Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 043, the armor boy

"…………………………your parents……"

"Hey! Don't make a mistake!"

Helen raised the dagger and said hostilely: "I told your name, now it's your turn! You, and you. You two brothers and sisters are not like brothers and sisters, who are you?"

Little Bread quickly raised the sign--

"Bread and an idiot live in this city. 》

" call bread?"

Helen curled her mouth and looked at the smiling girl in front of her. After hesitating for a while, she believed that the name of an idiot is really an idiot, and the name of bread is really bread.

After figuring out the name, the idiot will of course ask what happened this time. The three of them walked forward on the snow, and Helen answered without a word.

"I don't know what's going on. Anyway, when my mother and I came to visit relatives, it suddenly became covered with snow one day, and everyone else was frozen to death. What happened? It's really not clear."

No matter what you ask the little girl, her answers are very limited. Moreover, from her words, she can hear that there are many things she doesn't want to say, she just keeps herself in her stomach, obviously, she doesn't trust idiots much.

But this is normal.

To believe someone inexplicably in such a cold place is a real fool.

Moving on, within a moment, the group of three had already walked out of the market. After carefully distinguishing the roads, the three of them continued to walk towards the central royal district. Apart from hoping to meet the next survivor, it was also the fastest road to the grove.


Taking a step, the idiot's feet suddenly stopped moving.

I don't know when it started. The closer you get to the royal area, the surrounding snowflakes seem to slowly change.

They... are no longer as white as the same beginning.

On the contrary, it started to become pitch black instead.

Black... Snow?

He raised his head and looked at the castle shrouded in ice. Above the castle, among the dark clouds, black snowflakes descended in disturbance...

Very cold...

At least, Little Bread and Helen already felt so.


The black snow lifted up.

Only one step, idiot, was already stunned.

Because in front of him, the gate that was not blocked just now is now guarded.

There are not many guards, only one person.

And... it seems that he is still a child.

The wind and snow blow, and the wind howls.

The heavy black snow flew around, continuing to tarnish the world.

The idiot stared at the child in front of him, judging from his height, he should be only about twelve or three years old. But at this moment, he was wearing thick armor and a scary mask on his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly. The only thing that can be seen is the eyes revealed from under the mask, cold and ruthless.

It's a child...just a child?

Unfortunately, the idiot has no such awareness. He slowly pulled out Dim Mie in his hand and put his back behind him. As long as the opponent showed a little hostility, then this dagger could end his life.


"It's's you————!!!"

Suddenly, Helen, who was finally a little peaceful, rushed out from behind the idiot dreamily! Holding the dagger, she ran towards the armored boy, rushing, and crying loudly—

"Give me my mother's life! Today...I am going to kill you today! You devil, devil——!!!"


A blizzard came suddenly, blocking Helen's front and knocking her into the air. The idiot glanced at Helen who was shot off, and turned her head...

He saw that boy in armor, at this moment, he was already standing...

In front of the bread.


No hesitation, no delay.

The armored boy took a thing and pierced directly into the body of Little Bread. Then, pull it out.

This scene came too fast, and it was surprisingly fast. And Xiao Bian dumbly watched the armored boy retreat, lowered his head, and looked at his stabbed abdomen.

No bleeding...

However, the stab place has already begun to frost. Reached out and touched it, it was icy cold.


The idiot no longer cared about Helen who was knocked into the air, but directly rushed forward and hugged the bread to check her injuries. At the same time, he pulled out Dim Mie and stood directly in front of him to prevent a sneak attack.

It's a pity that the boy in armor didn't do that. After the attack, his body slowly crystallized like flying snow, and finally shattered. The only thing left at the scene was the expanding wound on Little Bread's belly and the stern look of the idiot at the moment.

"Does it hurt."

The idiot reached out and stroked the crystallized place lightly.

Little Bread smiled, just shook his head. It can be seen that she didn't feel pain from the sting just now. It looks like normal, there is no difference.


Idiots are not naive enough to think that the freezing is only because of blood clotting. There must be... something terrible has happened! The worst thing is that, like those "ice sculptures", they have become living sculptures. If something like this does happen... if it does happen...

The surrounding blizzard that had slowly returned to white, suddenly became restless and dark again at this moment. They rolled and roared, bringing in a darker winter than this city.

No longer hesitating, the idiot pulled out Dim Mi and took the lead in the team. Xiao Bread felt terrible when she saw the idiot's face now, but she also had to hold the idiot's hand and follow in. Finally, Helen was helpless. Finally, the three of them stepped into the gate of the royal quarter. And the Dim Mi in the hand of the idiot, opened his eyes at this moment, and bloomed in the brightest red color!

Rushing into the royal area, the royal passage leading to the castle is in front of you. The towering icy city stood in front of him, and the castle that seemed to be peaceful at this moment became extremely majestic under the frost.

The idiot squeezed the bun's hand, is it an illusion? Her palms felt a little cold now. The idiot glanced at this girl, and saw that her complexion was no longer as rosy as before, and she became a little pale.

And the moment an idiot stepped into the royal quarter...

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