Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 044, crazy?

A huge ice wall stood out from before his eyes and blocked his way. Afterwards, spikes began to grow on the surface of these ice walls, and each spike was aimed at the idiot and Helen. Without any prior warning, these ice spikes were ejected out one after another as if they had been covered by a machine.

The idiot hugged the bun and dodged aside, avoiding the previous attack. Helen was a little cleverer. She hid behind the half-covered gate in the royal quarter, and only heard the crackling sound of ice thorns on the gate. It was obvious that this gate would not last long.

The idiot stopped and saw that Bing Thorn didn't pay attention to him at the moment, but attacked the door where Helen was. After thinking about it, he didn't go to save people, but immediately bypassed the ice wall and planned to leave. But obviously, this ice wall didn't mean to let the idiot leave. When the idiot just walked around, ice thorns appeared on the side of the ice wall, and the first one was inserted directly into the ground in front of him.

Don't hesitate.

The idiot never flees or hides. He puts down the small bread, and when another ice thorn is about to arrive, a momentary body disappears from the spot. After reappearing, his figure has jumped directly above the ice wall , Holding both hands upside down, Dim Mi, aiming at the ice wall below... inserting it fiercely.

At that moment, the entire ice wall was cracked, shattered and vanished under the power of the sword of Dark Destruction.

The idiot was holding his sword and gasping for breath.

He was rescued again, but he didn't feel much relief.

Because from just now, he has never fought against a real enemy. All that appeared were traps and blizzards. The armored boy just now may be regarded as an enemy, but where is he now...?

Withdrawing the sword, the idiot returned to Xiao Bread's side. At this time, the spirit of the bread looked a bit tired. The idiot lifted her clothes, and the crystals on her stomach had spread all over her waist. If this continues, it is estimated that in less than an hour, she will completely become an ice sculpture.


Bun was panting, his eyelids looked heavy and tired. Just now, she was able to stand by herself. But when the idiot came back, she grabbed the idiot's clothes with one hand, staggering, and seemed to fall to the ground at any time.

"She... is she okay? Let me see?"

Helen walked out of the door that was on the verge of breaking, and slowly came to the idiot. Seeing the crystallization on the belly of Little Bread, she was obviously taken aback. Then, she looked at her right hand again and said fiercely: "Sure enough...same as me. Fortunately, my right hand is frozen. But if this sister spreads in the same range as mine... then I am afraid it will be. It will involve the heart..."

The idiot was silent, silently watching the gradually spreading crystallization. After a while, he suddenly snorted and unbuttoned his coat. Afterwards, she hugged the bun to her chest, pressed her belly against her belly, put on the clothes and tied it up.


Very cold.

It's not the cold crystal on her stomach, but the temperature of this little girl...

Why...he is coming for the bread?

If you want to fight, why not turn to yourself? If you want to kill, just aim at yourself. why……

Why is it aimed at bread...?

As the body in his arms became colder and colder, the world around him began to become extremely peaceful instead.

No matter how Helen called or yelled, the idiot thought the voice was so far away, it was almost inaudible. What exactly happened here? Why is it like this? Why... becomes like this...? ? ?

He rushed towards the castle over there like an arrow from the string. Although there is no evidence, his instinct told him that the answer he was looking for was in this castle! As long as you can get in... as long as you can rush in, and then rush into the throne room, all your questions can be answered, and even the little bread can be completely saved!

Helen didn't seem to have thought that the speed of the idiot suddenly became so fast. It was obvious that she couldn't catch up, and she fell behind a lot in an instant. She yelled loudly, but the idiot ignored it. At this moment, she suddenly shouted--

"Take me! Big brother! If you don't take me, I'll shout loudly and let all the nearby enemies come and deal with you!!!"

The shout came out of Helen's mouth.

As if to agree to her scream, the snow that had fallen quietly around her suddenly became confused. In an instant, the snow-covered passage began to undulate, and then some strange things floated from the snow carpet.

It's a kind of inverted triangle... creature. They use one of the thinnest sharp corners to support the ground, and the other two corners are two white whips that are constantly waving. A blue eyeball was formed in the middle of the triangle. After seeing the idiot rushing over, hundreds of these things swarmed all around, blocking the path of the idiot.

