, holding her frozen right arm, and walked behind the idiot with a cold face.


The little girl gritted her teeth, and after a long silence, she finally spoke--

"My name is Helen. Helen? Edward.'s your name...?"

The idiot's footsteps stopped, he turned his head and stared silently at the little girl with golden eyes and black hair named Helen.

"……………………Your hand may be useless."

"I know, you don't need to tell me."

The little girl named Helen showed a stubbornness not commensurate with her age. She snorted and turned her head away. But after holding back for a while, she still guessed that when the idiot was not paying attention, she wiped the corner of her eye with her left hand.

"Your name, Helen. Helen Edward."

"Yeah, there is no need to repeat it?"

Now that the idiot stopped, Helen's tone became rude again. She still squeezed the dagger in her left hand, squinted at the idiot, and put on a high-pitched look. V

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