The idiot's feet stopped, and after a slight pause, he rushed out again, crossing two inverted triangles. The Sword of Sorrow has been pulled out without any accident, and directly pierced into the center of another inverted triangle. The inverted triangle trembled, turned into snow and fell back to the ground. But after just slowing down, these snow flakes formed an inverted triangle again and stood up again.

(Cut, you can't finish it. Hey, human, use my power. With human power, you can't rush out at all.)

There is no need to remind the idiot, the idiot had this plan already. After cutting an inverted triangle again, he gritted his teeth secretly, and the chain on his right arm had begun to spin rapidly. But at this moment...

"Hey! What are you doing?!"


The little girl had arrived, and she suddenly took the idiot's right arm, with anxiety on her face. But it was her slight interruption. The dozen or so inverted triangles that had been chasing behind her suddenly turned, and nearly 30 long whips pounced on the idiot from different directions, causing him to launch "prison" for a second. Also deprived.

The idiot had no choice but to reach out and hug Helen and jump forward. Now, there is time, but the right hand of the idiot is hugged tightly by the seemingly scared Helen. If the "prison" is launched, if... if...

(Hey, why do you hesitate? Start it, start hell! Let this little girl's body be shattered by my chains. What does it matter? Anyone who dares to hinder your actions, no matter who it is, kill them all Pardon. This is your code of action, isn't it?)

In the crisis, the idiot walked forward while waving the dark mie in his hand to force the enemies back. Helen still held the idiot's arm tightly, closed her eyes, not daring to look again. This weak body was full of scars. After spending a few days in such a city, she...obviously was already very fragile.

(Hey, do you kill or not? The next decision.)

(Now you are going to stop, let this little girl let go, and then start again. Or just let my chain run through her body and force my power regardless of her life or death?)

(Ha, but in my opinion, you must be forced to start it. After all, you are just a sewer rat. All you care about is the girl in your arms. Your bread.)

(Come on, let me see the most exciting scene! It must be quite interesting, watching such a thin body is penetrated by countless black chains, it becomes your blood sacrifice for launching "hell"! What could be more than this Is it the perfect thing? So... let's start, come, let's start——!!!)


Ten years.

Looking at the little bread in his arms, the idiot's eyes were hollow.

Enemies that could not finish fighting around kept pouring up, and there was a feeling that they would never stop if they did not kill the enemy.

In these ten years, have you made any changes?

With the bread, has you changed a little because of her?

Become kind...become kind...become...think about the lives of others?

In my heart, the ridicule of Dim Mie continued. The voice of the devil's persuasion is like the most beautiful sweet words, bringing infinite comfort to people.

Yes, at this time, launching the prison and then destroying all the enemies around is the best result. This little girl named Helen was pierced, what does it matter? I knew her for less than an hour.

And, on the other hand...

The idiot lowered his head and looked at the little bread in his arms. She... is completely unconscious now. Light blue face, pale lips. And the skin that she and herself adhere to has also become extremely cold...

(Hey, hurry, hurry! In order to save this little girl, you must kill you! Use my power!!!)


(Ha ha ha, hurry up————!!!)

(……………………………………I, there is no need to listen to your instructions.)

Dimming the scarlet pupils, suddenly expanded. It was also at this time that the idiot suddenly put it away and pulled his arms to the sky! Only one hand can catch the idiot little Helen by surprise, and his small body flies into the sky! Taking advantage of this gap, Dimie once again unsheathed and clamped it under his armpit. The tornado of summer also broke out at this moment, piercing all the six inverted triangles pouring in around it!


He didn't need to follow the orders of this sword.

The rat in the sewer can survive not because of other people's orders, but from his own judgment. He can judge what actions are correct and what actions are wrong. He also has determination, knowing that some things cannot be done, and some things...

"Wow! want to catch me! Little...little brother!"


Must do.




Helen opened her eyes and looked down.

On her chest, a sword penetrated through and protruded from her back.

The black sword...

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